Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2021 (Page 6 of 13)

False Expectations at the Horse

We were hoping for significant downpours and greenway flooding to make the normal Coconut route a memorable slopfest.  Unfortunately, we were thirty minutes too late as most of the heavy rain had already passed and had to settle for a little rain, some puddles, and the creek just shy of flooding the tunnel.

Perhaps the summer vacation schedules or threat of rain kept the numbers down, but in any event, we only had three with YHC, Flintstone, and JJ.  Here it is in all its glory:

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles.

JJ left for church but Whoopee joined in so three for the run and three for a modified QSource.

Afterwards we finished up with COT and many prayer requests.  We jump started a vehicle for a Starbucks patron before rolling in for Q-Source coffeerama.

This period of QSource allows for the “people’s choice” as we are not following any curriculum or specific book.  Last week Whoopee covered a Lou Holtz book, but only the first three pages.  This week since it was Father’s Day, YHC decided to talk about the difference dad’s make in the lives of children and society because I am the Q and I can do what I want.   I actually rubbed the PAX face in the dirt with my disclaimer because they had no choice but to listen to my lesson that they had no role in choosing the topic.  That is how it works.

Father’s Day was founded in Spokane, Washington at the YMCA in 1910 by Sonora Smart Dodd, who was born in Arkansas. Its first celebration was in the Spokane YMCA on June 19, 1910. Her father, the Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart, was a single parent who raised his six children there.

There is another origin…1908..a church in West Virginia held a service honoring fathers after 362 men were killed in a mining accident in 1907 in Monongah.  Of that number, 250 were fathers.

It wasn’t a holiday until Richard Nixon made it such in 1972.  Mother’s Day was declared a national holiday in 1914.  Other countries adopted fathers day to include such notables as Iran, Turkey, South Africa, Zimbabwe, China, and many more.

Many men don’t like the idea of Father’s Day and it is understandable.  Men tend to be less sappy and we don’t like flowers or brunch.  Many father’s day cards poke fun at dads.  We just persevere and don’t need attention from the outside.

As the late U.S. senator from New York, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, said: “A community that allows large numbers of young men to grow up in broken families…never acquiring any stable relationship with male authority, never acquiring any rational expectations about the future — asks for and gets chaos.”

Here is what we know (Much of this is common sense):

  1. Kids that grow up with engaged, present dads are less likely to drop out of school or wind up in jail.
  2. When children have close relationships with father figures they tend to avoid high risk behaviors and less likely to have sex at a young age.
  3. They are more likely to have high paying jobs and healthy, stable relationships when they grow up.
  4. They tend to have higher IQ scores by the age of 3 with fewer psychological problems.
  5. Kids with two parent households are less likely to grow up in poverty.
  6. When dad’s get involved and are a part of prenatal care, they are more strongly attached to the baby. When this happens, they are disproportionally remain in the childs life.
  7. For dads who live apart from their kids, there are limited options for engaging fatherly interactions. “Writing letters, phone calls — even if you’re not in physical proximity, knowing your dad cares and wants to be involved to the extent that they can is really important,” Marcy Carlson, a sociologist at the University of Wisconsin, told Fatherly. If you can’t even do that, buying love isn’t the worst idea. “There’s tons of evidence that financial support of kids is good for their outcomes,” she says. “If dads can provide for their children, that goes a long way.”
  8. Dads also seem to offer a unique touch, with at least one study suggesting fathers are better than mothers at teaching children how to swim because they are less overprotective and more likely to let their children venture into the deep end or swim facing away from them.
  9. Similar studies cited in the book show that sons who grow up without fathers (or with disengaged fathers) tend to be less popular in preschool. Broadly, the research suggests that boys lean on their fathers more than anyone else as they develop social skills. And one large study of nearly 9,000 adults confirmed that a father’s death affects sons more strongly than daughters, leading to the same sort of health problems seen after an ugly divorce.
  10. “Numerous past studies find a link between low-quality fathering and daughters’ sexual outcomes, including early and risky sexual behavior,” says Danielle DelPriore, who has studied how dads impact risky sex. “A father who is cold or disengaged may change daughters’ social environments and sexual psychology in ways that promote unrestricted sexual behavior.”

Children who grow up with involved fathers are: 39% more likely to earn mostly A’s in school, 45% less likely to repeat a grade, 60% less likely to be suspended or expelled from school, twice as likely to go to college and find stable employment after high school, 75% less likely to have a teen birth, and 80% less likely to spend time in jail.

“Most of the literature on widowhood shows that kids whose dads died are better off than kids who go through a divorce,”

As men we need to be present for our children and be a role model for all children.  Kids are always watching you and your behavior and they learn a lot by how you treat others, particularly your M.  

Be a positive example.


Prayer Requests:  Linus dad, Whoopee’s 2.2 and travels to Boston, Turtleman (prayer and praise!)





3 PAX posted for the Cerberus workout. Cerberus is the mythical 3 headed dog that guards the gates of hell to make sure no souls escape. Good times!



Merkins, Don Q’s, Let’s mosey!

The Thang:

We moseyed to the BB&T and stopped to do three exercises ic. Merkins, Freddy Mercurys, and Squats. We made out way across Trade st and stopped and did another round. Eventually we found ourselves at the bottom of a hill on Mcswain St with three ways to get out. All of which are some really good climbs! This was our Cerberus. So we ran to the top of each hill and back to the bottom to do those three exercises again together ic each time. After the first round we swapped to CDDs, Flutters, and Lunges. Let me tell you that one on Walnut is pretty tough! After that we started making our way back to the flag stopping for the 3 exercises. We stopped off at a church and did some route 66 with Bobby Hurleys. Once we got back to the parking lot we did some broad jumps, bunny hops, lunges, bear crawls, and crab walks.


Announcements-Nail Clippers and chap stick


Ozark VQ

We had 15 HIMs for my first Q and these men pushed the Rock!


  • 11 SSH IC
  • 11 Don Quizote
  • Mosie to the Ampitheater
  • 20 Big Boys
  • 10 Burpees
  • 30 sec Wall sit
  • Mosie to the Tennis Courts

The Thang:

Holyfield’s: 4x

  1. Sprint 40 yards
  2. Sprint backwards 40 yards
  3. Do 10 frog jumps (be explosive!)
  4. Do 10 push-ups
  5. Bear crawl (like Spiderman) 40 yards
  6. Bear crawl backwards 40 yards
  7. Sideways run right 40 yards
  8. Sideways run left 40 yards
  9. Do 10 frog jumps
  10. Explosive skipping (knee up as high as possible) forward 40 yards
  11. Explosive skipping (same as above) backward 40 yards

Circle Up Calls:

10 Double burpee  called by Round Up

10 quad merkins  called by Wichita 

20 ranger merkins called by Wirenut

Cherry pickers called by Sarlacc ( I had to reign him in at the second round so we could another exercise in)

50 LBCs called by Stogie


Prayer Requests:

Stogie, Turtle man, Wire Nut, Big Pappy, Sister Act


These men help push me to be better each week. We enjoyed the first Q and I am looking forward to the next one.


Ozark Out!

Content in Christ

7 of us men met for the word at The sword. Ball joint rolled in and said he really didn’t want to be there. He wanted to be at the sandlot! What the heck man!! He wanted to run but not with me or Hacksaw so he ran with me anyways and I pushed him for 3.1 miles! Ball joint crushed it and is looking like he’s in for a half marathon along with sparky, Wichita, Seuss, Hacksaw, Westside and more!

Once all the hammers returned from hammering we went straight into the word! The best part!! We talked about contentment in Christ Jesus. See the world and the flesh find contentment only in temporary things, things that are corruptible. It’s something we as believers in Christ have to battle DAILY! We have to renew our minds daily from being content in worldly pleasures. The true peace of God only comes when we are fully content in Him. When nothing else is priority over His ways.

Read Philippians 4:4-7 and hear how it says not to be anxious about anything but let EVERYTHING be known to God through prayer and supplication! The good, the bad has to be brought to the lord with THANKSGIVING it says! Wow! How hard is that? The great thing is when we do take those things to the lord it says the His peace that surpasses ALL understanding will guard our hearts and our minds! Amen!

Through doing this and making our situations known to God through prayer and supplication  we are able to stand on the greatest thing. His truth and His promises!! Which is told to us in verses 8-9 and it ends with The peace of God will be with YOU! Amen!

No matter what the world says be content in Jesus Christ and His promises! And know this Jesus loves you 100%


Thank you men for allowing me to lead and share Gods word with you!

Round Up

I Love the 80s!

About a million PAX gathered at the entrance to Stowe Park today for the three different workouts that were taking place in Belmont today. This is what happened…

Once we went our different directions, those doing the Yank and Bunker ended up at the Pit to do our warmup. Dirt led the portion and after about 100 SSHs we wondered out loud if it was his birthday or something. That’s when ole mild mannered Dirt started disrobing, only to reveal the F3 Honor shirt that was offered earlier in the year. This is when Dirt started singing Happy Birthday to himself. It was so hilarious we let him keep going with only minor participation. He explained that he’d been saving wearing the shirt until he actually turned 60, which is today. Happy Birthday Dirt!!!

We split up and the 5 HIM who stayed for the Bunker moseyed over to YHC’s luxury sedan. Inside the trunk was a plethora of tools that would help us achieve swolification. Bricks, kettle bells and plate abounded and of course there was the trusty JBL in the luxurious cabin, just waiting to be unleashed! UHC explained that his neon blue shorts and shirt could only mean one thing, 80s day! The playlist was awesome and not even one complaint was said the whole time. Mission accomplished.

Head over to the big concrete barricades for The Thang

22s – Do 22 reps each time, starting with 20 Derkins and 2 brick curls. Go back and forth by 2s until the numbers are flip flopped.

Mosey to the wall for some more rock pushing.

22s – Do 22 reps each time, except this time only change by 1 each time. Do 21 calf raises and 1 LBC. Alternate until they’re switched.

Fellowship mosey with bricks around the block to the street beside the railroad tracks. Lunge walk and at each parking line do 5 straight arm shoulder raises.  Head back to the Pit for the encore.

Dora 1,2,3

Partner up and do 100 CDDs, 200 Squats and 300 Shoulder Presses with bricks. Partner 1 exercises and partner 2 walks to the other side with the kettle bells and weights. Good stuff!

Mosey to the Yank statue to meet for announcements and prayer requests. See Dirt’s backblast for those things.

Thanks to HIPAA for extending the offer to lead today. Aye!


F3 Dads on Father’s Day Weekend at The Yank

On Father’s Day Weekend, we welcomed the PAX and their 2.0s to “F3 Dads” at the Yank. There were 19 F3 dads, a whole bunch of veteran 2.0s, and even more 2.0 FNGs. The total was 56 for today!

Bubba Sparxxx kicked us off with the usual disclaimer, then we mosey’d up the hill to circle up at the Middle School field for a brief explanation from Nutria about what the 3 F’s are (kudos to the PAX whose kids knew them!). Next we jumped right in:

SSH (IC), Merkins, Goofballs (IC)

THE THANG———————————————————–

“Kid Carry”
Carry your kids up the hill (as many hill reps as needed to get your kids to the top)
Kids do 5 Merkins at the top
Mosey Down, Repeato

Dads vs. Kids Races – from one side of the field to the other (the short way, which didn’t seem very short especially for the first race)
Loser of each race does 10 merkins counted by the kids, Lots of form critiquing:
– Race 1: Kids run, Dads bear crawl.
– Race 2: Kids run, Dads Nur (run backwards).
– Race 3: Kids bear crawl, Dads lunge walk.
– Race 4: Kids Nur (run backwards), Dads run….Finally!

“Family Indian Run”
Indian Run, but with kid/dad partners running together as a side-by-side unit. We made it at least one full lap around the track.

Circle up to hand out Nicknames to the 2.0 FNGs.

“Family Merkins”
Kids pile on Dad’s back. Dads then attempt Merkins, 10 reps

“Rock, Paper, Scissors” Run around and find a PAX or 2.0 and play!
Loser does 1 burpee each. Find another PAX or 2.0 and play! Repeato!

“Sharks and Minnows”
Line up on opposite sides of field. “Minnows” try to reach the other side of the field before being tagged by a “Shark.” Minnows that are tagged become Sharks in the next round.
Game 1: Dads are sharks, Kids are minnows. But, it only “counts” if Dads tag their own kids. After 3 rounds, there were a handful of kids who still hadn’t been tagged!
Game 2: Kids are sharks, Dads are minnows.

“Family Races”
Link up arms with your kids, and race the other families across the field.

“Kid Tricks”
Kids that volunteer to show-off (a cool trick, dance, cool move, or joke), get to send their dad running across the field and up the hill! Several Dads got sent up the hill as the kids were full of comedy gold:

Why does a cow shave? If it doesn’t, it’ll grow a Moo-stache!
What’s brown and sticky? A stick! Orange Man knew that one shouted the answer before Goofball had a chance to deliver the punch line. Nutria ran up the hill anyway.
Where do fish keep their money? At a riverbank!
Why do seagulls fly over the sea? If they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels!

There were more jokes than time, and Dads were getting tired of running up the hill. Good thing we saved this one ’til the end!

BOM (w/kids)

Drink and Snack distribution courtesy of Mayor. Thanks, Mayor!

—Bubba Sparxxx, Nutria, & Gavel

OG at Folsom

I came into Folsom on a beautiful, muggy morning and count up the Pax 7 plus me equals 8. I told them we have about 90 minutes of work to do in an hour so let’s go!

Seal Jacks x 10 IC
Cotton Pickers x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC
MNC x 15 IC
Short mosey to the tennis courts for…
3S2T (Q Source topic about King lists these Speed, Strength, Stamina, Toughness-Mental, Toughness-Physical)
We worked on all of these today.

Rugby Sprints
Exercise until I say Sprint, run 2 courts, 2 courts back and then walk 2 courts. Touch the line or it doesn’t count.
Exercises: Flutters, Squats, Merkins, LBC’s.
Mosey up toward the road and to the flag for the Pledge.
24 lb. Half-Blocks were waiting in the upper parking lot.

STRENGTH – I thought maybe Wichita and Westside might use a block for each arm but they didn’t want to show off!
Curls x 40
Thrusters x 30
On your six Chest Press x 40
About this time, two of my favorite guys (Tool Time and Pizza Man) came by running an easy (for them) 13 miles. They make it look easy but I know it is not! Nice work brothers!
Shrugs x 40
Swings x 40
Curls x 40

STAMINA – Mosey the long way down to the left and around the pond and through the woods and stop at the bottom of the trail hill. I got passed by almost everyone so I had to tell them where we were going.

TOUGHNESS (This could be for Physical or Mental Toughness)
Triple Nickel
5 SSH at bottom, 5 Merkins at top 5 times. Most did the full 5 but I think I only got 4. Seuss and Westside were flying with Gumby and Wichita right behind them!

TOUGHNESS (Physical)
Mosey back to the tennis courts.
5 burpees, fellowship mosey to corner.
5 burpees, 10 squats run to next corner.
5, 10, 15 Flutter Kicks fellowship mosey to next corner.
5, 10, 15, 20 LBC’s. Then back down 20, 15 , 10, 5 moseying to the corners. Back to the start.

Think about who you need to be strong for. We all need the 3S2T for those around us. 1 Corinthians 16:13 NASB “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” (I caught some grief later about using this translation but I like it for this verse). We talked about standing firm in what we believe but not being disagreeable about it to the point of arguing. We also talked about how being consistent is so very important in many aspects of life. There are many examples of this within the Pax of F3 Gastonia! Thanks to the group that posted this morning. Way to push!

F3 Lunch at Bubba’s in Gastonia Thursday, June 24th at noon.
Axe Throwing at Eastridge Mall Saturday, June 26th
Jacked Up Leg 5K at Crossroads on Sunday, June 27th 6:30 am, donations accepted for community service.

Turtleman, Donati family, Love Boat, Pax traveling, Stogie friend Mike Breedlove, Pappy. Sarlacc took us out!

Dumb Gastonian’s Got Em All Wrong!

The GasHouse has a special flavor to it. Particularly the Belmontian side of the Region. It’s like artificial turf, where it looks classy from a little ways off, but when you get down to it we installed that because of the practicality. Waste not, want not. Pretty sure that’s the Town Slogan… something like that…
So, do guys in GasHouse warm up? I dunno… We’ll fake a few SSHs or Squats or something and maybe they won’t notice.
When I Q DR, I like to see if the culture has spread appropriately and if the men have the #Mission in their minds and on their lips. Can’t get it to your heart if it doesn’t first start there… It’s kind of like Nellie’s Southern Kitchen’s Chicken & Gravy. It’ll get to your heart past your lips… Promise… #arteriosclerosis
So, we mosey quickly over the corner of a parking lot, do a few exercises, and start to see who knows the 5 Core Principles by heart. There is a 5 burpee penalty for having the wording egregiously wrong or for incorrect order. The men of Belmont love burpees. Or they hate them and want to get better at them, so they initiated their own forced practice mechanism by failing to be able to properly recite.
We ran from corner to corner of this parking lot, doing exercises in cadence and attempting to correctly get the wording and order of the 5 Core Principles, then moving on to the Credo and Mission as well.
One man seemed to know the answers quite well. Turns out he was the Nant’an… Nant’an… don’t you know your job is to make sure your men are prepared? We don’t care if you know the answers… unless they do too…
So, we hopped over behind the school and partnered up for a Dora.
Then back to COT…

Final thought:
Failure and struggle are good for you. If you are getting rescued (*ahem – Nantan) constantly, you can’t grow. You can’t learn. This is true of the men you serve, for your employees/teams at work, and for your kids.

Do Better,
Helmet, out.

Tequilla Sunrise 6/18/21

15 strong for the sunrise, good crowd.  Short disclaimer, difference in quitting and modifying, and reminder of mission of F3.  Warm up: SSH, IW, grass pickers 15X IC and some stretching.  Mosey to Davis Park tennis courts.

Line up for bear crawl a cide and lunge a cide.  Round 1, bear crawl to each side line of each of four courts and do hand release merkins.  Two at first line and run back to start.  Bear crawl to next line and add two merkins.  continue until bear crawl to far side line of far court for 14 hand release.

Another round but lunge walk and start with five Bobby Hurley’s, add five at each subsequent side line.  Continue until lunge walk to far side line for 35 Bobby Hurley’s.

Circle up for a round of iron hulk, stopping at 10 merkins and 40 air presses.  These are always way more difficult than seems like they should be.

Mosey back to start for short round of Mary.  Pledge.

YHC spoke briefly on why we do what we do, those closest to us deserve nothing less than for us to be the best we can be.  It is important to give all we have at every work out, not because the work out is hard, but because sometimes life can be hard.  This is one way to prepare.  Learn from the past, but don’t dwell on what can’t be changed.  Cut the negativity from life, lead through example, criticism to build rarely produces results.

Announcements:  F3 Dads at the Yank 6/19, other workout options as normal.  0515 EC ruck from the Yank, Man Up conference in Charlotte also 6/19, Grow Ruck weekend o Aug 6 with grow school only as an option.

Prayer requests:  Turtleman, Uranus and family, Big Pappy and family (wedding upcoming and new foster child), family friend of Buckeye that has experienced a death, Roscoe father in law experiencing new phase of life, Breaker Breaker daughter in law job search, YHC 2.0 (Tiger Cub) who had a fall and head contusion, Pax going on vacation

YHC took us out

Always an honor


40 50 10

Forty exercises, 50 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, that’s how we opened up Tuesday. Hooked yet, of course you are, so let me give some details.

SSH 20
LBC 15
Squats 10 IC
Merkins 10 IC


50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest then move on!

kettle bell swing
curl w/ kettle bell
freddy mercury

3 burpies

mountain climber
high knee
squat press
bent row w/ kettle bell
peter parker

shoulder tap
monkey humpers

shoulder press w/ kettle bell
tricep extension w/ kettle bell
crab crunch
calf raises
side plank leg raises

bobby hurleys
sumo squats
curl hammers w/ kettle bell
dying cockroaches
broad jumps

zombie walk
cruchy frog
american hammers

squat curl press w/ kettle bell
merkin kettle bell pull
side straddle hops
bear crawl

Stretching & core for 3 minutes.

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