Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 1, 2021

Sister Act’s Second Act

Sister Act’s Second Act

It’s a “Glorious First of June”. YHC pinch hitting for Pockets.

On this date in history:

  1. HMS Shannon captured the USS Chesapeake.  Prior to surrender, Captain Lawrence implored his crew to “Not give up the ship!”. Believe it or not, Slaw was not a crewmember on the wooden sailing warship.

  2. The French army is in a full retreat from the advancing German army. Some US Marines take up positions in a forest called Belleau Woods. A French officer tells the newly arrived Marines to retreat to Paris with the French troops. An unknown Marine officer answers him, “Retreat? Hell, we just got here.” The Marines (and the US Army) stopped the German attack, eventually counterattacking and driving back the Germans. Five months later the war was over. FYI, Oompa Loompa wasn’t involved in this battle either.

What did this have to do with the workout?

Not a dang thing.

Circle up. Warm up with Moroccan Night Clubs.

11 World War Ones. 11 Hand Release Merkins. Run a lap around horseshoe pits.

Rinse and Repeat until time is called.

Some people used a short cut. Every lap. You vs You. Freight got as many laps as he has birthdays. Gomer had to Gomer. Slaw had an epic event in the potty. Short Sale visited afterwards and returned soaking wet. You had to be there.

Wallsit for 60 seconds until all are finished.

Mosey to flag. 22 for vets.

Prayer requests for Pappy, Turtleman, Uranus, others on IR.

Service project, nail clippers and chapstick.

Blood drive. F3 Dads. DQ with Turtleman.

YHC closed out with prayer.

Fanny pack beatdown!

Warm up

SSH 50

10 burpees

SSH 40

9 burpees

SSH 30

8 burpees

SSH 20

7 burpees

SSH 10

6 burpees

5 burpees

4 burpees

3 burpees

2 burpees

1 burpee


Stop at each light pole and get:

5 burpees, 10 jump squats, 15 merkins


1 point—— 5 Wolverine burpees

2 point—— 5 hand clap burpees

3 point—— 5 2 pump burpees


1 point—— 5 mike Tyson’s

2 point—— 5 mike Tyson’s, 10 plank jacks

3 point—— 5 mike Tyson’s, 10 plank jacks, 20 shoulder taps



10 Burpees


2 Rounds

Wall sits IC

Air press IC

Dirty hook ups IC


Partner up

100 LBC

100 Flutters

100 American Hammers

while partner 2 ran down to the speed bump and back.

Mosey back to the start!

Westside said Man it’s pretty bad when you get beatdown by a guy wearing Fanny pack. I thought that was pretty funny.


Snowbird September
Freight taken toenail clippers/ chapstick
Grow ruck august
50 miler September 3-4 5:00pm start at the country kitchen

Prayer Request

Big Pappy
Turtle man
Sister act
Each other
Westside daughter faith Wednesday doctors appointment


I took us out

Thank you men!!


Round Up


Memorial Day Murph

The Sandlot moved back from it’s normal starting time to 0700 in hopes that many will gather together as a “mini-convergence” to complete “The Murph” which is a hero workout in honor and memory of Lt. Michael Murphy. The following is sourced from wikipedia:

After joining the Navy, Murphy began working out by running, doing calisthenics, and climbing ropes in his backyard. He later discovered CrossFit[33] Murphy created his own workout that involved running, pushing, pulling, and lifting which he called “Body Armor”, because he did while wearing his body armor, a 16.4 lb (7.4 kg) vest that he wore when deployed.[33]

“Michael’s standard time [to complete the Body Armor workout] was 32 to 35 minutes,” says his father, Dan.[33]

After Murphy’s death, the Body Armor workout began to become popular among SEAL teams everywhere as it could be done almost anywhere and required very little equipment.[33] A SEAL contacted Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit, asked if would honor the death of his commanding officer with a WOD (Workout of the Day) named after him.[33] The workout consists of a 1 mile (1.6 km) run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 air squats, and a final one mile run.[34] The pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats can be partitioned and scaled as needed. Participants are encouraged to wear a 20 lb (9.1 kg) body vest.[35][36]

On August 17, 2005, Glassman posted the workout to CrossFit website as the Workout of the Day (WOD) with the note:

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor.” From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is. . . . If you’ve got a 20-pound vest or body armor, wear it.

To my recollection, Pizza Man wore a vest for the entire workout. There were a group that rucked/ran the mile with ruck sack on. Others did the best they could to modify the reps. But all the participants pushed themselves which I think is ultimately the point. I’ve never served in the military. I’d like to think I could make it through but until you are challenged with that task you never know. Other than Oompa and FNG Trojan who were among us as well as others among our brotherhood that have served, it’s hard to imagine. Similar can be said for our local law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs, etc. Today is about the fallen men and women that sacrificed for our country. We’re fortunate to have a space in the world that provides freedom for us to lead the lives we choose to lead. Freedom of speech, worship, life, liberty, and our pursuit of happiness – all guaranteed in the First Amendment of our Constitution. So count ourselves blessed in many ways. Blessed to have men and women having laid their lives on the line and for that we honor them in thoughts, action and prayer.

Announcements: Blood Drive June 16th; NUOS (extra credit) on Saturday mornings at 0600 – a 45 minute ruck workout (minus the miles) to prepare for Grow Ruck in August. Prayer Requests: Turtleman, Big Pappy, Sister Act, Uranus, the military men and women that have passed fighting for our country.


5K Yank

It was YHC first time at the helm of The Fighting Yank, so during a little EC Ruck, the regulars were interrogated as to the location of some necessary features.

YHC memory is a bit fuzzy, but it went a little like this…

0700 hit with lots of PAX gathered, including one from Cali that had EH his brother out.

Meander to The Pit for the opening…

A full disclaimer was covered and the core principles of F3.

Now onto the warmup…

11 Grass Pickers IC

At this point The Yankers left The Bunkerites.  Mosey back to Main and across the railroad tracks.

Time for a little Route 66 at each lamppost on the left with the exercises:


This put us “near”  Woodrow Ave.    Mosey down Woodrow and then Central to get to First Baptist.  There was a stop along the way for some planking to catch the 6.

At the wall in front of the church, lets do some Dora.

100 Incline Merkins
200 Step Ups
300 Dips

Partner runs the parking lot.

From there to the track via Myrtle and Hill.  On the track do some BLIMPS with a lap in between each letter.

10 Burpees
20 LBFC’s
30 Imperial Walkers
40 MNC
50 Plank Jacks
60 SSH

Some finished (Boudin), while most were somewhere in the “P” and “S” when it was called due to time being short.

Mosey back the flag, where the Bunkerites were gathering as well.

Welcome Grapevine aka Michael Gregory



Blood Drive

F3 Dads


Prayer Requests:

Big Pappy
Sister Act

This was tougher than it looked on paper, especially the Dora.  Sorry, not Sorry.


Watts Up Powering Down.

3 dog night

  1. Pledge
    Brought out toys since worlds coming back together again
    Idea was “ old school”
    Back to the old school, training and sharing toys and lastly music was Led Zeppelin
    Choose your station choose your poison and AMRAP to 1 minute Tabata
    Of special note : can no longer use saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks as Hermie showed us something new and I’m sure painful that will be used in future with the tire and rope!!
    Prayers for Turtleman and graduates facing college/ future/ family/ whatever’s next

tune in next week for Spider-Man ( hopefully everyone will be over jetlag/ hangover/fart sack/sleepins / sleepovers/ partying/ or just plain ole sandy v

Rack & Stacking Tequila

Coming off vacation, YHC was struggling with what to do.  So, reading through old backblasts, YHC found two good choices and couldn’t decide which would be better…

When 0530 arrived, twelve had joined YHC.  Some even gotten in a little EC (Ruck and/or Run).

No FNGs, so just a brief disclaimer while meandering from the buses to the playground asphalt.  For the first time, the chain was actually up, which about took out some PAX, especially the late (on-time for him) arriver.


My memory is fuzzy on the warmup.  There were 3 exercises maybe, 10 IC or something like that.

Mosey toward the tennis courts/park.


Upon arriving at the tennis courts, YHC presented those in attendance with a choice of Option 1 done on the tennis courts or Option 2 done on down the road a bit.

While there was much chatter about were there really two choices, we will probably have to do both, blah blah blah.

Orangeman, the self appointed spokesman, announced the choice to be Option 2.

Alrighty then…  On to the park for a little Rack and Stack.

At the little parking lot, is where we will stack and up the hill to the stop sign is the rack.  Go to the rack get an exercise, bring it back and stack it.

Round                   Rack                                       Stack

1                              10 Burpees                         10 Burpees

2                              10 Merkins                          10 Burpees, 10 Merkins

3                              30 Lunges                            10 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 30 Lunges

4                              40 Flutter Kicks               10 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 30 Lunges, 40 Flutter Kicks

5                              50 Squats                             10 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 30 Lunges, 40 Flutter Kicks, 50 Squats

6                              60 SSH?                                 10 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 30 Lunges, 40 Flutter Kicks, 50 Squats 60 SSH

Mosey back to the flag.

Just enough time for a little stretching.


(Option 1 would have been better… Just some BLIMPS and core work)



Blood Drive on 16th

F3 Dads on 19th


Prayer Requests:

Big Pappy & Family
Sister Act & Family
Teachers, Grad and Students


Thanks for the opportunity to lead.


Watts Up Powering Down

A little rain never hurt nobody.

Midoriyama 5/4/21



Toy Soldiers

Grass Pickers

Overhead Claps

One leg dead lifts

5 Burpees



10×10 with music!

10 exercises, 10 reps for 10 rounds.




Nolan Ryan’s

Step Ups

Calf Raises


Imperial Walkers


Mnt. Climbers


4-1 OverHead Claps and Burpees 

4 OverHead Claps

1 Burpee

8 OverHead Claps

2 Burpees

12 OverHead Claps

3 Burpees

Continue pattern till Burpees reach 10.

A May Workout @ The Storm

Oops, I’m late, so this is gonna be a quickie write-up.

We did a quick warm-up, said the pledge, then ran around the parking lot, and did some dips and merkins. Then half the Pax ran up and down the sidewalk while the other half did a few things from the lexicon, like step ups, calf raises, squats, etc. There were flip-flops so everyone had a chance to do it all.

Short slow mosey for some rugby sprints and just enough time to head back to the flag for a little stretching.

Announcements: blood drive 6/16, F3 Dad’s at The Yank 6/19

Prayer Requests: Pax on IR, Turtleman, Sister Acts family, Big Pappy

YHC took us out. It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

A Prayer for Memorial Day

So thankful for the freedom that we have and we honor those that gave it all for it on this Memorial day. 6 HIM’s got work (running) in before heading to the Murph.


Prayer for Memorial Day: Remembering Those Who Have Fought for Our Freedom

“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”  John 15:13

Freedom is a gift, it’s a treasure.  And though we all may agree on that truth, it’s often easy to take for granted the greatest gifts that God has given us in our lives.


But those most precious gifts are never free. They came with a price. With sacrifice. They were worth fighting for. And are still worth fighting for today. Many brave men and women were willing to face hard battles in order for us to enjoy that gift of freedom today.

For all those who have protected our nation, for the men and women in uniform, together, we say “Thank You.”

We take time to remember today, and say a prayer of gratefulness for the many who have been willing to pay a great price for our freedom.  May God help us to live so courageously, may we follow the brave examples of those who have gone before us…

Thank you for reminding us that there’s incredible love and sacrifice displayed when one is willing to stand strong and fight for freedom.

This service of love and sacrifice on behalf of all people, points us directly to the greatest love of all, the very gift and sacrifice of Christ.

Our Savior was willing to pay the ultimate price, so that we can live free. Forever.


Dear God,

We thank you for the freedom you have given to us, and for the price that was paid by Christ so that we could live free. We remember today. The cost of it all. The great sacrifice for freedom.




We thank you for the brave men and women who have fought, and continue to fight, so courageously for our nation. We ask for your covering and blessing over them and their families. We pray that you would be gracious and encircle them with your peace. We pray for your great favor and goodness to be evident in their lives.

Please be with all those who wear the uniform, who serve our communities and nation every single day. We ask that you provide your protection, that you would be their guiding force who leads the way, and their rear guard who keeps them safe from behind. We ask that you would draw them to yourself amidst the dangers they face in a dark world, for you are the Truth, you are the Way, you are the Light.


Help them to walk wisely. To stay covered in your armor. Give them godly discernment. Make them constantly aware of what lurks close by. Help them to be men and women of prayer, realizing that this is where their greatest help comes from. Help them to stay united and strong, bold and resolute, determined and unwavering.

Bless their families. Bless those they love. Give them your great favor, this day, and every day.

Thank you that in our nation today, we are free to worship. We are free to pray. We are free to read your Word.  We are free to speak.  We are free to share. For this, we are incredibly grateful. Yet, we understand how quickly these freedoms can be taken away. Give us an increased awareness of the spiritual battle we’re in. Help us to stand strong in you and for your purposes. In Christ Name, Amen!

Prayer Request:

Big Pappy and his mom, Sister Act’s daughter, Gumby’s mom, Turtleman

I’m Sarlacc and I’m out.

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