Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: April 2021 (Page 5 of 11)

How to Get Good

Great morning for some work, so we did.  YHC rucked with Hermie.  Roscoe, Breaker Breaker, Virus and Fountainhead ran.  Short Sale, Whoopee and Stroganoff joined us for Q Source.  Breaker mentioned he might have PR’d the Coconut Horse loop, so seems like it was quite the push.

In QSource today, we talked about Qing, and counting cadence, and how it never goes as smoothly as you want it the first time, but by the 100th or 1000th time, it becomes natural.  Like all things, it takes persistent work.  The difference between adequate and good comes from within.  It’s our job as men to keep pushing the rock and take the responsibility to make the leap from acceptable to good, and then from good to great.

We also discussed HTC, the counting method that we’ve all come to know and love.  Research for my 1st Q a while back had me stumble on this gem of a backblast from a QSchool held at Gashouse a while back. In it, CSpan elaborates on some of the important parts of Qing.  One that struck me was this:

“When a Q does not lead an exercise in cadence that would normally be done that way, he is giving away his authority to lead the Pax. He is implicitly telling the Pax that he not able to count in cadence or is not willing to learn.”

I’ve tried to make sure not to forget this in designing beatdowns.   Anyways, check out the backblast in the link above for more details on how to Q.


  • PT Test – this Saturday
  • Breaker Breaker will be rucking for 4 hours in Belmont on Wednesday evening.  Come join him for all or part if you’re so inclined.

Prayer Requests:

  • Turtleman
  • Breaker Breaker’s son & his wife
  • Montross, the 5K, and the family being helped
  • GSM Family
  • Lewis Family
  • Shook Family
  • Lesslie Family


“I didn’t come this far to just come this far.”  Keep pushing the rock.  The work is never over.

Thankful to have the opportunity to lead today.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Just a little more effort than that!!

Arriving early as always; I found 2 PAX star gazing. Explaining our plan; One PAX wanted some rest. NOT today! A little effort is to be used I explained. But it wasn’t received with enthusiasm. PAX slowly joining us and time up. Lets begin!

Warm up 15 IC




Nolan Ryan’s


Flutter Kicks

5 Burpees OYO

Mosey over to the parking lot by the Head.   Complete exercise then race uphill then bear crawl across and run back downhill and bear crawl back to start. Exercises are:


30 Squats

30  LBC

30 Flutters

30 CDD

30 Calf Raises


continue with some Route 66. Exercises are: 


Skater squats



Now time  for 11’s. Mosey in-between exercises around the island. 

LBC and Flutter Kicks.

Time running out and energy low we completed 5 Burpees for Slaw and 5 for SA.

Good work.

HOOtie HOO, HOOtie HOO!!

Hollywood 4/12/21

Warm up 15 IC




Nolan Ryan’s


Flutter Kicks

5 Burpees OYO

Mosey down the street to Atrium health doctors.  Complete exercise then bear crawl short sides of island and run the long sides. 

Exercises are:


30 Squats

30  LBC

30 Flutters

Mosey to parking lot behind South Main kitchen. Route 66. This where we heard the owl stalking us! 


Skater squats


Mosey back to the start for 11’s

LBC and merkins


Back in the Saddle

We had 9.  We ran around Mt Holly looking for a challenge.  We did some merkins, squats, hammers, six shooters, derkins, incline merkins, lunges, tiger squats, rocky balboas, step ups and ran nearly 2.75 miles.  Still had time to stretch.



Hux Family of Mount Holly – Young person passed away over weekend as a result of sudden leukemia diagnosis.

GSM family

Dolph’s family



PT Test this Saturday 04-24-2021 at Gashouse – 7:00 am – all AOs open


Don’t Gratify The Flesh

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

We discussed how our work as men should be done as we walk in the Spirit. Not gratifying our flesh with worldly desires or pleasures. Man’s work is to be glorifying to his Creator first and foremost and is also a means of sanctification. Our work like all the other relationships we have are ultimately not about us but about those we serve. So chose this day how you will walk/work… In the Spirit or gratifying the flesh the choice is yours!

Prayer Request: Sister Act’s daughter, his family and his knee. GSM and everyone involved in the tragedy. Students and teachers

Announcements: PT test this Saturday at Gas House 7 am

Thanks for lending an ear this morning men! And thanks for the opportunity to lead!

Wichita out and  on to the next one

Mosey to the Armory

14 HIM were brave enough to fight off the fartsack and post on this beautiful morning for a quick mosey down Robinwood road.


Prayers were lifted up for Stroganoff and the entire GSM family

Convergence – 6 Years STRONG

Shortsale had solicited HIPAA, & VooDoo about hosting a gear/Painlab/Bulldog/low-impact Convergence sometime early in 2021.  When asked to participate, I was all about it, but also not surprised.  Shortsale is kind of our renaissance guy in F3 Gashouse, as he has tackled all manner of workout, AO’s, and has the ability to incorporate all of parts very well.  Here, we have an opportunity to shake it up a bit with all Pax, and again share how we we can accomplish the 1st F via this style of workout.  Several weeks of planning, and we each agreed we’d lead a segment.  Looking back, this Convergence workout came to resemble how these low-impact AO’s typically work = Muscle specific, cardio, end with an amalgamation of the two.  Then, some pelvic thrusts via Kenny G…..but I digress.

Big ups to Les Nessman for tagging his cinderblock collection for general use.  I was impressed how many men showed with either a block, their rucksack (awesome!), a bell, or in other words, they were PREPARED.  Even Slim Shady hollered the night before, saying he was living up to his name and needed a loaner.  A group of 5 were getting in EC ruck training, and the crowd made their way to the field.

Preamble – welcome to Convergence, we have been 6 years strong at Gashouse.  I describe what low-impact work is, and that given we have Bulldog, Diablo Sammich and Painlab as 3 site specific AO’s that focus on low-impact/modification/injury/introduction/muscle work, there is ZERO reason that every man in Gaston County cannot be EH’d.  These workouts are 48 hours apart, 3 workouts a week.  That is not a coincidence.  HEADLOCK!  Big ups to Brutus for brining in an FNG, aka Big Lizard today.  Reminder that for $1.50 you can have 30lb. weight (cinderblock) that will get your muscle needs done.  And men, you need muscle work because you will lose it faster than your cardio/lungs.  We also reviewed the 5 core tenets of F3.

Warm-up:  so of course after I say we are doing low-impact, HIPAA has a high impact warmup for us (facepalm).  But it’s fun, so no worries – he plays the song Danger Zone and you have to do SSH’s until you hear the song name, do a squat when you hear it, then resume.  Good warm-up.  I hate to say it, but VooDoo whispered “is this from Iron Eagle?”.  Facepalm.  He’s smarter than me, but good gracious a’mighty….

Phase I – Muscle Specific Work – pretty simple, do as I do…if you can’t hit the reps called, just gimme what you got.  Goal was to torque muscles that are not normally torqued at Bootcamps:

  • Half Moons x 20
  • Goblet Squat x 15
  • Chest Pullovers x 15
  • Curls x 20
  • Thrusters x 12
  • Reverse Lunges x 10
  • Bent over rows x 10
  • Tricep Extensions x 15
  • Single Arm Deadlifts x 10
  • Shoulder Press x 20
  • Side Lunge x 10
  • Upright Rows x 15
  • Halos x 10
  • People’s Chair x however damn long I felt like 🙂

Phase II – Cardio:  okay, I will have trouble remembering this, but from the time I saw it, I knew it was trouble.  We made our way over to the hill (Bulldog has a great area for workout), and VooDoo threw this at everyone:

Murder-Bunny up the hill; at the top you owe 25 alternating block merkins, 25 chest pullovers, 25 squat curls….go down the hill and 15 Blockees.  Back up the hill via Murder-Bunny, 25 upright rows, 25 presses, 25 flutters, back down the hill.

I’ll end this by saying it sucked.  I did take a video of everyone during this, it’s on the mumble-chatter.  Some provocative poses.  They would make Kenny G proud….but I digress.  We got 2 rounds in, time for HIPAA to put it all together.

*big ups to Hushpuppy for forcing me into a race the second time up the hill.  Vomit fuel.

Phase III:  The Nickel Bag – HIPAA omaha’d from his original thought at the request of VooDoo and I.  You all wanted no part of that before he took mercy.  The Thang:

Bottom of hill – 5 American Hammers; Bear crawl with weight to first cone.

First cone – 5 diamond decline merkins; crawl

Second cone – 5 decline Big Boy Sit Ups; crawl

Third cone – 5 decline pseudo-planche merkins; crawl

Top of Hill – 5 Power to the People each side

I don’t know how many rounds there were, but after I almost merlot’d I looked at my phone, and it was 7:53.  Round it up back to the field.

*earlier this week HIPAA and I traded barbs in preparation, regarding music, and it came down to something like “you’ll get Kenny G and you’ll like it!”.  It did take me by surprise that Kenny G started playing when I started us on Mary.  In celebration of this, we went to plank and pickle pounded every time I shouted “KENNY G!”.  Then Whoopee, after some incredible moaning (show to know) tried to either molest me or whip my ass.  I’m still unsure, but it left me confused and curious, just like I do my wife.  Show to know.


Pledge of Allegiance.


  • Fitness Test next week at GasHouse
  • Freed to Lead in July (Park Street Methodist) – please chime in on mumblechatter regarding this!  Poor notes!
  • May 22 – an amoeba ruck scheduled by Bos, beer is involved.  He will update us.  Good on Bos.

Prayer Requests:

  • GSM/Stroganoff, all people that need uplifting during this time
  • Turtle Man
  • Wirenut made mention of how each of us can leave for the day, and not come home.  LEAVE RIGHT, be rock solid each day.  Keep your eyes open and appreciate life.  Good word.
  • Ville to Ville crew (did  you all see their time??  Son of ##### they were cooking.  Now come get some muscle 🙂 )
  • Mental health and addiction
  • COVID affected
  • Sister Act’s knee….not the rest of him, just his knee.

Breaker Breaker then lead us on scripture lesson on Servant Leadership.  I cannot do it justice here, but on the mumblechatter I’ve got  really nice picture.  Great words, and I appreciate his being compelled to speak.   I will say that I made a joke, that he’s my Stone, and no one else can have him….but given the past year, I’ll tell you all I entered into both a Shieldlock, and the Whetstone program, and both have been of great help to me.  Create these for yourselves men (Big ups to Huckleberry, Roscoe, Gastone and others instrumental in those; and to my Shieldlock, which includes HIPAA, VooDoo, Pedal, T-square, El Toro, Tube, and Double-Stuff.  It’s a big SL, just like us).

MOLESKIN – what can you say?  I had each guy give their name at name-o-rama, and how many years they had been here (video on mumblechatter)  We had a few visitors from Metro (thanks!), and one had 9 years, and our FNG had 1 day.  Whether it’s the start of the journey, or you have many miles in between, we’re a special group that has an obligation to make the lives of those around us better.  Better through Fitness of body in mind, better through Fellowship with care and concern, and better through Faith that we will see a better day, every day.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to grab some Advil….KENNY G!

Rudolph, HIPAA, VooDoo

Stupid Sargento Shoulder Buster

Mayor doesn’t like shoulder work. We did a lot of shoulder work today. Here’s what happened…

Disclaimer, I’m a professional. Do what I say.

Warmup as the PAX trickled in – Goofballs, Don Quixotes, the patented Sargento Right over Left In Cadence

Pledge of Allegiance

Fast mosey to US Highway 321 for some Route 66. Some guys wondered why it’s named that. Hmmm. Do escalating CDDs at each telephone pole on the left side.

Once we’re done, mosey to the front steps of First ARP Church (my home church) for some Deep Sea Divers. With feet on the first step, do 5 Hip Slapper IC. Go one step up for 5 more, and so on until we got to the 5th step. AND back down again. Feel the Stupid Sargento Shoulder Buster in action!

Mosey to the atm area of the BB&T for a round of ATM’s. PAX did 15 reps of Alternating Shoulder Taps IC, 10 Tempo Merkins IC and 10 fast Merkins IC. Rest a bit and do another round but skip the fast merkins. That sucked. Another example of the Stupid Sargento Shoulder Buster in action!

Mosey to McQuitter’s wall for some step ups 25 each leg IC.

Mosey to the parking deck for the Thang.

11’s – PAX would do V-Ups at the bottom, run all the way to the top using the vehicular route and do Derkins at the top. We started with 10 V-Ups and 1 Derkin. YHC made it through 6 rounds of this before Wirenut was called to the turd shack and the other had had enough. Stupid Sargento Shoulder Buster complete!!!

Mosey back to the start for some flutterkicks IC until time is called.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men! AYE!!!

Prayer Requests – Turtleman, GSM & family, Dolph’s step-dad passed, Couch Potato’s grandparents passed

Announcements – Convergence this Saturday, PT Test, Sparky’s 5k, TronMoss 5k, F3 Dad’s Workouts start like the 3rd Saturday of June

YHC took us out in prayer.

It’s running weather!

12 got it done at PB some getting ready for the relay race and others just getting better period. No matter what I was glad to see the guys there pushing forward!!

Prayer Rquest


Big Pappy

Guys in the Ville to Ville

And there were more that were mentioned. The lord knows the situations and he knows our hearts. Let’s continue to grow men!!!

80’s a B (barely), 100’s an A.

So YHC got to the AO early this morning, needed to do a little AO prep and get ready for phase 2 of the planned beatdown with buttermilk! Some pax were on a little EC – if they only knew! Great morning by the way for those who missed. FNG shows up from Eagle Park in Belmont. Maybe we should put an AO over there someday? Went like this:


SS – burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20

Grapevine Stretches

Nolan Ryans X 10 each side

Mountain Climbers X 20

Mosey down to the gazebo on the square for an escalator.

5 burpees – lap @ the green.

5 burpees, 10 big boys – lap @ the green.

5 burpees, 10 big boys, 15 dirkins – lap @ the green

5 burpees, 10 big boys, 15 dirkins, 20 jump squats – lap @ the green

5 burpees, 10 big boys, 15 dirkins, 20 jump squats, 25 dips – lap @ the green.

Line up on the sidewalk on the river side of the green.

Bear Crawl mode;

1st stake – 5 Ahs

2nd stake – 10 Ahs

3rd stake – 15 Ahs.

Broad Jump mode:

1st stake – 5 HR merkins

2nd stake – 10 HR merkins

3rd stake – 15 HR merkins

Lunge mode: (easy roll here)

1st stake – 5 LBCs

2nd stake – 10 LBCs

3rd stake – 15 LBCs

OK pax, guess what? It is now the 4th Quarter!  6: 05. Getting tougher in the 4th quarter is the bottom line. The buttermilk gets thick. Let’s find out what we got! And make it better. so, toughness drill on 1. Goes like this:

Triple Nickel

Bottom, 5 plank jacks

Top, 5 Merkins

Now here’s the rub. We generally do this on the small, short hill from the Fire Dept. up to Doffers. And it can be tough. Today, we’re raising the standards here. Because we should do that from time to time. My thought anyhow.  So we put in play. Track would be starting at the FD and going up the big hill 4 lights and back. This is roughly 3/4 of the way up and back which was given the time we had the best we could reasonably test today. So test we did!

After most of the pax had 4 repeats the bat flippers headed up for 5. It was 6:14. So YHC made a call. And that was if we are going to go over, so be it. But, FINISH! 4/5 is 80% That’s a B. Barely, but still a B. Which is good effort. But it doesn’t finish the job.  YHC  came to finish the job.  That’s an A! Best you can be. 100% . Let’s do this thing! All pax were in and FINISHED! Which made them A players. Killers. HIMs. Varsity players. Get it doners.

Got a pledge. FNG talked about spilling Merlot. But didn’t do it!


Well, this was all about one thing. Finishing. Getting better, Getting to the horizon or the top. Mission accomplished. Took us 2 minutes over. Had plenty of time for Floyd and Blackie’s.  A good treat after that last roll. Which is why we finish. Also have to admit I was observing the 30th anniversary today of my 1991 Boston Marathon run. 3:03 on near perfect 45 degree cloudy day. What’s called Heartbreak Hill is really four hills between miles 17 and 21. We finished that day too.  So in honor of this day and the Cramerton hill we use so often we will name it Kilimanjaro. Got K2 in Mt. Holly.

Welcome another Eagle Park man – Stagecoach! From Oklahoma. He’ll be back. Tomorrow I predict. And we’ll get back up and get better then too!

Prayers  up for Dolph whose step dad passed and our GSM brothers.

Honor to lead these men. They pushed the rock. And in the 4th quarter just as hard as the 1st quarter.



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