Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: April 22, 2021

Correct Position

A bunch of dudes showed up for an unscheduled lesson on proper vehicular F3 sticker placement. Of the 11 HIM in attendance, only 7 had stickers on their vehicles at all and of the 4 with stickers only 3 were in the correct position. Good gracious people, how are we going to spread the good news if we don’t let people know we’re here? Or are you hiding in plain sight? Deep thoughts with Sargento. Nutria learned the lesson so well he published his action on Slack. Great job dude!

To be clear, the correct position is the bottom left (driver side) of the rear window. Aye!


Pledge of Allegiance

Warm Up – Goofballs, Don Quixotes, L over R

Mosey around the green and down to the bridge at Goat Island. Bear crawl the wooden part of the bridge. Karaoke left to the other bridge. Crab walk across that bridge. Mosey back to the other side and then karaoke right to the first bridge. Lunge walk the bridge and then walk back. Skip to the other bridge the mosey to the parking lot on the other side of the island.

The Thang – Dora 1,2,3,4

Partner up and do 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs and 400 Air Presses while partner 2 runs to the other end of the parking lot and back.

Mosey from there to the gazebo for Tesla style oblique crunches IC and then the correct style oblique crunches each side IC. Do some heels to heaven too.

Mosey around the green, do some Goofballs as time allows and that’s time! Thank you for the opportunity to lead men.

Announcements – PT Test

Prayer requests – GSM, Turtleman, Our Police

YHC took us out.


This is Tequila Sunrise not a PT Test, Geezer

A big thank you to the 19 PAX that turned out for my VQ!  All the grumbling (you’re fired geezer, too many merkins, etc) let me know that things were going well.



Warm Up

25 SSH

20 Cotton Pickers

5 Burpees


Mosey to tennis courts for a beating

100 SSH & 100 squats

Run lap

90 merkins & 90 LBCs

Run lap

80 SSH & 80 squats

Run lap

70 merkins & 70 LBCs

And continue on down through 10 merkins & 10 LBCs

Mosey back to school with 2 minutes to go…

4th Quarter bear crawl through the parking lot



PT Test at Gashouse Saturday 4/24

Young Life Golf Tournament 5/10


Prayer Requests

PAX on job search

Our country

Dolph & GSM guys



Nurs and Stuff

Another Freestyle workout by the Wojo. Did a lot of Nur’n and some running drills etc. Cannot remember it all but there were lots of comments about getting more miles in backwards than fowards. Either way it was fun!

Devil’s Mile

Rudolph didn’t show. Well that’s a great start to this BB.


No warmup

The Thang:

The Devil’s Mile. This is a true ruck workout and often incorporated into many GoRuck events. I believe this is a standard event to qualify for Selection. There are many variations to the Devil’s Mile, but this is what we did:

1/4 Mile Lunge Walk

We modified this next 1/4 Mile due to time constraints:

1/8 Mile Bear Crawl – 1/8 Mile normal ruck = 1/4 Mile

1/4 Mile Farmer Carry – Left side 1/8, Right side 1/8

1/4 Mile Overhead Carry. (No forward progress if you needed to rest with your pack)



PT Test Gashouse 4/24

Pain Lab style workout trials coming May at The Yank. Come support our low/no impact workouts and help grow F3 in Belmont!

Prayer requests:

Cramerton Middle Teacher w/ Stage 4 Cancer

Tubes BIL addiction and recovery

YHC took us out

Great to be back out getting after it.



A trip to Walmart

Warm up


10 Burpees


10 Burpees

Mosey to each light pole towards the flag

5 Burpees 25 merkins

5 burpees 10 diamond merkins

5 burpees 25 merkin and 10 diamond merkins

Speed bump for 10 burpees

Stop at the small triangle 5 merkins, bear crawl, 10 merkins, bear crawl, 15 merkins

10 Burpees

Mosey to the Administration building and grab some wall.

Wall sit and march 20 IC

Wall sit and air press 20 IC

20 Squats

Mosey around to the flag


10 Burpees

Mosey across Dallas Cherryville to the backside of Walmart

Plank position for as long as possible while I called

10 shoulder taps IC

15 Peter Parkers

20 Mountain Climbers

15 Parker Peters

5 Merkins

10 Burpees

Mosey around to the hill

Partner up for DORA

100 Dips on the curb

200 LBC

300 Squats

while alternating running up the hill grabbing 2 burpees and back down.

We then lined up along the bottom of the hill

5 merkins, 5 shoulder taps, 5 burpees then bear crawl up the to the top for plank then grab 5 shoulder taps, 5 merkins, 5 mountain climbers then bear crawl back down the hill.

10 burpees at the bottom then bear crawl back to the top to finish!


Moseyed back to the start as fast as possible.



PT test at the Gashouse this Saturday at 7

Prayer Request

Big pappy

Each other


Sister acts daughter


I want to thank God and you men for allowing me to lead and push the rock at Folsom once again. Every time we go out or show up to a workout try to set the bar higher than last time. Try to push yourself to be better and stronger. Make up your mind and execute the plan

Thankful for you guys!

Round Up

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