Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 10, 2021

Buttermilk at The Bobby

YHC showed up ready to bring a little pain to the morning gloom on what was a great day to be out in the dirt on the field. Yes, it was a time for getting dirty! And that was what we got. Went like this:

Gather at midfield for the following:


SSH X 20

IW X20

Cotton pickers X 20

Grapevine Stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Merkins X 10

Take a lap and gather at the goal line:

Run the following distance and do the following

HR Merkins           Jump Squats          Plank Jacks         Big boys

25 yd                     5                                      5                                   5                              5

50 Yd                 10                                     10                                10                            10

75 yd                  15                                     15                                15                            15

100 yd               20                                     20                                20                            20

Take another lap, and line up for 11s:

Dirkins on the bleacher seats X 10

American Hammers X 1 across the field

This got the crowd pretty gassed.

Back on the goal line for 50 yd suicides:

Set 1

Bear crawl X 25 yds. 10 LBCs

Burpee Broad jump to the 50. 10 lBCs

Set 2

Crabwalk to the 25, 10 lBCs

Lunge walk to the 50, 15 lBCs.

Back to the flag and a pledge.


Awesome sunrise on a brilliant morning.  Could not have asked for a better day/morning.  Great push by the pax! We stayed up and at it. YHC likes to keep it simple and active. Works every time it’s tried.

Great push from our FNG, El Cat. So named as a born Bronco fan but now a sports Panther gear. Elway meets the Panthers! Look forward to this guy showing up on a regular basis.

Enjoyed the morning and the opportunity to lead and always do at The Bobby!



“It didn’t look that far on Google Maps”

“5:30, let’s mosey” is how the morning began.  YHC knew there was no time to spare with a warmup but paused in the traffic circle for a count-off and 5 burpees, 10 squats and 15 LBC’s before continuing our mosey around past the buses to the southeast corner of the building.  Where wall meets sidewalk is suitable terrain for “suspension merkins,” the first element of 11’s to be paired with big-boy situps all the way back at the traffic circle.  Suspension merkins are tough, but YHC underestimated the distance between exercises that made this set of 11’s last longer than anticipated (hence the title of this post).   It was after 6:05 when the second set of 11’s commenced with Dips at the school entrance and oblique crunches at the middle island of the parking lot.  Halfway through these 11’s it was time to head to COT.

Announcements:  New Dallas AO

Prayers:  Rebar health, Watts Up and Dirt job search

Leadership is a journey.  Privileged to share the journey with today’s PAX,


No Dirt, let’s play IN the dirt

  • Awoke to a 4:30 message that Dirt is down with down with something and very wisely needs to stay home … get better soon!
    I was just thinking the other day of going back to a workout that has no theme …. just straight out beat down …. listening to the crowd at the end … seems mission accomplished! Shoot I even received a semi-anonymous death threat !!
    Pledge ( get off the ground Whoopee )
    5 burpees
    10 SSH IC
    Oh s train ( not really) 5 burpees
    9 seal jacks
    Whoopee called for 5 burpees ( no, he didn’t , but he very wisely had started before I called it )
    10 Freddie Mercuries ( was waiting to see if any picked up on the decreasing numbers from previous … no comments so I ran us back up to 10

    Whoopee anticipates burpees …. nope …. away we go …
    Gather at front of park and decide we need a pax count 9 ( although 10 is counted …. one of those days …huh?)

and away we go ….again!

somewhere along path there’s grumbling about calendar mixups as this must be Thursday at the Pub or that, being that Sunday is Turn clocks ahead for daylight savings time, we’ve either time traveled “thanks Marty McFly!” Heard somewhere and JJ with the better response that we turned clocks ahead twenty four hours now instead of just a measly one!!

assemble at last soccer field for an old favorite of mine run to 25 yd line ( give or take) 25 merkins 

back to start run to 25 for 25 merkins and to the 50 ( most went WAYY TOO FAR) 50 squats and back to 25 for 25 merkins back to start 

Next to the 75 , I paused in confusion ( Q fail 1) I had intended jump squats or Bobby Hurleys but had Omaha’d this feeling too much running was on agenda and looked to preserve joints… much mumble here … Whoopee asks for Burpees (WHY?!?) I had previously used lbcs but am trying to “step” away from this as I think this is a little overused … someon e says “ American Hammers!” Sold to the man in … a dark shirt …. somewhere. And the 100 was plank jacks …. and you also add all previous exercises at appropriate moments.

assemble behind playground for Indian  Run …. damn I get hit with a lawsuit … Seems someone was waiting in the bushes to Red flag that !! Settle for JJ with the win again Washington Football Club run ( maybe we could even get their dance squad to do a routine for us …. hell they don’t even have cheerleaders … what’s UP with that! Sorry ….tell all to try not to push the mosey , and what do I do …. Q fail 2 … I mosey too fast get told to slow down. We even had music … I’ve wanted to do this for a while and was so excited to see Whoopee amongst us feeling he’d enjoy … Yackettty Sax ( better known as THE Benny Hill Theme) …. ran long path in park ( no woods!) assemble at turd shack for … Jack Webb’s up to 10 and down to 1 

lost my breath about number 8 on the way down and resumed count about 5 to finish count

mosey again telling all if you pass the Q it’s a 10 burpee penalty …. Whoopee stayed neck and neck challenging me …. so I turned the tables, literally … I began to nur….. until the end of the island 1000 or so feet along path. … mosey to gates where I unveil the design for The Labyrinth complements of Stogie … it should be posted later today 

in his excitement Whoopee remembers the 10 burpee penalty so I serve it up for all to enjoy!!

run back to start and call on Gastone to finish us off with 20 IC flutters ( went over about 3-4 seconds ) Stroganoff emerges from his run.

I hope all got their monies worth … it was after all  you can eat , double or nothing , no money back quarantees 

before I wrap it all up …. major props to Whoopee … he’s a stand up guy …. don’t think I’m picking on him … I just feel he’s great to work with, great to look at , worlds sexiest cardiologist, funny , witty , wise …( is this laying it on too thick W?)


new AO Folsom area Saturday’s 7:00 by police station

i remind all that in the future as most of us are in dark colors as the days Q ( here and elsewhere) concern yourselves with safety as on Monday someone turned from Neal Hawkins quickly moving towards bank ATM that we had all used previous week … had someone done this a week prior …. I shudder to think! Whoopee wisely reminds all as Q to make sure someone has a phone in case of ANY emergency !

prayers for JJ boss ( mother-in-law passing)

Cpap , Dirt and Watts Up on job searches

Dirt under weather 

Turtleman hip

thank you men for this unexpected pleasure of back to back Qs!!!

Prison Break

15 men got it done at PB this morning.

Blart got on to me and took the Q over for a second to get the crowd under control. Thank you Blart I appreciate your leadership!  Thank you men for continuing the push to get better and grow daily.






27th cloninger park 7:00am 

PT test sometime in April 

Prayer Request 

Barrel Racer friendship 

Joe Huffstettler 


Each other 



Round Up

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