Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 28, 2021

The Burpee!!

28 men showed and put in the work at Folsom this morning!!  1 FNG was present, so a very short disclaimer was given.  Go time!!


Warm Up:

10 SSH (ic)

5 Burpees

10 Gravel Pickers (ic)

5 Burpees

10 Hillbillies (ic)

The Thang:

First called exercise is called Pandemic.  Exercise done in a pyramid going from 1 to 10 to 1.

1 Burpee, 2 Mountain Climber, 3 LBCs

2 Burpees, 4 Mountain Climbers, 6 LBCs

3 Burpees, 6 Mountain Climbers, 9 LBCs

Continue until we finished with 10 Burpees, 20 Mountain Climbers, 30LBCs.


Short mosey to the tennis courts, line up on the line facing the tennis courts.  Do some escalator work.  Start with 10 Burpees, mosey to first light pole for 10 Burpees, 20 Big Boys.  Mosey to next light pole for 10 Burpees, 20 Big Boys, 30 American Hammers. Mosey to end of courts for 10 Burpees, 20 Big Boys, 30 AH, 40 Flutter Kicks.  Time to turn around and go back down.  On line do 40 FK, 30 AH, 20 Big Boys, 10 Burpees.  Mosey to pole for 30 AH, 20 Big Boys, 10 Burpees.  Mosey to next pole for 20 AH, 10 Burpees.  Finish up at end line with 10 Burpees.


Next exercise called is the backend of the Pandemic routine going from 9 to 1.

9 Burpees, 18 Mountain Climbers, 27 LBCs

8 Burpees, 16 Mountain Climbers, 24 LBCs

Continue until we finished with 1 Burpee, 2 Mountain Climbers, 3 LBCs.

At this point we are at 190 Burpees for the workout.  10 more Burpees are called to bring the total to 200 Burpees,  with time still left.  I know how everyone loves Burpees, so I hope that was enough.


With some time left, pax are lined back up on the line.  11s are called here, using the length of two courts.  Start with 10 Mike Tysons, run 2 court lengths for 1 Imperial Walker Squat.  Back to line for 9 Mike Tysons, other end 2 IW Squats.  Continue until we end with 1 Mike Tysons and 10 IW Squats. Time low we headed back to COT.  Her Slaw lead 22 Merkins for the Vets!! Time!



Prayer Request



Honor to lead you men today.  The Saturday crowds at Folsom have been impressive.  I wanted to bring a tough one, so I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank Round Up for the 200 Burpee challenge!! Appreciate the push!!  Welcome FNG Toe Pick to F3.  SYITG


Sister Act








Don’t Run “Rangry” unless you are Freed to Lead

It wasn’t really that gloomy this morning at The Coconut Horse.

I had not posted a good run in almost 3 1/2 weeks so it felt good just to be out there.  I decided to show a few minutes early as I knew my pace would not be what it had been a month ago.  Ruckers were coming in and Whoopee and DDC accompanied me on the run early.

We shared some great mumblechatter and a mile or two in, Whoopee mentioned that you shouldn’t run with me when I’m angry.  I’m not exactly sure what he was talking about but we determined we would from this moment forward refer to this state as “Rangry”,  short for Running Angry.  Sometimes this can cause an uptick in pace.

However, the best part was just getting some work in along with some great fellowship.  Thank you gentlemen.

We had a great group this morning and a great COT.  This was followed up with a large group staying for Q Source where we started a new book discussion on Freed to Lead, the original F3 book.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Where’s Blart?

We ran.  I was supposed to run with Blart but he was gone before I got there.  Gavel didn’t know when we needed to be back and ended up doing accidental EC.  Q fail.

We then had coffee and talked about the King.

Announcements: CSAUP – Ides of March

Prayer Requests:  Pappy’s family, SA’s family, family of Wichita’s coworker, and PAX on IR



Not another walk in the park

This morning wasn’t as cold as it has been. Maybe a sign that winter is letting up, at least here at the Gashouse. I’m not complaining, but I would like to pray  for a few straight days of sunshine. We started off with a few Whoopee warmups then split up and moved to our circle.  From there we did my typical jazzercise circuit of training without the dancing. I use the Tabata timer to allow for 50 seconds of each exercise and 10 seconds to transition to the next exercise. Lets kick it off with some 80 Rock’n Roll:

Side Straddle Hops, Hill Billy’s, Big Circles, Chinook Squats, V-ups, Outlaws

We mosey to the trail, cross the bridge and …. do bear crawls up the hill. Mosey to the benches for 20 incline pushups. Lets return to camp for some more motivational 80’s Rock!

Grab your coupon for – swings, triceps’ extensions, curls, one arm press (each side),. On your 6 – chest presses, then over head triceps’ extension.

Recover for 1 minute.

Lets Duck walk to the parking lot and then walk it backwards to the circle.

On your 6 again – American Hammers, Reverse crunches, Windshield Wipers, on your feet -Burpees, on your 6 for Supermans, plank for 30 seconds then finish the set with Mountain Climbers. 

Recover and rest for 1 minute.

Next set – Monkey Roles, CDD’s, Incline pushups, Triceps Dips, Don Quijotes, Merkins.

Final round, we each called out our favorite exercise for the last 8 minutes as Whoopee and his Bootcamp joined us in jazzercise!

Everyone finished strong and I was so grateful for the turnout that we had. Thanks Hims!!

Bandit Q’s Painlab next week, please come out an SHOW



It Was Supposed to Be Colder

It was a great morning considering the forecast just a few days before… it had been forecast to be in the teens, but the weather did not cooperate and it was in the upper 30’s!  And there were 12 of us ready to get in a good workout.

No FNGs so a quick disclaimer and it was go time…

Warm Up

SSH – 20 IC
Imperial Walker Squats – 15 IC
Burpees – 10 OYO


The Thang

Mosey down the hill and take a left headed towards the back entrance.  At each speed bump drop and do 20 LBCs, plank for the six at the stop sign.

Triple Nickel at the hill – monkey humpers at the bottom, jump squats at the top.

Mosey back down the road to the roundabout at the front of the school…  again, 20 LBCs at each speed bump.

We went around the circle with each of the pax calling an exercise.  The caller then had the choice of either running a lap around the parking lot in front of the school, or doing a bear crawl around the roundabout… Dirt and Nutria were the only two takers for the bear crawl.  Called exercises included the seal jack, Freddie Mercury, CDD, dying cockroach, flutter kick, big boy situp, hand release merkin, American hammer, monkey humper, and Watts Up invited us all to run the lap with him.

We then had a short mosey to the side of the school for a set of 11’s.  The exercises were flutter kicks and hand release merkins.  Time was drawing short and a few of us had to miss our last round or two as it was time to head back to the flag.

Everyone put in some good hard work to get just a little bit better.


CSAUP – March 3rd
P200 and Mortimer 100 – March 19th

Prayer Requests

Keep a check on the prayer list on slack.

We closed with prayer.

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