Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Sheldon Cooper and more

  • Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 02/19/2021
  • AO: Tequila Sunrise
  • QIC: Broke
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Sargento, Sister Act, Buckeye, CPAP, Flintstone, Tesla (R), Bubba Sparxx, Rebar, Orangeman (R), Dirt (R), Watts Up (R), Dry Rub (R), Dr. Seuss (R)

The rain decided to take a little break and 14 PAX posted in the gloom at the newest Gashouse AO this morning. Not sure how many ran EC, but it was quite a few and they were getting after it. I’m beginning to think my Q’s aren’t very difficult since it seems most of the PAX need extra work to feel like it was worth getting out of bed. Time to step up my game I guess.


Short disclaimer, then mosey to the bus loop for the warmup.

10 to 1 Countdown

Four exercises done IC starting with 10 and working all the way down to 1. No rest between exercises and all done at a fast pace.

Exercises were SSH’s, CDD’s, LBC’s and IW’s.


Mosey around the block and back to the bus loop for the main event….The Sheldon Cooper. This is one of Sister Act’s favorite routines and he usually calls it at Midoriyama when the temperature exceeds 90 degrees. YHC figured it might be a little easier in cooler weather so lets give it a shot.

10 Burpee’s, 10 Merkins, 10 Squats, 10 Big Boys then take a lap around the loop. Rinse and repeat with 9,8,7…all the way down to 1.

The cooler temps do make it easier, but it still sucks.


Time for another lap around the block and then a little ab work to finish things off.

20 Flutter Kicks IC
20 Oblique Crunches IC

20 LBC’s IC

20 American Hammers IC

Time’s Up!



Ephesians 4:2 – “Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love.”

Being gentle and having patience are two things that YHC struggles with on a daily basis. Most men are wired to take charge, make decisions, solve the problem and move on to the next thing. Sometimes the solution to the problem is just taking the time to listen and showing compassion to the other party.



Strides of March – March 6th, get signed up!

2nd F tonight may be changing locations???? Keep an eye out on Slack

Sargento is looking for Gorge Runners to do a half marathon somewhere on the other side of the country


Prayer Request

Broke’s mom

SA daughter and family

Big Pappy and family


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

1 Comment

  1. Dirt

    Broke, it’s not that your workouts are easy, which they are not. You did a 1,000 mile challenge a couple of years ago. We are just trying to catch up to you by taking that challenge ourselves! Good workout today.

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