Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 18, 2021

Lookin’ for some

To paraphrase a Dark Helmet tweet from earlier this week, YHC’s morning went something like this…

Got up
Went lookin’ for some
Found it

Ran to Martha’s and back

Strides of March on March 6 – Sign up through pre-blast

Until next time…

Grab Bag

0530 Arrives with no one but YHC.   Luckily Uncle Ted rolled in shortly thereafter and we got started.

Mosey to the gazebo.


SSH, Imperial Walkers and Merkins.

Enough of that…

Pick one ball from bag 1 and one ball from bag 2.

Bag 1:

  • Monkey Humpers
  • Squats
  • Burpees
  • American Hammers
  • Mosey
  • SSH
  • Plank Jacks
  • Merkins
  • Flutter Kicks
  • LBC
  • Shoulder Taps

Bag 2:

  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
  • 25

Sometimes there were done IC, sometime not.  After 5, mosey around the square.

Dirt arrived mid first mosey thinking he was early for EC, seems either his alarm or time is off.

And now there were three.  We continued the pattern until near time.

Gather the party favors and mosey to the vehicles.

Knock out The Pledge of Allegiance.

Uncle Ted took us out.


Watts Up Powering Down.

“Folsom don’t shut down”

7 at Folsom this morning under threat of “winter weather advisory”

En route to the flag

10 mountain climbers/10 squats per light pole.

parking lot across from the flag:

Dirty 11s

Imperial walker squats/Bobby Hurley

circle up for high/low plank and some French Fries

Indian run to the Tennis courts

Everyone called an exercise of 25, and 4 times round the courts

1 burpee after every round (even after the 25 burpee round 😒)

It cleared up for most of the workout and it wasn’t 20 degrees so all in all… not a bad morning at Folsom. And as Hacksaw put it: “Folsom don’t shut down”.


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