Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2021 (Page 3 of 11)

1 Corinthians 12:17-20

A few weeks ago Big Pappy asked me to Q at the sword and the discussion would be about groups.
I wasn’t sure if he meant group therapy or the group of people you are around. Either way its about the same.
I focused the word this morning on 1 Corinthians 12:17-20 If the whole body were and eye, where would the sense of smell be. But in fact God has placed the part in the body, everyone of them just as He wanted them to be. if they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts but one Body.

I felt these verses hit close to home, we are all very unique with similar common goals/values. Some listen some friends talk, you get the point. This lead to talks of loving others that you may not want to, and some how the New deal and Joel Olsteen wrapped up the conversation.

Prayer Request: I took this time to pray for all those in need and to lift us up with Gods eternal Love and Light to help us all through these challenging times.

The Bed Pan is Full..

Barely Made It..

Well I got there early did a couple miles and the next thing I know it has to be an 8 min. pace to get back at exactly 7.00 am. The great statement comes lets Mosey… we ran for 10 minutes doing some exercises to keep loose. 10 min. later had over a mile and headed to the Pit for some Figure 8

2 exercises at each corner 8x do each one 8 sets. Each time you cross diagonal you add a burpee. Everyone had two bricks to carry on all exercises.

  • Corners: Merkins and Werkins 8x each
  • Corner: Freddy Merks and LBC
  • Corner: Shoulder Press and Rocking Knights
  • Corner: Starjacks and Little Gumby in the woods
  • Lots of Burpees.

We finished this and went to Hawthorne Hill did 50 in cadence leg flutters ran to the top and tiger called 30 leg flutters. Then we basically Mosied some back to the yank. Ended up with over 4 miles and a lot of people saying dang termite! Must have done my job… out

These Bricks are Cold…

Started out a brisk morning and 5.30 came. As always lets Mosey a good solid mile… or more… with brick in each hand. Stopped at several points and did:

LBC – 50

Merkins 25

then made it to the island in center road and began 11’s down to the next island back up with bricks did I mention. ( lot of whining about my bricks are cold so I told them to put them in their pants but that was a little rough on the … anyway. Continued after 11’s stopping at many intersections ending with pipes and team work. Each time someone dropped the pipe we did 5 burpees.. needless to say we did a lot of burpees.

Ended with pledge and prayer mostly for our country. God bless America and you guy!

As easy as 1/23

As easy as 1/23…

We began with 1 rep each of Merkins, squats, dips, imperial walkers and LBC’s. We then journeyed 123 feet and returned for sets of the same in the enumeration of 7 reps, 15, 20, 20 and finally 50….for a total of 123 reps of each exercise.

Se moved on to Kettle Bells with 1 rep each of curls, presses, swings and triceps extensions. We did 7, 15 and 20 reps of each. We moved on to some flutter kicks, Iron man, lateral crunches and superman.

Voodoo finished us out with 8 minutes of stretching.


Les Nessman, Tube, Hermie, El Toro, Dry Rub, Handcuff, Hunchback, Pizza the Hut and an FNG who was later dubbed, DWB (Dirty White Boy)

How about that mumble chatter?

GasHouse Site Q Linus put out a request for Q’s and I accepted the challenge. I had an idea that was brewing so I wanted to try it out. Problem is, I couldn’t get it to work the way I wanted. There are such things as “simple Q’s” (read Sister Act’s backblast when he writes it next month). I’ve done a few of those, but I pride myself to push the creative limits (see 2020 Best Q of the Year award – #justsayin). So, I went to work on a Weinke that would challenge the PAX’s body and mind. The parking lot at GasHouse was full. This was like the old days 4 or 5 years ago when the GasHouse was the Saturday AO. Now, with two other options on the calendar, attendance has spread – and that is a good thing. Lots of EC for rucks and runs so the circle gathered around. Freight was kind of to remind me that it was 0700. But I go by the Q’s watch which was a minute slower, compared to Freights at least. Scanning the circle – we had some Nantans present. New Nantan Broke, then former ones in Freight and Tool Time aka the Mumble Chatter Twins. But then we also had THE Nantan, he was until recently, …welcome to DREDD. If you thought ‘Oh Shit’ don’t think YHC didn’t either. I work for Bank of America and that is like Hugh McColl sitting at the table while I lead a presentation. Here we go:


  • Toy Soldier IC x 10
  • Seal Jack IC x 10
  • Imperial Walker Squat IC x 10
  • Bulldog Jacks (what? Get on all 4’s, hover knees just off the ground, arms go out and back in) these aren’t easy. The scheduled 10 was Omaha’ed to 5 but not because of the PAX complaining, because they’re hard).
  • Side to Side Lunge IC x 10
  • Pledge – split up: Pain Lab with Les Nessman, Bootcamp follow me


With musical accompaniment (my playlist, not Sargentos) we moseyed to the First Presbyterian Church back parking lot…Freight commented it was the first time he’d seen people there…I don’t disagree but that is another problem F3 cannot solve. Find a curb to begin some Tabata: 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off.

  • Rocky Balboa 4 count + 1 Burp
  • Bobby Hurley x 2, side shuffle across the parking space, Bobby Hurley x 2
  • Mike Tyson x 2 + Donkey Kicks x 2
  • Rinse & Repeat

I then asked PAX to spread out into their own parking space for the mini-4 corners

  • Bottom left corner: 10 Merkins, Bear Crawl forward to the top
  • 10 Mtn Climbers (count right leg), plank walk right
  • 10 Shoulder Taps (count 1 side), Joe Hendricks to the bottom corner
  • 10 Plank Jacks, plank walk left to the start
  • 2-line suicide x 10
  • Brief rest, repeat

I was ahead of schedule…what to do? I offered the PAX options. Repeat the two things we did or Option C. Hmm, PAX shouted “C” therefore YHC reached into the bag of tricks and pulled out “Walk the Plank.” Start on the left side of the parking space for 6 Merkins, plank-walk right to perform 1 Burp, plank-walk left for 5…you get the idea. Think 7’s instead of 11’s, why? Because I had more shoulder/arm work to come. Once complete, mosey across the street to Grier Middle School. This time for 11’s, the traditional way with Freddie Mercury and LBC’s. Freight said LBC’s weren’t challenging him. So, I threw out Rocket Burpees…Rocket Burpees you say? Only Pizza Man bought in so after a demo round or two, I went back to LBC’s. Don’t worry – I’ll find a way to get you some Rocket Burpees.

Next was the main event. You know the idea I mentioned that I had to replace – yeah that one. So, we moseyed to the football field and split 16 men into four teams of four. I had four sets of exercises. One of the groups would be on the track to run a lap as the “timer” while the other three completed the work. The groups repeated each set until all of the running group returned.

  • Set 1
    • 10 Squat Jumps + 10 Burps + 10 Merkins + 1 Burpee
  • Set 2
    • 10 SSH + Sgl Arm Tricep Merkin 10 Left then 10 Right + 10 LBCs
  • Set 3
    • 5 Snowboard Ski Abs (have to demo it for you) + 10 Forearm Merkins + 10 Am Hammers
  • Set 4
    • 5 Mahktar Merkins (correct, combine the two together – it’s not as hard as it sounds) + 10 Goofballs (because Sargento posted and it’s his favorite) + 10 Mtn Climber

Because the runners missed a set while on the track, I combined Groups 1 & 3 to run while Groups 2 & 4 exercised then flipped that. The final set was to keep everyone together for some core work.

  • Legs at 90 degrees, 10 crunches
  • Dolly’s IC x 10
  • Freddie Mercury IC x 10
  • Ski Abs in high plank IC x 5
  • Ski Abs in low plank IC x 5
  • Elbow plank rollovers – maybe 10 – it was out of control at this point.

We returned to base with a few minutes to spare. Flutter Kicks in streamline position IC x 20, Suitcase Crunches until time. TIME!


  • Extinction Run February 13th at Primal Brewing in Belmont at 9 am. See pre-blast
  • Support Today – Round-Up and Hacksaw running 1 mile every hour (goes until 4:30 am Sunday)
  • New AO on Fridays in Belmont is a GO! Great job to those organizing and Orangeman to be Site Q

Prayer requests:

  • Tik-tok in Race City losing his wife suddenly
  • Roscoe – passing of an CMPD officer (natural causes)
  • Flintstone – family friends grieving over suicide
  • Those with addictions
  • YHC took us out

We had an FNG with us attend Pain Lab. Tube had been EH’ing him. Jay Jarrell was in the Navy (Slaw – you have a friend) but plays Foreigner tunes in a cover band. Welcome Dirty White Boy. Today was a fun morning, at least for me. Of course, I tried to create a workout that would be challenging and interesting. I had a playlist to pump some volume into the group. I intentionally kept the group together without long moseys and sets on time rather than total reps. A great opportunity for discussion and chatter. Only it was more friendly talk among the PAX. Unbeknownst to me was a challenge to see if Tool Time could rattle me to the point of me telling him to “F-off.” I never got to that point, at least not to use those exact words, (thankfully?). But it wasn’t for lack of trying between TT and Freight. It was too quiet for DREDD’s liking as he erupted 40 minutes in to generate lively banter among the PAX. It’s the environment he’s accustomed. We’re a product of his creation but as we approach 6 years of life, we still have a lot to learn. So, we can take that to heart as we post in the gloom (or afternoon) and provide some Candor to the Q and our fellow PAX. Create the furious chaos to elevate the disruption.

Always room for improvement. Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Did we go to the Parking Deck?

A strong mix of regions at Downtown, with 9 men putting in strong work.  Burpees were done for trains that weren’t there, and the distance from the parking lot to the flag got a whole lot longer.  No frogs were squished in the execution of this bootcamp.

The Thang:

  • 10 x SSH (IC)

At this time, Purple Haze and Wirenut joined us, so we blessed them with

  • 10 x Monkey Hummers (IC)

Then on to

  • 10 x Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
  • 10 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • 10 x Mountain Climbers (IC)
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)

Pledge and Mosey to South & Second for

  • 5 Burpees (OYO)

Since the Sizzle Suicide is such a hit at The Goat, YHC brought it to a new crowd at a different AO.  We ran suicides up South with between Second and Franklin with telephone poles as the mark, stopping for LBC’s along the way as follows:

  • Run 1 pole – 10 LBCs
  • Run back – 10 LBCs
  • Run 2 poles – 20 LBCs
  • Run back – 20 LBCs
  • Run 3 poles – 30 LBCs
  • Run Back – 30 LBCs
  • Run 4 poles – 40 LBCs

During the last run, a truck turned down South and our game of Frogger got a little dicey, but a countoff afterwards confirmed that we were all accounted for.

We moseyed from Franklin back to the parking lot side of the Gaston County Administration Building, where a train inspired another round of

  • 5 Burpees (OYO)

And then we started a workout that probably already has a name, but YHC doesn’t know it, so we called it the Cyclone Stacker.  It went something like this:

  • 5 Burpees
  • Run a lap around the building
  • 10 Squats, 5 Burpees
  • Run a lap around the building
  • 15 Crunchy Frogs, 10 Squats, 5 Burpees
  • Run a lap
  • 20 Pseudo Planche Merkins, 15 Crunchy Frogs, 10 Squats, 5 Burpees
  • Run a lap
  • 15 Crunchy Frogs, 10 Squats, 5 Burpees
  • Lap
  • 10 Squats, 5 Burpees
  • Lap
  • 5 Burpees
  • Lap

HIPAA told me about the Pseudo Planche Merkins while I was prepping for a different Q a while back and I thought this was a good spot to bring them out.  The PAX disagreed, and there was a good amount of modifying.  They’re really not as bad as you’d think.  They’ll probably make a return to the Weinke in the near future.

Inside of 10 minutes to go, and looking for for some lunge work without a lot of instructions, YHC omahaed to a simple instruction

  • Lunge Walk back to the flags

On a Downtown post years ago, Whoopee had us lunging all over that parking lot, so I knew it’d been done before, and then some.  In the end, it seemed like the right amount – exhausting with the need to shake the legs out a couple times, but not impossible.

We were back at the flag with a couple minutes to spare, so it was time for some Mary that went down like this:

  • 20 x Mountain Climbers (IC – Wirenut)
  • 20 x Flutter Kicks with Arms Back (IC – EZ Rider)
  • 20 x American Hammers (IC – Purple Haze)
  • 10 x Crab Crunches (IC – Linus)
  • 20 x SSH (IC – Folgers)

Folgers wrapped up the SSH and the clock ticked 6:15.


  • P200 & Mortimer upcoming
  • Doodles put out a call for runners to join the P70 which is the last 70 miles of the P200.  Still need 1 more as of these announcements
  • Round Up and Hacksaw running 50 miles in 24 hours
  • Sparky is working on registrations for a Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters conference March 19-21 (same week as Mortimer & P200)
  • Linus has the Q next week at Downtown

Prayer Requests:

  • F3 Tick Tock’s family
  • Sister Act’s family
  • The Burr family (from EZ Rider’s church)
  • Gold Digger, Broke, Lil Nugget and family
  • Healing for our country
  • Blart’s M with some medical tests
  • Cougar’s grandma
  • Westside’s grandma


Keep up the daily push to be better men, husbands, fathers and community leaders.  Proud to be a part of the PAX.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Oh crap!

So on Tuesday Breaker Breaker asked for a fill in Q for TRB due to worn outedness. Time Frame gladly answered the call. YHC has been posting or running a lot lately and contemplated not posting at his own AO but the Lord roused him from the fartsack to get going this morning. It’s a good thing too, Time Frame notified YHC that he couldn’t make the Q on account of some rot gut he’d come into. YHC saw the notice at 5:15 and had to act fast…no problemo! This is what happened.

10 was the number of HIM at TRB this day.  Time to get it on!


Warmup: Don Quixote, Goofballs

No mosey, stay put and break out the Deck of Death. It’s a Q’s best friend when you don’t have time to put together a weinke. We did one exercise per suit and it went like this.

Clubs – American Hammers

Diamonds – Merkins

Hearts – Side Straddle Hops

Spades – Squats

We got through them all and then started on another round but I can’t remember what those were.

Time! We had a good time and pushed some rock.

Prayer requests: Tic Toc and his family, Sweetheart’s mom Kay, Nutria’s friend, Shell Shock’s company

Jaunt to Martha’s

10 HIMs posted for lovely jaunt to Martha’s and back. Several got EC. No one got lost (Not even Seuss)  Hushpuppy graced us with his presence!  It was truly a great morning for a fellowship mosey.



Join Roundup and Hacksaw for 50 miles of running fun Saturday in Dallas – Starting at 5:30 – 2 miles each hour!

Extinction Run CSAUP – 2/13 – at Primal Brewery – Beat the clock – Drink one beer in 13 min then another in 12:45… No wait that’s not right….run a mile in 13min then 12:45 then 12:30 counting down by 15 seconds each mile until you cannot make the time !  Charity $10.00 towards Holy Angels.



For our country

Stroganoff’s co-worker who had a stroke


Friday Morning Buttermilk in Belmont

So YHC took the reins at Unnamed for the second go- round at the AO. A serving of buttermilk was in order! So we got with it like this:


SS – burpees – 5X (5 SSH, 1 burpee)

IWs X 20

Cotton Pickers  x 20

Grapevine stretches

Nolan Ryans  x 10 each side.

Take a lap, gather up in the parking lot next to the basketball goals.

Suicides, 1st goal FT line, 2nd goal FT line, end.

1st set: merkins X 5, each stop

2nd set: Big boy situps X 5

Take a lap

3rd set: CDDs X 5

4th set:

Take another lap, come back to the benches under the roof at the basketball goals

10 Bulgarian Split Squats X 10 each leg

10 dips

10 inverted big boys

10 dirkins

Suicides. Rinse and repeat.

Over to the soccer field for DORA 1-2-3

100 HR merkins

200 LBCs

300 squats

P1 run to the end of the field and relieve P2, flapjack the run.

Still time for a christening Bear Crawl!

Bear Crawl across the field – all the way. Embrace the suck! Run back! Mosey back to the main lot and do a pledge.



Great group this morning. We pushed it pretty hard and most def pretty consistently. Which is the measure YHC shoots for. Think the pax got a good reason to show. Looks like we have a site Q! Orangeman! So I guess we get a name next week? Plan is to work it out at Primal tonight. Show to know! Beer tastes pretty good as a buttermilk chaser.



The day the BLIMP came to Cramerton, NC

Been awhile but YHC felt like it was time to bring the Blimp to the Goat! On a perfect winter morning it went like this:


Side straddle Burpees, A Tesla creation.  5 SSH X 1 burpee. Repeat 5X

IWs X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20

Grapevine stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Mosey to the street for Blimps  and partner up. P1 one runs the circle, P2 does the work. Flapjack.





Plank Jacks


In the spirit of unity another Tesla adaption of a tried and true formula – Unified Triple Nickel! Which meant we do the mosey together and it is Q called as follows.

Lower side near the gazebo: 5 dirkins

Upperside on the top of the hill on the green: 5 big boys

Mosey 1 – Karoke up and back

Mosey 2 – Nur up, run back

Mosey 3 – Broad jump up, run back.

Mosey 4 – Bear crawl halfway up, Finish with burpee broad jump

Mosey 5 – Run up, run back.

Mosey  back to the flag and some Mary and a pledge


Great morning, great group. Goat Brings out the best! Thanks to Pillager for the opportunity to lead. We pushed it pretty good today! There’s more where that came from.

Tesla out!



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