Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2020 (Page 9 of 14)

3rd F – December 13

Proverbs 13

13 A wise son heeds his father’s instruction,
    but a mocker does not respond to rebukes.

From the fruit of their lips people enjoy good things,
    but the unfaithful have an appetite for violence.

Those who guard their lips preserve their lives,
    but those who speak rashly will come to ruin.

A sluggard’s appetite is never filled,
    but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.

The righteous hate what is false,
    but the wicked make themselves a stench
    and bring shame on themselves.

Righteousness guards the person of integrity,
    but wickedness overthrows the sinner.

One person pretends to be rich, yet has nothing;
    another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth.

A person’s riches may ransom their life,
    but the poor cannot respond to threatening rebukes.

The light of the righteous shines brightly,
    but the lamp of the wicked is snuffed out.

10 Where there is strife, there is pride,
    but wisdom is found in those who take advice.

11 Dishonest money dwindles away,
    but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.

12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
    but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

13 Whoever scorns instruction will pay for it,
    but whoever respects a command is rewarded.

14 The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life,
    turning a person from the snares of death.

15 Good judgment wins favor,
    but the way of the unfaithful leads to their destruction.[a]

16 All who are prudent act with[b] knowledge,
    but fools expose their folly.

17 A wicked messenger falls into trouble,
    but a trustworthy envoy brings healing.

18 Whoever disregards discipline comes to poverty and shame,
    but whoever heeds correction is honored.

19 A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul,
    but fools detest turning from evil.

20 Walk with the wise and become wise,
    for a companion of fools suffers harm.

21 Trouble pursues the sinner,
    but the righteous are rewarded with good things.

22 A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children,
    but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.

23 An unplowed field produces food for the poor,
    but injustice sweeps it away.

24 Whoever spares the rod hates their children,
    but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.

25 The righteous eat to their hearts’ content,
    but the stomach of the wicked goes hungry.

Pray for Pedal, Bandit, Rockabilly, Arial, Turtleman, Buckshot, Achy Breaky.  Lift these men and their families.  Any of the kotters you know, drop a word to them


Lost and Found at the Goat

15 at the Goat to venture into the dark, where only one man was wise enough to bring a light (and it sure wasn’t YHC).

Got in a couple miles of EC with Watts Up and Dirt, and we’d just finished up when the cars kept rolling in.  A solid turnout for the Goat, and a good morning for a beatdown.

The Thang:

  • 20 x SSH (IC)
  • 20 x Dying Cockroaches (IC)

Pledge, and we’re off.

First up, the Sizzle Suicide.  For those that missed the last time, a refresher:

  • Run 1 pole – 10 LBCs
  • Run back – 10 LBCs
  • Run 2 poles – 20 LBCs
  • Run back – 20 LBCs
  • Run 3 poles – 30 LBCs
  • Run Back – 30 LBCs
  • Run 4 poles – 40 LBCs

After an impromptu round of Flutter Kicks, we continued down 8th, away from downtown.  We turned down 10th St, just before the church and made our way to the back side of the colesium where an ideally placed picnic shelter was waiting.

For the Main Course today, we did the following:

  • 20 Decline Peter Parkers (Count 1 Side)
  • 15 Derkins
  • 10 Box Jumps
  • Mosey to the outfield opening
  • Sprint to Dick’s Sporting Goods sign in Center Field
  • 10 Squats
  • Mosey back to the shelter

We did the first round together (to make sure YHC didn’t leave anything out), then 4 more OYO for a total of 5 rounds.  The coliseum must have taken it out of Boudin, as he had to run.  The PAX pushed hard as most committed to the Box Jumps though alternates were given, but YHC must admit to being more winded than expected. It was also crazy dark down there, so it wasn’t easy to see those that weren’t nearby, so who knows what the PAX actually did.

We meandered to what, in hindsight, must have been a T-ball field, because it wasn’t very big at all.  That meander was YHC’s last good decision of the day.  I used to like running bases, as a ball player and a coach, and so I thought we could get in a round of bases to wrap things up.  That was a mistake for a number of reasons.

  1. The T-ball field’s bases were so short that it took Nutria about 3 strides to cover the distance from home to first.  Not a lot of high quality running there
  2. It was dark, so you couldn’t see the bases over the grass.  By the time we were running out a double and a triple, we were just following the loop of Tesla’s choice without a whole lot of bases being touched.  Appeals would not have gone our way.
  3. Did I mention it was dark?  Running out the home run, I tried to touch em all, but definitely got home plate.  As I was wrapping up, I saw Oblivious standing near second base obviously looking for something.  Come to find out, his keys fell out of his pocket, and nobody had a clue where they were.  Lots of adjusting goin on with our eyes to try to see through the dark.  Watch said 6:08, so we’re ok on time, but it’s dark, and the key fob is black.  The good news is the sun has to come up sometime, so we wouldn’t be there forever, but we could have been there a while.  In steps Dirt with his personal handheld electronic device that included a flashlight among many handy features including logging workouts on Strava.  14 PAX and 1 flashlight, and I wasn’t loving our odds, but just as the seed of doubt was planted, Dirt came up huge, finding the keys and ensuring the safe return of all the PAX to wherever it was they came from.

I think it’s going to be a while before we run bases again on account of YHC.

After the victory, and with a little spring in our steps, YHC chose to take us home by way of–the steps.  Not on the Weinke.  Not like we weren’t just aimlessly walking through a dark T-ball field looking for keys.  Let’s take the long way back too.  Big, dumb mistake.  Sure, we got up the stairs and hauled back to the flag, but by the time we got there, it was 6:18, and we launched into the COT


  • Blood Drive is today
  • Metro is planning a 10 year event on 1/1/21
  • No Christmas Party
  • Dredd is stepping down as Nantan of F3 Nation; Slaughter to be the new Nantan
  • 2nd F @ Primal on Friday

Prayer Requests:

  • Double Stuff and EZ Rider with COVID
  • Sister Act’s surgery and recovery
  • Orangeman’s daughter w/surgery Monday


Everybody’s different, and for some people it works, but I make some of the dumbest decisions when acting impulsive.  And it just takes one dumb impulsive decision to sour something that’s going well.  I plan to be ready to lead, and sure, there are plenty of times and reasons to adapt the plan on the fly, but to make changes impulsively and for no reason is not part of executing the plan.   No matter how well, or poorly, things are going, making decisions, especially as a leader, that are not on mission can have consequences.  Lesson learned.

I’m a big fan of the Goat, but I’m becoming a fan of a lot of the AO’s and am wanting to get out and see the parts of F3 Gastonia that I haven’t seen yet.  There’s a lot of good work out there, and I’m just proud to be part of the ballclub.  Thanks for another opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Merry Christmas, Fighting Yank style!!!

It was a perfect morning to push the rock and with it being the holiday season YHC wanted to make things a little festive. 22 HIMs filled the sidewalk at The Fighting Yank so when time came, this is what happened.


Pledge of Allegiance

Warmup: Goofballs, Don Quixote, Lego Picker Uppers (slight naming variation of the old standby)

YHC dipped into the luxury sedan to pick up the tunes. And we’re off.

Mosey over to the road beside the railroad tracks for a Route 66 of Jingle Balls. Look it up, great exercise for high reps, especially when bear crawling from parking line to parking line, which we did.

Wait for the 6 to arrive and then mosey down to the Pit for the Thang.

12 Days of Christmas with Sargento’s Christmas playlist. It was lit!

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me… Singing was required and the PAX obliged.

1 Burpee (stupid burpees)

2 Sumo Squats

3 WWI Sit Ups

4 Merkins (from the president of the MHC no less)

5 Bobby Hurleys

6 V-Ups

7 CDDs

8 Squats

9 LBCs

10 Dips (on flat ground, oh well…)

11 Lunges each leg

12 Shoulder Taps each shoulder

This was a great routine with plenty of mumblechatter but it didn’t take too awfully long so we moseyed up the road to the shopping district of Belmont.

At YHC’s direction the PAX would stop and do 10 Derkins and 10 Monkey Humpers. We did this up the sidewalk, crossed over and back down for a total of 6 stops.

Mosey back to the Pit for another round of the 12 Days of Christmas except in reverse. It was fun and the PAX got it’s money’s worth for sure!

Fellowship mosey up to the parking lot outside of the jailhouse for a few minutes of Mary and we’re done! Way to push men, Merry Christmas!!!

Announcements: Salvation Army bell ringing (call Sargento), Convergence January 9, Ruck for Cans EC before all workouts next Saturday at 5:30.

Prayer Requests: Tiger & family, Easy Rider, Double Stuf, Orangeman’s daughter’s surgery, end of semester exams for students, family of and community for Mt Holly Police Office Herndon’s passing

Coconut Horse – Year 2 Q Source Complete

Terrific morning for some running or rucking at Coconut Horse.

6 HIMs showed in the gloom including Termite who got in some serious mileage this morning.

We ran.

A few prayer requests and announcement about the  January 9th convergence.

Q Source

We had a good group for Q Source along with an FNG that I attend Church with who rode through on his bike as we were finishing up the COT.  We put the EH on him so he came back for Q Source.   Welcome Skittles.

We finished up the Q Source Study for the year at Coconut Horse.  This was the 2nd full year of this for us.  I cannot describe how impactful this has been to me both personally and professionally.  We are going to continue with some type of weekly discussion or study but will probably not follow the Q Source in 2021 at Coconut Horse.  Look for more information in the next few weeks about exactly what we will be doing.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning.

Until the next one.  Aye!


A Tour of the Neighborhood, Sorta

Thanks for Dry Rub, Hermie and Stroganoff for joining the EC.  Shoutout to Roscoe for logging miles at Grier.

Today’s beatdown was inspired by a recent Italian Job posting.  Thanks to Stroganoff for a quick tour of the ole neighborhood to find the street layout needed.

0700 arrives with 8 gathered around YHC at GasHouse,   No FNGs, so no disclaimer was mentioned.

We knock out The Pledge of Allegiance before moving to WarmUp.



10 Bent Over Arm Circles (each arm).
15 Merkins IC

PainLab off with Tube, GasHouse, lets roll…


GasHouse’s warmup continues with a mosey toward the intersection Laurel Ln and Nottingham Dr.  Along the way, we stopped at each street intersection (Carlton, Peachtree, Laurel and 8th) and performed12 each of an exercise (LBCs, Squats, Merkins, and ??)

Lets do some work:

The route was Laurel to Dumbarton to  Dorset to Nottingham, back to Laurel.  At each intersection perform 10 each of the following:

Calf Raises

Total 60 of each

Now that we are back where we started, lets do it backwards with the following exercises:

Freddie Mercury (unless your the Q, who did Dying Cockroaches for half the round)

Total 60 of each

So, time was getting short, YHC asked the former residents about the approximate lengths back.  Somehow, the Mortimer and HTFU was mentioned.  So Nottingham it is to Churchill

A quick stop @ Carmen for 10 more:
Freddie Mercury

And back towards the flag.  A stop at the entrance for a little wall sitting, 10 incline merkins and 10 derkins.

Arriving at the flag, a little Mary was done, a lap around the parking lot to get the full 5K in and then some more Mary until the bells peal.



  • Convergence 9-Jan @ Folsom

Prayer Requests:

  • Double Stuf
  • EZ Rider
  • M’s recovering from surgeries
  • Officer Herndon’s family


JJ prayed us out.


Although, this was all my idea, thanks to those in attendance today for the push.  To improve, run with those faster/better than yourself.  I certainly did today.  It was an honor to lead today.




Watts Up Powering Down.


The Canoe Is Taking On Water

Everyone had there calendars marked for Sister Act’s Q and the the excitement was building! We had Witenut’s VQ Tuesday and Sister Act set for Thursday and Big Pappy up Saturday, it’s was going to be a week for the history books but early Wednesday YHC got a txt from the canoe and it said he was taking on water! He wasn’t feeling well and with his Covid test coming up Monday for his surgery he didn’t want to chance it and I concurred. He was upset about the decision telling me he had never not Q’ed when his number was called. I could feel his pain and tried to think of something that he would approve of….

Warm Up:

Squats X20

4×4 Merkins x10

Burpees 50 in 5min

The Thang:

Mosey to lower parking lot circle up:

22’s: Lunges – Merkins

Mosey by amphitheater around to the triangle

22’s again: Squats- Renegade Row Merkins

Mosey back to parking lot:

22 for the Vets


Prayers: Roundup’s M, Wirenut’s mom,  Sister Act, his daughter Morgan and his whole family, Sargento’s list

Thanks again for the opportunity to lead!

On to the next one – Wichita

The Long Way

Last Saturday at Gashouse, Roscoe introduced the descending triangle. It consisted of squats, burpees, and 8-count body builders which we were told are not burpees with a plank jack. They are 8-count body builders. Since plagiarism is the highest form of flattery, I decided to borrow the geometrical beatdown for my first Q Downtown.

I arrived a few minutes early not sure what kind of crowd we would have between the cold, the covid, and the blood drive the prior day. We ended up with 7 PAX as Waterboy assumed my normal arrival time and moseyed up to the circle at 0530. Let’s get to work.

The Pledge

SSH x 15
LBCs x 15
Merkins x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

Mosey towards 321 with a turn by the Pita Wheel (which I had for lunch today and is outstanding for anyone who has not been there) then a turn left on 74 and a final turn left into the Parking Deck.

I’d mentioned an ascending descending rectangle on twitter so here are the details.

Start at the bottom of the deck in the middle of the lane.

8-count body builders x 10 (remember, these are not burpees with a plank jack)
Big Boy Sit-ups x 10
Flutter Kicks x 10
Squats x 10
Hand-Release Merkins x 10

Mosey to the next level of the parking deck
Repeat all 5 exercises x 9
Next level, then exercises x 8
Repeat until the top layer, then exercises x 5

Since we are out of levels, let’s descend to the bottom layer and start over.

We’d be at a count of 4 but this is round 2. So like Jeopardy, in round 2 all values are doubled.

So at bottom level, exercises x 8
Next level, exercises x 6
Repeat until we get to 2 then mosey to the top level

Once again with the plagiarism, I stole Dirty Elevens from Clavin and the Labyrinth this week.

Start on one side with 10 Mike Tysons.
Run to other side with 1 burpee in the middle for 1 LBC
Back to other side with 1 burpee in the middle for 9 Mike Tysons
Rinse and repeat

Time’s up. Let’s mosey back, but we took the long way. So instead of using the stairs, we moseyed down each level.

Back to start and flutters til 0615.

Everything is cancelled

Prayer Requests
Those isolating for various reasons. Reach out and check on the PAX.
Sister Act surgery and recovery
Roscoe’s M’s recovery
Sargento’s M’s recovery
Watt Up’s M’s sister

Prayer to take us out.

Winging It

Due to a late conflict, Wojo needed someone to take his Q at Midoriyama and YHC decided to take it. No written Weinke and really no idea of what we were going to do other than carry bricks for the entire workout. With all the PAX stepping up to give blood the numbers were a little lower than normal, but 7 HIM’s ready to go to work at 0530. Pledge, Disclaimer, short warmup and then grab two bricks from the truck.


The workout was simple….run with the bricks and stop every 0.2 miles or so and do some exercises. Based on what I remember, we did a total of the following reps over a total of 2.25 miles:

40 Burpee’s

50 CDD’s

50 Moroccan night clubs

60 Merkins

60 Squats

60 Overhead press

60 Curls

60 Randy’s (arm flutters)

200 Chest Press

300 LBC’s


Finished up with 22 for the Vets.


No Announcements

Prayer Request

Sargento’s list

SA mother

Quiche – no reason other than he needs it per Billy Ray


Def Leppard took us out.


I’m Broke



3rd F – December 12

Proverbs 12

12 Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge,
    but whoever hates correction is stupid.

Good people obtain favor from the Lord,
    but he condemns those who devise wicked schemes.

No one can be established through wickedness,
    but the righteous cannot be uprooted.

A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown,
    but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.

The plans of the righteous are just,
    but the advice of the wicked is deceitful.

The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood,
    but the speech of the upright rescues them.

The wicked are overthrown and are no more,
    but the house of the righteous stands firm.

A person is praised according to their prudence,
    and one with a warped mind is despised.

Better to be a nobody and yet have a servant
    than pretend to be somebody and have no food.

10 The righteous care for the needs of their animals,
    but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.

11 Those who work their land will have abundant food,
    but those who chase fantasies have no sense.

12 The wicked desire the stronghold of evildoers,
    but the root of the righteous endures.

13 Evildoers are trapped by their sinful talk,
    and so the innocent escape trouble.

14 From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things,
    and the work of their hands brings them reward.

15 The way of fools seems right to them,
    but the wise listen to advice.

16 Fools show their annoyance at once,
    but the prudent overlook an insult.

17 An honest witness tells the truth,
    but a false witness tells lies.

18 The words of the reckless pierce like swords,
    but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

19 Truthful lips endure forever,
    but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.

20 Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil,
    but those who promote peace have joy.

21 No harm overtakes the righteous,
    but the wicked have their fill of trouble.

22 The Lord detests lying lips,
    but he delights in people who are trustworthy.

23 The prudent keep their knowledge to themselves,
    but a fool’s heart blurts out folly.

24 Diligent hands will rule,
    but laziness ends in forced labor.

25 Anxiety weighs down the heart,
    but a kind word cheers it up.

26 The righteous choose their friends carefully,
    but the way of the wicked leads them astray.

27 The lazy do not roast[a] any game,
    but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt.

28 In the way of righteousness there is life;
    along that path is immortality.

Pray for Allen Tate, Stogie, Brutus, Pizza Man, Love Boat,  Buckeye.  Lift these men and their families.


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