Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 25, 2020


Very brief disclaimer

Warm up of new routine I called Lungeabout
It was quickly renamed the Clavin Pokey ( and you shake it all about)
The Lungeabout …sorry Clavin Pokey is you put your right leg forward or lunge forward and back , lunge right and back right leg back and back, left leg back, left leg left and back finally left leg forward and back. We performed these 5 times.

5 burpees
10 hand release merkins
20 mountain climbers
30 lbcs
40 flutters

Mosey into park over to concession area and reperform previous 5 exercises except that now the 20 is now Australian mountain climbers using back of dugout

Mosey over to parking lot where we start at area near play area
Each of us had a turn calling an exercise until that person calls a halt and we run hard to driveway opening and walk back then tell all assembled what we are thankful for ( despite the hard ships of this year )
I started us with burpees and I’m thankful that even after losing my last and favorite uncle, my mother and my M battling breast cancer life continues on … we witnessed His majesty in the birth of our nephew and his wife’s first child a month ago …. Colt Allyn!
Next up was JJ with SSH and he’s thankful for his church moving into new facility the church itself has been able to continue and indeed thrive despite all going on …. and their Covid exposure is quite low!
Dry Rub with squats thankful for his family and job …. they were hardly affected during this tumultuous time!
Linus gave us crab crunchers and thankful for family especially those coming for holidays!
JK2 had us to perform “correct form” squats and he too was thankful for family and new job which as he started , we went into lockdown so he enjoyed time with family!
Defib gave us merkins and stated thanks for son and his counseling to help battle depression!
All great stuff ….. next we would call exercise and try to keep in mind time but this round thinking forward to 2021 and what we hope for
I began us with monkey humpers ( starting us facing play area) and looking forward to son who too battles depression due to these bizarre times but has finished drivers Ed zoom meetings and I look forward to his learning to drive and continuing to move towards adulthood!
JJ and calf raises on curb ….family cleaning out closets and realizing that time flys by …. the need to enjoy the times you are given!
Linus and heels to heaven spoke of promise of new year!
JK2 had us do 509 air presses give or take …. he is looking forward to spending more and more time reconnecting with his M now that the kids are getting older and can spend time by themselves in the house!

And lastly we have defib who gave us Rocky Bs …. he is looking forward to the days when we no longer need to wear masks all the time!!!

we walk cross the parking lot stopping at the last light on the left for 10 hand release Merkens quick mosey up to the gate where we bear crawl from the gate to the barricade rest a moment before all out run to the finish!

announcements are 1212 2020 Christmas Christmas party party

Shelby convergence hopefully no ice storm and no more ghost flag

thanksgiving morning tripled beat down if you’re up for it or not just choose one

lastly take time to smell the roses give thanks to the one who is above us all!!!

happy Thanksgiving

Post Turkey Day 12 miler


As the Q of the November Challenge, you have already had the opportunity to run ten miles, complete a Murph workout, and eat right.  One of the last things you need to do is complete either a 12 mile ruck or a 15 mile run/ruck.  This is the pre-blast for the 12 mile ruck.

Meet at the Warlick YMCA on Robinwood Road at 0400 hours on Friday morning, the day after you have utilized the “free” Thanksgiving cheat meal.  Bring your 30# ruck and your walking shoes.  We will be done before 0730 so you can be home to accomplish great things like putting up your Christmas decorations or eating leftover turkey meat because you are now on THE PATH and don’t eat things like Pumpkin Pie or chocolate chip casserole.  All I ask is that someone brings a shovel flag.

See you then.



Substitute PreThanksgiving Q at Prison Break

11 Pax out for a good run and push at Prison Break.




Sign up for Christmas Party by this Friday. If you can’t go, fill out the survey anyway.

Blood Drive

Opportunities for triple post on Thanksgiving: 5:30 Folsom; 7:00 Yank; 8:30 Pub for unsanctioned Turkey Trot

Shelby trip on Dec. 5


Stogie friend going through troubles.

James Gudelock

SA daughter and family

Broke took us out.

It was a pleasure-despite the name-calling and derision-to fill in as Q. Great run! You all pushed yourselves. I’m thankful for the camaraderie and for you guys. RoundUp, you were missed!


Achey Breaky breakin hearts at Folsom

When I first started coming to F3 and everybody said that it was peer led and everybody gets a turn to lead a workout I started freaking out inside. I kept dodging the question, “Achey when you gonna Q?” Well Tuesday I took the plunge and did it. I hope all the PAX that came out got something good out of it. Because I know I’m sore this morning lol.

We started out with a warmup, gravel pickers, side straddle hops, and imperial walkers.

We then moseyed to the flag at the top of the park stopping at every light on the way and doing 10 merkins, and 10 big boys. We then said the pledge.

Then we moseyed to the horse track and tried to put in some stair work in the dark. At the top we did 10 squats, at the bottom we did 20 dips.

We then moseyed back to the tennis courts and did some team up starting with 300 flutter kicks, 200 shoulder raises, and 100 calf raises. While one team member was doing that the other ran a suicide.

After that we made our way back to the parking lot did a few rounds of Mary and called it a morning.

I just want to thank the PAX for the opportunity and the support. Because I was definitely out of my comfort zone.

Triple post Thursday
5:30 Folsom
7:30 Goat
8:30 Turkey trot from the pub

Prayer requests:
Flubbers buddies family, the wife has cancer
Medicine woman’s friend at church started chemo
A guy sparky works with found out he has cancer
Everybody that sick from COVID and the flu
People with mental health issues going into this holiday season
Anybody with addiction problems
Kids suffering from physical abuse

Dry pub

After last week’s deluge I was sure we would be dealing with some PTSD amongst the runners.  I know I was suffering.  But by 5:30 we had a core group of 7 ready to go.  It was nice to have a normal run under the stars without having to swim.  All seven of us pushed and got better.

Announcements –

Next week:

Triple post option – 5:30 Folsom, 7:00 Goat and 8:30 Turkey Trot 5K at the pub (2.0 and M friendly)

Christmas party 12/12


Until next time – Defib out!

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