Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2019 (Page 4 of 9)

Lordy Lordy Sparky is 40

Some ran some walked we all got a little better. Thank goodness we did not have a slip and fall!

Announcements: CSAUP sign up you will have fun! Also Diablo Sammich this Thursday meet at parking lot of snoballs. (I love saying Diablo sammich)
Prayers:All of us and rockabilly’s grandma. Also some unspoken request!


I arrived a little earlier this morning, “525” early for me! Volt and Bedpan were there waiting, they had ran some EC! The three of us gathered, about to start, here come the cars! The guys are on sparky time! Folsom went from 3 to 9 in a few seconds! Circle up!

Warmup- MNCs 15ic, SSH 15ic, Hillbillies 15ic

The Thang:

Partner up! One partner grab a block, head to the tennis courts!

Dora! Partner 1 starts the exercise, partner 2 run to the other end of the courts, rotating until the total number is done!

50 triceps

100 squats

150 shoulder press

200 curls

250 LBCs

Then 4 corners! Corner 1/10 burpees

Corner 2/ 15 merkins

corner 3/ 20 lunges

corner 4/ 25 American Hammers

on the 4 corners, Start in corner 1, the 1/2, 1/2/3, 1/2/3/4, Done!

Announcements- CSAUP!

Prayer request- Asher, others with cancer, pax that weren’t there, Gumby, each other!

Thanks for letting me lead! The newer guys of Folsom are killing it, BETTER every week! Keep pushing the ROCK!

Table for 2

2 Men braved the morning 5 mile run.

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles

The Moleskin:

We met at 6:30am at the Harris Teeter Parking lot for a 5 mile run.

Other’s showed but I could not tell you with all the activity who actually did something and the amount of people that participated. So I am counting the number of people that showed to run the Coconut Horse Sunday morning run.

Extra runner’s out some place. I just know the only other person I had seen actually run was Linus.

Rucker’s are counted below. With the gains in Gastonia lately I believe we will grow in the area of Rucking.

Good work to all,

Gastone Out.



PRE-Blast F3 Gastonia 50 mile CSAUP F3 Gastonia…We all know that we are ALWAYS willing to push yourself in whatever we do, but now are you ready to push your body through those MILES??  If so sign up by February 16th for the first CSAUP event in 2019 for F3 Gastonia. This CSAUP is not only going to give you the chance to see every AO in our region but also be a part of a relay team.  This relay will consist of a four-man relay team (we will create teams after you sign up) that will venture 50 miles through the beautiful land of Gaston County.  Even though this is a four-man relay team, there is a reason this is a CSAUP!!!  Each of you can do this….push yourself……Click on the link above to sign up and goodluck 

EVENT: F3 Gastonia CSAUP.                         DATE: February 23, 2019 @ 4amMEETING POINT: Park at the ingles in Dallas for the starting and finishing point 715 west trade street Dallas nc 28034

What time do we start and who’s the Q

15 PAX got after it on Sunday morning at Crossroads. At least 2 rucked and the others ran.

Hacksaw rucked like 6 miles and I saw him stopping and doing exercises

Folsom Chief Montross continues to step up his P200 training. He put in close to 6.

Tclaps to the Mayor who was out running some miles this morning. Apparently Dolph fartsacked on him!

Speaking of fartsackilitis I’m writing this because the Q didn’t make it out.

Sparky showed up late………. but well you know!

All were out getting better. Because if you aren’t getting better you are getting worse. There is no in between.


Prayer Request-Several friends and family members dealing with cancer, several wives with illness


We out!


Keep it moving

With the forecast calling for temps slightly below freezing, YHC wasn’t sure how many PAX would show this morning at Mt. Hollywood. Not only did 11 PAX decide to start the week off right, some even posted in shorts. Let’s get started.


No FNG’s, but a short disclaimer was given anyway. Warmup with some SSH’s, Don Q’s and Moroccan Nightclubs and then onto The Thang:


Quarter Miler

The goal of the workout today was to keep moving so we moseyed in 1/4 mile increments and at each stop performed a set of exercises.

Stop #1 – Wall at Rankin Elementary

Donkey kicks, Dips and Derkins x15

Stop #2 – Wells Fargo

American Hammers, Freddie Mercury’s x30 (count right side)

Stop #3 – Hill St. at City Hall

Hand release Merkins, Plank Jacks, Shoulder Taps x15

Stop #4 – Front of Police Station

Michael Phelps, LBC’s x40

Stop #5 – First Pres parking lot

Mike Tysons, Merkins, CDD’s x15

Stop #6 – Halfway up Baptist Hill

Rosalita’s, Mtn. Climbers, Flutter Kicks x40

Stop #7 – Glendale and Hawthorne

10 Burpee’s

Stop #8 – Steps across from Middle School

10 Calf raises on each step, 50 Squats


Still a little time left so head over to the front of the school for 3 rounds of 1 minute wall sit and 10 Hip Slappers followed by Protractors and Big Boy sit ups to finish it off.



Announcements – Be on the lookout for 50 mile CSAUP soon



Tiger announced last week that Mt. Hollywood was committing to pray for the Gastonia region PAX throughout the year. As you are doing this, think about why it is important to pray for others. Two reasons that come to mind are:


James 5:15 – “Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective”.


1 Timothy 2:1 – “First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people”.

If you feel led to do so, reach out to those you are praying for each week and see if there are any specific things you can pray for. Sometimes all a person needs to lift their spirits is to know that they aren’t alone and someone else is thinking about and praying for them.


Prayer Requests

Anchorman’s mother in law

2018 Gashouse leadership team – ToolTime, Pizza Man, Sargento, Freight, Roscoe, Short Sale



YHC took us out.


Welcome to Wrangler who lives just outside of Mt. Holly and started posting last week at one of the Lake Norman AO’s. Sounds like he’s gonna be one of those dual region PAX!


Thanks for the opportunity to lead!


10-4 Good buddy, We’ve Got a Convoy!

YHC always enjoys posting at Downtown and when Bedpan was looking to fill Q schedule for January, YHC decided to take a Q spot. Bedpan sent a reminder on Thursday, so time to write the weinke.

Friday morning, alarm goes off at 4:45am, rise and shine, get ready and head out the door ready for my first Q at Downtown…Arrive with less than a minute to spare. Wow! 17 Pax showed up for a Breaker Breaker beatdown. Its 5:30am and Pax are ready for  Breaker Breaker to lead this convoy!




Imperial Walkers I/C

Cherry Pickers I/C


Burpees x 5

The Thang:

Mosey to the parking deck, we are going to the top! Pax circle up and wait on the six.

Called exercises – some core work and then the mumblechatter started. Some questioned if this was a Jane Fonda workout.

LBC x 50

Merkins x 15

60 sec elbow planks

30 side planks

60 sec bridge

Merkins x 15

60 sec elbow planks

30 side planks

LBCs x 15

60 sec elbow planks

Time to mosey again…..mosey down parking deck and out across street to First United Methodist church parking lot for next round of exercises….

Walk sits waiting on the six…Ready for next round of exercises. Hopefully these will be a better crowd pleaser for the PAX since some think core work is only for FIA workouts.

SSH x 30

Merkins x 10

High Knees x 25

Burpees x 7

LBCs x 10

Squats x 10

Merkins x 10

LBCs x 10

Merkins x 10

Squats x10

SSH x 30

Wall sit – 60 secs

Merkins x 10

High Knees x 25

What’s that? A train? Burpees x 5

Mosey around the parking lot, rinse and repeat the above called exercises…….

Start mosey back to Centennial, but short stop for some more work…

Wall sits and overhead presses

Hip slappers x 5

Rinse and repeat…..

As we head to back parking lot, YHC calls for a jailbreak to finish. Circle up and a few called  exercises to finish out the workout.


Announcements – Rice and Beans, Sunday Q Source at Crossroads and Coconut Horse

Prayer Request – Easy Ride,  Def Leppard, and others were mentioned


Thank you all for coming out and getting stronger and better men for yourselves, your Ms, 2.0s, and each other. It was an honor to lead you all this morning and great work by all. Welcome FNG  Falwell.

“I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me!”    Philippians 4:13





Cotter Q…kind of

Today was YHC’s first Q of 2019 and my what an occasion it was!The not so elusive ghost flag had bobbed around the Gastonia region for about a month with no takers until today. After we ambushed the Rock region in Shelby to steal the flag they  came back for more and sent 13 men to finally take it. The energy was high and weather was perfect. Let’s get it on!

An FNG was present so the Disclaimer was given.


The Goofball x15 IC

Awesome, another FNG showed up so another Disclaimer was given!

Imperial Walkers x15 IC

Don Quixote x15 IC

Mosey across the street to the Pit for Elevens.

On one side do Donkey Kicks, on the other do Derkins using the big concrete things. Plank or hold the people’s chair for the six. After this we started going through the 5 key principles of F3. More on this later.

Mosey around the corner to the street beside the railroad tracks for a round of Dan Taylor. Four lunges with a squat at the end. Go all the way to the end and LBC for the six.

Mosey back across the street, catch the Pledge of Allegiance on the way, up to the track.

Forest to the Sea: bear crawl half way across the field, crab walk the rest of the way. Feel the burn shoulders!

Mosey around to the front of the school, waving at the wall that won’t be used for anything, especially hip slappers or things like that. Once up front the explanation of the Sargento original commenced.

The Figure 8!

At each point the PAX performed 15 reps of each exercise.

  • Merkins
  • Dying Cockroaches
  • Bobby Hurleys
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Dips
  • Dying Cockroaches
  • Bobby Hurleys
  • CDDs

Plank for the six. Hey there’s Tool Time! That routine was so much fun, and there are 15 more minutes to go, let’s do it again. Repeato x2.

To wrap it up we covered all 5 principals of F3.

  • Free
  • Men only
  • Always outside, rain or shine
  • Peer lead
  • Ends in a Circle of Trust

Mosey around to the covered place for some Mary. We did Nolan Ryans, flutterkicks, crunchy frogs and american hammers. Time!

Announcements: Rooster March 2nd

Requests: Hoffa (Monroe PAX who hit deer on motorcycle), Waterboy has kidney stones, Breaker Breaker family, Anchoman’s M-in-law in hospital, Bubazela job offer

Moleskin: It was totally awesome being back to lead everyone today. F3 never disappoints. Even with a bunch of guys who’ve never met we still have so much in common. AYE!!!

Mt. Hollywood Bodybuilders

Nine HIMs posted on a chilly Monday morning at Mt. Hollywood, and YHC welcomed his first FNG, forever to be known as Bashful. Full disclaimer.

We got down to business… warm-up: 20 SSHs IC, 2 burpees (Tesla made some “know it all” comment; 15 Toy Soldiers IC, 4 burpees (Roadie groaned… YHC thought he loved those things); 10 Mountain Climbers IC, 6 burpees (Tesla was right, he thinks); 10 Goofballs, 8 count bodybuilders (is this already in the lexicon?)… Tesla was wrong! A bodybuilder is an 8 count burpee+. 1 = squat, 2 = down to high plank, 3 = merkin down, 4 = merkin up, 5 = plank jack out, 6 = plank jack in, 7 = jump to squat, 8 = jump up. We did 8 IC, kinda 8 count, kinda IC, but no worries, PAX, YHC assures more practice on the bodybuilders.

Mosey to the “big wall”. 25 dips, 10 step ups each leg, 10 derkins, rinse and repeat with an Omaha for 5 step ups each leg (it is a big wall). 2x 8 count bodybuilders IC for practice. It doesn’t happen often in Mt. Hollywood, but the train was heard… 5 burpees OYO.

Mosey to the bottom of the hill. YHC called 25 8 counts and either crab walk or bear crawl to the corner. Permission given to complete the 25 OYO. After the PAX finished, Roadie called a quick timeout to remind us of the importance about being mindful of the traffic. Considering we’ve lost a FIA and F3 recently, this was a timely reminder.

Mosey to the Dr. office parking lot for 11s. Tiger squats and merkins were called.

Mosey to Veteran’s Park. This is SOP for YHC. Pax said the pledge and we did 22 merkins for the vets. As an added benefit, we are at the bottom of the hill. Not much time remains, so the pax moseyed up the hill, and up the next hill, and headed back to the start for a little Mary. Tiger called for diamonds, on his count (his slow count). Tesla finished us off with protractors.

COT – Tiger took us out.

An honor to lead you all.


Secrets Revealed

Nine HIM showed at Mirdoryama on a cool, rainy afternoon, rain coming down pretty good at the start.  Here’s how it went:

Warmup, SSH, Imperial Walkers, Big Arm Circles, Cotton Pickers, mosey to parking lot at trail head.

YHC calls route 66, with deconstructed merkins, this got the chatter started quickly.  Nothing to do but get it done.  Got to pace on these, so time allowed for chatter of all types.  Leopard chimes in with his secret use of Vaseline.  You got to ask him.  Enough said, I’m out on that one.

Short mosey to turd shack. YHC calls for side plank with feet on wall 18 inches and then knee to elbow for 10 reps.  This is hard!!  Really fires your core, especially with a very slick, wet wall.  10 reps each side and lap around the parking lot.  Back to shack for same plus 10 derkins with feet 18 inches on wall.  Again, super difficult.  Another lap.  Back to shack for same plus 10 mountain climbers and a lap.

Go to pavilion for 10 step ups each leg, 15 dips, 20 reverse grip incline merkins. Rinse and repeat.  25 big boys.  Head back to flag for Pledge.

YHC had a few words on struggles of life, and how they are sometimes helpful in maintaining focus on from where we draw our strength.  “We take glory in our suffering, because suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character, and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit whos as been given to us.” Romans 5:3-5

Announcements:  2nd F at Station downtown Belmont Friday at 5:00 (Station is in front section of South Main Cycles on Main Street by the train tracks), Hippa celebrating anniversary Q at Schiele Saturday, Q source Sunday mornings at 7:30 at Crossroads and Coconut Horse.

Prayer requests: leadership council, rejoice in Hippa friend after successful surgery, Montross relative, family of friend of Medicine Woman who lost a son.

Always an honor to lead



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