Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 29, 2019

Island delivers a strong Q but is allergic to typing

12 strong in the gloom for a beat down to start the week led by none other than the legendary Island.  This guy is the best broad jumper in the Gastonia region, perhaps entire F3.   Like Karl “The Mail Man” Malone, Island delivers.  Turtleman was hibernating as it was below freezing.  A cold morning for sure.

What Island had in store can only be imagined except for those that actually suffered the beat down.   As Site Q, YHC should probably of been there but knew that the mail man always delivers.   Suspect it went something like this:

Warm up:  Slaughter Starter in tribute to none other than Slaw.  Mosey towards Gastone’s hill, stop at each light for 20 burpees.   Rinse and repeat up the hill, back down, all the way to grandma’s house.  Stop at all lights and stops signs for 30 burpees.  That includes car lights.  Must of completed 300 total.

At this point, the PAX had their tongues dragging.  They were toast.  Mosey back towards Snoballs stopping at the wall for 100 leg ups.


Good Q Island.   Need to get you online to post back blasts.

Last Monday of January 2019

Where has January gone?  Seems like the jolly ole man in the red suit was just here.  Having the Q gave YHC the push to climb out of hibernation on this beautiful morning.   As 5:30 neared closer, more and more vehicles continued to pack in.  16 PAX to start the week strong.  Started with the pledge and normal disclosure (I’m not a professional, modify as needed, I’m an idiot, etc)

Warm up: 

SSH x 30 IC

MNC’s x 30 IC

LBC’s x 30 IC

Plank Jacks x 30 IC

The Thang: 

Mosey down toward the park, down the maintenance building.   While waiting on the pax, completed 30 shoulder planks IC.

Mosey around the back of the fields, watch out for the bumps in the dark – STAY to the RIGHT.   Bandit had a bad wipe out there a year or so ago.   Stop at the parking lot by the kids playground.

Time to partner up.  I borrowed from a recent Medicine Women Q which is a best practice to partner the pax up.  Gets guys working together who may not regularly have the chance.   Counted out to 8 and repeated.  Next find your partner – 1’s together, 2’s together, you get the point.

Bear crawl 1-2-3 –  YHC found this one in the Excericon; Dora’s obnoxious neighbor.  Partner A bear crawls to the first light and back while Partner B completes an exercise (100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 lbc’s).   Rinse and repeat.  This one was a crowd pleaser.   The combo of bear crawl and squats was a nice combo.   Mumble chatter was minimal, however, heard periodic noises from JK2.

Plank it up waiting on the six and then right arm up, left arm up.   Some heavy breathing so-called for Timeframe to give a quick 10 count.  Somehow it went from 100 down by 10.   This is a smart group of HIM.

Next up – Bernie Sanders up the parking lot to the top side (some conversation about the difference between the Bernie Sanders and NUR, difference is up hill and there was a nice incline.

Mosey to the clubhouse between the ball fields.

Next up, partner back up for some Dora.  Partner A runs out towards the turd shack, up the parking lot and back around with Partner B completes an exercise (100 derkins, 200 big boy sits ups, 300 dips).   Time was getting close, those that had finished helped the others complete the exercises.

Mosey back to Snoballs for the close.


Announcements – CSAUP & Mt Mitchell hike (See Gastone).  Whetstone updates, QSource reminders

Prayer requests – Whassup’s family death in family, Easy Rider’s son and a few others.

Way to the push the rock men.  This group got it done.  Thanks for the opportunity to Q.  Always a honor.



Cold rain

Warm up with side straddle hops 20 ic

Don Qs x10

5 burpees 

Blart came in a little late and we did maraca night clubs till he joined 

Run to lower shed with 5 burpees at every other light pole.

Go to shed

10 burpees 

20 monkey humpers

30 mercans 

40 flutter kicks

50 Mountian climbers

40 squats 

30 side straddle hops

20 dips

10 American hammers

Mosey back to baseball field with 5 more burpees on the way


Squat jumps, calf raise x 10 on the steps, and  squats at the top till the pax was complete.  

Mosey to upper poop house

Hip slappers 10ic   

Ring of fire 5 jump squats while pax wall sets.   Then 10 more hip slappers to give termite a chance to see them again.  

Repeat ring of fire with 10 side straddle hops

Mosey back to flag for a min of rocky balboas.  Then I called on pax for a exercise and Blart called mike Tyson x15.   Chum called Lbc x 25 then just enough time to finish with Iron hulks.  

Prayer for pizza man’s wife, each other, and the country.   

Day 1 HIPAAPALOOZA – Allen Tate MF’r

YHC was excited to kick off HIPAAPALOOZA with the Folsom crew this AM. Earlier in the week, I had been approached by Montross to see if I would sponsor the Allen Tate Memorial Fun Run (MF’r). He stated it was to raise awareness for Kotterism, an issue that is apparently sweeping Folsom and other regions. Like the HIM I am I obliged his request and went to work. Race Bibs were made for the 12 HIM that “pre-registered”, Montross supplied the “Allen Tate MF’r” graphics & Montross’ M supplied the pins. Glad to see “The North Face” sponsored one of our runners: Sister Act. They supplied him with their new “Shimmer & Shine” line of clothing.

The Thang

Some ran, some rucked and some walked all for a great casue! A lot of PR’s were set. The clear winner of the race was our own Allen Tate. He actually won before we started, because showing up counts as a win in my heart.


Announcements – CSAUP & Rooster

Prayer Requests

YHC took us out

Q Source & Coffeeteria in Starbucks

Thank you to everyone that showed up. Kotterism aint no joke guys, but the way you all can entice a PAX to come back out and post is truly amazing. Keep up the good work Folsom! Cheese Head, great to see you out here! I know the knee has been acting up but you listened to your body and let is rest a little. Keep pushing the Rock!!



Pushing the rock and finding the line

8 men of impact showed to the Storm this am looking to push the rock and better themselves.  We were lucky enough to get one last post in before the yucky weather arrives.

During the disclaimer this am it was discussed the difference in feeling the burn and getting stronger and feeling pain and hurting yourself.  We also discussed finding the line between the two and how close we can get but not crossing it.


SSH x 20

Mountain climbers x 20

Slow merkins x 5


Mosey long way to circle.:

Ring of fire…

Heels to heaven until everyone one by one high knees around circle.

Mosey to front of school where 5 circular rocks await the pushing they will surely receive…..

Pair up.

3 sets amrap.

P1 runs roughly 150′ and back while P2 does called exercise.  Switch x 3.


Step ups…at this point it was asked by YHC how everyone is feeling?  Anchorman replied the we have found the line previously discussed.  This was good news.

Yoga break..down dog, cobra, plank, lower back stretches.


Incline merkins…literally pushing the rock.

Yoga break.  Same as above.


American hammers x 20

V ups x 20

Merkins x 20

Rinse and repeat x 15

Meander to wall for calf raises x 20 feet together and x 20 spread apart.

Most back and time!


HIMs for Rice and Beans meet tonight at the Point Church in Belmont across 74 from Walmart at 6:15pm.

Please is you have and questions about the Mt Mitchell hike see Gastone.  This sounds quite cool.

Prayers for us, families, health, and community.

Big fat Q fail.  I forgot to do the namarama.  Oops.

It was my honor and privilege to lead such a great group of HIMs this am.  You guys make me better and I am grateful.





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