Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 25, 2019

Just the beginning

I had every intention on waiting to Q Gashouse for my first time ever on my 1 year anniversary. I wanted it to be a revenge Q. One that I’ve planned carefully over the course of a year. One that I could conquer. One that I could share my yearlong F3 experiences with the other PAX (Veterans and FNG’s). One that I could walk away from and say to myself, “This is why I’m here. This is why I wake up early every morning. This is why I want to do so much more every day and not for myself, but for others”.

Disclaimer. FNG Present so announced the 5 core principles of F3.



10 Volcano Squats IC

10 Merkins IC

5 burpees OYO


Announced to FNG that we have 2 options on Saturdays and to choose wisely. PainLab or Bootcamp, he chose Bootcamp. Wise choice Subway!

PainLab stayed in parking lot of Schiele

The Thang:

Bootcamp Mosey to backside of Library. It was here I announced to the PAX it was in this very spot where I truly started my F3 journey. It was the spot Whoopee had began his Q 1 year ago. It was the Spot where YHC almost splashed Merlot 1 year ago. I was here to remind myself, and others, that it all starts here and right now. It was here where I was to remind this spot that I’m here to kick it’s ass this time. That said I recreated the exact portion of Whoopees Q.

Partner up

P1 lunges around the parking lot while

P2 does 3 burpees then sprint to catch P1.

Swap positions and continue this process around the lot and back to start.

Plank for 6

R&R  But this time instead of lunge walks let’s NUR to the halfway point then return back to lunges.

Now, let’s throw in something different for a change. With the newness of Q Source on YHC’s mind I wanted to get the PAX involved that perhaps haven’t been to a Q Source meeting or listened to 43feet podcast. So let’s infiltrate their minds here and peak their interest.


Q Source – F1 – Disruption

leadership will naturally make people uncomfortable, at least until they begin to see for themselves that they are being led to a place of advantage.”

Stroganoff was kind enough to give us the overview of F1 Q Source


Speaking of Disruption and making people uncomfortable, let’s have an FNG Breakout with a Quik Q School:

FNG told PAX next exercise is the Merkin, in cadence. Well done FNG!

Now let’s get back to it:

WMDP Crawl

10 Wide Merkins

Wide merkin stance bear crawl 10 parking spaces (These spaces were long ways)

10 normal Merkins

Normal merkin stance bear crawl 10 parking spaces

10 Diamond Merkins

Diamond Merkin Stance bear crawl 10 parking spaces

10 Pseudo Planche Merkins

PPM Stance seal crawl 5 parking spaces – *Omaha to bear crawl as shoes were being torn up, dragging them across the pavement.


Mosey to Grier football field

Bleachers that are now picnic tables

20 Dips IC

20 Derkins IC



Q Source – F2 – Language

PAX took a seat at tables for a little G2.

As of January 1, 2019 there are 698 words in the F3 Lexicon. All of which are understood by every PAX and AO Nationwide. Uniformity.


Respect to Stroganoff for delivering the overview of F2


It was there I used my, rather F3, “language” to discuss my entrance into F3 by Whoopee. EH‘d in Doctors office, I think it was in my car after my visit that the First Bell went off and realized that I need to no longer be the Sad Clown I’ve been and post.  FNG could relate to that bell.


Move to Hill

Triple Nickel

Bottom of hill 5 Burpees

Bear Crawl up hill

Top of Hill 5 BBSU

Run down



Mosey back to Start, but not without a quick stop along Grier Middle School wall for some BTTW followed by Hip Slappers 10 IC. OK, now we can return to start.


Met back up with PainLab PAX where we witnessed Gold Digger dishing out a bunch of timed AMRAP. If that wasn’t bad enough for them, THERE WAS NO MUSIC!!! Shame on you Gold Digger how could you do such a thing? Don’t worry Pain Labbers, YHC will be back at the Q 2/1 and we’ll have some tunes!

Bootcampers joined in on the last set of AMRAP. 2 minutes left and YHC wanted to throw in the last bit of Q source. Give a taste of what F3 (Q Source not the organization) would look like this coming Sunday.


Q Source – F3 – Group – Community, Organization & Team

Community, which is two or more people that voluntarily live in close Proximity”

“Organization is two or more people that voluntarily combine for the accomplishment of an articulated purpose”
“Team, which is two or more people who combine to perform a specific mission for the benefit of a Community, an Organization or both”


Again, thanks to Stroganoff for giving us the quick overview of F3 Q Source.


That said, let’s do 5 burpees as a “Group”!



Many prayer requests

Gold Digger took us out

Welcome FNG – SUBWAY ! (Jared Taylor)


Head to the NEW  Union Diner for some Coffeeteria



I started my F3 journey on January 13th, 2018. 3 days prior, during my yearly heart health checkup, I was EH’d by Whoopee.  He’d tell you more but It would be a HIPAA violation. Hence my name HIPAA (That’s 1P 2A’s) & from there a HIM was born. I started out January 1, 2018 weighing in at 198Lbs and a sad clown. I did not run much and definitely nothing over a 5k. In fact, the last 5k I ran was probably 2015. Eating habits were terrible, fast foods, soft drinks & sweets. I tried to be active but the motivation just was not there. It was after my first post that I realized this is what I needed. You see during that first post, I found out I was surrounded by men that weren’t there for themselves. I was pushed, but encouraged. I wasn’t forgotten, but found. This is what made me want to return to the gloom only 2 days later at “Martha’s Black Dark Knight throwing Snoballs in Neverland”??? I never looked back after that. I had, and still have, HIM leading me into physical, mental and spiritual gains every day. You all have inspired me and given me so much to look forward to everyday. I want to personally thank each and every one of you. You all have made an impact on me to be a better man, more importantly a HIM. You all have inspired me to be a leader. With that leadership quality you bestowed upon me, you have turned me into a Site Q for 2 amazing AO’s (Pain Lab & Bulldog) & given the roll of your Comz Q for our region. The physical encouragement at workouts daily have somehow turned me into a runner. I ran my first ever half-marathon (On my 1 year F3 anniversary) and finished in 1:56. Running a half was NEVER on my lifelong agenda but you all made it possible for me. I was also able to complete my first GoRuck Light event. The physical aspect also made me change my diet and eating habits. I have lost a total of 32Lbs. since I started. Mentally I have been changed and challenged with Whetstone. I couldn’t have asked for a better Stone! Spiritually, wow! What can I say about this, except that you ALL have renewed my faith and brought me closer to HIM! I pray more. I pray aloud in front of a group, which I something I have NEVER done before in my life. I also started attending church again. You all need to see how much impact you have made on only ONE man. I encourage you all to continue to EH. You never know how much you can change someone’s life for the better by saying “Hey, let me tell you about F3…”. Thank you all again, you are forever my brothers!



Mt. Mitchell CSAUP

May 5th  we will meet early and head to Black Mountain Campground sitting at 3000 elevation. Bring a backpack and prepare for a 3600 elevation gain over 5.5 miles up for a break some pictures and prayer or lesson. Then the decent back to the start.

After we are done we hit a place to eat as a group and clowncar back to Gastonia.

Details are in the attached link on the hike. This is not a run but rather a hike to the top and back.

I will give more details as we get closer. If you are going please shoot me an email with a Hard Commit and I will add you to the email list of people attending.

Thanks to anyone that is joining me for one of the most epic hikes on the East Coast.




Scratch that Weinke

Ahh yes, another brisk below freezing morning for a downtown beatdown. Not to worry, YHC planned to keep the PAX moving to stay warm. I had drawn up a fairly nice Weinke, but after further review, I set aside that idea. Not that it wasn’t a good solid JV Q, but something wasn’t right. Some of you know that I struggle with anxiety, ADD, and OCD, that being said, my mind pretty much never stops churning. After a Roscoe Q downtown a couple weeks ago, I generated another idea for a Q.  I know sometimes it’s hard for me to speak out what I’m thinking, but I feel like today all worked out pretty well. Yes, it’s below freezing and Turtleman is here!

No FNGs, Short disclaimer


SSH, Merkins, Toy Soldiers all X 10 IC


I count off for 7 teams of partners. If you don’t do that, then you’ll have teams like Sister Act and Slaw together which in itself is pretty creepy. Let’s mosey to 321 south and hit Main St. Leapfrog time; partner 1 performs burpees while P2 runs to the next traffic light, they start up burpees, soon as you see you partner start burpees, you run to tag them and drop to burpees. You get the point, but I believe there were 6 traffic lights total, but we end up at Broad street. Pick up the six, turn around and head back to 321. Same deal but with squats this go around. The idea of “seeing your partner starting their exercise then take off to tag” really didn’t go well. After all, the traffic lights were further away than I remembered so we improvised. About this time, Slaw was practically in my face just grinning and giggling for some reason. I believe he mumbled “train”. QIC claimed not to hear said train. All worked out and we turn around for what’s next.

From Roscoe’s Q, we use street lights this time. Lounge walk to the next street light, then nur to the next, then mosey to the next, repeating the rotation til we get close to the parking deck. I couldn’t help myself, so YHC calls for 5 burpees OYO to make up for the train. Slaw was beside himself. Mosey on over to the parking deck.(did I ever mention I love this place?)

This is where Dora came to play. Still with your partner, 100 Merkins, 200 squats, 300 lbcs while one partner climbs the stairs runs across the top deck and back down the stairs to trade off. PAX would plank with a little Pilates until all were finished, which wasn’t long. Men were getting it done this AM! Mosey back to start.

while I run to the car for my phone, Sister Act decided to keep the PAX moving calling 20 burpees OYO. Not to my surprise did anyone acknowledge him, asking “where’s the Q anyway?” Once back at the circle, I had to call it, but only 10. Turtleman throws in Moroccan Night Clubs for the remaining  30 seconds. Time!

Announcements: CSAUP relay(sign up by 16th) Rooster Signups, Q Source Sunday Mornings at a Crossroads and Coconut Horse, Gastones Hike

COT Antrax friend’s son(tumor), EZ rider’s Son and a friend passed away 32 years old, Pockets friend Jason Evans at the burn hospital

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this fine AO. F3’s mission and you men are the reasons I get out of bed at 4:30 to do this crazy mess. Great to see us all working hard to push and help each other not only to get physically stronger, but spiritually and relationally stronger. Way to push men! Thanks again!

MW out

Jacked Up!

17 fought the fartsack this morning and put in some work at Folsom.  With a slight chance of rain in the forecast, I wasn’t sure of how many to expect.  To my surprise, a wave of pax start rolling in right on time.  After several minutes of mublechatter, it was time.  We had two FNG’s with us this morning, so a disclaimer was given.


Grass Pickers, Hillbillies, Copperhead Squats

The Thang:

Mosey towards the main flag at the entrance of Folsom.  We stopped at the first light pole on our journey to the flag and completed 10 Merkins.  Continue our mosey and stop at the second light pole.  10 Merkins, 10 Werkins.  Mosey on, stop at third light pole and do 10 Merkins, 10 Werkins, and 10 Hand Release Merkins.  Mosey on and stop at the fourth light pole. Here we did 10 Merkins, 10 Werkins, 10 HR Merkins, and 10 Peter Parker Merkins.  After the completion of this set is about the time Sparky comes rolling in hot.  Monkey Humpers in cadence are called as he drives through our crowd gathered on the road.  Had planned on adding a 5th merkin at the next light pole, but there seemed to be a lot of complaining so we skipped this pole and went straight to the flag.

After completing the Pledge, I called the next exercise.  This exercise routine is called Jacked Up.  I knew Def Leppard would like this.   He states that a certain pax threatened him by saying he was going to get “Jacked Up” at the Bourban Chase this past fall.  I do not believe him, and I’ll let him tell you the story sometime.  Anyways, this routine consist of 5 different exercises done with no rest in between.  The exercises called were each done in cadence; 50 SSH, 40 Seal Jacks, 30 Plank Jacks, 20 Crossover Jacks, 10 Smurf Jacks.  This really burned the calves and feet.  Might as well do this again, except this time each exercise was done single count.  This was not a crowd pleaser routine, which means I will repeat again in the future.

Next we took a short mosey to the parking lot up near the entrance.  11’s are called, and exercises used were Jump Lunges and Corkscrews.  Started with 1 Jump Lunge on the curb, mosey to other side and do 10 Corkscrews on that curb.  We continued this until the numbers are flipped and end with 10 Jump Lunges  and 1 Corkscrew.

Next we started to mosey back down the road leading into Folsom.  We stop at the first light pole we come to, and the pax are fearful of a repeat of the Merkin madness.  Instead we do 5 Burpees.  Continue our mosey and stop at the 2nd light pole we get to.  I’m sure most know where this was headed.  Here we do 5 Burpees, and 5 One Leg Burpees.  Continue on to we reach the next light pole.  We do 5 Burpees, 5 One Leg Burpees, and 5 Walmart Burpees.  I personally like the Walmart Burpee, but others not so much.  This is when you squat down like a normal Burpee, but you go to your six and roll back to your shoulder blades.  Then roll forward, and when your feet hit the ground, put your hands in front and jump back to plank.  The rest is like a normal Burpee.  Continue our mosey to the 4th light pole and do 5 Burpees, 5 One Leg Burpees, 5 Walmart Burpees, and 5 Wolverine Burpees.  And finally stop at the 5th light pole.  Here I called an Omaha and we just did 5 Yurpees.  This is when the Merkin at bottom of Burpee is a clap merkin and on up portion there are 2 Tuck Jumps per Burpee.

With time to spare, we took a short mosey to the pavilion.  Here we did 5 exercises, all in cadence.  Started with 10 Hip Slappers, 15 Imperial Walker Squats, 20 Dips, 25 Mountain Climbers, 30 Rocky Balboas.  Rinse and repeat.  Mosey back to flag.

Announcements:  Q Source on Sundays, CSAUP on 2/23, Rooster on 3/2, Rice & Beans on 1/29

Prayer Request


Honor to lead today men.  Appreciate everyone pushing hard.  Welcome to F3, Nothin(Josh Ewing) and Blue(Zach Ewing).  Good work today men!


Sister Act



Block Run

13 at Midoriyama for what was an up and down weather day. It started out at 60 degrees and rainy in the morning. Then we had clear blue skies. YHC thought it was going to be a perfect evening to workout….then the cold front started moving in and the temps were dropping rapidly. The wind really picked up just in time for 5:30. Oh well lets get it done.


SSH x 20ic

Don Q’s real slow for stretching x 10ic

Alternate High knees and butt kickers

5 Burpees OYO

The Thang:

Def Leppard was given a  choice of option 1 or 2. His leadership wavered and Broke had to make the choice. Opt 2. Let’s mosey. We went to the far end of the park and back.


Partner up and one partner get a block from the truck. We went to the top of the parking lot and lined up. P1 does 10 blockees then runs to the other end of the parking lot where P2 awaits, P2 at the other end of the parking lot does 10 merkins, 10 lbc’s, 10 squats-rinse and repeat until P1 gets to you.  P1 goes back to his end and starts the exercises while P2 does the blockees. We did this for about 10 minutes. Slaw was the site batfipper today, in the absence of Sister Act, and poor Broke was on the losing end of this.

Next we lined up on the curb for some 11’s. Tiger Squats on one side and…..Def Leppard was asked to provide a 2nd exercise but refused to take a leadership role so Wojo stepped up and said one leg dead lifts.  We got it done!

With a little more time to go we went back to the first exercise with the blockees for another 10 minutes.



Announcements-50 mile CSAUP get signed up, Rooster teams forming, Q Source Sunday about Leadership Development Process(LDP)


Prayer Request-Tooltime and our F3 brothers going to Peru, Def Leppard’s wife having knee surgery in February, each other

Moleskin-I spoke a bit about my word for this year-Prayer. We are influenced by who we hang around and the way we spend time with God is through reading his word and prayer. Spend some time doing both of these things and you will find you will start to act and be more Christ like.




7 HIMs showed up on a gloomy and rainy morning to join me and push themselves at The Goat.

As the clock hit 5:30 we moseyed down to the gazebo… as there were no FNGs and I’m an idiot, I forgot to do the disclaimer (does that qualify as a late disclaimer?).



Side Straddle Hops, 20 IC
Imperial Walkers, 15 IC
Moroccan Nightclub, 20 IC
Low Slow Squat, 15 IC
Don Quixotes, 15 IC


After this we went ahead and got The Pledge in.



6×6 @ 30×15

The plan was to do six sets of six exercises with a run around the block between each set.  Each exercise was 30 seconds AMRAP with 15 seconds in between to transition to the next exercise.  With the likelihood of rain, and possibly heavy at times, the run was deleted… sort of.  The exercises were LBCs, Jump Squats, Merkins, American Hammers (Hammer Time!), Lunges and CDDs.  The idea was two exercises for each of core, legs and arms.  At the end of the third set the rain had let up a bit and I inquired the PAX for their opinion on whether we should take a lap.  Someone running by heard my inquiry and replied, “It’s not that bad!”  So we took a lap.  After the lap with three sets down and three to go I restarted the timer and in the middle of the jump squats the tablet decided to reboot!  The PAX were excited about the opportunity to finish out the next 25 minutes with jump squats!  ALWAYS have a backup plan!  I threw the tablet to the side and started up the workout timer on my phone, but we did get a bonus set of LBCs and jump squats.

With the sixth set completed we finished up with some Mary.  The caller had the choice of running around the block, or staying in the shelter and doing 50 SSH while the rest did their called exercise.  Called exercises were Crunchy Frogs, Flutter Kicks, Freddie Mercurys and Squat Jacks…  TIME!


Announcements and Prayer Requests:

Rice and Beans Tuesday 29th – if you signed up, then show up at 6:15 at The Pointe for Clown Car to Charlotte
CSAUP Feb 23rd – sign up by Feb 16th
Rock Hill – The Rooster II – March 2nd
Tool Time – upcoming mission trip to Peru
Breaker Breaker – family and friends with health issues
Anchorman – mother-in-law, thanks for prayers offered so far and request for continued prayers
All our AOs – take the time to read the backblasts from other AOs and lift them all up in your prayers
Shad Rap – foot surgery

Ended with COT!

I was truely blessed to Q today… Thanks to Dr. Suess for asking more that once.

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