Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 16, 2019

STORM 1/15/19

10 Pax showed up to workout at the Storm on a rather cool Tuesday morning.  Dr. Seuss and Roscoe ran while the rest of us enjoyed the boot camp workout.  Welcome to Pit Boss from Charlotte.  I hope you come back often to work out with us.



Warm up

Seal Jack x 25 (IC)

Peter Parker x 20 (IC)

Copperhead Squat x 26 (IC)


Mosey to the school

Run around the practice field stopping at:

1st corner             Burpee x 5

2nd corner            Dips x 20

3rd corner            Jump Squat x 20

4th corner             Flutter Kick x 20 each leg

Rinse and repeat x 5


4 Corner Merkins

1st corner             12 Merkins

2nd corner            11 Merkins

3rd corner            10 Merkins

4th corner             9 Merkins

Continue until finished


Partner up for AB Lab

Partner 1 runs to the garbage can and back while partner 2 AMRAP’s the following then flap jack:


Flutter Kicks



Freddie Mercury’s


Lunge to the garbage can

Mosey to the Flag

Mary – Any Exercise

JoBoo    Imperial Walkers x 15 (IC)

Gilligan 4×4 Burper x 3 OYO


Q took us out with prayer

Thanks for pushing today gentlemen.  It was a pleasure to lead you.

Dirt is OUT!

Humpday news

7 including myself avoided fartsacking and decided to push the rock this morning. 1 rucked and 6 ran . I have to say this morning I did not want to get up but after telling Barrellracer I would be there I  couldn’t let him down. Thanks for the push men.


out with PRAYER

Lots of opportunities to run, ruck, walk, or even sprint ruck,  like our man Hacksaw, this man is a rock pusher…

Get after it men

  • ABT….


Jumble Khatter 2

Thank you to Cap’n Stubbing for swapping Wednesdays with me.  It was a big help bro.

This morning was a cold one with a forecast of ice fog.  A good showing of some great men showed in the gloom.  I did not see any of the forcasted ice fog but I did see lots of steam from guys who have been pushing the rock.

A shout out to JK2.  He was on fire this am with the mumble chatter.  Well done bro. It was inspirational.

A shout out to What’s Up.  Way to push.  Good work man.

A shout out to FNG Rio.  Welcome.  Way to push.  Nicely done.



The Thang:

We worked out and got stronger, pushed the rock, encouraged each other, a little friendly ribbing was in there, and there were a few moments of pure support.  Great stuff.

Named FNG Rio.  Welcome him when you see him.


Rice and Beans — get with Anchorman

Late March is a moving date for family — JK2

Gastone is working on putting together a hike up Mt Mitchell.


It was an absolutely perfect way to begin the day.  You guys as always make it such.



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