Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: November 2018 (Page 7 of 8)

Dirty Dozens

Today was a simple workout. I had the idea during my last Q while doing Walls of Jericho, but also took some inspiration from oompa Loompa’s q last week. Light attendance at Folsom today with only 5 posting. Quality over quantity.

Toy Soldiers 10 IC
Mountain Climbers 10 IC

Mosey to the lower shelter for Dirty Dozens.
– 12 Merkins
– 12 WW1 Situps
– 12 Dips
– 12 Freddie Mercuries (count right leg only)
– Run a lap around the parking lot
– Repeat until time expires

Some got 13 circuits and about 2.25 miles in, some got a little less, one may have had more, but everyone got a little better. It was you vs you.

Convergence Saturday, Christmastown 5k, Prayer requests – a fellow HIM that I won’t list here publicly, men’s fishing trip. YHC took us ok out.


Sometimes things happen in life and when you look back you’re glad that you got to witness it in person. That event happened out of the blue in the COT on that mild Thursday morning. But before that we ran…

The PAX gathered.

The Pledge.

The PAX ran varying distances with a similar route.

5 Milers:
Out onto Armstrong Park Rd.
Left onto Berry Rd.
Right onto Lee St.
Left onto New Hope Rd.
Right onto Armstrong Park Dr.
Right onto Armstrong Park Rd.
Back to The Pub

Some ran a shorter distance by running out and back on Armstrong Park Rd. in the same direction.

Now to the highly over-hyped portion of the COT. The Nantan stepped forth with an announcement that you could tell had him highly focused. He stepped up, and back, and then up, and back, and then up, and then back, and finally up. He righted what so many in the ranks of F3 Gastonia felt was a travesty of unthinkable proportions. However until that point, no one had the courage to make happen. That is why this HIM is the Nantan for tough times like this. The F3 member known as RPO (Ready Player One) would be no more. From this day forward, young William Wallace would be granted the honor due to him and would from then on be known as Braveheart! Everyone cheered, and then we moved on.

F3 Gastonia Christmas Party – Dec 15th
Veteran’s Day Convergence at The Yank w/ 3rd F following the workout

Prayer Requests
Sly home soon
Christians in Pakistan


Till next time…

After last Wednesday’s post at Martha’s House Gastone announced that he was looking for a Q for the following week.  I thought it would be a great opportunity to expose my 2.0, Google, to being Q and all of the things this brings.  He with some reluctance accepted the opportunity and began to think of what he might do.

11 #HIM’s showed for the Wed edition of Snowballs and to sharpen each other.

5:30 and here we go.

Google started with the pledge.

SSH x 15

Mosey to the picnic shelter in the park.

Google calls 30 step ups each leg.

30 Dips

Timeframe takes over for the thang:

11’s in the parking lot.  Derkins this side and jump squats on that side.

Thank you HIPAA for the plank work waiting for the 6.

After all this fun we had its time to have more.

Start at lower end of Martha Rivers parking lot and mosey to top stopping at every Island (Clavin actually stopped at Island the HIM) for 5 burpees.  All total I think there were 8 Islands to total 40 burpees…Clavin gets 45 and still finished 1st.  What a beast.

Time for the ring of fire.  This was a mixture of mostly LBC’s with some flutter kicks and box cutters.  The object was that one at a time each HIM ran around the circle x2 until finished.  This guys were lots of fun with the chatter.

We then took a lap around the baseball fields and back to the parking lot for Mary.

Each PAX called out an exercise.

As I remember went something like:

American Hammers x 20

Michael Phelps x 47

Dying Cockroaches

Flutter Kicks

Merkins with a pause at bottom and around town.  Crowd pleaser for sure.

Big Boy situps

Crunchy Frogs

5 burpees oyo


Psudo merkins.  This is merkins with hands turned out.

Mosey back to snowballs….

and time.


HIPAA has started a pain lab on Tuesday mornings at Bess elementary to give us a pain lab option throughout the week.  Please get by and support this.  This is excellent work by HIPAA and I think is a much needed move.  Nice work brother.

Thank you to the HIM’s for pushing me as always and especially pushing Google.  I’m sure he gets tired of my voice and seems to respond a bit better to the other HIM’s.

You guys are awesome.  I truly feel that F3 is a direct answer to some of my prayers.


Google and Timeframe



Stations and Sprints

WarmUp SSH x 10, Don Q’s x 10, Imperial Walkers x 10, Squats x 10
Mosey to soccer fields Parking Lot near hill.
STATION 1 Nur Up Hill and run down TWICE 10 Hand Release Merkins
Run to STATION 2 to the left near the end of the parking lot.
LEGS – Monkey Humpers x 25 and Calf Raises On Curb x 25 (Single Count)
Run back to STATION 1 Run Up Hill and down TWICE 10 Hand Release Merkins
Run to STATION 3 at the end of the parking lot.
ARMS and SHOULDERS – CDD’s x 25 and Morrocans x 25 (Single Count)
Run back to STATION 1 Run Up Hill and down TWICE 10 Hand Release Merkins
Run to STATION 4 on the right
CORE – LBFC’s x 25 (Count the Crunch) and Hillbillies x 25 (Single Count)
Run back to STATION 1 Run Up Hill and down TWICE 10 Hand Release Merkins.
Everyone got in a lap and a station, several got in more than that. Nice work!

Mosey to Small Soccer Field corner for … Block Work!
Curls x 30, Shrugs x 30, 3 Sets. Slaw and Gold Digger with the larger blocks! Aye!

Mosey to line up on a Soccer Field Line.
Approximately 35 yards. I set up my Interval Timer with my tiny speaker.
Whistle starts run until you cross finish line before Airhorn, 10 sec Rest.
Whistle starts run back to previous line before Airhorn, 10 sec Rest.
11 seconds 3 times, 10 seconds 3 times, 9 seconds 3 times, etc.
all the way down to 3 seconds each with a 10 sec rest after Airhorn.
When you don’t beat the Airhorn, step out of the way and do 5 Squats
at each whistle. Sister Act and Gold Digger made it down to 4 or 5 seconds intervals!
I got this from Timeshare AO at North Myrtle beach a while back.

Mosey Back to the flag.

Word about our life counting down like that Timer. Bible says life is like
a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow. Know why you do what you do.
First F Fitness makes us stronger for the things we face, 2nd F Fellowship
makes us help our brothers and lift them up. Read Stroganoff’s Back
Blast about how his F3 friends made all the difference through his recent
struggles. 3rd F Faith helps us live better for the world and our families
and know that it is Not Just About US. It is about Us lifting up others.

– Convergence Saturday, Nov 10th at 7 am at Stowe Park in Belmont with a 3rd F event to follow. All F3 Gastonia men should try to attend.
– “Quiche”mas Party Dec. 15th.
– Several of our guys (Sargento, Tiger, Sister Act) are running a local half marathon in Belmont on Dec. 22nd.
– Hipaa Qing a kettlebell/weights AO on Tuesdays during November at WA Bess Elementary at 5:30 a.m.

Prayer Requests – Tyson’s Family in the loss of his grandmother, DDC on his mission trip.


Where is everybody?

Well, being Halloween and the fact that HIPAA had pre-blasted his Halloween Q extravaganza, YHC didn’t expect a large turnout for PrisonBreak. The fact that no one showed up obviously meant they all must have posted at SnoBalls for Hipaa’s Q. After further investigation, it was concluded that only 1 of our PrisonBreak regulars actually posted there. That being said, as Site Q, I posted for my AO.


I ran some 1 mile intervals. I’d mosey a mile then mall walk about 30 seconds controlling breathing,  then run again. YHC has been trying to get his 5k time under 27 minutes. Not being a runner per say, I’ve put that goal out there to work towards. Baby steps as I see it.


I prayed for all the fartsackers to post Folsom Thursday.

Coyote Joes

Seven men showed in the rainy gloom this morning and it was great! After a week off I thought, “I better bring it”!

Warmup- SSH 15ic, DonQs 12ic, Hillbilly 15ic, run 1 lap around the tennis courts!

Main course!

I pulled the trailer this morning, with blocks and deadlift bars!

partner up- partner 1, 15 deadlifts / partner 2 plank, rotating 4 sets a piece!

Run to the lower parking lot since it’s pretty long and has plenty of spaces. All pax lines up at the bottom on the first line, Bear crawl to 2 full parking lot doing 5 merkins at every other line! A lot of mumble chatter going on, so I knew all pax would love what’s coming! Bear crawl or crab walk back down, doing 5 burpees at every other line going back down! Even more mumble chatter, which I always take as a compliment!

Move to the bottom shelter, since our shoulders and arms were trashed, Dips 20ic! Then to finish things Moroccan nightclubs 60ic! Head back to the launch point! 22 for the vets!

Announcements- convergence Saturday, followed by 3rd F

Prayer request- All pax, unspoken request

Thank you men for letting me lead! I enjoyed it!




The start of something new

There had been talks amongst some of the Pain Lab regulars lately about the possibility of starting a new AO during the week to get some extra weight training in. Let’s be honest, if you only lift weights 1 day a week, you aren’t doing yourself any favors. Not saying its a complete waste of time as we do a very rigorous workout on Saturdays, but you should be doing it twice a week. Now for most of us we probably do our own weight training thing at home or attend a gym to get in that extra muscle pump. While that is great and all, I often miss the fellowship of my F3 brothers in the gloom when I’m by myself. YHC had approached the F3 Gastonia board with the mention of possibly starting a new AO. I got the green light to proceed and if we had a consistent turnout we could go live. That said I eagerly got to work. Going through the list of active PAX, Looking at regular Pain Lab attendees, Geo Mapping based on PAX zip code to find that perfect AO spot, finding a spot that has growth potential based on future land development and most importantly a site that is very ,very close to my house. Based on all of that analytical data, YHC decided on WA Bess Elementary. If this ends up going live as an official AO, there are a few more elements as to why this location was chosen that I will share later. 1 element I shared with the PAX this AM and its in the picture below. See if you can find it…


So YHC just got done setting up when i see the first car arrive. As WA Bess is an official election station I wasnt sure if it was an early voter or a PAX. I recognized the truck, VooDoo is the 1st on scene. Great to see him out here and marks Day 2 of his F3 journey! Clavin then rolls in followed by Rudolph then Pedal. 5:28 and here comes a big a$$ truck. This MUST be a Folsom guy. No one in South Gastonia owns a truck this large, although VooDoo is very close. It’s Roadie! Thanks brother for making the long trip, I promise you wont be disappointed! While I stated to to the PAX this was not an official F3 workout, YHC was going to treat is as such.

Quick rundown of the new site


Queue the music – Start off the AM right with some Baba O’Reiley!

Warm up #1

MNC IC x 15

Toy Soldiers IC x 15

Warmup #2 – Kettlebell light warmup

Wood Chopper x 10 Left
Figure Eight x 10
Push Press x 10 Right
Push Press x 10 Left
Side Lunge x 10 Right
Side Lunge x 10 Left
Halo x 10 Right
Halo x 10 Left

The Thang:

Kettlebell 11’s

30 KB Swings, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins, 1 BBSU
30 Hammer Curls, 9 Pseudo Planche Merkins, 2 BBSU
30 Upright Rows, 8 Pseudo Planche Merkins, 3 BBSU
30 Tricep Extensions, 7 Pseudo Planche Merkins, 4 BBSU
30 Lawnmowers (15/15), 6 Pseudo Planche Merkins, 5 BBSU
30 Chest Presses, 5 Pseudo Planche Merkins, 6 BBSU
30 Renegade Rows (15/15) 4 Pseudo Planche Merkins, 7 BBSU
30 American Hammers, 3 Pseudo Planche Merkins, 8 BBSU
30 Goblet Squats, 2 Pseudo Planche  Merkins, 9 BBSU
30 Snatches (15/15), 1 Pseudo Planche Merkins, 10 BBSU

30 Pullovers

PAX Choice – Rudolph Called Curls

Curls – 2 sets 8-10 reps each arms

Rudolph is an outstanding trainer. PAX need to listen as he teaches great form. This is important to maximize pump, muscle growth and to reduce injury.

YHC back with the lead. I like the curl theme so lets continue it.

21’s are called – 7 full curls, 7 upper half curls, 7 bottom half curls – rest and repeat one more time.

By this time we had an early voter walk by to check us out. His name was Scott and works for Hendrick automotive, Or at least that’s what his shirt said. EH was in full effect. All 6 PAX were heavily engaged and paused the workout to HC to EH’ng this gentleman. But as Rudolph pointed out it gave the PAX a few extra minutes to catch their breath. YHC quickly saw what was happening and called 5 burpees OYO.




XMAS Party Dec. 15th. Look out for email blast for RSVP.

Convergence 11/10

3rd F Event 11/10 immediately after convergence

F3 Dad’s 11/11 – Martha’s House – Roscoe Q

Prayer requests:

Pedal’s parents. If anyone knows a good landscape company please let him know!

YHC took us out


Men, truly an honor and privilege to lead you this morning. I was very pleased to see the turnout. Some might say well that wasn’t a lot of PAX but this is a great average number of PAX for a Pain Lab type workout. Thanks for your commitment to help this site succeed and turn into a full time AO. As YHC stated in closing today, I plan to lead every one of these workouts this month. No need to worry about Q’ng or writing a weinke, I got you covered. Just show up! Keep spreading the word about this at your other regular AO’s. See you all next week!




Merkins galore

Warm up
Ssh x15 toy soldiers x15
Dying cockroaches x15
Lbc’s x15
Mosey to the benches for dips and derkins x20 2x
Out to the Main Street and do burpees per light post, what was that train burpees.
Mosey to 321 side to do some wall sits as a large group of cars come by I felt that we should show them how hard we work so we did monkey humpers x20 then wall sits x15
Ventured to the open lot by the pavilion. 10 merkins sprint the. 20 air punches sprint 10 thigh tap merkins x4
Then 10 shoulder tap merkins sprint 20 overhead punches sprint to 10 diamond merkins x2
After some mumble chatter about the merkins I felt work was getting done for the day. One more mosey around town to do more wall sits then back to the pavilion for Mary.

Convergence 11/10/18 at the yank.
Speed for need both at Christmas town 5k
Prayer request
Each other

Bed pan

Wingin’ It

YHC grabbed a Q at F3 Gashouse’s newest AO- Mount Hollywood. YHC had his Weinke locked and loaded the night before the workout. He was wakened by the sound of rain at 0230, so for the next 2 1/2 hours, he laid awake in bed modifying the Weinke. “Never mind. I’ll just wing it”. 12 men took the DRP and rolled out of the fartsack on a wet Monday morning to start the day off right. With half the PAX in the RESPECT age group, Sargento sleep walking, and Sister Act’s back outta whack, YHC considered taking it easy on the guys. Then again, this is F3, not FIA. 5:30 hits and YHC attempted to give the PAX their money’s worth.


  • Seal Jacks X 15 IC
  • Gravel Pickers X 15 IC
  • Morr. Nightclubs X 15 IC
  • Chinooks X 10 IC


The Thang:

Mosey to Brokeback wall by Ida Rankin Elementary for 2 rounds of: 10 Dips IC, 10 Derkins SC.

Next, mosey to Wells Fargo bank under the drive-thru area for some ATMs (because we’re at a bank).

10 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Merkins. Immediately go to core work with 10 Freddie Mercuries IC, 10 Flutter Kicks IC, 10 Plank Jacks IC. Rinse and Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. This was a real crowd pleaser.

Mosey to the Presbyterian church parking lot for some 4 corners escalator.

Corner #1- 20 Squats, NUR to corner #2

Corner #2- 20 Squats, 40 CDD’s. Bear crawl to corner #3.

Corner #3- 20 Squats, 40 CDD’s, 60 LBCs. Mosey to corner #4.

Corner #4- 20 Squats, 40 CDD’s, 60 LBC’s, 80 SSH. Plank for the 6.

Mosey to the White Wall behind BB&T bank for some wall work. Starting at 10 reps IC and decreasing by 2 each round, perform: 1) Dirty Hookups and 2) Hip Slappers. Note to future Q’s at this AO- Dirty Hookups on a glossy painted wall with wet gloves/ hands= PAX potentially needing emergency dental work. Q fail. Broke nearly ate the asphalt on that one. Sorry, brother.

Quick Mosey back to the flag with 3 1/2 minutes left. Circle up for some Iron Hulk. PAX made it to 8 Merkins/ 32 air presses when time was up.

COT/ Announcements:

  • Gashouse Convergence on 11/10 at the Fighting Yank. 3rd F afterward with Tiger and Squirt speaking.
  • Christmastown 5k on 11/24 at 1800. If you didn’t sign up, please come and support. We will be pushing 8 Chariots this year. It’s going to be great!
  • Christmas Party at Dr. Quiche’s house. More details to come.
  • Hipaa is starting a new AO at W.A. Bess Elementary on Tuesday mornings. Kettle bell  workout.
  • Operation Sweet Tooth Toy drive is underway this year. Check the Twitterbox for details.

Prayer Requests:

Sly’s safe and quick return from Afghanistan, People battling addictions, Roadie’s M, Any PAX hurting physically or spiritually.

YHC took us out in prayer.


My Pastor made a statement yesterday that YHC had never heard before. Although not verbatim, he said “We are more wicked than we are willing to admit, but at the same time we are loved more than we can ever imagine”. He then stated Romans 5:8- “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners”. No matter how low we believe we have gone, on our worst days, God’s love for us is just as strong then as it is on our “better” days. YHC sat thinking long and hard on that one. It’s almost unbelievable and inconceivable that His love is that strong and unwavering for each and every one of us. Furthermore, we are to extend that type of love to each and every person we meet.

Thank You for the chance to lead,




Sweet, Sweet Lulu

Starting back in June, I began my journey at the United States Merchant Marine Academy. We were about to finish our first trimester and with 2 weeks before we left to come home, I decided I wanted to lead a workout and bring a little Merchant Marine Academy workout back to the Gashouse.  I got in contact with Bandit (aka Dad) and he got it lined up with Linus for me to lead the Pax.

Warm Up

We started with some SSH’s, Imperial Walkers, Mericans, and LBC’s.

The Thang

Then we took a little mosey over to the football field with a little C-130 cadence. We did a light jog from the goal line to midfield, then 15 yards of Butt Kickers, then returned to the original spot. Rinse and repeated with High Knees and Karaoke. Following that we split into four groups. Group 1 was assigned Clericans, group 2 was assigned Bobby Hurley’s, group 3 had Mountain Climbers, and group 4 had Freddie Mercury’s. Each group did their exercise for 60 seconds, took a 20 second break, exercised for another minute, then rotated to the next station. Rinsed and repeated until all exercises were done.

Then the PAX all met at midfield and attempted the “perfect Merican”. The person in front gets in a normal Merican position except that his feet go on the back of the person behind. Then when everyone is set the only things touching the ground are the hands of the PAX and the feet of the last person. Everyone went down and the same time and tried to come up in sync as well. This didn’t last long but we did manage one synchronized Merican.

Then we took a mosey to the dreaded stairs by the church with a little help from a cadence of a bald headed plebe. We climbed the stairs and began a wall sit. We sat until we finished singing a cadence about Sweet, Sweet Lulu. After Lulu left, started at the top of the stairs and did 10 Mericans, then ran down the stairs and did 1 Bobby Hurley. Rinse and repeat until you do 1 Merican and 10 Bobby Hurley’s.

Finally, we moseyed back to the Schiele parking lot (while singing about Capt. Jack and his railroad track) where The Pain Lab joined for a little ten minutes of Mary. There were some more Mericans and some Burpees, some Flutter Kicks and Dying Cockroaches, and to finish it off… a prolonged Superman (Lulu decided to come back for a finale).



I just wanted to thank everyone for their continued support throughout my journey so far.  It’s been awesome to know I have another family back home that I can not only workout with, but be able to relax and talk to, and continue in my faith journey. I can’t wait to come back soon and head up another workout!


Plebe William L. Todd (aka Goose)
US Merrchant Marine Academy
300 Steamboat Road
Box 1176
Kings Point, NY 11024-1699

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