Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2016 (Page 2 of 6)

Elevens, Sevens, and One, Two, Three, Five!

Many Pax have been encountering the same verse of scripture recently, as if the Sky Q was trying to tell us something.  Hebrew’s Chapter 12 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”  For the 3rd F devotional before the workout, YHC shared that in chapter 11 the writer shows example after example of High Impact Men (and women), chosen by God for pivotal times in history; how they had their sites set forward on the promises to come, and not on the circumstances.  This allowed the writer to say in verse 12 “Let us run with perseverance. . .fixing our eyes on Jesus”.  In these challenging times of life and in the chaos we often see in our country, let us fix our eyes on the promises to come, that the current cares of this world will not entangle us.  Also let the shield lock give us strength, that when we battle, we do not battle alone.  

The workout began with your humble correspondent’s  usual disclaimer “everything I say is a suggestion, and I suggest you get in the car and go back home”. None took my suggestion so it was on with the warm-up!  After some light jogging with butt kickers, high knees, and that sidways running thing that crosses right leg over left leg, and then reverses, I had planned on doind burpeewamba but again, technology failed so I had to wing it.  SSH IC X 20, Someone began making funny jokes, I lost count and started over, and we stopped somewhere around 23.  Then it was slow windmills IC X 15, then mosey up the street to a high curb for some Dips.

Dips IC X 15, Then across the lot to a wall for Hip slappers IC X 15, then Donkey Kicks IC X 11.Since YHC can’t count with his 6 above his head without wanting to splash merlot, Dr. Feelgood was kind enough to help with the counting.  Then another round of dips, then it was off on another mosey to the church parking lot with stairs.

Upon reaching the parking lot, we circled up for Plank-O-Rama, YHC’s favorite past time.  First it was alternating arms and legs up,  Then plank jacks IC X 10, then Merkins IC x 10, then Peter Parkers IC X 10, all without leaving the plank position.

At this time the sweat was dripping and I mercifully called the Q, and we partnered up for some Dora 1,2,3.  100 Merkins, 200 squats, 300 flutters, while partner ran the stairs and back. Once some men completed their sets they picked some up for the 6 in what I can only describe as the shield lock in action.  Way to lift up your brother!  After this we moseyed over to the elementary school playground and track for some 7’s.  We split up into 1’s and 2’s and the 1’s took off across the field to start doing 1 pullup of some kind while the 2’s remained behind and started with CDD’s X 6.  Alternating back and forth each man completed 21 pullups and 21 CDD’s while running about an 8th of a mile with each set.  Once complete the time was not 7:45 and the mosey home began. Taking the long way, we moseyed a little over half a mile back to the Schiele museum with 2 pearls in between, one Plank-O-Rama and one some mini dips to catch our wind and the 6. Once back at the Schiele Rosco was kind enough to retrieve a cooler of water and the Pax slowly made it back to the circle.  With 5 minutes to go, YHC split us up into 4 groups, 1 group in each parking space making a shaped that kind of resembled some sort of rhombus.

Since we were unable to do Burpeewumba (Burpees to the song Chumbawumba, “I get knocked down, but I get up again”) YHC decided we would do a Burpee-Go-Round until we heard the sweet ring of the church bells at 8:01.  Group 1 did a Burpee, Group 2 did a Burpee, Group 3 did a Burpee, then group 4 would call “ONE!” and round and round as if in cadence.  There was some confusion as to who started and who finished, As group one may have become confused and thought they were group 4, but in the end, the PAX did 37 burpees in 4 minutes to finish out the workout!

Announcements: CSAUP Friday November 11th & 12th coming soon!  Preblast to come!, BRR in 2 weeks!

Prayer requests: Davinci’s mother with Chemo therapy, pray for 1 successful treatment.  T-Square’s son in the hospital, prayers for his quick healing and for victory in the battles his family has been facing, For the competitors in the BRR for strength and no injuries, and some others that YHC apologizes for not listing here.  I recorded them to better list them here but my battery is so depleted my phone will not play them.  My humble apologies.

cspan is off the air

8 men took to folsom this morning.  most were expecting a beat down courtesy of cspan. due to unavoidable circumstances, an audible was called. one of many things I love about f3, always someone willing.  Sparky accepted the challenge, and for the Folsom regulars, we knew exactly what that meant.

warmups were: don quixotes x 13IC, toy soldiers x something IC and SSH x something IC.  sparky was all over the map with the counts.

the thang

partner up for… deadlifts.  p1 deadlifts, p2 sprints to the end of the parking lot and back. up to 200 deadlifts.

mosey to the amphitheater to find there were a lot of wasps.  Omaha mosey to the concession stand. 25 donkey kicks and ascending testicles.

mosey back to the starting spot to grab out coupons. then to the tennis courts.

p1 doing overhead presses with the block, p2 sprints to the end of the tennis courts and back.  switch. count up to 200.

p1 doing curls with the block, p2 sprints. switch. count up to 200.

p1 doing lbc, p2 sprints. switch. count up to 200.

p1 doing merkins, p2 sprints. switch. count up to 200.

mosey back to the launching point in time for 5 burpees OYO, 10 merkin ring of fire and 22 merkins to honor our vets.   TIME

COT: no announcements. prayer requests: t-square and his family, sparky’s friend, each other.

BOM: sparky took us out in prayer.

also enjoyed what I believe is Folsom’s first coffeerama.

always an honor to be amongst you men.

Half Wienke / Half Wing’n It

10 PAX showed up at the goat for another round led by YHC.  This was the largest group I’ve led and many repeats from my last few Q’s so I guess I’m doing something right! 5:30 hit so we got into it.

Disclaimer – I can’t remember what all I was supposed to say so I just summed it up with I’m an Idiot so don’t sue me.  Also let everyone know I was less than prepared and there was no Wienke only to surprise everyone with a half Wienke later on.  Thankfully Quiche let me know there’s a pill I can take for that, and he may or may not have some in his car…

Warm Up –

  • SSH 15 IC
  • Merkin 15 IC
  • LBC 15 IC
  • Imperial Walkers 15 IC

Pledge – Ghost Flag is still in our Court!

Work Out

Mosey to the bridge then Zombie Walk Half Way, Bear Crawl to the end of the wood, Mosey the rest of the way.

Count off and grabbed a partner for some Dora 123.  100 Incline Merkins, 200 LBC, 300 Squats in aggregate while partner ran around the playground equipment.  Plank until everyone was finished.

4 sets of exercises

Set 1

  • LBC 15 IC
  • LBFC 15 IC
  • Freddie Mercury 15 IC
  • Homer to Marge

Set 2

  • Peter Parker 15 IC
  • Parker Peter 15 IC
  • Mountain Climbers 15 IC
  • High/Medium/Low aka. Isometric Push ups  – 2 IC

Set 3

  • Low Slow Squats 15 IC
  • Bobby Hurley 15 OYO
  • Monkey Humpers 15 IC
  • Al Gore – 1 Minute

Set 4

15 Burpees OYO

To close out the workout we Mosey’d half way up the bridge, Crab Walked to the end of the wood, then Mosey’d back to the parking lot where we started.

Announcements / Prayer Requests / Name O Rama / Prayer

  • Q’s needed for Goat Island and Fighting Yank for September
  • Remember Students and Teachers as school is starting up.

Great work everyone.  It was an honor to lead you.





Lower Expectations = Better Results

Eleven rock pushers took the red pill and kicked the fart sack in the teeth for a Friday morning downtown beatdown served up by YHC. Before beginning, I informed the PAX that this was only my 2nd Q, so don’t have your expectations too high! No new FNG’s, but we did have a PAX new to Downtown. Welcome to the gloom, Jedi! After a quick welcome and the disclaimer, time to get to work! Here we go-


  • SSH x15 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x15 IC
  • Don Quixotes x15 IC
  • Moroccan Nightclubs x15 IC
  • LBC’s x15 IC

Pledge of Allegiance

The Thang:

Mosey to “The Wall” where we performed-

3 rounds of 5 Hip Slappers IC, followed by 20 sec wall sit with hands up.

Mosey to the parking deck where we mosey to the first ramp and all PAX perform clock merkins on the ramp. 5 merkins facing uphill (12 o’clock), rotate 90 degrees (3 o’clock) 5 merkins, rotate 90 degrees (6 o’clock) 5 merkins, rotate 90 degrees (9 o’clock) 5 merkins. PAX then mosey to next ramp and repeat clock merkins until we were at the top of the parking deck.

Next, partner up for some circuit work. I had contemplated some Dora 1,2,3 but Omaha’d due to Freight’s leg genocide he committed last night at Midoriyama! Instead, partner one gets on the 6 and starts maximum number of flutter kicks. Partner two heads down 1/2 flight of stairs and fast moseys around and Joe Hendrick’s (backwards bear crawl) up the ramp and back to partner one. Partner one then does the run/ Joe Hendricks and partner two does the max. flutter kicks.

Rinse and repeat except sub in Freddie Mercurys  for the flutter kicks.

Rinse and repeat again except sub in burpees for the Freddie Mercurys.

After that, YHC slowed things down a little with some Mike Tysons and Homer/Marge. Thanks to Blart for the suggestion and subsequent mumble chatter! Mike Tysons are a 4 count exercise that are performed on a curb or a wall. Starting in a high plank position with your feet flat on the base of the wall (as if you are standing on it), (1)push back as if trying to touch your 6 to the wall, (2) push forward to a high plank position, (3) merkin down, (4) merkin up. YHC really likes these (as does the PAX judging by the moans and light mumble chatter!) PAX performed 10 IC followed by Homer/Marge called by YHC. Rinse and repeat that action!

YHC then led PAX down the stairs and moseyed to the tree of life, where YHC called for bear crawl ring of fire. All PAX in high plank position, bear crawling in a clockwise direction around the tree of life. PAX bear crawls until Q halts the crawl. All PAX hold high plank while each PAX perform 5 merkins one PAX at a time. Rinse and repeato two more times.

Mosey back to the pavilion for some last minute core work:

  • Dying cockroaches x15 IC
  • Peter Parkers x15 IC
  • X’s & O’s x10?
  • Mountain climbers x15 IC
  • LBC’s x25 IC

Almost done, so 10 Burpees OYO.

Last, but certainly not least, 22 Merkins for our Veterans.




Announcements: CSAUP is in the works for Nov. 11th- 12th. BRR meetings this weekend. Will probably combine Fighting Yank and Gashouse workouts on the weekend of the BRR. Be on the lookout for the Ghost Flag! No one has posted to take it- yet.

Prayer requests: Ringo’s M is sick, the Gashouse BRR team, F3 brothers traveling, each other and our Nation.

One last thing- If you haven’t read Whoopee’s Jack Brown Tribute back blast, I encourage you to do so. As I read it, I could relate to this story because I had (and have) the honor of knowing men that emulated the same qualities as Mr. Brown. These men were men who I looked up to as I child. They lived that example every day. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks- am I living that type of life that will point others to the Lord? Am I speaking life and encouragement to others? When I pass on, will the testimony of my life be like Mr. Brown’s? As F3 men, I hope we all aspire to live our lives that way. Thank you for the post, Whoopee. It spoke volumes to me.

Thank you for allowing me to lead an awesome group of men! Oustanding hard work by all!

Until next time,





Leg Day

7 Pax and 1 2.0 took the DRP and posted in the heat! YHC had found some screenshots from several months ago that I captured while looking at the exercise list. It was some things that looked interesting at I felt it was a good day to try them out.


SSH x 10ic

Don Quixte x 10ic (I think? These were counted Def Leopard style)

Merkins x 10ic

Goofballs x 10ic(I think the 2.0 liked these)

Pledge(Since one flag is being engraved and Floppy’s M wouldn’t let him come today we had to improvise and use the flag from my porch)

Mosey to the hill by the baseball field

The Thang:

Partner up and do Burp Back Mtn:

Partner one does Burpee’s while partner 2 runs backwards up hill and forward down x 3 then switch until 100 burpees are complete.

Jack Brown Tribute

I started my week with one weinke, then as the week unfolded and I found out about a funeral I would be attending, my weinke changed. Tuesday night I attended the funeral of a great man-Jack Brown. He was a member of the Coast Guard and served in anti-submarine warfare duties. He was a member of the state highway patrol for 30 years, and was the first face at school that my kids saw for several years. He was always smiling and there rain or shine to welcome them to school. His jokes and warm smile will be with me for a long time. As the 3rd daughter, whoever it was that day, got out of the car and Officer Brown helped them over the curb, he would say, “Saved the prettiest one for last.” It never got old for me or my girls. This morning was about Jack Brown-I thought of him often today and he was my motivation for posting this morning and pushing through the gloom. I shared a little of this just before we started.


Warmup-the part I really dislike so we moved quickly-don’t blink or you would have missed part of it.  We did roughly 10 reps IC of the following: SSH, LBCs, Merkins, Squats, Flutter Kicks, Merkins (again), who cares just follow me….

The Thang-

Mosey to the bank for ATMs X 10, a few reeeaaaalllllyyyy sllloooowww to make it burn

Mosey to KFC for some breakfast, wipe your feet for Hip Slappers X 20-everyone hung pretty good on this round with a little mumble chatter early

Quick mosey over to the dilapidated grocery store parking lot for the “meat and potatoes” part of my weinke. I mentioned at the warmup that Officer Brown was 70 years old and to keep that number in mind. Well, as usual, my weinke was writing checks my body could not cash. I ‘splained to the pax we would do 7 laps around the lot (somewhere around 1/4 mile laps) with 10 Burpees per lap. My burpee total over the last 3 months is probably less than 20-I will blame BRR training on that but if you believe that you are really not that smart. We started with burpees then took off for lap 1-feeling pretty good until 3rd round of burpees when my chest was on fire and felt like I was running in combat boots so…..OKLAHOMA! Keep with the 7 laps but option to do 10 burpees or 35 full flutter kicks per round (cannot repeat same exercise back to back). Quickly a bunch of guys opted for the flutter kicks, but not everyone.

After about 4 rounds, I broke a “soft” F3 rule about scripture during the workout. I felt it was necessary and, honestly, I think it is a dumb rule. For the past few weeks it seems I have been hearing scripture from Hebrews (more in the past 2 weeks than I think combined in the past 5 years). The final straw was at Officer Brown’s funeral. I read parts of Chapter 12, the first few verses…and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us…I thought of Officer Brown finishing his race and now resting peacefully.

We continued on with our goal for 70 burpees (with some flutter kick substitutions as needed). Defib had a brief race with his 2.0 Eddie. Fun to watch and good to know the guy who beats me many mornings also at 46 years old can also beat his teen-age son who is in really good shape. Can’t imagine that will last too much longer, Defib. Later I found out Eddie splashed merlot at home. I felt bad for a few minutes when I heard this, then I realized Defib was not only smiling with pride like his son had just gotten accepted to a prestigious college, but had congratulated him after it happened. Attaboy Eddie, good work this morning during your summer break. I don’t imagine many of your classmates were even thinking about getting out of bed at that time of day.

Before finishing this beatdown, I read a little more from Hebrews-this was the part that I think was meant specifically for me as I have had some things happening at work recently and I needed a push in the right direction. Hebrews 12 v14: Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.  Made me pause and consider my actions and reactions lately.

We moseyed back to KFC for some more hip slappers-less enjoyable at this point but we pushed through. We moseyed back towards start but took a quick break for 70 dips for Officer Brown-broken up into 3 different sets. This was a crowd pleaser. We then moseyed back to start but passed the start line for a little bit longer mosey then Bandit closed us out with some dying cockroaches.

Pledge (thanks Roscoe for reminder)

Announcements: Cancelled Advisory Board this week.

Prayer Requests: several made, remember them this week

thanks for coming this am-I feel so much better after seeing you all early in the morning-great start to my day-Whoopee

RIP Officer Brown, you are missed by my 3 girls very much


Counting Problems with the Badger!

8 strong PAX on a nice, warm afternoon at Midoriyama. In addition to our shovel flag, we also had the NC Ghost Flag captured from Shelby this past Saturday. Did you hear there was almost a fight to get it?

Disclaimer, even though no FNG’s, not an expert, modify as necessary, etc.

Warm Up

High Knees IC x 20

CDD’s IC x 12 (It was here that I noted Roscoe last week at Downtown calling out someone’s form on a Merkin looking like a CDD. In that person’s defense, that was a mere 12 hours after the epic Blart Beatdown with arms and blocks for 40 minutes).

Arms Circles (Forward, small size, medium size, large size, Reverse, small, medium, large).

World War 1’s IC x 20 (Here is where the first counting problems from YHC and only second time Q began). Those sit ups are tough for me and the “In cadence” count may have veered off a bit.

The Thang

I had promised a Badger sighting today at Midoriyama. This was a workout borrowed from a friend at work who works out at Denver SVU (I think that stands for Sail View, not SV) F3 name of Light Bulb. He said it was simple and tough so we tried it out. The trick is to pick 2 hills to run between the exercises. We have many hills to choose from at Midoriyama but I chose a small hill between baseball field #1 and #2 and running back to the left field side of field #1. The group does the exercises SSH, LBC’s, Merkins, Hillbillies and Monkey Humpers x 10 IC and then moseys to the other hill and repeats exercises with the first guy arriving to start the count and everyone else joining in wherever the first guy is on the count. The idea is to keep each guy involved but allow each guy to push as hard as he can. Mosey back to the starting hill to complete a set and we did 5 sets total. Along the way, most every guy had a chance to arrive and lead the count. Floppy Disc did his famous Floppy Sprint and then had his own trouble counting and breathing. There may need to be a new exercise added to the lexicon which is a variation of the Monkey Humper but done very, very quickly but I am not going to pick the name for that one. Billy Madison, Slaw and Pizza Man took turns sprinting for the lead! After we completed our five sets we moseyed back to the flag(s) and noticed we had a well dressed visitor. Bandit in the house to pick up the NC Ghost Flag but we had a few minutes remaining so we circled up for the Al Gore Shuffle. Bandit joined in despite being over dressed for the occasion. After some discussion about which direction to shuffle, most agreed that Al would shuffle left so we shuffled a couple times around. Q calls 22 merkins for the Vets, Pizza Man counted. By “my count” we did 100 of each exercise in cadence (which is kinda like 200 right?) for a total of 500 in cadence (kinda like 1,000) and ran 1.3 miles but I can’t verify this without my abacus! Nice work guys! Pleasure to lead such a great group of HIM’s!

Announcements, Advisory Meeting rescheduled, Billy Madison leading Fantasy Football league (His 2.0 was here today, nice little fellow!).

COT – Word for the Day: I urged each guy to remember to talk to our M’s in a way that teaches our children about relationships. Be mindful of this as they are watching and learning.  Prayer requests. Tool Time and Blart traveling. I took us out with the prayer.

No Fear of the Dark

6 PAX looking to fight off summer doldrums crawled out of bed Monday morning to run down their fears of falling flat.  Luckily YHC was ready with a run route which would provide a worthy challenge.


After a brief warm-up – 15 SSH, 15 Toy Soldiers, 10 Flutter kicks – we set out to mosey for nearly 40 minutes and cover over 4 miles.  We ran down Eagle drive and nearly succumbed to a last minute request to ditch the run for a splash in a neighborhood pool.  The Pax carried on to Lower Armstrong where we were met with low visibility and constant onslaught of cars trying their best to thwart our efforts to stay calm in the dark.  We meandered back to the Storm with time to spare so at the urging of Whoopee we ran up the hill to the eye of the Storm.  Thanks Whoopee for the great last minute push!


Great to see the PAX hang in there for a tough run – great work –


As always the pleasure was mine –


Until next time




Pre-Blast: Harbison 50K

Do you like to run? Want to do a #CSAUP that’s not a ruck or mud run? Have you wanted to complete a trail ultramarathon? Here is your chance to race one of the southeast’s most popular early season 50K races! Time to put all that F3 work into action!

Since the trail running and 50K/Ultramarathon racing bug has bitten a large majority of F3 Columbia, YHC wanted to offer all Pax of F3 Nation a discount into one of my favorite races to direct. The Harbison 50K in the Harbsion State Forest right here within the city limits of Columbia, SC. Why not tackle a distance like this right in your back yard!

Race Date: January 7, 2017
Start time: 7:30 am
Distance: Just a tad shy of 32 miles
Course: 2 loops, so you can enjoy Spiderwoman twice!
Map: Click Here
Weather: The last couple years has been down right cold and wet… great for getting muddy!
Technical aspect: Mild to Moderate, moderate to hard if trail conditions deteriorate due to weather.
Toughest Section: Everyone says Spiderwoman but I love the Spiderwoman trails, Personally YHC thinks the toughest section is Midlands Mountain/Firebreak to the main parking lot section near the end of the loop due to the lack of terrain change.
Total Elevation Change: 4,186′
Cut off time: A loose 9 hours
Race swag: A race logo’d shirt and a sweet finisher’s award that you can wear proudly everywhere you go, bragging about your accomplishment.
Discount: 25% off registration fees
Discount Code: F3Nation

My contact info:

Registration/More info: Ultrasignup

If you decide to join the race, feel free to let me know your F3 name and I’ll be sure to have that custom printed on your race bib instead of your hospital name.

If you’re travelling to Columbia and don’t want to stay on top of a fellow Pax, I have discounted rooms available at the Harbison Hampton Inn which is 5 minutes from the race site. If you need to use this, shoot me an email at the address above!

See all there!


feeling lazy today?

9 men resisted the comforts of the fartsack and made it to Folsom this morning. no fngs, short disclaimer and we’re off.

warmup: monkey humpers (Allen Tates), cherry pickers, imperial walkers and ssh all x 20IC.


the thang

mosey to the lower parking lot.  Bobby Hurleys and Captain Thor both x 20. partner up for catch me if you can.  p1 does five burpees then sprints to catch p2, who is running backwards.  catch, flip.  p2 does 5 burpees, p1 runs backwards.  up the parking lot and back.  rinse and repeat except round two was p1 does 5 lbc and catches partner who is bear crawling.  catch, flip.

mosey back up to the tennis courts for lazy Dora. p1 x 10 merkins, p2 holds plank.  alternate up to 100.  p1 does 20 lbc, p2 holds six inches.  alternate to 200.  p1 does 25 squats, p2 holds a low squat.  alternate to 300.  lots of mumble chatter about a correct squat.

circle up for a 5 merkin ring of fire, 10 lbc ring of fire while the PAX hold six inches, 5 burpees OYO and ended with Moroccan nightclubs x 50IC. mosey back to the launching point.

COT prayer requests: each other, our nation. BOM: Allen Tate closed us out in prayer.

like always, I consider it an honor, pleasure and privilege to lead you men. until next time…

Allen Tate

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