Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: May 2016 (Page 3 of 5)

We must be Insane…

After a number of posts mingled among the PAX it was time to step into the center ring and head of the line. I read Freed to Lead, digested the back blasts, combed the F3 exercise list, and planned my strategy for a worthy beat down at Martha’s House. Prior to a brotherly EH from Whoopee and Roscoe, YHC’s fitness regiment began with Insanity and various other DVD’s. All provide a great workout but without any accountability other than one’s conscious. Enter F3 where inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes; where you don’t want to let you partner down plugging through a Dora 1-2-3 (shout out to JK2 and T-Square); where one idiot could lead a PAX full.

As with any new experience, my nerves were shaking but my PAX were supportive and ready for my version of Insanity to begin. We didn’t quite achieve 45 minutes of Mary, but it was a good half hour’s worth. YHC crafted a Weinke featuring standard exercises and a few new ones. It went like this:

Warm-up (in cadence – for the most part)

  • Dollys x10
  • Crab Cakes x15
  • WW II Sit Ups x 15
  • Hillbillies x15
  • Imperial Walkers x15
  • LBC’s x15
  • Plank Taps x10 (in plank: Set 1: alternate extending left hand then right hand. Set 2: alternate extending left foot and right foot. Set 3: alternate extending right hand/left foot, left hand/right foot.)
  • Floor Tuck Jumps x 15 (on 6, heels on ground, knees bent, lean back with hands in front of shoulders and lift your knees to your hands – as you would a standing tuck jump – contrary to Madoff’s backblast 5/13 – this is not ‘jazz hands’).
  • Dying cockroach x15 (in gratitude for Bandit’s technical assistance)

Short mosey across the street to the bank for the pledge, a few announcements…

The Thang

The PAX went for a very short mosey, returning to the rear parking lot of the AO declaring that was enough running for the day – the subtle groans and chatter meant intended goal #1 was achieved.

I had a few treats in store beginning with the musical soundtrack primarily of 80’s rock, metal, or cheesy sound tracks to inspire the PAX through the beat down. Wanting to share the origin of my fitness journey, the format followed Insanity circuits with 4 exercises at 30 seconds each with a 30 second rest between sets, or so it was intended.

Circuit 1

  • Squat Jack with a twist (Ozzy – Crazy Train)
  • Diamond Merkins (Iron Maiden – The Trooper)
  • Bobby Hurleys (Hoosiers soundtrack)
  • Peter Parkers (Spiderman theme – tv version)
  • Rinse, repeat 2x

Water break (In order to limit the Q’s name in vain later today, refreshments were provided). It was eerily quiet among the PAX at this point, intended goal #2 achieved; we pushed ahead.

Circuit 2

  • Ski Abs [in plank, keep knees together and pull to right elbow, back to plank, pull knees to left elbow] (Metallica – For Whom the Bell Tolls)
  • Side elbow plank with tap overs [top foot taps forward/back – switch sides mid-way] (Motley – Dr. Feelgood)
  • Alternating leg raises with punch (ACDC – For Those About to Rock)
  • Oblique Merkins [hands at 12 and 3, merkin right; switch hands to 12 and 9, merkin left] (Dokken – Mr. Scary)
  • Repeat 1x (we lost Stroganoff and Easy Rider who had a work meeting at 7 am – how convenient)

Circuit 3

  • Freddie Mercury (The Spirit of the Radio)
  • Plank walk 2x then Merkin 4x (YYZ)
  • Squat then lunge – alternate (One Little Victory)
  • Captain Thor (Far Cry)
  • Omaha Sets 2 & 3 – it looked good on paper, forgot to include extended recovery time between…note to self

Circuit 4

  • Mountain Climbers (The Who – Baba O’Riley)
  • Jack Feet with L/R upper cuts [needed punching exercise to go with music] (Rocky Theme Song – Gonna Fly)
  • Merkins (another Rocky – Going the Distance aka the song during the final round)
  • Baby Makers [New! Elbow plank; thrust (checked – yes, thrust is the only way to describe this type of forward movement) pelvic area forward as if to simulate a particular act of nature] (background music: Pornosonic – Laying Pipe featuring Ron Jeremy – available for download on iTunes). Insanity Cardio Abs officially called this exercise Pulse Tucks – they provide a good burn to your abs however most of PAX fizzled out after 10 seconds – wondering if a blue pill might keep the energy going – next time.
  • Omaha Sets 2 & 3


Reminder to send names to Bandit for Belmont – June 11th is the first event. If you want to do the Blue Ridge Relay – contact Whoopee – meeting at Brixx Monday night. We lifted prayers up for T-Square and his son and uncle for strength and healing.

Thanks to my fellow PAX for the opportunity to lead today’s session. Like any cross-fit or insanity type of workout the goal is muscle confusion. No better to achieve that than to have YHC as a VQ, but hopefully future sessions will be improved upon and much less insane.

Mumble mumble

Well it’s 5:30PM at Midoriyama…here we go!! Let’s begin Pizza Man’s delivery…


Side straddle hop x 20 IC

High knees

Don Quixotes x 15 IC


The Thang:

Merkin x 20 IC

Air squat x 20 IC

Flutter kicks x 25 IC

Werkin x 20 IC

Alternating Jumping Lunges x 30 IC

LBC x 30 IC

Dips x 30 IC

Wall Taps x 30 OYO

Homer Marge x IC

Carolina Dry Dock x 20 IC (Omaha 12)

One legged lunge x 15 IC

World War I x 25 IC (Watch out Tool Time)

Diamond merkins x 20 IC (Omaha 16)

Zombie walk x half the distance of horse pit

V up x 30 IC

Mosey to slider hill

Down and up slider hill with 1 burpee at top, down and up slider hill with 2 burpees, keep going to 5 burpees

Mosey to steps for calf raises (Total of 60 Calf raises)

Mosey to playground for 2 sets of pull-ups ASRAP

Mosey back for:


Plank jacks

Spider merkins

Monkey Humpers x 15 IC



  • May 21st- F3 Dads Day at South Mountain State Park
  • May 23rd- BBR Planning Meeting 7 pm, at Brixx in Gastonia
  • May 28th- 5k Belmont (Be nice to have a good F3 showing in Belmont, two weeks before inaugural F3 Belmont workout)
  • June 11th- F3 Belmont inaugural workout


Great work by The PAX!! Always a pleasure to get the opportunity to lead!!

 Encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11


you’re a daisy if you do

10 of Folsom’s finest ventured into the gloom for the VQ.

with not a fng in sight, short disclaimer was given.


SSH x 15 ic / Floyd Mayweathers x 10 ic, switch/repeat / Allen Tates (monkey humpers) x 15 ic


short mosey. stopped and found rosalita 15 times ic

continue the mosey to the lower parking lot.

4 corner escalators. spot one: merkins x 10 / sprint to spot two: squat jumps x 15 + merkins x 10 / bear crawl to spot three: mountain climbers x 20 + squat jumps x 15 + merkins x 10 / sprint to spot four: lbc x 25 + mountain climbers x 20 + squat jumps x 15 + merkins x 10 / bear crawl back to start

mosey a little

Peter parkers x 10 ic

mosey some more

arrived to the tennis courts to partake in 11’s starting with 1 burpee and 10 imperial walkers.  went up and down the tennis courts.

afterwards we circled up for more fun

5 double merkin burpees, hillbillys x 10 ic, 5 double merkin burpees, monkey humpers x 10 ic, ring of fire with 5 merkins and 10 lbc, calf raises x 10 ic, don quixotes x 10 ic, 5 double merkin burpees.

mosey back to the parking lot to finish up with another ring of fire with 5 merkins and 5 additional double merkin burpees.

thank you all for the opportunity to q this morning. let’s keep pushing each other.

– Phillipians 4:13


Lather, Rinse, Repeat

5 pax showed up for Q number 2 from YHC.

Started with a short disclaimer as there were no fng’s today.

Warmup; SSH,LBC, Hillbillys, Toe raises, all exercises x15 IC.


Mosey to bottom of parking lot and start the late week beatdown.  This set started at bottom of parking lot working our way up the hill with 5 different exercises. Started with CDD, then Freddie Mercury, Clock Merkins, LBC’s, and Squat’s at the top of the lot all exercises x20 OYO. Mosey back down the hill and mosey 1 lap around the parking lot. Repeato. Get to bottom shelter and start the benchwork with dips, stepups, and Derkins all x15 IC. Repeato. Oops still have time left so we mosey to amphitheater for some flutterkicks and stepups on the wall x10 IC. YHC asks pax for an exercise and burpee’s and BTTW hip slappers were done IC. With time running out we mosey back to do COT.

announcements, prayer request, namorama

Great job guys! Thanks for the opportunity.


Dog gone!

Fortunate enough to have great weather this morning for a nice running based workout.  Three men posted and workout began with Warmup of 20 SSH, 10 Merkins and ….wait what’s that yabba dabba do – Flintstone rumbled in just in time to join us for LBCs and more SSH.

PAX: Anthrax, Flintstone, Stroganoff, Defib

The Thang:


Then Mosey

Then run some more while being chased by a Cujo and friends!


Ended up running from the Storm across bridge to Crammerton and then to our favorite neighborhood bank – BBT.  Considered Donkey kicks but figured Bandit would not approve.  Decided on wall-sit with air presses.

Then time for some Dora – partnered up and did 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 Squats while partner ran up steps and around building.

Mosey back to eye of storm again through Crammerton and grateful that Cujo and friends were gone.


Time for 12 more Merkins and returned for Pledge.


Prayer requests go out to Anthrax’s M who is now in her third trimester.

Announcements include second F with 2.0s for hike in South Mountains this Saturday – Contact JK2


Defib – YHC – out

Let’s workout before a 5K – Sounds like a great idea….

“Hey, let’s do a workout before the Caromont Community Challenge 5K on Saturday.” – Sargento

“Sure, sounds great.” – Stroganoff

Sounded like a good idea at the time. So Sargento and Myself decided to Co-Q a workout just before a 5K run.

6 PAX including 2 FNG’s gathered in The Storm parking lot for a pre-5K beatdown with NO RUNNING. With the 2 FNG’s present, we went through a quick discussion about the F3 mission before a quick warm up In Cadence with Stroganoff leading the first half of the workout:

SSH X 20
Imperial Walkers X 15
Merkins X 10 (or some number close to that)

Short mosey to the corner of tennis courts for the Pledge.

The Thang

The PAX then moseyed to the concrete area at the baseball/softball field complex for some upper body work. I took some inspiration from Madoff’s VQ on Friday with some 50 second work as follows:

The main work was 50 seconds of as many reps you can do of an exercise followed by a 15 – 30 second break before the next exercise:

Hip Slappers
Hip Slappers
Dips in Cadence (X 15)
Dips in Cadence (X 15)

This took us through about half the workout and it was time to turn it over to Sargento for Part II.

Stroganoff handed the workout off to Sargento but unfortunately he had an acute attack of the Sandy V (strained something in his back doing dips, how does that happen!?!). Not wanting to let the PAX down, especially with 2 FNGs present, he pushed through as best he could.

Plank, switching to right and left hands in the air for impact.
Attempted the Makhtar N’Dyiaye but skipped due to more Sandy V.
Freddie Mercury x15IC?
Dying Cockroach x15IC
American Hammer (thanks Outhouse for the cadence!)
Good Morning Dolly x20IC
Flutter Kick x20IC
Floyd Mayweather x10IC each arm
Nolan Ryan x10IC each arm
Protractor using PAX countoff for impact.

Called out to the group to finish the time with the following:

Outhouse called for 5 burpees OYO.
Stroganoff finished it off with 15 French Fries IC.

Mosey to the parking lot.

Announcements, prayer requests, COT.

Welcome to the two FNG’s: Mr. Jenkins & Loverboy

Even with the back injury, Sargento still ran the 5K with his 2.0….strong work.

F3 had a great showing at the 5k with multiple PAX placing in their age groups. I finished second behind Tool Time and I think both Freight and Pizza Man placed as well. Didn’t help my ego any but I think Pizza Man finished ahead of me pushing a stroller…..yikes. If I remember correctly, Outhouse’s son finished first or second in his age group along with my 2.0 finishing 3rd in hers.

Finally with the biggest finish of all was Quiche who took first overall in the 5K. Great work Quiche…..are you on the BRR team??? Aye!!

As always, it was an honor to lead another group through some iron sharpening iron work. I appreciate the opportunity and thanks to Sargento for splitting the time.

Until the next one.



Four Corners Offense

In trying to come up with a good workout for my VQ, I took a look back at my first post at Martha’s House.  Turns out it was very similar to the plan I had in mind, but I had to put a little Tar Heel twist into it.

Warm Up (To be honest, I was so nervous I don’t remember the counts.  It was somewhere between 10 and 20.)

  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • LBC
  • Imperial Walkers

Mosey to the next door for the Pledge.

The Thang

Mosey to the old Harris Teeter parking lot.

Told the pax we were going to run a little Four Corners offense.  Dean would run this to slow the game down, but we were going to use it to get things going and speed it up.

Get a fast-break partner… 1 pax runs while the other completes the exercises.  Switch after a lap; cumulative counts.  (During my first post, Spiderman had us run with bricks.  However, bricks aren’t good in basketball terminology, so we left those out.)

  • 100 Lunges
  • 125 Russian Twists/American Hammers
  • 150 LBCs


For the halftime entertainment, we kept the 4-corners theme and entered the boxing ring.

Floyd Mayweathers x 10  (From plank position, punch forward, plank, back/side punch, plank; repeat with other arm)

With halftime over, we got back to the second half.  Same 4-corners offense with fast-break partner, one runs, one exercises, cumulative counts.

  • 100 Merkins
  • 150 Squats
  • 200 Flutter Kicks

To be fair to the other shade of blue, we looked for an exercise to suit them.  They are used to slapping the floor which is too easy for an F3 workout so we did some hip slappers.

  • Hip Slappers x 10

We went into overtime with some Elevens – Merkins/run/Squats.  Shot clock ran out so we only made it to 4 or 5.

Mosey back to Pelican’s for announcements, prayer requests, and closing prayer.

Thanks to the guys for being part of my VQ.  Looking forward to the next one.


Gashouse Tag Team

There was no devious, contemplated pain plan in play this morning, just a regular, old-fashioned tag team beatdown. Although there was some rivalrous banter on the Twitter Machine (Roscoe vs. The Bandit), in the end there was no clear looser (except #fartsackers). Everyone who posted to Gashouse left better than they when the arrived. Great to have friends from Mountain Island Lake (El Tigre, Pinky and Hambone) and 2 FNGs join us today.

Bandit took the lead to warm up the crowd with 20-rep sets of SSH, Mericans (recent neglect of upper body workouts apparent, and the PAX notice EVERYTHING), Imperial Walkers, Peter Parkers and Toy Soldiers. Then a quick mosey to Old Glory for the Pledge.

The Thang – Part 1
After the pledge, Roscoe led the PAX across the road and moseyed to the back of the office for some work. In the back parking lot we did some Joe Hendrix backwards bear crawl up the hill to the other side and then some dips IC. Bunny Hops down the hill and then lunge walks back up.

Roscoe then let a mosey behind the church to Sherwood Elementary track and playground for some elevens. One Merkin and then run across the track (sixty yards?) to the playground for ten pull-ups and back across for two Merkin , run back for nine pullups, etc until 10 Merkin and one pull-up. Not a lot of chatter because there was no air available to speak.

We planked for the six and then did some Al Gore until FNG “Slaw” who was the designated time keeper said we were at the halfway point of the workout, at which point it was turned over to the Bandit.

The Thang – Part 2
After a short mosey to First Presbyterian’s parking lot, we partnered up for a mini Dora 1-2-3. It was 50 Merkins, 100 LBCs and 150 Squats.

The Thang – Part 3
Bandit continued the journey with a mosey through the parking lot, across Garrison Blvd and down to the track at Greer MS. Stepping in, Roscoe led the PAX in a set of calf raises before turning things back to Bandit for 5 rounds of Burpee Suicide Sprints. This is 5 burpees OYO, sprint to the 30 yd line and back. Rinse and repeat. While Bandit called Omaha (not Oklahoma) to stop at 4 rounds, clearly, the word did not make it around to all.

Regardless while everyone recovered Bandit paused to share some wisdom from Freed to Lead. Pogo40 (inconsistent fitness), the Sifter (loneliness) and The Reacher (lack of purpose) are the three classic symptoms of SadClown Syndrome (happy outside, sad inside). F3 provides us with a solution the fills these holes in our lives through fitness, fellowship and faith.

Wrap Up
With our intermission complete, and PAX respiration restored, we head back to the Schiele’s parking lot and finish with a few rounds of Mary. Roscoe finishes us off with the Protractor at the end for FNG “MS DOS” that showed up early for the 8am workout (uh, we don’t have one of those).

Prayer requests: Hot for Teacher’s Mother in law, great news about Billy Madison’s wife’s cancer being gone!

The Best of Johnny Cash

10 pax, those fortunate enough to awake from their dreams, pushed through their superstitions and fears to gather Downtown where Jason (F3 name is Madoff) was Q on Friday the 13th.   It was an eerie morning where Stroganoff kept peering over his shoulder and mumbling something about a chainsaw and hocky mask.  Fortunately, the chainsaw turned out to be nothing more than a city employee with a leaf blower and ear buds singing from Dr. Dre’s album, The Chronic, “Yo, I breaks ‘em off. I breaks ‘em off cheap. Deadly as Jason on Friday the 13th.”


Call to order:

Any FNGs? Nope.

Disclosure. We’re all idiots.



Side Straddle Hop x 20 ic

Peter Parker x 20 ic

Moroccan Nightclub x 20 ic

Count off

Indian Run around the parking lot


Important Stuff:


Theme of the month

Word of the week



The Thang: The Best of Johnny Cash – Ring of Fire

50 seconds of exercise

10 seconds to recover

Run a lap

Rinse & repeat

The exercises were…


Rocky Balboa

Bobby Hurley


Suicide Run (using parking space lines)

Monkey Humpers

Bear Crawl


Hip Slappers (missed you today Whoopee!)


Then Six(teen) Minutes with Mary…

Flutter Kicks (20) ic

LBCs (20) ic

Dying Cockroach (20) ic

Russian Twists (15) ic

WWI Sit-Ups (20) ic

Freddie Mercury (20) ic – thx Stroganoff

Burpees (5) OYO – thx JK2

“Jazz Hands???” (20) ic – thx Short Sale. Some of the PAX looked way too comfortable with this new exercise…jus’ saying. We’re not calling any names here, Spiderman.

Protractor – thx Roscoe


The most important stuff…

Prayer requests



Great effort today by the PAX…not just with the exercises but also in forging relationships that matter.


I read this verse yesterday & was challenged by it.  I believe these words are a good summation of what we’re all striving for as dads, husbands, friends, leaders, and F3 idiots.


“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14


**”act like men” is often translated as “be courageous

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