• Post Type:
  • When: 5/17/2016
  • AO:
  • QIC: Pizza Man
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Tool Time, Def Leppard, Pizza Man

Well it’s 5:30PM at Midoriyama…here we go!! Let’s begin Pizza Man’s delivery…


Side straddle hop x 20 IC

High knees

Don Quixotes x 15 IC


The Thang:

Merkin x 20 IC

Air squat x 20 IC

Flutter kicks x 25 IC

Werkin x 20 IC

Alternating Jumping Lunges x 30 IC

LBC x 30 IC

Dips x 30 IC

Wall Taps x 30 OYO

Homer Marge x IC

Carolina Dry Dock x 20 IC (Omaha 12)

One legged lunge x 15 IC

World War I x 25 IC (Watch out Tool Time)

Diamond merkins x 20 IC (Omaha 16)

Zombie walk x half the distance of horse pit

V up x 30 IC

Mosey to slider hill

Down and up slider hill with 1 burpee at top, down and up slider hill with 2 burpees, keep going to 5 burpees

Mosey to steps for calf raises (Total of 60 Calf raises)

Mosey to playground for 2 sets of pull-ups ASRAP

Mosey back for:


Plank jacks

Spider merkins

Monkey Humpers x 15 IC



  • May 21st- F3 Dads Day at South Mountain State Park
  • May 23rd- BBR Planning Meeting 7 pm, at Brixx in Gastonia
  • May 28th- 5k Belmont (Be nice to have a good F3 showing in Belmont, two weeks before inaugural F3 Belmont workout)
  • June 11th- F3 Belmont inaugural workout


Great work by The PAX!! Always a pleasure to get the opportunity to lead!!

 Encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11