Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: May 2016 (Page 2 of 5)

Pre Memorial Day Modified Murph

8 appeared in the Gloom this am for a sample of the MURPH!

Warmup; x 15 IC; SSH, Toy Soldier, CDD, Trunk Side Stretch


Thang; YHC asked the Pax if they knew what the MURPH was? Couple of the pax stated they had heard of it and I also heard something about getting back in the truck. The ones who didn’t know got a little a history on Michael Murphy. #Respect
To give up your life for your fellow brothers and your country. No words can express my gratitude for that. So the Pax were informed we were going to modify Murph’s workout and only do half. Run a 1/2 mile, 5 sets of each; 10 pullups, 20 mericans, 30 squats. Run a 1/2 mile. The Pax embraced the challenge and hit it head on. Nice to see them work together on the pullups and push each other during the exercises. YHC offered the count to the Pax and they jumped in as well. Mericans got a little fast on a few of the sets, my apologies. After the second 1/2 mile the Pax moseyed to the tennis court to finish out the time with A little bit o Mary. Huckleberry with Ring of Fire, Shingle with LBC’s, Hydrant with Mountain Climbers, Roadie with SSH, Garfield with Lunge in Place, Hank with 10 Burpees OYO, Mary Lou, you gonna have to help me out sir, drawing a blank, was it hillbillies, yes I think it was. YHC with 10 pretzels IC each side.

Moleskin; Strong work men. A pleasure to push the rock with you guys. It’s awesome to see the growth in each one of you. #DFQ. It doesn’t get easier you just get stronger. Tclaps to Huckleberry, nice work sir. Mary Lou called me out on at least one of the Tempo merican sets. AYE! It is an honor to lead you men.

COT, Namorama, Announcements, Prayer Requests,

BOM; Thanks for taking us out Huckleberry

Get that heart rate up!

For today’s workout, I decided to do a little throwback. Five years ago I was overweight, out of shape, and a big ball of mush. One day I just got tired of it and started working out at home. This was before I ever heard of f3.

Fifty pounds later I decided to introduce one of my favorite routines to the PAX. It was brutal but we made it through and I was impressed at how well everyone did.

Here’s the outline.


  • Straight arm side straddle hop IC
  • Side to side jump ropes
  • arms out high knees
  • hit the floor
  • side to side floor hops
  • Side straddle hops
  • high knees

The pledge as we caught our breath.

Main event.

These are all done for one minute with no breaks unless you get tired. As many as you can do.

  • High low squat jabs
  • Fast feet to low plank.
  • 8 Bobby Hurley 4 hop squat
  • Right front kicks
  • Left front kicks
  • Diamond jumps
  • 4 Plank in an outs. 4 push up jacks
  • Burpees
  • 8 high knees 8 Sprints 8 floor Sprints
  • Plank with hoping feet to left side then center then right
  • Front kick and step back and touch the ground. Right leg
  • Front kick and step back and touch the ground. Left leg
  • Squat twists. Squat and touch your foot after coming up. Alternate.
  • Hop to one leg and bring the other behind.
  • In the squat punch twice. Jump and do 180 to a squat and repeat.
  • Power knees to left
  • Power knees to right
  • Jump side to side landing in squat with a hook pinch
  • Squat then front kick (alternate kicks)
  • Run up a little, touch ground. Run back, touch ground.
  • Peter Parker’s with a push up
  • Plank punches
  • 8 jump ropes / 8 pulse squats
  • Squat and hold and pretend to hit a speed bag.

At this point, I was out of exercises but we still had 10 minutes left. So I took a quick survey, then abruptly disregarded the results, and started again from the top.

  • High low squat jabs
  • Fast feet to low plank.
  • 8 Bobby Hurley 4 hop squat
  • Right front kicks
  • Left front kicks
  • Diamond jumps
  • 4 Plank in an outs. 4 push up jacks
  • I threw in an audible and we did LBC’s to catch our breath before the final pain.
  • Burpees
  • Low plank and hold, Do a plank jack anytime someone yelled “Yeah”. Tool time didn’t get the memo and kept screaming yeah as we looked at him with disgust.

Ended on 45 minutes exactly. Quick list of announcements and ended with the COT.

Here is some early feedback on the workout:

Thanks men for making me stronger! Until next time, Floppy Disk signing off. 

A Year Later

A little over a year ago made my first F3 post at the Storm. Though it would be a good opportunity for a work out of all the exercises that I dislike.

To the surprise of the PAX I was able to locate some cinder  blocks to add to the joy of the morning.

Warm Up

SSHx 25

Imperial Walkerx25

Moroccan Night Clubx25

Flutter KickX25




Mosey around parking lot which was out track for the day for one lap.

Back at start partner up for some fun

  1. Lunge walk the 400 meters with block. Partner A lunge walk while B takes a lap switching spots as you catch each other for one lap.  (long way)
  2. After a short recover grab block and mosey to far corner swapping block with partner as need.
  3. Circle up for a few exercises 1. 30 x squat with block 2. 10 knee jump tucks 3. 25 x mt climbers 4. 20 x merkins 5. LBC x 20 6. 15x Hip Slapper
  4. Mosey up to Baseball field and rinse and repeat changing the last exercise to 10 Burpee OYO

Stack the blocks and mosey back to lot for some COT.

Still had a min so we caught 50x flutter IC to finish up.



T Square

Outhouse Dad

Shrimp Boat on up coming trip



BRR Planning at Brixx

Well, Sept 9 will be here sooner than it seems, so we met to discuss the logistics for BRR for GasHouse. (Un)fortunately we have about 16 guys who have expressed some interest and only 12 can be on the team. Based on level of interest we have a tentative starting lineup hoping that those who have expressed interest but are not on the initial roster would be willing to fill in if needed. I really don’t like being the one to deliver this news and hope no one is offended. It just came down to a group decision based on perceived level of interest. I will go ahead and apologize if anyone feels left out and I am willing to take the blame if anyone is upset.

That being said, we had a great meeting and accomplished a lot. Sargento had done a lot of recon prior to this meeting and with his running experience (along with Outhouse and Quiche) offered a lot of tips for those of us who are more distance-challenged. I did check the rule books, and NO, you cannot use wheelies ToolTme. May need to re-think your choice of legs you will be running….

Here is what I remember:

Leave Thurs pm prob around 3-6pm (to be decided closer to race date) and drive to camping spot. I will look into camping sites for 14 semi-adults. Bring your own gear. If we get there soon enough there is an all-you-can eat spaghetti dinner waiting for us at cost of $10/person based on previous year information.

Pizza Man/Freight will schedule 2 separate workouts to include Day 1 AM, Day 1 PM, and Day 2 AM running workouts (2 back to back weekends for each separate workout so if 1 weekend is bad, the next option is likely to work) probable in late June and July/Aug. Should hear something soon so you can make plans.

Drivers will be Mayor and Bandit

Random Things:

2 blinkers per runner, everyone get their own reflective vest, need a headlamp or small mag lite to carry with you, no headphones, no alcohol, at least 2 pairs of running shoes, get the mileage in each week with some planned hill workouts. Should be doing 10-12 miles per week or more now and increase by at least a mile or 2 each week with 1 long run each week (start approx 5+ miles and increase each week). Check with Quiche, Sargento, Defib, or OutHouse if any questions or look up half or full marathon running training programs on your 2.0’s computer at home.

Consider finding 2-4 other guys on the list and form a smaller running group to keep each other accountable-show some initiative and ask someone to be part of your group so everyone is involved together. If I am posting at any F3 workout I am willing to come in for EC before so message me a day or 2 beforehand and I can let you know if I will be there (?5am).

Here is the list and again, sorry if you were interested but are not on this list. Hopefully if you are needed you will consider joining the team. This was a tough decision. I will put the list in order so you can see what legs you are running. You can check the Blue Ridge Relay 2016 website for more details on your legs.

Stroganoff: 1,13, 25

Monk: 2,14, 26

Defib; 3,15, 27

Pizza Man: 4, 16, 28

Tool Time: 5,17, 29

Freight: 6,18, 30

Dolph: 7, 19, 31

Quiche: 8, 20, 32

Outhouse: 9, 21, 33

JK2: 10, 22, 34

Sargento: 11, 23, 35

Whoopee: 12, 24, 36

Potential Subs include the following:Spiderman, Classified Omelet, JoBu, E4, Def Leopard.

Looking forward to this CSAUP!! Gonna be a blast. Maybe 2 teams next year?


Short Weinke

Warm up IC
Imperial Walker


Hit the streets for miles over to Cramerton to get ready for the BRR. Pax ran right at 4 3/4 miles on this perfect morning.

Caught the Pledge at the end and finished up with word of the week.

Ephesians 5:25  Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church

Word of the Month Love


Continued prayers for T-Square

Multiple PAX on Job


27 pax dared to show their face this morning. One things for sure I was not expecting that! Which 10 or 11 at 3rd F before the workout I was shocked to see the cars roll in. We had some visitors from Stanley come join us this Morning (Slaw and Def Leppard and 2 of the 7 FNGs). Tool Time had a crew with him accounting for 4 FNGs and 1 loner FNG. 27 was the final number at start time. So with conversations flying around and others starting rumors of a beatdown it was TIME TO START!

Disclaimer for all but really for the FNGs. You know the speech. Do what you can, listen to your body, I’m an idiot……..


10ic windmills, 20ic Moroccan Night a clubs, mosey around parking lot with High knees, butt kicks, side steps both sides. Then a mosey to the flag for pledge.

The Thang:

We started the work out straight from the pledge flag. We had a lot of ground to cover and a lot of exercises to hit. The goal was a 1,000 reps of different exercises. So with the goal and location mapped out we was off.

We took off toward Ollies parking lot. We stopped three times just to keep everyone together and to start on those reps.

Made it to Ollies parking lot and used the endless lot of aisles to continue the ground coverage and reps. Up and down each aisle with 25 reps of called exercise. Too many to remember but you get the idea.

After making it about 8 rows in time was getting away from us. We started back toward the museum. Stopping along the way again to keep everyone together and to keep getting reps.

We make it back to the museum and circle up. Tool time yells out BURPEES!!! No!!! No Burpees were done in this work out. Through out the morning they was called out but NO. I promised no Burpees and I was keeping my promise. By this time it was TIME to end.



We lost a FNG early, not sure what happened but hope he comes back out.

I want to give a shout out to Da Vinci. He really pushed it today and never stopped. Well done Sir!!! Everyone did great as well. A lot of ground covered. We did 3.27 miles and 500 reps of 20 different exercises. Always a honor to lead this group. Til next time!!

For the record. I mentioned visitors from Stanley. I have to admit that I got Stanley and Shelby mixed up but none the less it was great to have return guys with FNGs.



So I’m writing this BB 2 days after the workout. Thus the tittle. It always hits you more the 2nd day! I went into this one with very little planned. After doing this enough a plan isn’t always needed. I loaded up some coupons figuring I could get them mixed in if needed. We ended having an even 6 so it worked out for some sort of Dora.


SSH x 15ic

Hillbillies x 10ic

Toy Soldiers x 10ic

There was some mumble chatter about Duke and UNC so it was felt that evil needed to be worked out of Def Leopard so 10 Bobby Hurley’s were called. This happened periodically during the workout.

The Thang:

Partner up with a coupon, 2 groups had blocks and the toughest group grabbed the 40 lbs kettle bell.

Partner 1 runs down the parking lot and back Partner 2 does the exercise and switch. You know the drill.

1st -150 curls 2nd- 200 LBC’s 3rd-200 squats 4th-100 upright rows 5th- 75? roll up V ups

Circled up for Ryder Merkins x 5ic, Diamond Merkins x 10ic, CDD x 15ic

YHC then asked for request. Tooltime said running because he knows Floppy Disk hates it. Floppy Disk said Zombie Walk. So I like to please everyone so we sprinted part of the way through the parking lot then finished it off with a Zombie Walk. We slow moseyed back to the start and did some Fiddler crab walks.


Announcements-Belmont startup June 11th, Belmont 5K 5/28, F3 Dads at South MTN



A great workout came out of nowhere today. It is great to meet up with your brothers and push one another like this. Special welcome to Slaw who just joined this past Saturday and came out to Midoriyama this week. Great to have you brother. Good Work!

Museum of Masonry

Off we went to the Museum of Masonry. Gazing at each work of art for a minute then moving to the next, not quite sure what we’re supposed to glean from the experience, but more than willing to try at the next.

This is how Friday went down, in the covered rain.


15 Seal Jacks
10 Merkins
10 LBCs
10 Squats
8 Don Quixotes
1 lap around the parking lot


The Thang

12 exercise stations
-4 using cynder blocks
-4 using half cynder blocks
-4 using bricks

50 seconds on, 10 seconds recover
Cinder Blocks
shoulder press

Half Cinder Blocks
cinder steps
tricep extensions

Morrocan Night Club
Bent rows
Speed Bags
Dying Cockroaches

Run a lap.

Repeat The Museum of Masonry

2 minutes of Mary


Wetter Than A Goat In The Rain

It was raining. Most of the PAX fart sacked. Top Hat and Bandit did not! Good thing we had two PAX, as all exercises were w/ partner.

The Thang (as best as I recall)…

  • Mosey to side of sub shop
  • Bear Crawls (P1) & Wall Push (P2), flip flop
  • Lunge (P1) & Wall Push (P2), flip flop
  • Mosey to Wall of Shame
  • Up Stairs, 5 BOYO, Down Stairs (P1) & Wall Push (P2), flip flop
  • Run around building (P1), CDD (P2)
  • Mosey around the block to Pavilion for presents. 8 cinder blocks for 2 PAX. Yikes!
  • Dora 1-2-3 with Shoulder Press, Biceps Curls, Triceps Curls while partner runs. Even threw in some toe taps.

We finished. We carried 8 cinder blocks back to Top Hat’s trunk. It was still raining.

Aye. Nice workout, Top Hat!

Pre-Murph Whoopee Style

Sorry this is late, just realized I did not post BB.

With Memorial Day coming up and having just watched Lone Survivor, what better way to celebrate a Tuesday morning than doing a version of the Murph….

WU: 10 reps IC of SSH, Squats, LBC, Don Quixote….get on with it already-really don’t like WU but know it is needed.

The Thang-

1 Lap around the parking lot (short Mosey but appropriate since time would be limited).

8 Pax so each took a turn with calling the exercises which included 10 Hip Slappers, 20 Merkins, and 30 squats giving a total of…..hang on, gotta wake one of my 2.0s to help with the math. I think that was 80 Hip Slappers, 160 Merkins, and 240 Squats…guess that is why my arse is still hurting. Gotta get the rope back out near the toilet and hook it back up to the ceiling.

Lap around the school with 5 burpees OYO at the round-a-bout in front of school. Continue Mosey to the back of the school and inhale some bus fumes then continue around to front of school where Madoff reminded me about the pledge-THANKS MADOFF, I had forgotten. Continued mosey to the flag but wait on the pledge to get some Mary done. I know we did some LBCs and American Hammer but really don’t remember much else. Think someone was slow on the draw so I had to throw in some burpees just for fun.

Pledge, COT-prayers for TSquare for family illnesses, South Mountain with 2.0s and M’s this weekend, few others.

GREAT WORK TAKING TURNS LEADING THE GROUP GUYS. Tough pushing through those hip slappers for me and I (pretend to) like them. It’s great to see how much each of us has grown in our abilities to not only do these exercises but also lead them with confidence.

Hang in there T Square, let us know if we can do anything to help-


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