6 PAX braved the nearly freezing temperatures and perhaps a little frost on the car in the morning to do some stretches, throw around some kettlebells, and even some work on the track at Bulldog this morning. It would’ve been 7 PAX if Hunchback would have been there. Here’s what I remember:
YHC got out of the car and yelled “One Minute”, and even then Nutria pulled in after that. Game on, but a little different today.
Warm Up Stretches:
A thorough stretch was called for after a Tesla beatdown at Life Line, so YHC obliged and put a round of stretching on the Weinke
- Front Bend
- Legs Crossed Side Bend L
- Legs Crossed Side Bend R
- Seated Back Twists L
- Seated Back Twists R
- Something where you put your feet together and try to bend forward but that didn’t work for any of us
- Some Tesla Stretches
- Ankle Circles in all directions
- Swinging Legs Forward
- Swinging Legs Sidewards
- Arm Circles Forward, Backwards, Large & Small
You really should have been there. But if you weren’t I’m sure there was a good reason.
Kettlebell Circuit (40 seconds AMRAP/15 seconds between):
- Halos (CW & CCW)
- One-handed Curl Presses (L & R)
- One-armed Bent Over Rows (L & R)
- Squeezes
- Tricep Extensions
- Kraken Burpees (no KB, but none needed)
And some Mary in Cadence:
- 15 x Toe Touches (IC)
- 15 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
- 15 x Penguins (IC)
Next to the track for a Modified Murph-ish partner routine:
- 1 Lap around the track
- 100 Combined Merkins
- 200 Combined Squats
- 300 Combined LBCs
- Completed in 5 synchronized sets of 10/20/30 with partners
- 1 Lap around the track
Nutria and Winehouse went out fast. Spiderman and Stagecoach were next. Tube and YHC mall walked. Q Fail as Tube and YHC ditched Nutria and Winehouse who were out to pick up the Six, because the Q knew we needed the time to get in another round. It’s cool, we counted off, and they caught up. If we would have had one more PAX, it would’ve been awkward though with there being odd numbers. Thank goodness we didn’t have one more PAX.
Repeato earlier work:
Kettlebell Circuit (40 seconds AMRAP/15 seconds between):
- Halos (CW & CCW)
- One-handed Curl Presses (L & R)
- One-armed Bent Over Rows (L & R)
- Squeezes
- Tricep Extensions
- Kraken Burpees (no KB, but none needed)
And finally, time left for some Mary in Cadence:
- 15 x Toe Touches (IC)
- 15 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
- 15 x Penguins (IC)
And that was time. Just how we drew it up. Anyone who missed it really missed out on a good one.
- Bulldog moving to Thursdays and Diablo Sammich moving to Tuesdays starting the first full week of March
- 2nd F Lunch – Pita Wheel in BELMONT Wednesday 2/21
- QSchool – 3/2 @ Gashouse
Prayer Requests:
Enjoyed it this morning, men. Thanks for the opportunity to lead.
Yabba Dabba Doo