• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 09/23/2023
  • AO: Gashouse
  • QIC: Short Sale
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Stroganoff (R), Roscoe (R), Nutria, JJ

We all have our home AO or our favorites. Mine is the one that I’m currently the Site Q which is the OG GasHouse. Unless I have a unique Q that requires a specific set-up, I take the same route each Saturday morning which means I’ll drive down Churchill Drive, take a right at the library onto Garrison and left into the Schiele. Why this route, well it’s the street my grandparents lived and then when they moved to a retirement home, my wife and I bought their house and it became our own. So, this weekly trip has a bit of nostalgia even though I’ve been up and down the road thousands of times. But as F3 has only been in my life for almost 8 years now, the downward hill just after Dixon to the speedbump speaks to me in a different way than those early years of my life.  Today was finally the day the hill would be in play.

Warm-up – actually a twist with Tube taking the warm-up for a few exercises. Those Pain Lab guys get out of their vehicles warm as Tube needed only a few exercises to get their bodies ready. Boot campers were dismissed. We moseyed out of the lot and to the library to finish the warm-up as our old bodies and particularly our legs needed some stretching:

  • Good Mornings SC x 10
  • Toy Soldiers IC x 10
  • Imperial Walkers IC x 10
  • Side to Side Lunge IC x 10
  • Maybe 1 or 2 more I can’t recall.

We trotted left out of the library onto Churchill and cruised up the road taking note of Stroganoff’s house (1st on the right) and then arriving at the speed bump just past Wilkins. The hill was clearly in view and the PAX felt what I was about to say. It’s a quick climb to the top – not a true Soul Crusher as Freight calls these beasts but when you do it 10 rounds, it becomes a beat-down. 11’s is the call with 10 Jump Squats at the bottom and 1 Perfect Form Merkin at the top. As we progressed throw the routine counting down and up respectively, I began to realize this lengthy run was going to take most of the workout. Stroganoff shared he had to depart at 7:30 for his daughter’s soccer game. He would make it to round 9 while the remainder completed the effort.

Next up was the PAX choice – 4 corners or another Hill burner. Nutria chose the 4 corner option. We began at Churchill and Edinburg with 10 Flutters, then went along Edinburg to  Queensgate, stacking the flutters with 20 Penguins, up the hill to Nottingham adding in 30 Big Boys, to Nottingham/Churchill for the finale with 40 Mtn Climbers. That didn’t take too much time, so lets use the last 12 or so minutes to get in 3 rounds of what I thought would be the real Thang. We moved to the base of Queensgate which I have used that hill before  (as has Whoopee) as it is tough climb. I had a sign with 6 exercises and reps on it. Due to the lack of time, we’d go about halfway up. Each PAX selected 3 of the 6 to complete in the allotted time. I’ll spare you the details but fare to say they were challenging.

It wasn’t all that complicated which I’m sure your surprised to hear. I guess sometimes I can go that way. Anyway it was effective and we enjoyed the fellowship.

COT – prayers for Turtleman. No announcements. Roscoe took us out.

Until the next one.