Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 9, 2023

Rolling the dice

I arrived early to set up gear (which included Flintstone’s 44-lb and 53-lb kettlebells) in a circle in the parking lot. After Stroganoff’s brief warmup, Pain Lab-rats gathered coupons and I explained the format. The rules were simple, at first. Six stations had exercises written on note cards. Two of the cards had a defined number of reps – one of those stations would be the “timer,” after the Pax would roll the big red die to determine how many spaces to move, clockwise. Put on some music and let’s get going.  Oh, by the way, one other rule – rolling “6” is a “wild card” roll, so PAX can choose space to go next.  (I added this twist since with only 6 exercise spaces, rolling 6 would mean repeating the same exercise – not a terrible thing, but this would make things more interesting.)

First set:
* Squat-Curl-Press (20)
* Kettlebell pullovers (20)
* Reverse lunges with kettlebell
* Star crunches
* Babymakers
* Heels to Heaven

After 16-18 minutes, flip the note cards over to reveal a different set of exercises for Set 2:
* Kettlebell swings (20)
* Goblet squats (20)
* Lawnmower rows
* Hello Dolly
* American Hammers
* PAX choice

After another 16 minutes or so, choose an exercise from either side of the card.  At 0758 we returned for COT as bootcampers arrived back at the flag.

It was great to see Top Hat back out in the gloom.  Mumblechatter topics included cars, training for new and old drivers, and Hot Dog educating us that Slipknot’s angry shouting into the microphone is more difficult than most people realize. 

Announcements:  2nd F lunch 9/20 at Gastonia Pita Wheel; Iron Pax Challenge continues through September

Prayers:  Turtleman, Huckleberry, Norwood, others

I’m privileged for the opportunity to lead this morning – thanks to all who joined to make ourselves better!

– Nutria

Stupid is as Stupid Does

The humidity is still hanging on and it might impact what I had in mind for the bootcamp.

Quality crowd for both the bootcamp and painlab this morning.

The best part for me were two Kotters.  My nephew Prius came out for the beatdown along with Happy Feet (F3 Dads name – that will change today).

Disclaimer.  Pledge.

Short Warm-Up with 12 IC side-straddle hops and 12 IC Imperial Walkers.

The Thang

Mosey to the entrance to the museum parking lot (what will we do?):

2 burpees – let’s rehash The Forrest Gump (which we have not done in several years).

Start the mosey west on Garrison Blvd – quick stop at the first street for 2 burpees.

Mosey to the parking lot at East Garrison Baptist Church for some OYO work:

15 Merkins – 20 Squats – 25 LBC’s – 2 burpees

Mosey to the Taxco Mexican parking lot

Repeat OYO reps:  15 Merkins – 20 Squats – 25 LBC’s – 2 burpees

Mosey to the memorial in the center of Lineberger Park for some Dora 1-2-3:

Partner up  for cumulative 100 CDD’s – 200 Squats – 300 Flutter Kicks

While partner 1 performs the exercise reps, partner 2 runs up toward the pool to the top of the steps and back.   Everyone enjoyed this one.

10 count followed by a mosey to the top of the steps again for 2 more burpees before moseying further up to the picnic shelter inside the train track for more in-cadence reps:

12 Dips – 12 Step Ups – 12 Dips – 12 Step Ups – 10 Dips – 10 Step Ups

10 count before moseying back to the memorial in the center of the park.

15 OYO derkins – 10 OYO derkins – 2 burpees

Start the mosey back toward the Schiele:

1st stop at the corner convenience store – 2 burpees

2nd stop at Taxco Mexican Restaurant – 15 Merkins – 20 Squats – 25 LBC’s

3rd stop back at East Garrison Baptist Church – 15 Merkins – 25 LBC’s and finished with the Forrest Gump tradition of 20 Monkey Humpers along the edge of Garrison Blvd….always a traffic pleaser.

Mosey back to the Schiele.  Time for one set of 20 reps of dying cockroaches.



Belmont ruck on 10/21

2nd F lunch coming up at Pita Wheel Gastonia

Prayer Requests:

Turtleman – Jackson Hall – Norwood

Good work men.  We covered just over 3 miles during the bootcamp.

Good to see some Kotters out at the Gashouse this morning.   A big welcome to Enos (Roscoe’s son and previously known as Happy Feet from his F3 Dads days).

Honored to lead.  Until the next one.  Aye!


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