I arrived early to set up gear (which included Flintstone’s 44-lb and 53-lb kettlebells) in a circle in the parking lot. After Stroganoff’s brief warmup, Pain Lab-rats gathered coupons and I explained the format. The rules were simple, at first. Six stations had exercises written on note cards. Two of the cards had a defined number of reps – one of those stations would be the “timer,” after the Pax would roll the big red die to determine how many spaces to move, clockwise. Put on some music and let’s get going. Oh, by the way, one other rule – rolling “6” is a “wild card” roll, so PAX can choose space to go next. (I added this twist since with only 6 exercise spaces, rolling 6 would mean repeating the same exercise – not a terrible thing, but this would make things more interesting.)
First set:
* Squat-Curl-Press (20)
* Kettlebell pullovers (20)
* Reverse lunges with kettlebell
* Star crunches
* Babymakers
* Heels to Heaven
After 16-18 minutes, flip the note cards over to reveal a different set of exercises for Set 2:
* Kettlebell swings (20)
* Goblet squats (20)
* Lawnmower rows
* Hello Dolly
* American Hammers
* PAX choice
After another 16 minutes or so, choose an exercise from either side of the card. At 0758 we returned for COT as bootcampers arrived back at the flag.
It was great to see Top Hat back out in the gloom. Mumblechatter topics included cars, training for new and old drivers, and Hot Dog educating us that Slipknot’s angry shouting into the microphone is more difficult than most people realize.
Announcements: 2nd F lunch 9/20 at Gastonia Pita Wheel; Iron Pax Challenge continues through September
Prayers: Turtleman, Huckleberry, Norwood, others
I’m privileged for the opportunity to lead this morning – thanks to all who joined to make ourselves better!
– Nutria