Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: July 2023 (Page 5 of 13)


Balancing The Chest and Back:   Keep Shoulders in the right place.



The Thang —————

Circuit Training in a Square

Station 2 – Overheard  Press

Bear Crawl to Station 2

Station 2 was inverted Rom

Crab Walk to Station 3

Station 3 Was Merkins

Crawl Bear to Station 4

Station 4 was Squats

Reverse Crab Walk to Station 1





Pita wheel 2nd F lunch dallas

Aug 19 – Folsom (F3 )

Recent FNGs – LIFE alert, Kapowski

New to Area – Hot Corner


TAPs ———————

Eh Yall MIL. healing
Balljoint’s aunt – recovery
Tesla – Sister in law – Dementia
Lindy space- Starting college
Balljoint t friend / Ratchet Jasón Hell – remission
Turtle man – cancer treatment coming back
F3 – parents
Boudin family trip to Africa

Thanks for the PAX
Orangeman / family flights
Tube’s M kidney stone
Norwood – Pituitary gland surgery
Gator – Moved to Gainesville, starting new job.   (may start F3 in Gainesville, we’ll be watching from Gastonia)

F3 Dads @ Gashouse



Warm up—————————-

The Thang————————–

Mosey to school parking lot for:
Relay race with excercises
Kid carry up hill
Rock Paper Scissors & Burpees


Naming of the FNG kids:
Hit Stick    (Orville’s 2.0)
Space Cadet   (Orville’s 2.0)
Dice Wizard  (Hunchback’s 2.0)

Pita wheel 2nd F lunch

Eh Y’all  MIL. healing
Balljoint’s aunt – recovery
Tesla – Sister in law – Dementia
Blueprint’s daughter, “Space Cadet – Starting college a GA Tech for BioMed Eng
Ratchet’ s son Jason Hall – remission
Turtle man – cancer treatment coming back
F3 pax – our parents
Boudin family trip to Africa

No Wimps

9 PAX put in work with blocks, some with no gloves, others fresh faces, but none backed down.  Here’s what I remember:

Game time.  Many PAX out on vacation.  Some others decided to show up  to fill in the gaps.  Hokie’s been a regular lately, and it’s been good to see him out.  Hunchback and his 2.0, Pizza the Hut, made rare appearances in the summer sun at Midoriyama.  Hot Corner made up for an AM fartsack by getting in a late one.  Add in regulars Blart, Pockets, Montross and Happy Trees and there you have it.  A full ball team.

  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
  • Tesla Stretches
  • 10 x Mountain Climbers (IC)
  • 10 x Overhead Claps (IC)

Meander to get blocks.  No running til the hill work.  Once everyone had their blocks, we carried them down the road, around the turn, and to the turd shack at the top of the hill to the lake near the picnic shelter.  As we traveled, we stopped at each light pole on the route for

  • 1 x Blockee (OYO)

We’re at about the midpoint between the early summer and late summer rounds of the PT tests.  Time to check on progress.  Today’s progress check was all about Thunder.  To recap:

  • 12 x Thrusters
  • 12 x Curls
  • 12 x American Hamers (w/coupon, count right side only)
  • 12 x Swings
  • 12 x Bent Over Rows
  • 12 x Big Boys (no coupon)
  • 12 x Heels to Heaven (no coupon)
  • 12 x Burpees (no coupon)

In Thunder, you repeat it for time.  As this is a bootcamp, we’re gonna take a break to run.

  • Mosey down the hill to the water and back up at the end of every round

You’re welcome

Timing worked out pretty well.  The long walk over trimmed down the time to where we really didn’t have too much more time than the 25 minutes that’s allotted for Thunder.  Adding in the running sucked, and it was a sweatfest for those 25 minutes.  Most PAX got through 3 rounds, with some more and some less.

Shortcut back, stopping for

  • 1 x Blockee (OYO)

at every pole.  We probably got about 15 in total.  Not significant, but not nothing.  It broke up the carrying.

By the time all PAX were back, blocks put up and we met back at the circle, we were 1 minute past time.  YHC cranked out his 10 burpee penalty for each minute late as COT got started.

Prayers for Norwood, Turtleman, Montross’s Mom, Balljoint’s Aunt & others.

Just because it’s simple, doesn’t mean it’s easy.  These 9 put it out there and left a lot of sweat on the field.  Strong work by all.

There’s nothing like July at Midoriyama.  Grateful for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Gashouse “53”

Yesterday was my 53rd birthday so I decided to have a “53” theme to the workout.  For better or worse, I have not written out a weinke in years and today was no different.  We would figure it out.

Good crowd for both the bootcamp and painlab workout this morning and we gathered for the disclaimer and warm-up:

11 IC – Side Straddle Hops; 11 IC – Imperial Walkers; 11 IC – Squats; 11 IC – LBC’s; 9 IC – Merkins (total reps add up to 53 IC)

The Thang

Bootcamp group moseyed up to the Grier Middle School parking lot for the first round of exercises:

Bear Crawl across parking lot – 11 Merkins at other side – Lunge back to other side of lot (11 lunges per leg) Repeat 4 more times with the last set at 9 reps. (Total of 53 reps of merkins and lunges)

Mosey toward First Presbyterian Church with a stop at the steps at the Garrison Blvd light for 53 calf raises.  Dodge the traffic and mosey to the PAD and steps behind First Presbyterian for some Dora 1-2-3 with a “53” twist.

CDD’s (106 reps) – Squats (212 reps) – Flutter Kicks (318 reps) – Partner 2 ran up steps and tagged the building before returning.

Mosey off-road to the Sherwood Elementary track for some modified Wolfpack Grinder work.  We had a spectator with a dude on the Sherwood field practicing his golfing skills.  He needs to keep practicing.

The modified Wolfpack Grinder went like this:

11 Merkins  – Run 1/2 lap – 53 LBC’s – 11 Merkins – Run 1/2 lap – 53 Freddy Mercury’s – 11 Merkins – Run 1/2 lap – 53 LBC’s – 11 Merkins – Run 1/2 lap – 53 Freddy Mercury’s – 9 Merkins (53 total merkin reps)

Mosey to the closest parking lot beside the Sherwood field for some sprint & merkin work:

Split into two groups (3 & 4).  1st group sprints across parking lot and does 11 Merkins at opposite end and sprints back while 2nd group rests.  Repeat 4 times with the last set of 9 merkins.  (53 total reps)

Start working our way back toward the Schiele with a few stops on the way.  Mosey a short distance and then stop for 11 Squats + 11 CDD’s.  Repeat the mosey and exercises 4 more times for a total of 53 reps before arriving back at the start.

One minute left for Mary.  JJ called Flutter Kicks until our time ran out.

Good work men.

Announcements:  F3 Dads coming up on August 19th?  Another annihilation workout coming up.

Prayer Requests:  Praise for Radar’s sister; prayers for Norwood, Turtleman, Clavin’s M

Pledge of Allegiance followed by praying us out.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Every Angle

Part bootcamp, part angleball, 100% good time.

Angleball notes:

  1. Brutus can run down a ball faster than anyone.
  2. Tooth Fairy may be running for mayor of Belmont, but he’ll take you out if you get in the way.
  3. Not one of us has a good shot but that’s ok, see #1.

Watt’s Up said to read the other back blasts for the latest announcements.

Prayer requests:

  • Norwood, surgery Friday.
  • Turtleman, treatment every Monday & Thursday.
  • Tiger’s Mom, ongoing cancer treatment.
  • Brutus’ brother, Steve, just had a heart attack but doing ok.
  • Tesla’s sister and ex-wife.
  • Sargento’s middle one turning 16……and will be out driving on his own.

You stay classy Gastonia.


July’s Tour de Gaston

I had the privilege of posting at 19 AOs in July and wanted to bring some of my favorite portions back to PainLab this morning. In honor of going around this small portion of the  world, ChatGPT created this Spotify playlist to get us through the hour: PainLab Playlist

favorites from the following posts:

Midoriyama (Flintstone)

(2) Thunder Rounds
12 x Thrusters
12 x Curls
12 x American Hammers (with coupon, count right side only)
12 x Block Swings
12 x Bent Over Rows
12 x Big Boys
12 x Heels to Heaven
12 x Burpees

Mt Hollywood (Radar)

Five rounds
10 Derkins
10 Step Up (count one side)
10 Dips (changed from more Big Boys)

Downtown (Linus)

Partner opposing booyah merkins…..

Opposite sides of (parking lot),(lunge walk) with partner, one booyah merkin, rinse and repeat until 10.

Yank (Tesla)

Up to the Corner of knowledge for a 4 corner run, featuring wisdom by Timeframe, Sledge, VoodDoo, & Nutria

Dips, Step ups, Dirkins
2nd corner: squats, merkins, big boys
3rd corner: Jump squats, Plank Jacks, CDDs
4th corner: Star jacks, diamond merkins, LBCs

Ricky Bobby (Sargento)

The Fibonacci Sequence: This guy was a mathmatician and thinker way back in the day, like the 1100’s. He noticed a sort of exponential spiral in nature and determined that there must be a mathmatical way to understand it, hence, his Sequence. The way it goes is you add the two previous numbers to arrive at the next number, and so on and so on.

1 (1+0) – Burpee
2 (1+1) – Merkins
3 (2+1) – CDDs
5 (3+2) – Big Boys
8 (5+3) – Bobby Hurleys
13 (8+5) – Lunges and run
21 (13+8) – Mountain
34 (21+13) – Flutter Kicks

Time ran out – sorry Pony Boy, Bubba Sparxx, JJ, Tiger, Gavel, DeFib, Blart, etc . . . maybe next time

Wild Card at Snooze

Short Sale had a nice plan to throw shade at SA and Leppard and I was the big winner when he asked me to Q on what otherwise might have been a rest day.  Here is what happened…

Warm up…quick mosey around the lot to some SSH, Imperial Walkers, low slow squats, and LBC’s.  The Q then placed some wild cards on the ground and each of the PAX grabbed one.  The rules are this….at any time during the workout, a PAX can retrieve a wildcard and interrupt the workout for whatever is on the card.

We moseyed to the back of Tera Mia and did some lunge walks and bear crawls across a parking lot.  Next, we did some DORA on the path behind the Spruce Goose.  100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC’s.  During the LBC’s, Short Sale pulled out the first wildcard.  What do you know, the first wildcard was one minute of StarGazers.  We then completed DORA when Tesla decided to pull out a Wildcard. It said 25 individual burpees.  Tesla thought that individual meant we all did 25 but the Q meant that the PAX who had the card did their own.  We all ended up doing burpees until Tesla had completed 25.

We then moseyed across the street for some MARY.  Before we got started, Orangeman pulled out a 150 Mike Tyson Wildcard.  We all did 25 Mike Tysons to satisfy the requirement.  Each PAX called an exercise and we were going around when Nutria pulled out a Wild Card for 30 individual burpees. Everyone did 5 while Nutria did 6 to hit the number.  We completed Mary and moseyed back to start.  The Q had the PAX set up for a bearcrawl relay when Snow Bunny pulled out the last wildcard.  100 burpees.  We did burpees until the time ran out.  Not much of a cool down but that is okay.  The Q had the wildcard idea and can improve on it next time.

We had four for coffee at the Spruce Goose (great choice!) and had a Momma’s Boy sighting.

Prayers for Turtleman, Nutria’s kids traveling home from camp soon, and for Norwood’s upcoming surgery.

Always a pleasure to get that extra sleep and SNOOZE a little longer.




It was beautiful morning at Folsom where we all got a little better.  YHC gave thanks to F3 Gastonia and Folsom for providing me the ability to do things with my son that would not have been possible a few years ago.   We were able to do several hikes together seeing amazing views that I will be forever grateful to be able to experience.

The Thang

We did 4 corners.  Lunge walks and moseys between the corners.

  • First Run
    • Merkins and wide arm merkins
    • Big Boys, Merkins and wide arm merkins
    • Imperial Walkers, Big Boys, Merkins and wide arm Merkins
    • Freddy Mercuries, Imperial Walkers, Big Boys, Merkins and wide arm Merkins
  • Second Run
    • Same as the first
  • Third Run
    • LBC’s
    • LBC’s,  Moroccan Nightclubs,
    • LBC’s,  Moroccan Nightclubs,  Flutters
    • LBC’s,  Moroccan Nightclubs,  Flutters, Squats
  • Fourth Run
    • Same as the third


  • Turtleman
  • Huck
  • Hacksaw
  • Brillo

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Psalm 34

A few HIM’s got together at put in some work rucking and running.

We read and discussed Psalm 34. It was a great way to start the week.

Prayer Requests

  • Turtleman
  • Huck
  • Brillo
  • All the kids getting ready for college or work.
  • Hacksaw


F3 Tequila Sunrise – July 14, 2023

Anchorman had the Q, but I took it after an emergency he had. Seeing no FNG’s, I gave a brief disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

We took a mosey toward Elizabeth Street and circled up for the warm up.

SSH x 10 IC
Imperial Walker x 10 IC
Sun Gods x 10 IC
Seal Jacks x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC

We ran up and down Elizabeth Street.

Round 1
Bottom x 10 Carolina Dry Dock
Middle x 10 LBC
Top x 10 Squats
Repeat everything with 15 reps, followed by 20 reps.

*** 10 mountain climbers (2 is 1), 10 peter parkers (2 is 1), and 10 burpees.

Round 2
Bottom x 10 merkins
Middle x 10 big boys
Top x 10 bobby hurleys
Repeat everything with 15 reps, followed by 20 reps.

****** 10 plank jacks, 10 parker peters (2 is 1), 10 wide arm merkins.

Round 3
Bottom x 10 mike tyson’s
Middle x 10 flutter kicks
Top x 10 jump squats
Repeat everything with 15 reps, followed by 20 reps.

****** 10 american hammers (2 is 1), 10 freddy mercury (2 is 1), 10 hand release merkins.

2f lunch at Pita Wheel (Dallas location) on Wednesday, July 19.
F3 Dad’s event on August 19 at Folsom.

PRAYER’s and Praises:
My sister Mackenzie.
Anchorman’s pet emergency
Hospice families
Hey Yall mother in law
Norwood surgery
Pilgrim Progress foot

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