I really envy you guys that hear your alarm and that’s it. Your day begins. The covers come off and your feet hit the floor. Better yet, you guys that wake ahead of your alarm – even better. But me, I have a process that in this iPhone age and time, no longer with the old clock/radio, I set 2 alarms. One is the pre-wake that I punch off. Then I rely on the 2nd alarm to rev the engine – warm the car if you will. Now I don’t officially get out of the bed. This is my struggle. If I was not posting, I will push the limits of exiting the bed. This often becomes my demise where 5 or 10 minutes of lying half-awake when I’m not falling asleep but I’m not doing anything much other than scanning random thoughts. In these moments, the idea of doing my own workout, stretching, or something useful and productive get smashed. This painful bad habit grabbed me again yesterday, throwing me off the pre-workout routine of getting on workout clothes, shoes, walking my dog, and feeding her medicine which rivals a 90-year-old geriatric. I sped toward the AO monitoring the various time/clocks in my car, realizing time was not on my side. Not good for an F3 workout, especially when I’m the Q. I arrive to see 4 men already into the warm-up (Thanks to Broke for covering). I’m sure those guys wondered if the Q would be a no-show, which I’ve done 1 time before in my career. The phrase better late than never could be said, but that just an excuse, kind of like the ones that dance through my brain after my alarm that keep me in the fartsack.

Picking up from Broke:

  • Toy Soldier, Side to Side Lunge IC x 10
  • Plank – press heels toward the ground for a calf stretch
  • Plank – right foot by right hand, hold, left arm up, right arm up, regular
  • Plank – left foot by left hand, hold, left arm up, right arm up, regular
  • Inchworm into downward dog, hold, stretch
  • Pledge

I had a brief thought when creating the weinke that I might do 20 minutes of deep stretching. If you’ve not been to Snooze, the parking lot is old gravel – so maybe the finale we’ll try that finding some smooth pavement. Alas, today would be something else I cooked up, we traveled west out of the lot and across Main Street to the McAdenville sign, turned down Poplar Street and found the larger parking lot behind the Main Street row of buildings. A little “walk the plank” action using the larger parking lines.

  • Begin w/ 10 HR Merkins, Bear Crawl along the parking line
  • 10 Diamond Merkins, side plank walk along the top of the parking line
  • 10 Peter Parker Merkins, Joe Hendricks along the parking line
  • 10 Plank Jack Merkins (down at the same time legs spread out), plank walk left to start
  • Repeat 1x

This was a grinder with 80 merkins out of the gate and shoulder work to boot. I recall I normally call 5 reps, might do that the next time. We learned Leppard’s old ATM was in this lot years ago – he’d stop by on a Friday to drain the bank account so he could go out drinking that night. (Some parts of that are true, others are fictional to improve the story). Conveniently, this parking lot adjoins the McAdenville Greenway – we’ve not used this end of the Greenway, so let’s take a mosey. We stroll along the path and arrive at the base of Academy Street and mosey past a few houses to the base of the hill. For those that have run the Christmas Town 5k and had the pleasure of pushing the Speed for Need chariot, this is a nice climb. Recall you let it fly down Academy Circle then take a sharp turn and get this nice hill in your face. This is about 2.5 miles in at this point and often when I take over for my turn to push. This is also the point where I curse the speed groups that attempt to set PRs and I’m usually spent at this point only to have to suck up some courage to push the cart. Those aren’t bad challenges, but we love to whine about them.

OK – back to the workout – DORA – 100 Crunchy Frogs, 200 American Hammers (ct 1 side) and 300 Mtn Climbers (ct 1 side). Partner 2 ran up the hill and back. Still more time on the watch, let’s mosey up the hill some more and leave some space of elevation for the Triple Nickle: 5 LBCs, 5 Penguins, 5x. Broke busted out and led this one. About 8 minutes Q (paraphrasing Gumby), at every house on the left, do 5 squats, that burned up some time as we headed down the hill, past the fire station, past the coffee shops, and returned to base.

Announcements: 2nd F Lunch this coming week in Dallas at the Pita Wheel, Slaw Challenge. Prayers: Wirenut’s mother, Turtleman, Norwood, others I can’t recall.

Sorry to the guys for being tardy, but thanks for allowing me to jump in and guide you through a beatdown.

Until the next one.

Short Sale