Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: December 31, 2022

I Stole, Modified, Rinsed, & Repeated this one

Earlier this week I saw on Slack that Midoriyama needed someone to take the Q on Thursday so I said why not. I told the Slawbag I’d take it and so here we are. Now this will my second post of the day and I have done a months worth of block work already this week at Folsom. That being said I figure why stop now. I can’t all the take credit for what happened next. You see Sparky made one of his rare appearances on Tuesday ( I think he’s up to like 12 for the year) and he kicked the crap out of us with a WOD he got from the PizzaMan called Black Jack. Well I figured I’d steal some parts from it and add my own twist to it. Here’s how it went down.

The Warm Up

25 – SSH / 5 – Mike Tyson’s                           Now Mayor loved this so much I decided to do 4 more rounds but decided to drop the SSH by 5 each time. After that we continued to warm up the shoulders with some rounds of arm circles and crossbody / OH arm and triceps stretches.

The Thang
20 to 1 Squats / 1 to 20 Merkins              Each round has a total of 21 Reps between the squats and merkins. Sounds simple right well it would be but we were on a timer as well. Every 3 minutes we had to stop and do Burpees. Now we were supposed to do 3 Burpees every 3 minutes but evidently I didn’t clarify that so it ended up being 1 Burpee every 3 minutes. That’s OK I’ve got a fix for that. Once the Bat-flippers finished their rounds I had them jog the parking lot until the 6 was finished and got a lap in as well. We’ve got a little time left so The Burpee Fix will be AMRAP DORACIDES with each partner completing an AMRAP round of Block Curls, Block OH Ext., and finally Block OHP and while other partner does suicide sprints with escalating burpees at each stop.

Put the blocks up and Time.


Announcements : Beer Mile, Pushing Rocks

Prayers : Mayors shoulder, Turtle Man and family, Huckleberry and family, My family, and each other

As I said in the beginning I kinda mashed up a few different guys workouts from the past. I also threw in a little bit of my own flavor with them. I hope this put a good kind of hurting on you Evening Shade PAX. Thanks for the hard work and the much appreciated prayers and support my family and I have needed recently.





Midoriyama 12/13/2022

13 men put in some work on a nice evening at Midoriyama!!

All F3 core exercises were completed and we all kept moving!!  Nice work by all. Freight even admitted that this Q was “Q of The Year” material!!






Cheers to a great 2022!!!

On the last day of the year, what’s left for us to do but celebrate? What better way to do that, in true F3 fashion, than to run the Inagural Beer Mile? This is what happened…

The concept is simple. Drink beer and run! Actually the rules asre as such: drink an unopened 12oz beer, run a 1/4 mile, drink another, run another 1/4 mile, drink, run, drink and run. 1 mile and 4 beers total. Sounds easy enough, right?

There were plenty of bystanders, more than the actual participants, on hand to help cheer on the athletes. Quiche happily offered to be the official timer and when he said GO, we went. The beers were popped, chugging commenced and rocks were pushed.

Some of the athletes downed their beers like it was fresh spring water. Some struggled and said it was too fizzy. One of us barely got his down, but down it went! Unfortunately, nobody spewed and suffered the cursed penalty lap. The crowd worked themselves into a frenzy all the way til the very last one was done. Everybody ran the last lap with Mayor together in victory.

Here are the results so that the next running can have a bar to strive for.

  1.  Sargento –  8:48
  2.  Freight –      10:27
  3. Short Sale – 11:30
  4. Balljoint –     12:06
  5. Ash Pond –   13:00
  6. Radar –           15:54
  7. Mayor –          20:10

All in all, it was exactly what YHC envisioned it to be, Completely Stupid and Utterly Pointless, but it was great! Everybody had fun, nobody got hurt and we got to drink beer and eat burgers. Thank you all for indulging my stupid side in grand fashion. It’s been a great year! AYE!!!

Carp in a Tub

Good crowd this am with combination of bootcamp and pain lab. Started on time with quick disclaimer, especially since HunkAJunk brought an FNG-good work!!! Hit the pledge then get warmed up. It is my last Q as site Q so I thought I would try something….and as usual, it looked better on paper. We listened to part of “There’s a Carp in the Tub” which was 1 of my twins favorite songs when they were 2-3 years old. They are now 20 years old. The idea was get in plank position, every time you hear “carp” do a plank jack. This lasted about 30 seconds then the gong went off in my head and we moved on to the live version of Billy Idol and “Rebel Yell” with SSH and every time you hear “More, more, more” drop down and do a burpee. Again, better on paper so this maybe lasted about 15 seconds….move on to some regular exercises for WU and then split from the PainLabbers.

Mosey to back side of FPC church to the parking lot. Hop across the lot long ways (in case you are wondering, hopping sucks donkey balls), mosey back. Lunge same distance, mosey back. Karaoke L same distance, mosey back. Karaoke R same distance, mosey back. Mosey to steps at the PAD for 11’s: big boys at the bottom, Mike Tyson’s at the top. Part way thru I Omaha’d to have the first guy up the steps has to hop up while others were able to mosey up the steps. Well that didn’t really help as Defib was still first up almost every time. This was pretty tough, at least tougher than I planned or expected so I asked Stroganoff for a countdown from 50 to recover. We moseyed to the Baptist parking lot for some more work: 10 merkins at the top, high knees to other side, 5 burpees, Nur back. 10 merkins at the top, butt kickers to other side, 10 big boys, Nur back to top. 10 Merkins, hop to the bottom (again, hopping still sucks), pick what you want: 10 big boys or 5 burpees, Nur back to top. 14 count from JJ to recover. Mosey to front of FPC church for merkin countdown from 10 with 1 lap between each set then mosey home with some wall sits on the way then a little Mary at the end.

Good work men-closed out with COT and named out FNG Ethan Johnson/Pale Rider. Thanks for the opportunity to lead. ShortSale takes over next week as site Q.


Out with the old, in with the new! You against you for 2023 💪!

It was a great turnout this morning, And HunkAJunk brought and FNG!!

We did two rounds of seven exercises, then moseyed. Came back for two new rounds of seven different exercises and moseyed, then did that one more time with 7 new exercises. All with a focus on core. We spent 45 seconds on each exercise and 15 seconds to transition to the next one. We rocked it out with Metallica, Chevelle, Alice In chains, TOOL, Deftones, A Perfect Circle, Korn, System of A Down and more…

Here is what we did: Baby makers, clean & press, reverse crunches, heels to heaven, fly’s, Peter Parkers, seated big circles, crunches, starfish crunch, American hammers, bear crawls, plank jacks, shadow boxing, flutter kicks, curls, squats w/kettle, merkins, BURPEES, marching planks.

Everyone appreciated the abs workout, some improvised as needed. Someone did more mumblechatter than work, but I won’t name names 😂

Overall, good work britches! 

You against you! Let’s see who wants the change this year.

Old School 31-Dec-22

Short warm up:  SSH x20IC, Gravel pickers x10IC, MNC x20IC, Delt Flyes (like this) x10IC

Mosey to city building for more warmup and pledge
Marching Elephants, straight leg lifts, bridge, lying leg lifts (Jane Fondas), stretches

Mosey to Papas intersection.

20-Walking Lunges (count each step)
40-Flutter kicks (count each leg)
Run to two  and mosey back one intersection. Rinse and repeat for time

Time check for Mary.  One minute left and two canoes called Mike Tysons

Announcements:  Beer mile today at 11, First F Q challenge “pushing rocks” starts tomorrow so send weight to Flintstone

Prayers/Praise: Wirenut (Mom, Dad and 2.0), Steve Alexander (stroke), Huckleberry, Turtleman, Montross (M’s grandmother passing), Gumby (sick) myself


Pallbearer took us out!

12 Days of Christmas

16 HIM showed for a “12 Days of Christmas” Workout Downtown!

We warmed up with … 12 SSH IC, 12 IW IC, and 12 GP IC

We said the pledge

We moseyed to the entrance of the Parking Deck and commenced the Workout

On the 1st Day of Christmas … F3 gave to me … A Run up and Down the Stairs

On the 2nd Day of Christmas … F3 gave to me … 2 Tony Hawk Burpees

On the 3rd Day of Christmas … F3 gave to me … 3  Groiners

On the 4th Day of Christmas … F3 gave to me … 4 CDD’s

On the 5th Day of Christmas … F3 gave to me … 5 Gorilla Humpers

On the 6th Day of Christmas … F3 gave to me … 6 Slow Low Squats

On the 7th Day of Christmas … F3 gave to me …7 LBCs

On the 8th Day of Christmas … F3 gave to me … 8 Reverse Lunges

On the 9th Day of Christmas … F3 gave to me … 9 Diamond Merkins

On the 10th Day of Christmas … F3 gave to me … 10 Plank Jacks in 4 Count

On the 11th Day of Christmas … F3 gave to me … 11 American Hammers

On the 12th Day of Christmas … F3 gave to me … 12 8-Count Man Makers

And after all that … we had time for a little Mary …. where I reminded the PAX of the song “Mary Did You Know”  and stated that YES, she did know who she was carrying and the weight of who she was carrying … the Savior of the World! But the even bigger question is … Do You Know? Do You Know Him … in a way that has changed your life like He changed the World?

We moseyed back to the flag …  for the COT

As always … I count it a privilege to lead leaders!

Doodles Out!

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