Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2022 (Page 7 of 12)

Runners on Upper Armstrong Road in the Dark

On the way to AO on Upper Armstrong round I came across a few PAX getting in some EC.  At least 1 or 2 of them had lights.  You guest it the one with camouflage on was Dr. Suess. When they returned Quiche checked out, but Sargento and Dr. Suess stayed for the beat down.  Clock stuck 5:30 a.m.  Sargento and Dr. Suess took their time joining.





15 Plank Jack IC

10 Gravel Pickers IC

10 Merkins IC

20 Squats OYO

5 Burpees OYO

Mosey to the back of the school. We did the following exercises moseying in between the rounds from back to front of the school then to the back again.

3 rds

10 Squats

10 Inchworm Merkins

10 Smurf Jacks

10 CDD

5 Burpees

With the blood flowing we moved into the next phase where we partnered up.  On partner ran while the other did the following work

50 Big Boys

100 Overhead claps

150 Merkins

200 Squats

250 Flutter Kicks count  1 leg.

The PAX crushed these exercises. With under 9 minutes left we started on a mosey back toward the start.  Stopped at the front of the school for some Curb Crawls.

The PAX planked on the curb.  We moved Right and we Moved left at the direction of the Q with the occasional Merkin.  Time getting short we moseyed back to the start.

Back at the start, we closed out the post with 4 rounds of Mary.  Time 6:15 a.m.


F3 Gastonia lunch today at 12 pm at JR Cash in Mount Holly.

Prayer request

Name o Rama

I took us out in Prayer.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning.  I have the Q at the Pub tomorrow, so come on out and get some miles in.  SYITG.

Super Bowl Thursday

The days are getting a little longer, so with the Super Bowl Sunday coming up, and this being my first Q in a long time I decided to do some ultimate rules football. The game was fierce, Leppard lost per usual. We celebrated with some Bud Lights and water during COT.

Gaston Community Foundation Run

Yet another sign that life is coming back to normal, or at least the newer normal is the return of the Gaston Community Foundation Run which will be held at the FUSE District near downtown Gastonia on Saturday, April 9th at 9:00 am. We have participated in this event in the past as a Speed for Need event. In case you’re unfamiliar with this event, the Gaston Community Foundation hosts this event allowing non-profits to benefit via matching funds. Additional dollars can be raised through the race itself via overall participation and individual winners (more on that in a minute).

Different than past years, we now have the backing of the F3 Foundation which we’ll not only represent with our logoed shirts but have a place to direct our gifts as well. Now in your mind I can hear you requesting more information. Obviously, you will register for the race (or face extreme FOMO and abuse from your fellow PAX). Depending on when you register, the fee ranges from $20-$35. However, you may choose to make a donation, which is above and beyond the registration fee. Now why would you do that your cheap ass is wondering? Glad you asked. The Gaston Community Foundation will match a percentage of your donation so it increases the overall gift which you can direct to the F3 Foundation. To be transparent, your gift goes to the F3 Foundation to support any initiative the Foundation decides to support. There are many ways to consider this financial opportunity. Some will think of it as if they were paying a monthly gym fee. Since you’re getting F3 for free, it’s extra cash to make a donation. We all know the benefits we’ve enjoyed are more than we’d probably put a figure on. So, I ask that you consider some level of financial support that will have a chance to strengthen our organization. You do not have to run the race to make a contribution. In fact, anyone that would like to make a donation to the F3 Foundation can do so via this opportunity.

Now to focus on the First F part – competition. We have a legitimate shot to win some more cash for the Foundation. Here is how:

  • 1st place overall in men and women will receive $1,000 each to their organization (overall winners not eligible for age group awards)
  • 1st place per age group, men and women will receive $300 each to their designated organization
  • 2nd place per age group, men and women will receive $150 each to their designated organization

The age categories begin at 9 and under but I’m only listing the ones for our guys:

  • 25-29 – Gold Digger (unless he wins the whole damn thing)
  • 30-34 – Round-Up
  • 35-39 – Ball Joint (he can’t be 40 can he?)
  • 40-44 – Here is where some competition begins but we all know there is one bat flipper that doesn’t settle for 2nd place
  • 45-49 – Quiche – time for a comeback
  • 50-54 – A number of choices here: Defib, Roscoe, Stroganoff, Whoopee
  • 55-60 – I know a former Nantan that will give it a great try but Seuss – time to show this town coffee and guts will take you far in a fast way – you can even run in the middle of the road.
  • 60-64 – Oompa – my money is on you brother

I already know the conflict of the Vill to Ville race is the same day and that will take away some of our stronger guys. But we still have plenty of guys to show our community the strength of F3. I posted a few names and honestly thinking to all the COT’s it’s hard enough to remember everyone’s F3 names let alone the actual ages. So, I’m probably leaving some qualified individuals off the above list; Termite comes to mind – but if it pisses you off – good – come win the MF’er.

We’ll have a tent at the event which we will hand out brochures and information so we can continue the 2022 theme “Always be EH’ing!” Plenty more to come about this event as we make our way toward April. What you can do for now is use the link below and register and/or donate. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Short Sale


Community Foundation Run – CF Gaston

Mt Hollywood 2/7/22

8 men showed on a cold rainy Monday to push the rock at Mt Hollywood.


Gravel Pickers, Hillbillies


First exercise called was Jacked Up!!

  1. 50 SSH (ic)

  2. 40 Seal Jack’s (ic)

  3. 30 Plank Jacks (ic)

  4. 20 Crossover Jacks (ic)

  5. 10 Smurf Jacks (ic)


Mosey to elementary school across the road to the covered bus drop-off.  Routine called here is Walls of Jericho.  Perform 7 exercises, 7 reps each, run a lap, for 7 rounds. Goes like this:

7 Rounds

  1. 7 Burpees

  2. 7 Big Boys

  3. 7 Imperial Walker Squats

  4. 7 Hand Release Merkins

  5. 7 V-Ups

  6. 7 Jump Lunges

  7. 7 Mike Tyson’s

Run a lap


Short mosey to wall in front of school.

3 Rounds

10 Dips

10 Derkins

Mosey back to flag. Time for some Route 66.  Called with Mike Tyson’s.  1 Mike Tyson, bear crawl to next line, 2 Mike Tyson’s, bear crawl, 3 Mike Tyson’s, and so on.  Had to Omaha this one. Parking lot had standing water, and with 30 degree temps, flashback of Shelby trip from years past. We finished up to 5, then switched to Bobby Hurley and lunge walk in between lines. Head back to COT. Time!!



Prayer Request


Honor to lead you men in the gloom today!!








The Valentine’s Day 8

YHC first Q at Mt Hollywood.  The PAX began to show up.  Out of the dark Red Ribbon appeared as if from






10 Merkins IC

15 Gravel Pickers

20 Squats OYO

Moseyed to Ida Rankin Elementary School parking lot. On the way had a Q fail with crossing the street.  I contest the car sped up, so everyone couldn’t cross at the same time.

Tabata 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for 4 minutes


Monkey Humpers


Mtn Climbers

Once done 5 burpees and mosey two times around parking lot

Tabata 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for 4 minutes



LBC CDDOnce done 5 burpees and mosey two times around parking lot.

Now that we were back to where we started from we did the following exercises then take two laps around parking lot.

100 Squats

90 LBC

80 Lunges (Count both legs)

70 Merkins

60 Flutters (Count 1 leg)

50 Mtn Climbers

40 SSH

Once two laps were completed headed back to the start for Monkey Humpers and SSH until time 6:15 a.m.


Rice and Beans


Prayer Request

Name o rama

I took us out in prayer.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.  If it wasn’t for this Q, I probably would have stayed in bed.  Thanks for the push.  SYITG


The hangover

No. Not the movie. About what was expected the morning after the super bowl.

No Huck. No Allen Tate. No Montross. Some things never change.

Had a FNG. Some ran. Some rucked.

Shared Hebrews 3:13, James 1:22-25, and Hebrews 4:12.

Announcements. As previous backblasts.
Prayers. As previous backblasts.

Shout out to Gear wrench for EHing the FNG. And entering his information in the system.

Gashouse Special

It was a perfect morning to make it a great day at the Gashouse. 8 HIM were there to push the rock and show their knowledge of all things F3 and other letters. This is what happened…

Disclaimer, no FNGs

Pledge of Allegiance

YHC began the questioning with one that we don’t cover too often. What is the mission of F3? The answer was given by past Nantan Stroganoff, “To plant, grow and serve small men’s workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.” Past Nantan Whoopee explained that it was originally “for the re-invigoration of male community leadership.” Either way you say it, F3 is obviously more than just a workout, it’s also a leadership organization! With that, the PAX split up and the bootcampers followed YHC away to destinations unknown.

We moseyed up Garrison and ended up in the back of 1st Presbyterian church. YHC asked the PAX how many letters are in the alphabet, with the answer of 26 given by some wise PAX. With that, the Thang was revealed.

The Alphabet!!!

A – American Hammers x20 IC

B- Big Boy Situps x20 OYO

C – CDDs x20 IC

D – Daniel Sons x20 OYO

E – E2K x10 IC each leg (look it up)

Take a lap around the church. Upon return and the 6 arriving, YHC asked for one of the core principles of F3. Someone said it was Open to All Men. That right it is! Mosey, stopping for a few seconds of wall sit and then resuming until we reached the parking lot of Parkwood Baptist where we returned to the regularly scheduled programming.

F – Flutter Kicks x50 IC

G – Goofballs x50 IC

H – Hillbillies x 25 IC

I – Imperial Walkers x25 IC

J – Jingle Balls x25 IC (YHC joked around and called this something silly during the workout but Defib called it correctly)

Take a lap around the church. Upon returning, YHC called for another of the core principles. “Peer led” was the call I think. Mosey across the street to the Grier track and our regularly scheduled programming.

K – Knerkins x20 OYO

L – LBCs x50 IC

M – Monkey Humpers x25 IC

N – Nolan Ryans x10 IC each side

O – Whoopee called something I can’t recall, which we did IC. Then we did Outlaws x10 IC each direction.

Take a lap around the track. Upon returning YHC called for another core principle. “Men only” was the call I think. Mosey back across the street to the library and our regularly scheduled programming.

P – Plank Jacks x25 IC

Q – Quick Step (a Sargento original) x25 IC

R – Rocky Balboas – x25 IC

S – Side Straddle Hops x25 IC

T – Turkish Getups – there was dispute about whether you can use a hand to get up. Because of this dispute, most PAX didn’t do the exercise. Whatevs. Take a lap!

Upon returning, YHC called for another core principle. “Ends in a COT” was given. The final core principle of “Free” was called out as well. Mosey across the street to the museum for the finale of the the beatdown.

U – Up Downs x 1 OYO

V – V-Ups x 10 IC

W – Werkins x20 IC

X – skipped it

Y – skipped it

Z – Zombie walk across the parking lot.

Time! Great job hanging with plenty of mumblechatter to boot!

Announcements: Rice N Beans Tuesday, 2nd F Lunch at JR Cash’s Wednesday, Inaugural HIM retreat next weekend.

Prayer requests: Gumby’s back, T Square, Tube’s brother in law, Living Hope church plant, Tax Break’s family on the loss of his mom

Great group of men out at the original AO this morning. Keep pushing the rock men and remember, Always Be EHing!!!

Members Only – Preparedness

Some ran, some rucked, and there some EC miles.

The Pledge


Announcements – Rice & Beans on Tuesday, Retreat this coming weekend, 2nd F lunch on Wednesday @ JR Cash in Mt Holly.
Prayer Request

Tesla and M

Sargento’s M

Tiger’s M and step son

Bos’ friend of family with cancer

Breaker’s uncle

YHC closed out in Prayer and then coffee and QSource.


A few new things

Warm up with seal jacks and toy soldiers, 15xIC, then merkins, Nolan Ryans and plank jacks (10xIC).

The Thang:  Brought a couple new things to share what I’ve seen in other regions.  First is the ski jump from “Churham” (Chapel Hill/Durham)  – drop down to a low squat position on a slow 1-2-3 cadence then jump when Q says “Up.” We did 5 of these.  Next, not really new, was a mash-up of Apollo Ohno’s and Bonnie Blair’s. Should’ve tested that one out myself beforehand.

OK, let’s mosey. But, we’re taking the flag with us (like they do in Chicago as I learned from a visit last fall). High-knees across the bridge to Goat Island Park for an Indian run where the first in line carries the flag and the last man stops for 5 hand-release merkins before catching up to the front. This takes us about 2 laps around the park.

Next stop is the picnic benches for derkins, dips, and step-ups, 10 each.

Carioca back towards the bridge, circle up where the paths intersect.  Merkins, Nolan Ryans, Plank jacks (15xIC) then some ab exercises.

Mosey around the park then back to the picnic benches for derkins, dips, and step-ups, 15 each.

Carioca back towards the bridge, circle up where the paths intersect.  This time, round of Mary.   Bouquet brought up something new with a low plank mountain-climber type of thing that should definitely come back up in the future.  Amidst the groans of the PAX, he even told a decent joke about a Buddhist guy.

Mosey around the park then back to the picnic benches for derkins, dips, and step-ups, 20 each.

Carioca back towards the bridge, circle up where the paths intersect.  Just enough time for a few more exercises, then head back for COT.  Don’t forget the flag; high-knees across the bridge.

Pledge, announcements.

Prayer requests:
BOS’s colleague going through chemo

Privileged to lead!

 – Nutria

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