Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2021 (Page 12 of 13)

Tight Glutes? Mayor Might Let You Feel His

Wichita asked me a couple weeks ago to Q and with the lack of motivation lately it was just what I needed to get me in the gloom. Folsom seldom lets you down with attendance and today was no different. With 12 HIMs in attendance we got  started.



SSH, Don Q’s, Hillbillly’s


Let’s mosey, we head out of the parking lot and stop at the light poles for different exercises that YHC doesn’t remember as we head toward the flag at the entrance to the park. Say the pledge and mosey across the road to do some 11’s. Big Boys to start and Star Jumps on the other side.

Mosey to the lower lot on the left toward the ballfields for bear crawl and every other line 2 merkins. Lunge walk back at the half way mark reverse the lunge  to finish.

Down the steps to the picnic table for dips, derkins, LBC’s, and step ups x random numbers IC X 2.

Calf raises on the steps and mosey back to start. 10 Burpees, Mayor with V ups x 10 IC, Volt with merkins x 10 IC and time.



Freight’s service project


Prayer Request:

Sister Act and family, Big Pappy and family, YHC’s mom, Turtleman,several  others that I didn’t write down, my apologies men.


It’s been awhile since YHC took a Q, I appreciate Wichita for asking, it was great to workout with a couple of guys that I haven’t had the pleasure of breaking a sweat with yet. Thanks for the opportunity to lead a great group of men this morning.



Not all 5:30s are Created Equal

The Q bug bit me and I’ve been itching to put beatdowns together and it dawned on me that Midoryama was about to get hot so if I wanted to Q, I should do it before it got hot.  Well, my good intentions were trumped by bad luck as we got a healthy dose of 91 degree heat.  Here’s what I remember:

5:30 came I announced myself as the Q and immediately caught flack for my fancy dance gloves.  Good to be at Midoryama.

The Thang:

  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Mountain Climbers (IC)
  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches (IC)
  • 10 x Low Slow Squats (IC)

Mosey down onto the baseball field

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO) at the outfield grass

Mosey to Center Field pole.  With partners, we did 3 rounds running to each foul pole and coming back to the center for

  • 10 x Booyah Merkins

Right field foul pole was

  • 30 x Freddie Mercuries (OYO)

Left field foul pole was

  • 30 x Flutter Kicks (OYO)

We left the field, doing

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO) at the infield dirt

before heading back to the Turd Shack for some shade and more partner work

  • 10 x LBCs (IC)

as we waited for the Six, and then on to the next section.

Each pair would split up and 1 partner do an exercise on the wall while the other does an exercise from the sidewalk.  Either partner can tag the other in and switch spots with their partner.  Keep it up for 90 seconds, switching as many times as was needed.

  • 1st set – Australian Mountain Climbers & CDDs
  • 2nd set – Marching Wall Sits & Mike Tysons
  • 3rd set – Hip Slappers & Penguins

The shade was nice, but the exercises were tough.  Weinke called for a repeato, but YHC was done and ready to move on, so on we moved.

Quick mosey back across the street to the parking lot in front of the ballfield.  Here we used the light poles on the left side of the lot as markers and we

  • High-knee Skip to the next pole
  • 25 x Monkey Hummers (OYO)
  • Repeat for 3 poles

On the way back, we

  • Nur to the next pole
  • 20 x Imperial Squats
  • Repeat for 2 poles

Last but not least, we did a little Three Man Relay.  3 on a team.  One on one end doing one exercise.  Another on the other end doing another.  Always one man running between them, tagging in the next guy so there is always a runner and a PAX at each station doing an exercise.  Exercises were

  • Burpees (OYO)
  • Toe Touches (OYO)

We went about 4 rounds or so on that one.  Everyone got to do everything a few times.

Circle up for a few minutes of Mary

  • Flintstone – 10 x Crunchy Frogs (IC)
  • Blart – 9 x LBCs (IC)
  • Slaw – 20 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • Purple Haze – 10 x American Hammers (IC)
  • Freight – 10 x Sandy Vs (IC)


  • Bandaids for Freight
  • 2nd F Lunch – Thursday 5/27

Prayer Requests:

  • Sister Act
  • Turtleman
  • Big Pappy


5:30 AM and 5:30 PM in May are quite a bit different, especially on this day.  At least 30 degrees different.  It was hot, and we all heard about it.

Hard to beat Midoryama.  Strong group of HIMs here that made me raise my game to bring something worthy of those hallowed grounds.  Hope it didn’t disappoint.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.  Lookin forward to the next one.

Yabba Dabba Doo

“Team Prison Break”??



Real nice crowd of 11 today at Prison Break as YHC made it with about 3 minutes to spare. My brother Roundup asked me to sub Q, and I gladly obliged.. though he was missed!

Broke stuck to his plan and did about 7.5 miles.

Wichita ran 5 for his first time..really nice work!

Ball Joint and Westside continue to impress as new runners pushing themselves!!

Loveboat has been with us a lot again since being away for awhile, without ever losing his stride.

Barrel Racer and Sarlaac are consistent runners, which I admire.

It is great to see Slaw running consistently again..never tire of having him around.

SA continues to push through..and push me; pray he is on the mend. I hope Slaw didn’t mind me commandeering  him for my running partner.

And Hacksaw was here and back at it after being on the IR.

So, we saw all of the efforts the guys are putting in and thought we need to put this to use. Team “Prison Break” for the P200 in Roundup to make it 12??


Our service project: Chapstick and Nail Clippers



Big Pappy and family

SA and family

Westside’s daughter’s doctor appointment


I lift up my eyes to the hills.
    From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
    who made heaven and earth.

8The Lord will keep
    your going out and your coming in
    from this time forth and forevermore.

Psalm 121:1-2,8

David Platt: “The Christian life is a DAILY pleading for help and experience of help from God HIMSELF.”

Wichita took us out.

Thankful to have subbed,




Gashouse Leadership Meeting 6/13/2021

The next leadership meeting for F3 Gastonia will be held at Lineberger Park on Sunday, June 13th at 4pm. This meeting is for ALL PAX who wish to attend and your SLT will provide updates on the happenings to date and also outline some planned activities for the remainder of the year.

The input of the PAX in our region is critical to our continued growth, so please reach out to me if you have any specific items that you would like to discuss. I’ll do my best to accommodate everyone, but would like to keep the meeting to 1.5 hours max.

If you have the time, plan on hanging around after for some 2nd F. There are plenty of options nearby for food and drink, or you can get in a little EC on the greenway while you’re there.



What should we do?

Midweek can be an easy time to get distracted with things like  work or family and keep us from a regular routine. Credit goes to the HIM who posted on hump day. There were a few who did EC and even a visitor from down in Georgia! Excellent, now what should we do? In preparing for the workout the day before, nothing was really standing out as a workout for YHC so why not just figure it out as we go! Here’s what happened…

One thing that did work was the playlist that YHC put together and, other than an initial threat from Roscoe about messing with the tunes, everyone enjoyed the musical accompaniment. I think.


Warmup – Goofballs IC, Don Quixote’s IC, Right over Left IC

Mosey to the parking lot behind the school where we can pump up the jams without disturbing the neighbors.

The Thang – Dora 1234

Partner up, while partner 1 runs to the end of the lot and back, partner 2 does 100 WWI situps, 200 Merkins, 300 Squats and 400 Air Presses. That got the blood flowing!

Circle up around the speaker for some ab work. We did Flutterkicks, LBCs and Dying Cockroaches then we did a lap. Come back in time for Sweetheart to join us from out of nowhere for Bring Sally Up, which REALLY sucked today. Then we did Oblique Crunches and something else for abs.

Mosey to the front to wrap up. 10 Burpees OYO in honor of our visitor who apparently lives for burpees. We deliberated on what a sad life that must be. A lot more Goofballs IC. 5 more burpees OYO. We almost got to do Abe Vigoda’s but time ran out!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead today men. It was fun having a totally random visitor who was in town from the Atlanta area for a job interview. He (F3 name Farm Country) said he chose The Ricky Bobby based on the name and the fact that it isn’t a running workout. That’s awesome! It was also fun sharing how the AO got it’s name from Talladega Nights being filmed there, not after a couple of our former Nantan’s, despite their lobbying for that. We still love you guys! He was impressed regardless.

Announcements – Dairy Queen field trip with Turtleman this Thursday, F3 Dads at the Yank on the 19th led by Bubba Sparxxx, Nutria and Gavel

Prayer Requests – Turtleman, Cinderella’s aunt has been on dialysis for 30+ years and having a procedure this Friday, Farm Country has a job interview today at 1pm

Sweaty at the Sandlot

Approaching the circle of PAX at 5:29, YHC was accused of “hiding something in the weeds” at the edge of the parking lot.  The PAX would soon wish the jumpropes had stayed hidden…

Not that we needed to get any warmer on a balmy 72-degree morning, today’s Sandlot beatdown started with SSH (15x/IC), Imperial Walkers (15x/IC), and Seal jacks (15x/IC).  YHC then grabbed the “hidden” jumpropes and led a swift mosey up the road toward the park, pausing at the gate for 5 burpees, 10 hand-release merkins, 15 squats and 20 LBC’s (OYO).  After a short mosey to the walking track just outside the fields, the PAX split into 3 teams.  Each team completed the following:
 – 100 hand release merkins
 – 200 big-boy situps
 – 300 jump-squats
 – 400 flutter kicks
 – 500 rope-jumps.
Plus, each PAX ran a lap around one field.

After the strong rock-pushing from the team exercise, the beatdown continued with Double-Elevens:  Dips and Derkins (10/1) on bleachers or benches at the center of the ball fields, then American Hammers and leg-lifts (10/1) at the walking track.  This routine had to be cut short a little over halfway through for the pledge and mosey back for COT.  But the PAX kept the rock moving forward and arrived at the flag with 60 seconds to spare.  In-cadence Freddy Mercurys until time was up made it a solid finish.

Sign up for June 16 blood drive here:, search for “fthree gaston”
F3 Dads: 
(1) June 19th at the Yank will be fun for all courtesy of Bubba Sparxx, Gavel, and YHC.  All kids and dads age 2 and up welcome!
(2) Need Q for F3 Dads on July 17 at Gashouse.

Prayers:  Turtle Man, Big Pappy, Sister Act, Uranus, Dirt, EZ Rider, Sausage, Cinderella’s aunt

As always, it’s a privelege to lead.
 – Nutria

Sister Act’s Second Act

Sister Act’s Second Act

It’s a “Glorious First of June”. YHC pinch hitting for Pockets.

On this date in history:

  1. HMS Shannon captured the USS Chesapeake.  Prior to surrender, Captain Lawrence implored his crew to “Not give up the ship!”. Believe it or not, Slaw was not a crewmember on the wooden sailing warship.

  2. The French army is in a full retreat from the advancing German army. Some US Marines take up positions in a forest called Belleau Woods. A French officer tells the newly arrived Marines to retreat to Paris with the French troops. An unknown Marine officer answers him, “Retreat? Hell, we just got here.” The Marines (and the US Army) stopped the German attack, eventually counterattacking and driving back the Germans. Five months later the war was over. FYI, Oompa Loompa wasn’t involved in this battle either.

What did this have to do with the workout?

Not a dang thing.

Circle up. Warm up with Moroccan Night Clubs.

11 World War Ones. 11 Hand Release Merkins. Run a lap around horseshoe pits.

Rinse and Repeat until time is called.

Some people used a short cut. Every lap. You vs You. Freight got as many laps as he has birthdays. Gomer had to Gomer. Slaw had an epic event in the potty. Short Sale visited afterwards and returned soaking wet. You had to be there.

Wallsit for 60 seconds until all are finished.

Mosey to flag. 22 for vets.

Prayer requests for Pappy, Turtleman, Uranus, others on IR.

Service project, nail clippers and chapstick.

Blood drive. F3 Dads. DQ with Turtleman.

YHC closed out with prayer.

Fanny pack beatdown!

Warm up

SSH 50

10 burpees

SSH 40

9 burpees

SSH 30

8 burpees

SSH 20

7 burpees

SSH 10

6 burpees

5 burpees

4 burpees

3 burpees

2 burpees

1 burpee


Stop at each light pole and get:

5 burpees, 10 jump squats, 15 merkins


1 point—— 5 Wolverine burpees

2 point—— 5 hand clap burpees

3 point—— 5 2 pump burpees


1 point—— 5 mike Tyson’s

2 point—— 5 mike Tyson’s, 10 plank jacks

3 point—— 5 mike Tyson’s, 10 plank jacks, 20 shoulder taps



10 Burpees


2 Rounds

Wall sits IC

Air press IC

Dirty hook ups IC


Partner up

100 LBC

100 Flutters

100 American Hammers

while partner 2 ran down to the speed bump and back.

Mosey back to the start!

Westside said Man it’s pretty bad when you get beatdown by a guy wearing Fanny pack. I thought that was pretty funny.


Snowbird September
Freight taken toenail clippers/ chapstick
Grow ruck august
50 miler September 3-4 5:00pm start at the country kitchen

Prayer Request

Big Pappy
Turtle man
Sister act
Each other
Westside daughter faith Wednesday doctors appointment


I took us out

Thank you men!!


Round Up


Memorial Day Murph

The Sandlot moved back from it’s normal starting time to 0700 in hopes that many will gather together as a “mini-convergence” to complete “The Murph” which is a hero workout in honor and memory of Lt. Michael Murphy. The following is sourced from wikipedia:

After joining the Navy, Murphy began working out by running, doing calisthenics, and climbing ropes in his backyard. He later discovered CrossFit[33] Murphy created his own workout that involved running, pushing, pulling, and lifting which he called “Body Armor”, because he did while wearing his body armor, a 16.4 lb (7.4 kg) vest that he wore when deployed.[33]

“Michael’s standard time [to complete the Body Armor workout] was 32 to 35 minutes,” says his father, Dan.[33]

After Murphy’s death, the Body Armor workout began to become popular among SEAL teams everywhere as it could be done almost anywhere and required very little equipment.[33] A SEAL contacted Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit, asked if would honor the death of his commanding officer with a WOD (Workout of the Day) named after him.[33] The workout consists of a 1 mile (1.6 km) run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 air squats, and a final one mile run.[34] The pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats can be partitioned and scaled as needed. Participants are encouraged to wear a 20 lb (9.1 kg) body vest.[35][36]

On August 17, 2005, Glassman posted the workout to CrossFit website as the Workout of the Day (WOD) with the note:

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor.” From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is. . . . If you’ve got a 20-pound vest or body armor, wear it.

To my recollection, Pizza Man wore a vest for the entire workout. There were a group that rucked/ran the mile with ruck sack on. Others did the best they could to modify the reps. But all the participants pushed themselves which I think is ultimately the point. I’ve never served in the military. I’d like to think I could make it through but until you are challenged with that task you never know. Other than Oompa and FNG Trojan who were among us as well as others among our brotherhood that have served, it’s hard to imagine. Similar can be said for our local law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs, etc. Today is about the fallen men and women that sacrificed for our country. We’re fortunate to have a space in the world that provides freedom for us to lead the lives we choose to lead. Freedom of speech, worship, life, liberty, and our pursuit of happiness – all guaranteed in the First Amendment of our Constitution. So count ourselves blessed in many ways. Blessed to have men and women having laid their lives on the line and for that we honor them in thoughts, action and prayer.

Announcements: Blood Drive June 16th; NUOS (extra credit) on Saturday mornings at 0600 – a 45 minute ruck workout (minus the miles) to prepare for Grow Ruck in August. Prayer Requests: Turtleman, Big Pappy, Sister Act, Uranus, the military men and women that have passed fighting for our country.


5K Yank

It was YHC first time at the helm of The Fighting Yank, so during a little EC Ruck, the regulars were interrogated as to the location of some necessary features.

YHC memory is a bit fuzzy, but it went a little like this…

0700 hit with lots of PAX gathered, including one from Cali that had EH his brother out.

Meander to The Pit for the opening…

A full disclaimer was covered and the core principles of F3.

Now onto the warmup…

11 Grass Pickers IC

At this point The Yankers left The Bunkerites.  Mosey back to Main and across the railroad tracks.

Time for a little Route 66 at each lamppost on the left with the exercises:


This put us “near”  Woodrow Ave.    Mosey down Woodrow and then Central to get to First Baptist.  There was a stop along the way for some planking to catch the 6.

At the wall in front of the church, lets do some Dora.

100 Incline Merkins
200 Step Ups
300 Dips

Partner runs the parking lot.

From there to the track via Myrtle and Hill.  On the track do some BLIMPS with a lap in between each letter.

10 Burpees
20 LBFC’s
30 Imperial Walkers
40 MNC
50 Plank Jacks
60 SSH

Some finished (Boudin), while most were somewhere in the “P” and “S” when it was called due to time being short.

Mosey back the flag, where the Bunkerites were gathering as well.

Welcome Grapevine aka Michael Gregory



Blood Drive

F3 Dads


Prayer Requests:

Big Pappy
Sister Act

This was tougher than it looked on paper, especially the Dora.  Sorry, not Sorry.


Watts Up Powering Down.

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