11 HIM posted for a beautiful mosey morning to Martha’s and back. Welcome Burgundy – who’s first post was at Dam to Dam relay filling in for me two weeks ago but this was his first post at a routine AO.
Until next time –
Defib out
Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
11 HIM posted for a beautiful mosey morning to Martha’s and back. Welcome Burgundy – who’s first post was at Dam to Dam relay filling in for me two weeks ago but this was his first post at a routine AO.
Until next time –
Defib out
Sometime in the near future find and create one on one time with each of your loved ones, especially your children. As they get older they and we tend to move apart and spend less time together finding easy excuses to grab our attention or time. If you can, take a day trip even. Recently that’s what I did with my 2.0 Cap’n Crunch ( Nick as we sometimes call him ) and we went to Jacksonville, Fl for Spartan. The M suggested we do this alone together and not only was I overwhelmed by this time together but it’s merit deserves my passing along and I bring this up first not only because I feel this message has more value than today’s workout but i hope that those who don’t tend to read my posts will catch the first few lines in the preview and take this life lesson to heart!
I also imparted another PSA at the end and I may as well get it out of the way as well… yesterday I received my first Covid vaccine dose and if any are fearful of deleterious conditions …. I’m here to say thatttttttttt …. sorry …. momentary lapse ( where’d that last hour go?) …. jk …. there were no troubles/ side effects and Caromont has the process down to a science … you are in and out faster than a Taco Bell taco!
On to the beat down :
warm up where we utilized video technique ( some of it ) that was posted on Slack few weeks ago
Ssh, lunge with twist arm circles from small to large forward and reverse plank jacks each for about 20-30 seconds (there were a few others in video but couldn’t remember)
Grab two bricks or matching set of dumbbells
Mostly we performed curls, upright rows but sometimes I added upright fly and fly press(?) in front we also pistoned our arms overhead a few triceps sometimes even using benches for curls both straight up and down and turning your hand and weight in the direction of movement ( twist your wrist)
Now when we. Performed single arm exercises we used our left ( most of us as …there’s a few southpaws in the bunch and I was quickly corrected when I mentioned the whole dominant hand , anyone here left handed and who writes with their right hand … Hermie advised me that these were different things… it seems he’s sort of ambidextrous ) or our nondominant hand first focusing attention in a new way!
There was two brief intermissions of core work dips and calf raises
we finished with 5 minutes of core finishing so perfectly on time you would think I planned it !! Most notable mention to Voodoo with the extra emphasis on twist during his American Hammers holding us to one side and then the other ….. ouch!
on Skack the other day I posted old video of Reese’s peanut butter cups ( there was lot of talk of candy bars worthy of eating today ) of “ You’ve got your chocolate in my peanut butter!!”
well this comes from the musical aspect for today
mash-ups …. hehe….
Stayin’ in Black BeeGees /AC/DC
Billie Cocaine Michael Jackson/Eric Clapton
Living for the Paradise City GNR / Stevie Wonder
With A Rebel Yell She Cried Don’t Give Up the Fight
Billy Idol/ Bob Marley
Stop and Bust a Move Buffalo Springfield and Young MC
Flyin’ Hot Stuff Donna Summer/ Ozzy
Bang Your Head (Its A Celebration) Kool and the Gang/ Quiet Riot
I Heard it Round And Round The Grapevine
Marvin Gaye (Temptations)/ RATT
newcFolsom Saturday AO
money taken up for. New Zion church food trailer see Sargento
during namearama Spider-Man aged 3 years in less than 3 seconds …. had to be there !!
I created this and used it at least twice a week and it is the only change up I modified and can attest my increased performance at Spartan ….. I’ve been doing running/ boot camp / weights / dead hang / pull ups/ chin-ups but this is the only other difference and it helped me to not incur burpee penalties and Saul through many obstacles that I struggled on in previous 6 OCRs ….
hopefully it was worthy of those who posted but either way …. I appreciate the honor of the Q…. thx men
20 HIM and 2 FNGs showed up on this beautiful crisp (almost spring) morning to put in work at Folsom!
This is my 29th post AND my 1st VQ and I was Jacked up! I got there early to get things set up and found some PAX doing EC, so I jumped in and got a quick mile in to break in the new kicks!
Trucks (and a few cars) start rolling in and I can tell we gonna have a crowd. 5:30 hits and we get started.
Since we had FNGs i start out the the 5 principles of F3(Outside, Peer lead, open to all men, Free of charge, COT), and a disclaimer(I am a Idiot , do not do anything i say, modify, don’t die etc…) With all that out of the way, I am Ball Joint , Trust me I’m a mechanic!
I informed the PAX that since joining i have found that we have been doing a lot of the exercise at the shop and didn’t even know it…i pointed out what we call it at the shop as we did the warm up.
Warm up:
Something stuck on my boot (Toy Soldiers) IC x10
SSH IC x10
Mone Back or Mone In (MoricanNightClubs) IC x10
Imperial walkers or Hillbillys (obvously i do not know the difference) IC x10
Where did that lug nut go? (Gravel Pickers) IC x10
10 burpees OYO
Lets Mosey to the flag..stop at each light pole for 20 Mtn. Climbers , 20 American Hammers (count 1 side) and 1 burpee, next light same but add a extra burpee, till you get to the Flag. Pledge and 22 for the vets!
In honor of March Madness we did a Bobby Hurley Indian run (split into 2 groups) back down to the lower lot.
Ok enough warm up time do get to work! We had some brake jobs to do!
1st we have to set the lift..low plank position reach out with right arm to the side..back to plank then reach out straight ahead..thats 1 . We did this IC x10 each arm 2 sets.
Partner up for the Brake Job..1 partner does the work the other has to pick up 2 rotors and go back to the parts store to get the right ones(top of parking lot and back). 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 lbc. The trick here was to pick your rotors wisely from the pile . I think Wirenut and Witchita found the f250 rotors(from Sgt. Hulka’s truck)and they were heavy!
With time getting short we moseyed back up to the tennis court parking lot.
We had to get the car off the lift from low plank..right arm /left arm ICx5.
Lastly in honor of Allen Tate…..on your 6 for the alphabet ..instead of abc’s we spelled out “fartsackeroftheyearallentate”.
Announcements : New Dallas AO Saturday 27th, Palmetto 200, Mortimer 100 (needs donations see Sargento) Water Bottles and Sock donations in March, PT test in April
3rd F: 1 Corinthians 6:19: “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself”. Your body is a temple, be mindful of what you allow into it. All 5 senses are constantly bombarded by the great deceiver. Stay vigilant and keep your mind aimed towards God!
Prayer Request: Big Pappys 2.0, Stogies Dad, The Huffstelers from Dallas, James Goudelock, and others
I started my F3 journey because of a Spiritual Exercise called Exodus 90 that some guys from church are doing together. It has many things we give up and many things to start doing , and one of them is to practice regular intense exercise 3 days a week. Freight, Sparky, AT, Hacksaw, RoundUp all at one time or another has invited me out for years, so I knew where I was going to work out..I finally had the push I needed to do it. I am so glad to be a part of this great group of men. You’ll help me push to be better! It was a honor to lead today!
Ball Joint
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