Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 4, 2021


Simple & Sinister

Warmup – 3 cycles of the following: low squat with a long pause at the bottom where you wiggle around to open up the hips. Add in some curls while we are down, followed by 5 supine hip bridges, followed by halo’s 5 each way.

The Workout

Swings – 10 Swings – Perfect form. Use heavy bell if you have one. Rest 1 min between sets. 10 Sets total for 100 swings.

Turkish Getups – Do one rep on each side without a break. That’s one set. Do five sets total, resting 1 min in between each set. So a total of 10 getups (5 each side).

Tiger Squats – 10 reps. rest 1 min between sets. We got in 5 sets


PR and Announcements

VooDoo took us out



Run time

There were 5 HIMs determined enough to post in the 23 degree cold this morning. As luck would have it, I had the Q so I had to be there. We hadn’t run the Sargento route in a couple months so that’s what we set out to do. I only got about 1.5 miles into the run before an ankle pain changed my plans and I headed back to start prematurely.  All other PAX were able to get in the run they wanted and everyone was accounted for. Success!

Prayer requests: Roscoe’s ankle, Mayor’s dad, JK2’s son

Announcements: Extinction run

2/4/2021 Diablo Sammich

4 men mosied through the mean streets of Riverwood Plantation, stopping at every light post to do something that involved standing. The ground was a balmy 24 degrees and these old knees and me new Sherpa lined sweat pants could not afford to taste asphalt. Bringing my 13 year old son, War Eagle along for his 2nd consecutive Diablo post brought the median age down to a robust 47.5. We attacked the hill and each mailbox on the right with a vigor usually reserved for a Saturday line at Dynasty Buffet when the crab legs are in short supply. We rucked with a combo of squats, imperial walkers, Abe Vigodas, Moroccan Night Clubs, monkey humpers, Rocky Balboas and dips. We prayed it out and scrambled for work. Sledge-O-Matic, Hermie, War Eagle and Les Nessman.

It was Jacked Up

12 PAX made it out to Folsom on one of the coldest mornings yet this year. The cold must have had an affect on the mental capacities of some of the PAX…Volt and Roundup forgot the bottom half of their pants, Sister Act and Slaw were engaged in a pre-workout hug fest and Montross, Huck, Sparky and Allen Tate all forgot to get out of the bed and post. Short disclaimer and time to get warmed up.


Modified Jacked Up

5 Burpee’s


5 Burpee’s

30 Seal Jacks IC
5 Burpee’s

20 Plank Jacks IC
5 Burpee’s

10 Little Gumby IC
5 Burpee’s


Mosey up to the bleachers at the arena for a modified Triple Nickel.

5 Squats on each bleacher going up, 5 Imperial Walkers on each bleacher coming down.

Repeat x5


Mosey down to the parking lots at the ball fields.

Route 66

One merkin at the first parking space, bear crawl to the next for 2 merkin’s….all the way to 11.

Rinse and repeat with crab walk and Big Boy’s.


Mosey up to the fork in the road and partner up for some Dora.

One partner does the work while the other runs the triangle.

100 CDD’s

200 American Hammers

300 Shoulder Taps


Back to the flag with time for some flutter kicks to finish it out.



We talked a little about our spiritual growth and the need for daily prayer and devotion. Take the time to read the devotions and scripture that guys like Sarlaac, Sparky and Wichita post on our social media. This is part of their ministry and it benefits all of us.


Prayer Request

Praise for Mayor’s Dad coming home from hospital

Westside’s grandmother

Sister Act and Family

Big Pappy, Big Pappy’s mother, Big Pappy’s son

Stogie’s dad


Finished with the pledge and YHC prayed us out.


It’s was a pleasure as always.

I’m Broke


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