Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: November 2020 (Page 10 of 11)

Gashouse Turkey Trot 5k

Wondering what to do on Thanksgiving Day since all the local Turkey Trot’s have been cancelled? Here’s the answer, show up at The Pub on Thanksgiving Day at 8:30am for the Gashouse Turkey Trot 5k. This unofficial 5k will take the place of the normal Pub run and the PAX are encouraged to bring their M’s and 2.0’s to participate. As with all F3 events, this is a non-sanctioned, you vs. you, voluntary participation, recommendation of a way for you to drag yourself out of the fartsack and get some work done before you consume 5000 calories and watch football.

The route is simple, we will leave the parking lot at Publix, run out Hoffman Road to Heatherloch Drive and return back to the start. There may even be some medals for 1st Place PAX, 1st Place M, 1st Place 2.0, 1st Place Clydesdale and 1st Place Respect. There will be no official timer, and depending on participation we may start in smaller groups to allow for social distancing and to maintain safety.

Also, a $5 donation to participate is encouraged, but not required. All money collected will be used to help with the costs of the Christmas Party on December 12th at Lewis Farms.


An extremely rare opportunity will also be possible on Thanksgiving Day…..the chance for a Triple Post. Head over to Folsom for a 5:30am bootcamp, followed up by a 7am bootcamp at The Goat and then run the 5k. No better way to start the Holidays!

Spread the word at the workouts and plan to be at one or all of the workouts on Thanksgiving!

I’m Broke

Bulldog 11/3

Cool and crisp morning this morning.  In case any of you have not gotten 150,000 texts from random numbers today, it’s the last day to vote!

We started our warmup with:

Side Straddle Hops

Bridge ups




Everybody feeling good and hoping for a challenge, we launched into Summation 8’s.  How it goes is you divide a full length rep into 8 portions.  So you do an 1/8th rep, 1/4 rep, 3/8ths rep, and so on until you get to a full rep, or 8/8ths.  Then back at the top, you divide the motion into 7 parts and do 1/7th, 2/7th,… Then divide into 6, then 5, 4,3,2,1.   We did a full Summation 8 exercise with a cinder block, then an abs set.  It went like this:

Sum 8 Chest press

20 LBC

Sum 8 Squats

20 big boys

Sum 8 Shoulder Press

20 leg lifts

Sum 8 No weight calf raise

20 flutters

Sum 8 Upright rows

20 box cutters

Sum 8 Triceps Extensions (Hermey offered free dental care to everyone)

20 crab crunches

Sum 8 Bicep curls

Partner up, bicep weight holds followed by back to back hand offs

Done?  Nope… another round, but how this finishes out is repeat all the above, except the summation 8 happens as a negative and counting the seconds.  A negative for 8 seconds, then 7 seconds, 6 seconds…

The men were stronger than ever this morning.  Biceps were exploding, I’ve never seen such a group before.  Folks showing up for the polls were totally sidetracked, as no one knew there were multiple Incredible Hulks.  Young men were inspired to be better, old men balanced their bowls of peanuts on their belly as they watched the athletes in action.  The lady’s were fainting.  Sirens were wailing, lights were flashing, as ambulances, firetrucks, and Roscoe raced towards the scene of the shaking earth.  It was as if these men themselves were destroying mountains and overcoming Lions.  Then… all of a sudden… the clock chimed 6.15 and we were snapped back from our thoughts and remembered the pain.

We pledged to the flag.  We noted the Veteran’s day workout (Nov 11).  We talked of prayer requests and brought them to the Lord.  And the QIC forgot the name o ramma!

Love Reconciles

5 PAX posted in the 30’s for some running at the Sword this morning. Sparky was late but who am I telling you knew.

We discussed John 17:20-22. Jesus is praying for all of us to become one with God. What I wanted to point out is he is praying for all of us not just Republicans or Democrats, Americans or Iranians, White people or Black. All of us. We need to remember, especially now,  to act in a  way that helps to reconcile people to God not alienate them. We like to put labels on groups and join them. The only group that matters is God’s children.

3rd F – Humility

“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.” — John 13:14

During the day of Jesus, it was common for a servant to wash people’s feet as they entered a home. And as we might imagine, this was an important practice of hospitality. Most people wore sandals as they walked roads covered in dust and  dirt. Can you imagine how unpleasant it would be if the Q asked all Pax to remove his shoes at the COT and proceeded to wash everyone’s feet?

But here Jesus gives us a beautiful picture of His gospel—the good news of the kingdom of God. Washing his disciples’ feet shows God’s love for sinners in a way that mere words cannot express. This act of service gave the disciples a preview of the cross, when Jesus laid down his very life to wash our sins away.

But Jesus didn’t stop there. He also told his disciples to go and do the same for others.

We are called to communicate the gospel through a servant lifestyle, giving of ourselves so that others may experience life.  When satan was tempting Jesus he said for Jesus to bow before him on the mountain top.  Jesus said that “a house divided cannot stand.”  We are called to be humble, to “wash the feet others” daily.  We can’t become all God has created us to become if our “house” is divided.

We are entering the holiday season, let us focus this season on giving of self.  Be all we can be for the circle most near us, and go out of our way for others.

Following up on Sargento’s challenge, this week let’s pray for T Square, Vanilla Ice, Emoji, Wichita, Sarlacc, Huckleberry, Panama, Top Hat


5 Years and 7 Months Convergence

58 showed up, despite warnings from Gov. Cooper, for F3 Gastonia’s belated anniversary celebration. Shh don’t tell anyone. Most showed up for EC before. This is an indication of our growth in the 1stF! Broke reached out to many PAX to lead the convergence but most were out out of town or working so he ended up with Tooltime and I. TT reached out and said a guy named Frank Schwartz would be leading as well. My response was who is that and why. Apparently he’s a big deal or something.  I had to #look that up. I was told he had really good hair but I’ll be honest it was a little Trumpish for my taste. Anyway the clock struck 7 and we circled up in the parking lot. I lead things off with some planks and burpees to celebrate the people that are the  future and the foundation of F3 Gastonia. After that we hit what used to be the nicest soccer field in the world. It now looks like a cow pasture thanks to the 11’s we did. After 22 minutes of exercise I handed it over to TT for a lot of jogging and laying around. What can I say about the next 20 minutes? Quiche made sure everyone recognized his running status by getting way out front. TT was showing off his freshly shaved thighs. It’s a good thing Slaw wasn’t there. He would have put something on those long enough for TT to get used to it. There were some inappropriate exercises and facial expressions. It was discovered a lot of guys have issues with eye contact. After 20 minutes of downtime TT handed things over to Mr Schwartz. At this point I assumed the workout was basically over. I was mostly correct. There was about 5 minutes of work and 15 minutes of him talking. I wonder if he likes the sound of his voice? That would explain the podcast he does. At least that’s what I’m told. I’ve never heard of it. So what did he say? There was talk of pushing yourself and pushing beyond what you thought that was. He made us sprint to prove his point. Sprint? Really? That’s the best exercise you could come up with! At this point I was in the upper teens of a 5K everyday. I’m not sprinting squat you know what I mean. Anyway he was probably right. We mentally quit way before our bodies need too.  He would have likely had a better chance of impacting these guys if he would have spit more. Spitting, even without a dip in, is about as alpha male as it gets. I wish I could share more peoples experiences with you but due to Covid we were spread out to much.

After words we had some words from the first ever repeat Nantan, Def Leppard(2021) and some 3rdF from Sargento! I recommend joining Sargento’s prayer challenge. Prayer was my word last year and I do believe it brought me closer to God. How can it not? If you talk to someone everyday you’re bound too. Also men stepped up and donated almost 30 pairs of shoes to be taken to the Charlotte rescue mission. T-claps!

That’s about all I’ve got. It was a pretty underwhelming convergence. I mean we did have a record, I think, in attendence but the Q’s were what they were. On the upside we aren’t far away from the 6 year convergence so I’m sure we can do better.

Mount Hollywood 11-2-20

Warmup: Side straddle hops, 1 set of 15

Toy soliders, 1 set of 15

Body weight squats, 1 set of 15

Mike Tysons, 1 set of 15


Run .5 mile, Merkens + run .1 mile loop & do 5 Bobby Hurleys, 3 sets

Run .1 mile, Wall squats + run .1 mile loop, 3 sets

Heels to heaven + run .1 mile loop, 3 sets

Bear crawls for 30 yards + lunges for 30 yards, 3 sets

Plank janks + run .1 mile loop, 3 sets


Run .5 mile, 10 burpees one time


Captain’s SandLot


Warm Up

Side Straddle Hop            15 count cadence

LBCs                                       15 count cadence


Mosey to Bank Wall from Pelicans

Step Ups                              10 Serial Count Each Leg

Dips                                       20 Serial Count

Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to Planet Fitness

Four Corner Perimeter of Parking Lot and OYO

Merkins                               25 Serial Count

Squats                                  50 Serial Count

Michael Phelps                 75 Serial Count

Wall Jump @ Bellacinos then Bear Crawl walkway

Calf Raises                           50 Serial Count

Moroccan Night Clubs    50 Serial Count

Rinse and Repeat             3X more ea exercise

Mosey to Bank Wall from Planet Fitness

Step Ups                              10 Serial Count Each Leg

Dips                                       20 Serial Count

Rinse and Repeat

Mosey back to Pelicans

Announcements: Convergence Sat Oct 31

Prayers: Nation, F3 Members & Families

40 Day Prayer Challenge

At yesterday’s convergence I read James 5:13-16 which explains that we’re to pray and sing praises. We’re also called to pray for one another.

The power of prayer is real. To pray is to be in direct contact with our maker.

I challenge each of you to pray. As a way to multiply the challenge that Roscoe laid down for the month of November, I challenge each of us to take time each day to pray each day for the next 40 days. 5 minutes a day may be easy for you or it may be a totally new endeavor. Start where you can but just make it a routine and habit. You’ll be glad you did.

To help with the effectiveness of our prayers for each other, I’ll post a daily running list of current prayer concerns that we have. Just direct message me with anything you’d like for the PAX to pray about and I’ll list it on Slack.

Current Prayer concerns:

  • Catamount – pray for recovery from Ramsay-Hunt syndrome
  • Breaker Breaker’s aunt Judy
  • Sister Act’s daughter’s continued improvement
  • Roscoe’s friend Billy Simmons
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