Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 18, 2020

Cold PB

9 men out for a cold run this morning at the PB! I took the past seven days off of running on accident but it was really nice getting out and being around the crowd! I love this AO and I enjoy the fellowship.



Christmas Party Dec 12th

Thanksgiving events

Folsom at 5:30, Goat @ 7:00 and Turkey trot at the Pub @ 8:30?

Hit all 3 if you can!

Blood Drive Dec 10th in Belmont

Prayer Request

Mayors M , Sargentos Prayer list, Brokes M is doing good! Continue prayers, SA family and his surgery coming up, MW uncle back surgery, Wichitas mother,

Thank you for coming out to the ole PB look forward to next week!

Continue to push ROCKS

Round Up

11 Indian runs.

Midoriyama 11-5-20

Warm up all IC


Crunchy Frogs

Nolan Ryan’s




Indian run up to the soccer fields. Stop at the transformers. (Note to self, not all PAX know what a transformer is). 

5 Burpees OYO.

Indian run around the fields to the hill by the dog park for 11’s. Hillbillies and Toy Soldiers up and down the hill. Indian Run over to the opposite corner of the field for 11’s across the short side of the field. CDD and Skater Squats. Run over to the Burpee spot (by the transformers) and give me 5 more Burpees. Indian run to the playground. More 11’s. Pull-ups and WW1’s.

Mosey back to the start. 11’s across the parking lot. SSH and Overhead Claps.


Party the 12th

Sargento 40 days of prayer.

Prayer request  

Swimmer father n law

Sparky dad

Breaker family

Richard Kirk cancer

Gyro father n law cancer

Blart wife

The Labyrinth – 11/18/20

2.2 miles of EC by Watt’s Up, EZ Rider and Dirt.  Thanks for running with me this morning men.

I haven’t Q’d the Labyrinth in a long time so I asked Clavin if I could Q today and he eagerly obliged.

No FNG’s so short disclaimer

Warm Up

Seal Jacks IC x 20

Mountain Climbers IC x 20

Cotton Pickers IC x 10

Mosey to the far shelter by the playground.


The Undercard

Dips, Inclined Merkins, Derkins OYO x 10 Rinse and Repeat x 10 x 5 x 5

I couldn’t do too many of these thanks to Flintstone and Watts Up using pavers on Monday and Tuesday.  At my age, I can’t do too many to begin with.


The Main Event

Meander to the parking lot.  Hippa gave me this idea last week at The Yank.  He did 11’s up Main Street with Burpees at each end and we stopped at three locations going up the hill for 7 Squats at each stop.  To say it was a GRIND is an understatement.

I revised it to be one Burpee at the start, run the length of the parking lot, stopping at each opening to the entrance road for 10 squats, and LBC’s (or any other AB exercise ) x 10 at the other end.

1 Burpee              100 LBC’s

2 Burpees            90 LBC’s

3 Burpees            80 LBC’s

4 Burpees            70 LBC’s

5 Burpees            60 LBC’s

6 Burpees            50 LBC’s

7 Burpees            40 LBC’s

8 Burpees            30 LBC’s

9 Burpees            20 LBC’s

10 Burpees         10 LBC’s

Everyone got in 8 rounds and some got in more.

Meander to the gate of the park and Jail Break back to the flag arriving at 6:15 am.

JK2 reminded me of the Pledge.  Thanks JK2

Good work today gentlemen!


Prayer Requests:

Defib’s son

Roscoe’s son

EZ Rider’s family

Children’s Hope Alliance – Impact

A great turn out for my first Q at Midoriyama.  This Q was about Children’s Hope Alliance and the impact they have on the children in our community.  I told brief stories of a few children that I had the honor of taking care over the years being a member of the Children Hope Alliance foster community.

If possible,  please volunteer at the F3 Race City Event  this Saturday at Children’s Hope Alliance –

The Thang

  • Child 1 – My first placement. Found abandoned in a trailer. ~5 years old did not speak, unable to use eating utensils, he only ate with is his hands when the food was placed on an ottoman near a window.   It was like getting punched in the gut.
    • AMRAP – 25 Mike Tysons, 25 Rocky Bolboa’s back and forth in the parking lot.
  • Child 2 – 16 year old who has spent her life in foster care. Always running away from home to home, just trying to find her home.
    • AMRAP – Sprints, with  10 Merkins on each side
  • Child 3 – A 12 year old, who at ~8 years old, was found in a severe abuse and neglect situation.  This young man was with us 2 years before being moved to another home.  All he talked about was wanting to be a big. Current status is unknown, but I think about him all the time.
    • AMRAP – 20 Big Boys, 20 CDD’s back and forth in the parking lot.
  • Child 4 – Infant born with many terminal medical issues.  We pick her up from the hospital and had her till she unfortunately passed away 6 months later.  This is where my M and I found our calling.
    • AMRAP – 25 Plank Jacks, 10 second Plank –  Lunge walk the parking lot back and forth.
  • Child 5 – Infant born with many medical issues. We picked her up from the hospital and nursed to a stable condition before she was to another home.
    • AMRAP  30 Squats, 30 Imperial Walkers back and forth in the parking lot.
  • Child 6 – Infant born with many medical issue. We picked her up from the hospital and nursed her to a stable condition.  She was adopted by a family member and working through that process was great joy. Although out of state, we still are able to stay in contact.
    • AMRAP 35 SSH, 25 Hillbillies  back and forth in the lot
  • Child 7 – Infant born with many medical issues. We picked her up from the hospital and nursed her to a stable condition.  She was adopted by a family member.  She is doing well and we still get to see her regularly. It is a blessing.
    • AMRAP 30 Goofballs, 30 LBC’s back and forth in the parking lot.
  • Child 8 – I shared the story of my son, Elijah, adopted in November.
    • 50 Mountain Climbers

Slaw then called out 22 for the troops and then we pledged.

Thank you men for the opportunity to lead and Def Leopard  will you please stay focused…



  • Blood Drive – Dec 10
  • Christmas Party – Dec 12

Prayer Request

  • Sargento’s Prayer List
  • Broke’s M
  • Tigers’ Aunt
  • All unspoken prayers

2 Peter 1:10 –  Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall.

Big Pappy



It was 37 degrees at TRB this morning. That’s close enough to 35 for a triple-nickel beatdown. With a knotted left hamstring suffered during Watts Up’s brick-burpee torture at the Storm yesterday, YHC had trouble running but came up with some modifications. It went like this:

Warm up with 20x IC each SSH, Imperial Walkers, Nolan Ryans. Pledge.

Box cutters at flag, side-shuffle to gate, 4-count Derkins. Mosey to back lot.
Mike Tysons, Zombie walk across width (short way) of parking lot, 4-count Australian Superman flutters.
Plank jacks, karaoke across length (long way) of parking lot, 4-count diamond merkins.
Time left for half of another round: Big Boys, burpee-broad jump across width of parking lot, CDD’s.

It felt just a tiny bit warmer as the gloom gave way to daybreak on the horizon. Mosey back to flag for announcements, wrap up with prayer.

F3 Shelby Convergence

F3 Gastonia…here’s an opportunity to get out of our region and support another one.  On December 5th, F3 Shelby will be having a convergence from 7-8am .  In 2018, we ventured up to this region and it was probably one of the coldest and nastiest workouts ever.  64 PAX survived it and hopefully the weather will not be the same this time but if it is “OH WELL”.

Be on the lookout for more information on Slack and more details to come over the next couple weeks.



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