Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: July 2020 (Page 2 of 10)

Backyard burn

10 was the number at Midoriyama on Tuesday. No hero WOD today. Today I decided we would do several backyard burn style workouts. If you’re on Strava(if your not stay under your rock Patrick) you may have seen some of the backyard burn workouts I’ve been doing in between my regular posting days. They are usually short HIIT style workouts leaning more toward lifting something. I was inspired to start doing these by Pizza Man and the 27 WOD’s he does daily.

The Warmup:

Nope, get a block and let’s go. 3 PAX walked off. I think they went and done some yoga, partner stretches or something.

The Thang:

10 of each x 5 rounds

Thrusters, Tricep Dips, Weighted step ups

Next round

Kettle bell swings, Overhead press, Donkey kicks

Next round

Goblet squat, Hand release merkin, Wall jumps(taps)

Next round

Curls, Farmer Carry 40ish yds, High pulls

Next round

1 minute overhead hold, rest 1 minute for 5 rounds

Next round

Blockees, Mtn Climbers ic, WWI situps. We made it through a few rounds of this and called time.



Announcements-Mt Mitchell 9/27 info coming, Def Leppard’s favorite band is ABBA

Prayer Request-Obviously Def Leppard(see announcements), Sister Act and family, Blart and family, several people with sickness and loss

Naked Moleskin:

I was reading a devotional and it is mentioned image if we lived a certain way and that got me to thinking(uh-oh). Imagine if we lived out a lot of things we imagine. We can. We like to say hindsight is 20/20 and that insinuates that the future is blind. While we may not know what all it holds we are not completely blind to it either. There are many things we know if we do it what the outcome will be. What if we eat healthy and exercise regularly? We will be healthier in the future. We know this! So what else? What if we pray daily, go to church regularly, get involved with our church, study, etc. I hope you get the point. Don’t put things off that you know the result of. Get after it!





Leg Day and fun!

10 showed up for a Bootcamp at the Sandlot. Upon arrival a mystery of who had the Q arose. Gastone, ended that and volenQued.

The Thang:

20 Imperial Walkers Cadence

20 SSH Cadence

20 Diamond Merkins

Mosey down the road

Second light pole, 50 Monkey Humpers

3rd, 50 Squats

4th, Lunges to the 5th.

Mosey around the neighborhood circle stopping a few times for planks.

Mosey again into the back of the park to the back of the field to the small paved hill.

Bottom of the hill: 10 Squats, 10 Monkey Humpers, 10 Lunges in place counting right leg, 10 Calf Raises, 10 Gorilla Humpers

Backwards up the hill.

Top of the hill: 1 Merkin

Rinsen and repeat until we completed the 11’s.

Mosey to the Library stand. Plank

Mosey to the batting cage front. To nice patches of grass.

25 LBC’s Cadence

25 FLutter Kicks Cadence

Mosey back to the start.

The Moleskin:

Great morning with some great company and a perfect way to start the day.

Prayers to all those in need.

Gastone Out!


Back and Forth

Since I hadn’t posted at The Storm in a while, I figured the best way to return would be with the Q. 16 PAX decided to join YHC for a little back and forth workout around the school. After the disclaimer, pledge and a short warmup here’s what happened….


Head over to the front of the school and get started.

25 Dirty Hookups IC

Run a lap around across the parking lot and back stopping at each island for a Burpee.

25 Dips


25 Derkins


Rinse and repeat


We then headed off on an Indian Run around the school with the last man dropping off for 2 Burpee’s. We made a quick stop at the loading dock for a Triple Nickel.

5 Diamond Merkins, run and jump on the dock for 5 Jump Squats then back down the ramp x5.


Continue with the Indian Run back the way we came to make sure that everyone had a chance to get in their Burpee’s. We’re back to where it all started, but this time we did a little Dora.

Partner 1 runs the same loop as before, but no Burpee’s.

100 – Hip Slappers

200 – Big Boys

300 – Flutter kicks


Finished things up just in time.



Hebrews 13:8 – “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Be weary of false doctrine and don’t chase after “religious fads” or let fear and hardships cause doubt in your beliefs. Rather, gain confidence in knowing that Jesus Christ does not change, nor does His gospel.



Mt. Mitchell hike 9/27

Need Q’s at various AO’s


Prayer Request

SA 2.1 and family


Officers and first responders

Teachers and students



Dr. Seuss took us out.



I’m Broke

3rd F – Disruption

We think of disruptions in the sense of obstacles.  Kids being too loud while the game is on, getting an email at work right at quitting time.  Altering our pleasure. Getting in the way.   Disruption is defined as “a disturbance or problem that interrupts an event, activity, or process.”  But sometimes disruption can be a good thing.  

In order to move forward in our lives, we have to be willing to embrace disruption.  We often speak of 1% better each day.  Maybe some disruption can change 1% to 3%.  Stop being satisfied with small gain, aim for something larger.  If you want to run 5 miles faster, then change something.  Take an inventory of your actions and activities, a hard, honest inventory, and make your plan.  So, the question becomes, what in your life needs to be disrupted?  What is in your life that isn’t making you better?  What are you not doing that you know you should be? 

Late in his career, after he had become the all-time major league leader in hits, Pete Rose was asked in an interview why he still ran allout on every ground ball he hit, even those he knew would lead to an out.  He responded with “because if I stop getting better, then I stop being good.”  In Matthew 19 Jesus tells the parable of the rich young ruler: Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life(O)?”(P) 

17 “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”(Q) 

18 “Which ones?” he inquired. 

Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery,(R) you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, 19 honor your father and mother,’S“>c and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’[d](T) 

20 “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?” 

21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect,(U) go, sell your possessions and give to the poor,(V) and you will have treasure in heaven.(W) Then come, follow me.” 

22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth. 

A life disrupted.  What may not seem easy, can lead to the greatest reward. 

This week let’s pray for Def Leppard,  Stroganoff, Whopee, Freight, Tool Time, Broke, Sister Act, Big Pappy, Huckleberry.  No reason, let’s just lift these HIMs. 


Annihilated by Pizza

It’s hard to believe that it is already the last Saturday in July so it’s time for Annihilation.  This month YHC was fortunate enough to be asked to Q it.  There were several things that came to mind but keeping it moving was apart of all of them.  With that said, we had a strong group of 11 that was eager to get “Annihilated” by Pizza.  Several PAX figured that the bootcamp wasn’t going to test them enough so they put in some EC.  Strong work!!  7am hit and it’s time….


SSH X 20 IC (Explained what the plan was during this)

The Thang:

YHC created a 4 mile route and at every 1/4 mile marker the PAX were to perform a set of exercises.

The exercises were…

5 Burpees

10 merkins

15 squats

20 Flutters (each leg)

Then on to the next mark…strong work by all!!

With that complete and around 10 minutes to go we moseyed to the covered shelter for one last thing.

10-1 with Burpees and WW1’s (10 Burpees and WW1’s, 9 Burpees and WW1’s, 8 Burpees and WW1’s….all the way to 1)


(Overall the PAX logged over 4 miles and completed 910 reps.  Strong work!!!)


We all meet back up with the PAX that posted at the Yank.  Gastonia had a strong showing at the Fighting Yank with 22 total (including two that ran 16 miles around Belmont).


Annihilation –  August 29th at 7am – Gashouse

Mt Mitchell Hike – Sept. 27th – Gastone will be posting a Pre-Blast


Once again, there was strong work by everyone that posted at Annihilation.  Thanks again for the opportunity to lead a great group of men.  I hope that everyone got their money worth but if you didn’t make sure you come out to the August 29th Annihilation at Gashouse.

Until next time Pizza Man is OOOOOUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!



The verse of the week: “Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness.”
‭‭Titus‬ ‭2:2‬ ‭ESV‬‬

The emphasis was on being self-controlled. Self-control or self-controlled is used 13 times in the Bible, once in the Old Testament and twelve in the New Testament. Seems to be a pretty important virtue for the believer not to mention it’s one of the fruits of the Spirit “Galatians 5:23”. All you have to do is look around and you’ll notice that most people are striving for self-entitlement and self-gratification. Being Self-controlled  is a choice, it’s not something that just happens. It’s making small choices in a positive direction day after day until it becomes habit. Rinse and Repeat!


Prayer request: Sparky’s nephew, SA’s daughter and family, our community and those on the front line.

Thanks once again for the opportunity to lead!

Wichita out and on to the next one

Baptized in Sweat

It was a lucky day for 13 PAX who tackled a GD ab workout in 96% humidity.

Warmup – 25 SSH. I’m an idiot, you’re an idiot, let’s go.

Mosey down to First Baptist for Dora in the parking lot. All abs. You get the idea.

Mosey to the bottom of Baptist hill for a twisted dirty triple nickel. 5 hand release merkins, mosey to the middle for the dirty LBFCs, twist around and nur it up the rest of the (longer than I remembered) hill for 5 jump squats at the top. 5x.

Mosey to BB&T for ab escalators. No time to de-escalate, but there is time for a plethora of merkins on the way home. Enjoy.


Good to see some new faces out at Mt. Hollywood. This is a great time to be EHing friends (and foes), family, and strangers alike, especially with gyms being closed down.

Get ready for the Mt. Mitchell hike on the last Sunday of September and a whole bunch of special stuff coming to an AO near you in the fall.

Pray for Huck and SA’s family.


Until next time,


Running with scissors

Don’t try this at home. I’m a professional. I know, I know, mom said not to do this.

Anyway, 20 HIMS showed up at the Yank on Saturday morning. YHC observed that there was EC happening.

7 am time to start, circle up, Pizza Man said “Annihilation follow me, rest of you stay with Oompa.”
About then I think some senile homeless dude sleeping on the park bench mumbled something about a KJV workout starting as he wandered off, but, hey, old people aren’t known for their acuity.

No FNG. So no disclaimer. Mosey up to the hill to the track at the elementary school. That’s covers our warmup.

10 SSH (IC)
20 Abe Vigodas (IC)
30 Flutters (IC)
40 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)
50 LBC (IC)

That was so much fun, so let’s back it down.

50 LBC
40 MNC
30 Flutters
20 Abe Vogoda
10 SSH

Time to make your momma proud. Run with scissors. Or don’t. It’s you vs you.
Run around the track and drop and add 5 scissor kicks every light pole. Go 5, 10, 15, 20 ,25, 30, 35, 40. Plank for the six. Right arm up/regular/Left arm up.

20 SSH
20 Abe Vigodas
20 Flutters
20 Low slow squats
20 MNC
20 LBC
20 Shoulder Taps
20 Calf Raises

Reverse direction around the track and drop and subtract 5 scissor kicks every light pole. Go 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5. Plank for the six. Left arm up/regular/right arm up.

Halfway there! Ohhhh, ohhh, livin’ on a prayer….Admit it you were singing.

Mosey around to front of school.
10 Dips (IC)

Run from benches near road to fence and back in front of the school.

500 Squats
400 Shoulder Taps
300 Dying Cockroaches
200 Merkins
100 Freddie Mercurys

Fellowship mosey to Myrtle Street.
Since Sister Act always says it’s not an official F3 workout without burpees, burpees every light pole on each side of the street back to Main Street.

Zombie walk back to flag.

And we’re done!

Always an adventure to Q at an AO where I don’t usually post to see different faces. Thanks for offering it to me Pockets.

Pizza Man led pledge, prayer requests, announcements, and took us out.

Coconut Horse again

Three runners and one walker on IR posted at the Coconut Horse to run 5. Breaker Breaker and YHC were waiting for Termite to emerge from the HT and gave him grace.  We started running at 0632 and came back in time for COT and Q-Source compliments of Short Sale.  One half of the PAX had shirts off as this is the time of year where they are truly optional.

Def Leppard’s WOD

14 posted at Folsom Saturday morning for a prison yard beat down. We got inside the cage and threw down!


SSH x 20

Merkins x 10ic

LBC x 10 ic

The Thang:

Def Leppard’s WOD

Partner up

P1 does the exercise and P2 nurs 4 tennis courts and runs back. Flip flop until you reach the number.

600 Hallelujah’s

500 Flutter kicks(count 1 leg)

400 Calf raises(have you seen his calves?)

300 CDD’s(i mean you know!)

200 Hillbillies(count one side)

100 Burpees(his least favorite)

Well done by all. I hope you enjoyed the Def Leppard WOD!

20 minutes to go lets keep moving. Line up on the fence and we will do the following to the net and back.


Bunny hop


Bear crawl

Sidewinder crabwalk

Wojo slap the ground every side step(I guess the exicon committee didn’t accept my submission)

Burpee broadjump

That’s time so circle up!


All the usual stuff


Why did I create a hero WOD for DL you ask? Me too! Kidding! He is a Godly man that wears his heart and his faith on his sleeve. The partner work was because he is good to have around, he’s helpful, a good friend, a bit of a gorge runner, and he is concerned about others.  He can take a joke and for me that is pretty important!

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