Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2019 (Page 1 of 10)

Dirt don’t hurt…

It was around 530ish on a crisp gloomy Saturday morning in the gas house when I see headlights pulling in.  I knew that Whoopee had put out an ironpax challenge the night before, but it wasn’t him.  It was none other than tool time himself straight out of Mooresville.  He was going to do some EC running, a cool 5 he said.  Out  in the distance I see headlights.  Its Whoopee, WattsUp, Stroganoff, and Roscoe.  Tool time took off, the others headed out and I did some EC rucking.  As you know around five till seven everyone rolls in.  Earlier in the week I had been taking to HIPAA and he was saying he needed some extra motivation lately so I said lets Co-Q and think of some nastiness to bring pain lab.  What a great time it was…Here’s how it went.

Stations:  Swings, Man-makers, the little green band (have to show to know), the always crowd pleaser forearm twist rope thing that really sucks, and a new crowd pleaser the Cam Newton.  Essentially you are in a LBC position with the slam ball balancing on your shins, you lay back with arms extended, come back up and grab the ball, extend back with the ball while extending your legs outward at the same time and return ( spoiler alert they really suck).  We also had a curl and chest press station as well.  We did AMRAP for 1 minute  and rotated…quickly.  We did two full rounds and took our bells on the nature trail.  Part 2:  11s on the gravel hill.  Merkins and Goblet squats.  We did Squats at the top with the bells, crab walked down the hill, did the Merkins, then bear crawled back to the top.   Rinse and Repeat till the end, you know the drill.  Part 3:  We walked with bells in hand to the circle with Frank.  We did a triple nickel there with Durkins and Dips, then with incline Merkins and LBCs.  We ended there with some Mary led mainly by a mad man named HIPAA who paid respects to the impending hurricane  Dorian, with a hurricane hoedown.  Which was horrible.   Man what a great workout.  Oh, how could I forget the playlist consisted of all Tool.  Someone requested it and I think he knew a little bit about them.  Great work by all men!  That was a fun one!

mini ironpax

Diablo Sammich got started right on time. Six men with bags took off after the pledge and rucked to the old Harris Teeter (soon-to-be new Mattress Warehouse Outlet) with an old lady named….? Can’t remember, had to Google it just now-Ophelia. She weighs about 40# and doesn’t talk much. Once we got to the parking lot, the menu was discussed. We were going to do a version of this week’s IronPax challenge. It’s called Loredo:6 rounds of exercises with 400 meter run after each round. We modified the numbers and did the following: 6 squats, 6 Merkins, 6 Lunge Steps per leg then rucked around the lot. On the lunges, one of us carried Ophelia with the plan to carry her around the lot-we only moved her while lunging. After a round or 2 of this we increased the reps to 10 for each exercise. Eventually we carried Ophelia more than just lunging. At some point we saw some young men with soccer arms run by us. Words were exchanged and all I can say is, at least 1 of us will be getting a new insurance agent VERY SOON. We moseyed back in time for COT then got outta there.

Another great day at the Sammich-Come join us-Whoopee


This Workout Stinks!!

13 men resisted the fartsack, and showed Downtown this morning.  Nice cool morning, no FNGs, let’s get to work.


5 Burpees for the passing train

10 Burpees for the warm-up

The Thang:

Start a mosey towards Long Ave, stopping at the bridge that crosses the railroad tracks.  Bear Crawl the length of the bridge to the other side.  Continue the mosey crossing over Long Ave and turning on Falls St, which is behind the Courthouse.  I’ve had my eye on this road for a while now.  It is a nice smooth paved road that has a fairly decent incline, with minimal traffic.  Of course, the mumble chatter quickly escalated once the pax realized my choice of location was beside a water treatment facility.  It honestly wasn’t that bad, but the complaining only intensified once the workout began. Anyway, the workout went as follows.  Starting at the bottom of the hill, sprint to the first pole on the right, then mosey back to start and do 10 Burpees.  Short recovery, then sprint to 2nd pole, mosey back to start for 10 Burpees, 15 Imperial Walker Squats.  Sprint to 3rd pole, mosey back and do 10 Burpees, 15 IW Squats, 20 Merkins. Sprint to 4th pole, mosey, then 10 Burpees, 15 IW Squats, 20 Merkins, 25 Mountain Climbers. Sprint to stop sign at the end of the street, mosey back for 10 Burpees, 15 IW Squats, 20 Merkins, 25 MC, and 30 Smurf Jack’s.  Good work men!!

Time to move on up the street, but not before knocking out some exercises as we go. Stopping at each pole and the end, we did:

Pole 1 – 10 Monkey Humpers (IC)

Pole 2 – 5 Burpees

Pole 3 – 15 Monkey Humpers (IC)

Pole 4 – 5 Burpees

Stop Sign – 20 Monkey Humpers ( IC)

Then we took a quick mosey around the corner to the small wall in front of the Courthouse. We performed 3 exercises here: Dips 10 (IC), Derkins 10 (IC), and Donkey Kicks 10 (IC).  Do two rounds.

Then start our mosey back to the flag.  Still some time left for some Deep Sea Divers at the pavilion. Start on step 1, and do 5 Hip Slappers (IC). Hold plank,  then move up a step and do 10 Hip Slappers (IC).  Go up another step and do 15 Hip Slappers (IC). Drop back down a step and do 10 Hip Slappers (IC), and finally drop back down and do 5 Hip Slappers (IC)

Circle up at COT . But first we had a little work left to do .  Next excercise is called the Worst Merkin Ever.  Called in cadence. Perform Werkin on 1 count, Merkin on 2 count, and Diamond Merkin on 3 count.  This equals 1 rep.  I called 10 of these, and yes these sucked!!   TIME!


Labor Day Murph at Martha Rivers 7:00

9/21 Stop Soldier Suicide in Belmont

9/28 JJ5K in Stanley

Prayer Request


Honor to lead today men.  Good work, even in the smelly conditions.

Sister Act

Happy Birthday Freight

13 strong men including our young, Gen X-er Freight who will soon turn 40, so Happy Birthday to him as he showed up at his last workout in his thirties. I was hoping for a cooler afternoon for the Pax and myself but it’s still kind of warm at the region’s premier afternoon JV workout. Held outside, rain or shine, hot or cold, so let’s go!

Warm Up. SSH x 10 IC, Don Q’s x 10 IC, Hillbillies x 10 IC, 22 Single Count Merkins for the Vets called by our own crusty, old veteran Oompa Loompa (war daddy). Thanks Oomp!
Pledge to the flag. Merica.

Mosey to the small soccer field. Get a coupon (block or 2 bricks) and line up along the baseline.
Quarter Pounder with Cheese.
Run with your coupon 25 yards to the cone, 25 single count Merkins. Nur back. Run 50 yards to the next cone with your coupon, 50 Squats. Nur back. Run 75 yards with your coupon, 75 Mountain Climbers. Nur back. Run 100 yards, 100 SSH. Nur back. Distances may have been exaggerated for effect.

Coupon work. Everyone circle up and do Curls until Slaw can’t do anymore. I was counting on the fact that he had a heavy block and he had been out of town so this wouldn’t take too long but the old guy kept cranking way past when everyone else had to stop. Suns out, Guns out! Nice work Slaw! On your six for “Chest Presses” which I mistakenly called something like “trespasses” which immediately led to Freight reciting some version of the The Lord’s Prayer about forgiving our “trespasses” as we forgive those who “trespass” or “chest press” against us. Next was everyone’s favorite. We did Curls again, but this time as long as Sister Act was quiet! He churned away but eventually the need to provide “commentary and instruction” was too much and he stopped the curls and resumed his discussions. Watts-up and I decided our arms and chest were big enough so we put up the blocks.

Mosey to softball field #2 and a previously, unused hill on the 3rd base side. Partner Up, run down the steep, long hill and back up, then Booyah Merkins x 7 in cadence, yes I said in cadence. We repeated this 3 times. Dudes were getting it done!

Mosey to a shady tree between the softball fields for BLIMPS. 10 Burpess, run to another shade tree, 20 Lunges, run back to the other shade tree, 30 Imperial Walkers, run back, 40 Merkins then 50 Plank Jacks, run back for 60 squats.

I discussed my Word for 2019: ACCELERATE. I listed where I thought I stood in several areas as I tried to ACCELERATE. This is where I reminded everyone that this week’s Q Source topic is CANDOR. I had to admit that I have to say to myself to be better and do better if I am to ACCELERATE in 2019. Each of us should ask ourselves if we are improving or accelerating in our fitness, fellowship and faith and if the answer is no or even maybe, we should focus on what we can do to get better for those around us.
Mosey back to the flag.

Huckleberry issued a 40 day challenge beginning Sept. 3rd.
Mt. Hollywood at regular time of 5:30 am on Labor Day
Labor Day Murph at Marthas at 7 am
Huckleberry issued a 40 day challenge beginning Sept. 3rd.
911 Memorial Stair Climb, Sept. 14th opening Ceremony 8:15 am
Stop Soldier Suicide 10K/5K with Speed for Need in Belmont, Sept. 21st 7:30 am
JJ5K Trail Race in Stanley, Sept. 28th 9:00 am
Ragnar Trail Run Oct. 5th
Tuna 200 Oct. 25th – 26th
Christmastown 5K, Nov. 30th 6 pm

Prayer Requests
Dry Rub’s Step mom passed away in Missouri
Boy named Asher with cancer, friend of Madoff’s family
Travel plans for many Pax
Broke took us out!

Taste of Murph

Do This!    5:30  hit and PAX off and….


Get it! OYO,

.50 run (front runners circle back for the 6)

50 pull ups, 100 push ups, 150 air squats  in the Gazebo

.50 run

When complete mosey next door to the field of dreams.

11’s – 10 Bobby Hurley’s at start & 1 Burpee at top of field of dreams.   You know the drill.   Wee!

When complete mosey back to Gazebo

100 big boy sit ups

Clock winding down……….Finish it with OYO 15x side leg raises each leg and 15x each heel kicks while holding up Gazebo posts.

Timeeeeee!   Props Radar and Buckeye getting Wet in field of dreams and going the 6 more feet elevation to burpee land!   Stay thirsty my friends!



Prayer Requests

Wet Nutz Out!

40 days

Ok men – it’s time for a new 40 day challenge.   I know what you’re thinking: “wouldn’t someone else be better suited to lead this?”  To that I would say…yes.  Almost anyone would be better suited.

There will be barely any rules because let’s face it… you’re all grown men.  As with all we do within F3, it’s you vs. you.  The rules will be simple, with a few extra challenges.  Just a few rules:

  1. you must complete at least 5 workouts per week.   A workout does not have to be a bootcamp/running/rucking AO.  It can be done on your own.
  2.  it must be at least 30 minutes in duration.   A Saturday workout does not count as two.
  3.  at least 30 minutes of EC does count.
  4.  I challenge you to take your M on a date at least 3 times during this challenge.
  5. I challenge you take your 2.0(s) somewhere they have never been.
  6.  I challenge you to spend at least 15 minutes per day in the Word.
  7.  I challenge you to reach out to any Kotters you know.
  8.  I challenge you to EH at least 5 men during this challenge.
  9.  I challenge you to abstain from all forms of alcohol during this time.

I realize that many of you already subscribe to this way of living, but there are some of us that need an extra nudge.  I think back to a previous edition and the progress that Roadie made.  If that doesn’t inspire you… I don’t know what to tell you.

Unlike previous challenges, there will be no earning cheat meals.  Like I said – you’re all grown men.  You know better than anyone what you want/need.   If you can have a cheat meal and it not mess you up… have at it.   If a cheat meal will bring you down, eliminate it.

This challenge will begin on Tuesday, September 3rd and run for 40 days.   There are no medals or skillets to be won, but, I pray that you will find a deeper gratification.  I’ve heard it said it takes 21 days to make or break a habit.  Therefore, 40 days should be plenty to hopefully be life changing.

Good luck to everyone who participates.   Reach out to those who are to hold them accountable.

Hopefully SYITG,


It’s a drinking thang

It’s always a beautiful morning when at the PUB.  Especially for my VQ. As always, there were rumors of trash talking from an unnamed certain someone down the street.

Has anyone from the PUB even seen a Diablo Sammich? Is it just an urban legend?  YHC has never seen a Diablo Sammich on Thursday morning.  I think it’s a sheeeet sandwich on stale moldy bread.

Allegedly you can live up to three weeks without eating. However, you definitely die in three or four days without drinking.  Ergo, drinking at the PUB is better than eating.


Route chosen was towards Martha Rivers to see if a certain someone actually posted. No confirmation either way.

One ran three,

One ran four.

Most ran five,

One ran more.

Meanwhile, back at the flag, we realized we were missing a runner, (almost sent out a silver alert for Lep—–) no wait, that’s Gump as the six.

Prayer Requests: Sargento’s uncle, the Hamms, Breaker Breaker’s M, Breaker Breaker’s mom praise report, various kids away at college

Announcements: Murph Monday Martha Rivers 0700, Mt Hollywood open, Stop Soldier Suicide 5K, JJ5K, BRR Ruckers, West Virginia Marathoners, Ragnar.

YHC took us out.

Words for the day:

“If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water” (John 4:10)

But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matt 4:4)

Thanks for opportunity to push the rock!

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