Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

AMWRAPers Delight

  • Post Type:
  • When: 01/31/2019
  • AO:
  • QIC: Bed Pan
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Montross, Taterhole, Rockabilly, Big Papi,Volt, Blue,

Cold weather didn’t stop the pax from showing up today and YHC has a good plan to get the fellowship and workout going today I brought some tunes to get this going.
Warm up:
SSH, Nancy Karigans,then a short mosey turn around back to the tennis courts.
The thang:
AMWRAPERS 6 minutes per group then a lap around the courts. After each set high step to the end of one court then NUR back.
1.5 burpees,50balboas,20imperial squats.
2. 20 lunges,20merkins,20ssh
3. 50 shoulder presses, 20lbcs, 10 shoulder taps. Once all completed we had about a mile and a good sweat going on. All seemed to enjoy the tunes today we had a little OPP,return of the Mack, copper head road you name it!
Ab time Freddie M,lBCs,Flutters, and because I thoughtAT would show we did Rhonda’s. We finished with I am a real American and a round of squats during the song. 220 total I believe.
I thought this was good way to end today, we have some new Pax in the group and we do a lot of teamwork and individual movements. It is very impactful to be in a circle counting each exercise together and going after a common goal. It reminds us all that we are never alone in the F3 world.
Csaup, and Q source each Sunday.
Prayer request:
Rockabilly’s grandma, Montross’s Aunt, all of our M’s and each other.

The Bedpan is Full!


  1. Clavin

    What’s a Nancy Kerrigan ? Hop on one leg?

    • Brandon Hastings

      Sort of…stand on one leg, arms out for balance, start to bow and kick your free leg out behind you. Switch legs and repeat

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