Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 24, 2019

Does it rain every Thursday?

The 3rd core principle of F3 is “Our workouts are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold”. The key in that phrase is rain. Lately, it seems like it has been raining every Thursday. This is not a complaint, just an observation. YHC will take a little rain over blazing heat any day.

YHC rolled in just before 0530 to find several HIMs that overcame the fartsack on this rainy, yet mild morning.

0530 so let’s get going.

The Pledge.

No FNGs so very brief disclaimer. Instructions on the route. Run towards Snoballs. Go half as far as you want to go, then turn around and run back. If you see any Diablo Sammiches, give them a friendly wave and keep going.

At one point in the run, we got a honk from a passerby. Saw later on twitter that it was Cheesehead. Aye!

Everyone returned back to The Pub.

Prayer Requests
Tool Time and the team headed to Chimbote
Diva and M and their new 2.0
Whetstone stones and blades

Close in prayer

As always, thanks to the PAX for coming out. Great group of HIMs. Until next time.

diablo sammich

Today was the launch for Diablo Sammich, the premier (and only) rucking AO in Gastonia. I got there just a few minutes early and saw HIPAA unpacking his trunk with his ruck and shovel flag ready to go. A few others were under the overhang thing at Snoballs trying to avoid the rain for just a few minutes. When 0530 hit, we started with the pledge (no disclaimer but no FNGs so minor Q fail). I explained my general plan and we took off with our packs on a fellowship mosey-this is, in my opinion, one of the best parts of rucking-getting to know the guys around you and what is on their mind. The pace is very comfortable and you can adjust how hard you want to work by loading more weight or carrying things. First time, we are just going with the rucks and no extra weight…..for now….this will change in the future. We went up Gastone’s hill and reminisced about doing burpees at each mailbox-none today. We continued on past Food Dog (the name mine and Dr. Feelgood’s kids called Food Lion years ago) then back to start. On the way we saw a few neon flashes go by-they sounded like Diva, ToolTime, and Defib but not really sure who it was. We got back to start and everyone gloved up.

I introduced the group to “BEAR WITH ME”  from GoRuck. This involves a lot of bear crawling with exercises using the ruck. We started with bear crawl X 20 yards and went back and forth with the following exercises on each end: Squats X 20 (bear crawl) + Merkins X 20 (bear crawl) + Ruck Curls X 20 (bear crawl) + Flutter Kicks holding ruck above head X 50 (bear crawl) + Mountain Climbers X 20 (bear crawl). This was a good shoulder burner and I think I actually enjoyed the bear crawls-first time EVER for me and I can promise you the bear crawls will be part of future diablo sammich workouts for me. We still had some time so I pulled out the sandbag and we did a few rounds around Snoballs in groups of 3. Either (PAX 1) carry the sandbag or (PAX 2 and 3) carry 2 ruck sacks and do a lap around Snoballs or plank (PAX 4 and 5) while the other 3 PAX do the lap. This was actually not too bad and could benefit from more weight in the future. I have plenty of options and will improve this in the future. We were almost out of time so we loaded up our rucks for 1 final lap around Snoballs with the last third of the lap in a bear crawl which finished in Lake Whoopeegonnagetcha in the parking lot.

BIG THANKS to those who showed. I really think this can be a great introduction to F3 for those who are uncomfortable coming to a boot camp or a running AO. By adding weight and carrying heavy coupons during the hiking part, you can push yourself as hard as you want. I promise you it will be as easy or hard as you are willing to try. Like all other workouts we do here, it won’t get easier but you will get better. Bring an FNG so they can see what F3 is all about. We have some great guys here in GasHouse. Rucking is an easy way to get to know the guy in the dark you work out with. Giving this a try might even get you bold enough to try a GoRuck event-at least one of these should be required for every GasHouse PAX in my opinion. It is incredibly hard but a huge team-building experience that will push you farther than you think is possible. Check out their website when you have a chance.

We finished with announcements, namorama, and quick prayer. Come check us out next week. Bring a (durable) ruck or weight vest or whatever weighted object you want and try some Diablo Sammich.


Hacksaw, Hoooooooooooooooo!

Just like the legendary wrestler, when Hacksaw posts for an F3 workout, you know you’ll get max effort, tons of heart, and grit! Hacksaw has been a loved and cherished member of the Folsom gang for quite some time now. He has introduced several FNGs (a ton if you include the wrestlers he invited), he has shared his heart with the group, he has done it all except Q. As we started the new year, I have a few things in mind I’d like to help make happen at Folsom and having Hacksaw Q workouts was high on the list! With all that said, here’s the deal!

It was rainy and wet this morning but I knew there would be people who came out to support our friend Hacksaw. As 5:30 am approached, I saw a few guys who don’t normally post at Folsom during the week like Def Leppard and Broke make their way to the circle as we start. Thanks to all of you that came out and make the special effort to support this VQ. 10 men on a wet January day is solid! FWIW, yesterday I told Hacksaw 10 blocks would be enough.

As Hacksaw and I talked about this workout this week, it seemed like “You vs You” kept coming up and it really turned into a theme today.


Montross kicked it off with a little warmup
SSH, 15 IC
Don Quiox….Windmills 10 IC
Toy Soldiers – 10 IC
Hillbillies – 10 IC

I hand it over to Hacksaw who has a surprise waiting for us at the bottom of the parking lot. He leads the mosey to the bottom of the lot. Blocks! Wonderful! Each man grabs a block and heads for the shelter.

Dora…well, it wasn’t quite Dora so we’ll call this Hacksaw 1,2,3. He kept it simple, which is always good on a VQ. Simple but hard!
100 shoulder presses, 200 curls, 300 squats with the blocks. Most guys broke it up into chunks and rotated between exercises. It was “You vs You” at it’s best. I’m sure I wasn’t alone when I thought to myself “200 curls, good Lawd!” However, everyone kept working and picking away at it as best they could. We ate that elephant one bite at a time!

As everyone finished up, Hacksaw has another surprise. 25 burpees! Nice push by all the men knocking these out.

Hacksaw hands the reigns over to Montross with about 15 minutes to go. We run to all the shelters looking for a dry floor, but none were to be found. I wanted to crush everyone’s abs but I really didn’t want to lay down and swim this morning (Shelby scarred me fellas).

Quick thinking and an audible, let’s do 11’s…make that Dirty 11’s across the lower parking lot. Side Straddle Hops on the far end, Mike Tysons on the near side. As time wound down, I pulled all the guys together for a few quick words about “You vs You” and we all knocked out the final 10 Mike Tysons together.

Mosey back to the main parking lot and we have a minute left so 22 For The Vets, on my count. I handed it over to Hacksaw for a few final words. Time!

Announcements: CSAUP coming 2/23/19
Prayer Requests: Shad Rap, Asher (brain tumor), Roadie, Lois (Hacksaw’s Mother-in-law), and Rockabilly’s grandma. I hope I didn’t forget any here, but I feel like I”m missing one. The wise ol’ Leppard also asked us to also pray for all the F3 guys. He made the point we all have things going on that need prayer, sometimes we may not share them, sometimes we do, but we all have struggles. Agreed! YHC took us out in prayer. Just know we prayed for all you guys today!

Thanks to Hacksaw for stepping up. I know he was a little nervous going into it, as I suspect you all were the first time you Q’d a workout. When it comes down to it though, all you need to do is sign up and get with your F3 brothers for suggestions and support.
You make a plan, and you execute it. That’s all it is! It won’t always go as planned (as I turned ab work into 11’s today), but you’ll figure it out and the PAX will help you! I really like co-Qing with a verteran PAX your first time.

I told him about that little boost of adrenaline you get when you Q. It was cool to see Hacksaw look over and say ‘the Q-juice is real’! If you haven’t Q’d a workout, ask your Site Q to get on the schedule or ask me!

I’ve already asked Hacksaw and Roundup about a little father/son co-q on a Saturday in the future. That is going to be a beatdown.
They may even break out the wrestling mats so keep your eyes on the Folsom Twitter!

  • Montross

Shoulder Burn

14 at Midoriyama for a GD special.

Quick warmorama (starting with burpees of course), then a circuitous mosey so YHC could warm up.

Circle up for count off and modified Dora. 3 man teams doing AMRAP merkins, LBCs, and squats at opposite ends of the parking lot. This sort of fell flat due to Midoriyama’s inability to count past 2 and YHC’s inability to explain things clearly (who gave this man a teaching license?)

Move to four corners w/25 chilly jacks, 50 jump lunges, 75 Moroccan night clubs, and 100 LBCFs.

Next up is an improvised shoulder burn: pick a parking space, 11s with Mike Tyson’s on the curb, bear crawl to end of the white line, crab cakes, and then crab walk back. Shoulders will remember this one for a while.

Mosey (with a twist) to flag for bookend burpees.

Announcements: 50 mile CSAUP Feb 23, Rooster CSAUP in Rock Hill March 2, Rice N Beans Jan 29 6:15 meet at the Pointe Church, Q Source every Sunday at 7:30 after Crossroads and Coconut Horse, 2nd F on Fridays at 5 in Belmont.

Prayer Requests: Leadership team from last year, especially Tool Time traveling to Peru, Anchorman’s Mother-in-Law, all PAX.

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