Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2016 (Page 3 of 6)

3rd Annual F3 Golf Classic: Official Historian’s Report

Every year, Old Sycamore Golf Club plays host to the one of the most anticipated events of the year, where men from all F3 regions can assemble to determine who has the worst golf fashion sense on the Eastern Seaboard.

Early Bloomer is always the odds on favorite, with a penchant for multiple-logoing like he’s a 14 year old virgin at a Rush concert. This year, however, the title was ripped from his green-gloved hands. Who could possibly have topped him, you ask? Keep reading. More on that later.

First, let’s cover the facts

  • We netted right at $13,000 for LEAP
  • Team Swamp Rabbit Won with the low gross
  • Ringer (FNG Eric Zigglero) won the long drive
  • Longbottom won closest to the pin

Let’s congratulate Swamp Rabbit for again taking the trophy to Greenville. Their performance was dominant, winning not just the low card, but also the Long Drive (Ringer, an FNG), and Closest to the Pin (Longbottom). Longbottom, Ice Man, THE Hard Hat and a ringer FNG rolled in with the low gross at 58.  This sounds impressive.

Unfortunately I’m from Metro so I am going to give you, the reader, a blatantly biased and disparaging account of their win.

Five Reasons Why Swamp Rabbit Won the Trophy for the Second Year in a Row

Donald Trump style, I’m not claiming that any of these things are true. I’m just making it clear to you that I can’t prove that they aren’t true and that you should come to your own conclusions. In no particular order:

  1. Suspected Tour Pro Ringer may have been recruited — and probably paid a hefty sum — to ensure the win
  2. Longbottom may be a known user of PEDs to enhance his grip strength.
  3. Illegal Clubs are a thing.
  4. It’s possible that they threatened to open fire on other 4somes with an AR-15 Ball Launcher.
  5. There may have been suspicious markings on the scorecard.

Again, these are just things I have heard. I’m just sayin’.

Kidding aside, congratulations team Swamp Rabbit for getting it done. The trophy is yours until we can take it from you. It is worth noting that The low net was 34 by the host team of Tiger Rag, Stone Cold, Horsehead and Prohibition.  For the greater good, they abdicated the champions; throne to avoid an insurrection – and possibly because they were threatened at the point of an AR-15 ball launcher.

Search parties were nearly organized

There was some concern as awards were being handed out that Team Core still wasn’t back in the clubhouse. While they claimed that they are our elders and are entitled to take their sweet damned time coming in, I’m told that Rev. Flo-Rida was wandering around the parking lot looking confused and mumbling about someone stealing the engine crank from his car.

That is a terrible outfit. I am not exaggerating.

This year’s winner for terrible sportswear decisionmaking was a Clemson fan, Frehley’s Comet. And that pains me, because I’m a Clemson fan. But for all that is good and right in the world, there can be no excuse for sporting this many paws in one outfit (to include the bag). There are at least 7. I understand that his cartmate went to Furman, but Freyley’s refused to go out onto the course unless he put on an orange shirt, too. #shameful

Sadly, I cannot report that Early Bloomer was even competitive for the worst dressed award. As you can see in the photo below, he swapped out his usual all green attire (left) for a new set of tournament whites (right).


Early Bloomer Before and After Rainstorm


Wrapping Up

Once again a fine, fine 2nd F gathering put on by Bananas and Area 51. We wrapped up the day with some high quality happy hour beverages thanks to the host course, Old Sycamore, that just does a phenomenal job of hosting charity events. I was please by the OMB and Hoppyum options. I understand that Chelms is partial to the Mic Ultra, while Alf likes to stick to Angry Orchard and/or wine coolers because beer “goes to his head” and “makes him all giddy.” Or something.

The Sponsors

We absolutely couldn’t have pulled this off without some spectacular sponsors. These great partners didn’t just chip in; they made the event more fun.

  • Lunch:  Stone Man Group (Haggis and Mr. Bean)
  • Beverages:  DHG (OBT)
  • C.L. Rabb Corrugated (Package)
  • Water:  Joel Bennett, Real Estate Broker (Slumlord)
  • Charlotte Sports Performance and Rehab.

Check out the rest of the sponsors here:

And for those of you who want to know who that kid was that humiliated you on the Par 3, his name was Alex Campbell. Please don’t egg his house. Thanks to Alex for putting a bunch of old men in their places.

Get a Jump on Next Year

Next Year’s Tournament will move back to April, as the committee believes that’s the time of year Swamp Rabbit is least likely to show up.  Friday, April 7.  Save the date.

Hope it was worth it

6:35 Ralph Lauren texted YHC to confirm some guests had arrived at #powderhorn

6:35:30  YHC got out of bed and was en route

As I arrived to see the shovel flags flying and a good swarm of black shirts, greetings were being exchanged with the PAX from Ballantyne and Gastonia..  There was some extra excitement in the air as the SOB’s had driven close to an hour to realize they were one man short of being able to return with the ghost flag.  Great showing from both groups today and the Ballantyne guys had a much better attitude about not grabbing the flag than I would have had.   Great group of leaders obviously from both Gastonia and Ballantyne.  We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, we need to do more joint efforts with the Gashouse boys.

1 minute warning

Disclaimer stated.

0700 sharp and one of the largest group of men YHC has had the opportunity to Q got after it.  Thankful for the opportunity and the support.   Here’s my best attempt at recalling the wienkeless workout.  We’re blessed to have a nice AO at CCC and I was proud to show it off.  So we saw most of it.  Didn’t make it to the ballfield and blocks.


  • SSH 25 IC
  • Imperial Walker 25 IC
  • Merkins 15 IC
  • Mtn. Climbers 25 IC
  • Perfect Squats 25 IC
  • Mosey towards LeGrand
    • High Knees
    • Butt Kickers
    • Regular


  • Merkins 10 single count OYO going up the stairs
  • 2 lines starting at the building.  Arm length apart. Every one planks.  Last PAX bunny hops over the rest and falls in line to plank, one after the other until the line has advanced to the other end of the walkway
  • Mosey around the back of the building.  Pick up a rock, not too big.
  • Mosey over to  Picnic alley
  • Partner up, size doesn’t matter
  • One partner wall sits holding the rock, other partner does box jumps on the wall – team reps total 100
  • Hail Mary – team reps total 100
  • Plank for the 6
  • Mosey to the Brick fence at the HVAC
  • Feet and hands in the holes, pullups 20 OYO
  • Repeato
  • Mosey to Carnegie Hall
  • Circuit work
    • 5 burpees at the top
    • down the stairs
    • 10 Derkins at the bottom
    • up the stairs
    • round and round til you cant.  I think I made about 6 laps.  Outback made at least one more than that!  Great work!
  • Circle up on the stage for Mary led by the Revolution PAX – I can’t remember the rep counts of any of these except for Ralph Lauren’s 51 flutter kicks.  he proved his point.
    • American Hammers
    • Kickout with a crunch
    • LBC’s
    • Flutter kicks
    • Leg over knee crunches, each side
    • Back Scratchers
    • Homer to Marge
    • Hello Dolly
    • Freddie Mercuries with Impact or resistance or something Devito derived.  Slap your knees with your palms…
    • Hot Potatoe
  • Remember we still have the rocks.  You should have been holding them the whole time.  Mosey back to the pile to return them
  • Mosey back to the parking lot
  • Circle up – Morrocan Night Clubs – 50 ? IC
  • Cotton Pickers 20 IC

Name O Rama



I’ve been to a number of AO’s now.  Gotten to know some great guys.  Hardly ever see EVERYONE work as hard as this group did.  Sure some were faster than others, but no one slacked off.  Great effort, good mumblechatter, and as Cheddar said, the #F3spirit was alive and well.

The PAX were reminded that we talk alot about accountability to each other and helping each other out.  We are not to forget that even when surrounded by HIM it’s not impossible to slack off or fall back or stray from the right path.  For example the goal of the pullups on the wall is to be able to do more unassisted pullups on the bar.  This is only effective if a man strains his upper body and only assists with legs with absolutely necessary. However to the bystander, it can’t really be determined if the man doing the pullups is using his legs for assistance a little or a lot.  Likewise even when we talk the talk and even put time in with the men whom we call ourselves accountable to, it is often too easy to fake it, to not do our best, or to give in to that treacherous temptation and no one may know the difference.  No one but you, and the Sky Q.  So don’t forget our strongest accountability partner is through an intimate relationship with God.  Whatever it takes to keep that relationship strong, whatever it takes, will be worth it.



Coffeeteria afterwards at Lily Bean.

Thanks to Ralph Lauren for the cold gatorade’s, hit the spot.

BOLO for Gastonia CSAUP in the works at Crowders

BRR coming up

Spartan and various upcoming OCR’s

Prayer Request’s

Leaders, country, family of child killed in Bessemer City.  Sorry if I forgot any others.






Pax: Hokie, Sargento, Top Hat, Hush Puppy, Brownstreak(Q)

First one there with 10 minutes til launch and all I hear are the people from “I can’t believe I pay for this Bootcamp!” Sargento shows up as he has already ran 3+ miles. As time got closer we both thought it was just going to be us two. Then Hokie and Top Hat roll in just at Start time. So without any further wait I yell out “let’s mosey…….. Across the bridge onto the island and stoping at the playground for warm ups. Here’s what I remember.


SSH 20ic
Cotton Pickers 20ic
We pause here for a moment cause I thought I saw someone running toward us across the bridge……I did I did see a hush puppy running across the bridge. He explains he didn’t know where to park. At any rate…. Great to have ya. Glad you made it. We resumed out warm up with…..
Mericans 10ic
Flutter Kicks 20ic
We then moseyed to the other side of the island crossing the bridge over to the open parking lot aka hood side….. This is where the beat down took place. Here’s what happen….

The Thang:

Sprints (distance = 40+ yards):
sprint and jog back. repeato x 6

6 jump squats, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 mericans, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 apollo ohno, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 LBC, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 wide mericans, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 CCD, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 Squats, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

6 WWII situps, sprint and jog back. repeato x 3

sprint and jog back. repeato x 6

We moseyed back to the town side where we had 4 minutes left. We did a short ladder:

Squats/Mt. Climbers


As always it’s a pleasure to lead guys. Til next time……. Brownstreak out!!!

Midoriyama Backblast

Warm up.      SSH-  25. IC.

MNC-  25IC

Squats-25 IC

The thang.  .   Mosey to soccer feild  where did combo of sprint  and karaoke  around field using coupons  during karaoke. .. then 15 burpees.  Then around again and 15 squats ….around again 15 lundges….

Mosey to playground for 5 pull ups then 10 merkins ×3.

Mosey back to soccer field for some more colt .45.    This time curls ….15×  up half way …15× up from half ….then 15 full.  Then 1 set of 15 dips with coupon  all ×3.      “Thanks for the push Freight”  don’t q it if you can’t  do it….. “almost got me there”

And no I did not forget the pledge. As.h  pond  so attention  salute  pledge just like vbs

Mosey back to turd shack for some shoulder work.  15 shoulder taps then 15 squats ×3

Mosey to flag for announcements and prayer

Thanks to all those at different AO’s that have stuck it out for so long to give me this opportunity  GOD. is. so gOOD. …and right  on time….


The day started with an awesome sunrise of crazy colors across the sky followed by several strong men to post for this week’s version of the Fighting Yank. As start time drew near YHC stated that there was a guy he’d EH’ed for a while and gave a hard commit for today’s workout….no show. We made our way down to the nest to start the festivities. After a real short disclaimer a text popped up on my phone from the FNG to be, he had had technical difficulties but was on his way! With this in mind, we started the warm-up but saved a little for the imminent arrival of said FNG.

Side Straddle Hop x20 IC

Pretzel Crunch x15IC

Don Quixote x15IC

Mountain Climbers x20


Suzanne Somers x10IC

After this the FNG arrived, so I gave a proper disclaimer (I’m an idiot, we’re all idiots, go home now, follow me at your own risk, it’s not our fault if you get hurt, etc.) and then got back to the warm-up so the FNG didn’t start completely cold.


Merkin x10IC

Mosey around the fountain and across the street to the side street beside Sammy’s for the start of the Thang.

Ring of Fire – 9 stations each with a fancy paper sign designating the exercise. At each station there was 60 seconds of work with 30 second breaks in between, rotate down the line. (There were supposed to be 10 stations but I dropped the ball on the last one somewhere) The stations were:

1.ABC’s 2.Wall Sits 3.Rocky Balboas 4.Lil Baby Dips 5.Lunges 6.Imperial Walkers 7. Carolina Dry Docks 8.Morrocan Night Clubs 9.Bobby Hurleys

After this we gathered up all the papers, being the responsible citizens we are, deposited them at the nest and moseyed up to the field behind the school.

King of Hearts (not sure why it’s named this other than the fact that it’ll get your heart rate way up!). This is a routine of however many reps of suicides that the Q comes up with. Ours were:

Regular sprints to the closest soccer goal, then to the next goal, finally to the far end. Plank for the 6. This was so hard YHC called an Omaha to reduce the next two circuits down to only the first two goals.

Karaoke suicides next.

High Knee Skips to finish. After all this we were pretty toasted but not burnt so YHC called the next exercise up:

Three Amigos – since we had 6 PAX in attendance it worked out nicely. Groups of 3 go back to back to form the people’s chair for each other. For good measure, the exercise calls for each group to then move from on place to another in the prescribed position. We tried making to a certain point but after about 25 yards we gave out. That crap was HARD!

Mosey down to the adjacent parking lot for the last routine.

Wave of Merkins – First person does 1 merkin, then the next until it goes all the way around, then 2 merkins all the way around all the way up to 11 merkins each. Tough! After some digging deep and strong work by everyone we finished up strong. Nice work!

Mosey back to the nest for some quick wrap up.

Peter Parker Peters x7IC

Low Country Crab x5IC (rough)

Dolly x20IC (mumble chatter, YES!)

Flutter Kicks x20IC (more mumble chatter)

Nolan Ryan x10 each side IC

It was a great time with you guys this morning. As always, it was nice having an FNG post to share the F3 experience with. Great work Travis Nixon…I mean Serena! Welcome and we’ll see you again soon.

Until next time men, AYE!

Guy walks into a doctors office

completely naked but wrapper in cellophane. The doctor says to him, “Clearly I can see your you’re nuts.”

And then a
Squats: 10 in cadence
Peter Parker: 10 in cadence
Merkin: 10 in cadence
LBC: 10 in cadence


Run a lap around the parking lot.

The train says, “5 Burpies!


Background joke on repeat as we roll through the Thang: Guy walks into a doctors office completely naked but wrapper in cellophane. The doctor says to him, “Clearly I can see your you’re nuts.”
All credit to Brown Streak for sticking this lovely jingle in everyone’s head.

12 exercise stations
4 full size cinder blocks

  • Dips
  • Curls
  • Squat
  • Shoulder Press

4 half cinder blocks

  • Cinder steps
  • Merkins
  • Lunge
  • Tricep Extensions

Pair of bricks

  • Speedbag
  • American Hammer
  • Dying Cockroach
  • Moroccan Nightclubs

Here’s what we do with them:
1. 1 minute exercise at a station. (As many reps as possible)
2.– 20 Seconds of recovery.
3. – Move one station to the right.
4. – Repeat.

We completed 2 full rounds (each PAX completed 12 exercises per round)
2 additional rounds hitting 1 exercise from each section (1 cinder block exercise, 1 half block exercise, 1 brick exercise)

After 4 exercises, (completing a section, ie bricks) run a lap around the parking lot.

3 minutes of stretching mixed in throughout The Thang.



Two men were sitting next to each other at a bar. After a while, one guy looks at the other and says, “I can’t help but think, from listening to you, that you’re from Ireland.”

The other guy responds proudly, “Yes, that I am!”

The first guy says, “So am I! And where abouts from Ireland might you be?”

The other guy answers, “I’m from Dublin, I am.”

The first guy responds, “Sure and begora, and so am I! And what street did you live on in Dublin?”

The other guy says, “A lovely little area it was, I lived on McCleary Street in the old central part of town.”

The first guy says, “Faith & it’s a small world, so did I! And to what school would you have been going?”

The other guy answers, “Well now, I went to St. Mary’s of course.”

The first guy gets really excited, and says, “And so did I. Tell me, what year did you graduate?”

The other guy answers, “Well, now, I graduated in 1964.”

The first guy exclaims, “The Good Lord must be smiling down upon us! I can hardly believe our good luck at winding up in the same bar tonight. Can you believe it, I graduated from St. Mary’s in 1964 my own self.”

About this time, another guy walks into the bar, sits down, and orders a beer. The bartender walks over shaking his head & mutters, “It’s going to be a long night tonight.”

The guy asks, “Why do you say that?”

“The Murphy twins are drunk again.”

Folsom blues

seven gladiators woke up this morning, took their daily red pill and entered into the Folsom gloom.  we were fng-less, so after a quick disclaimer, time to clock in.

weather: 77 degrees and as humid as satan’s underwear.

warmup: imperial walkers x 20IC, rosalita x 15IC and dolly x 15IC


mosey down to the lower parking lot where I stole a workout from brownstreak.  we’re going to hit the cycle.

run a lap. mountain climbers, merkins, lbc, squats and CDD all x 15IC ( thirty for the triple)

run a lap. all the above x 10IC (20 for the double)

run a lap. all the above x 5IC (10 for the single).

5 burpees OYO, and then run a lap.  4 laps for the home run. (hope you don’t mind me borrowing your idea, brownstreak.

short fellowship mosey followed by some flutter kicks x 15IC. feels like we did something else here but my mind is terrible.

mosey down to the amphitheater for some donkey kicks x 20, ascending testicles, dying cockroaches x 15IC, calf raises x 25, donkey kicks x 30 and another round of a ascending testicles.  a one minute #bttw hold.  then 5 one-legged double merkin burpees on your own.

mosey back to the launching point for a 15 lbc ring of fire, 22 merkins to honor our veterans and finished with… you guessed it, 5 burpees OYO. time is up.

COT: announcements: Allen Tate’s mother is recovering well from her surgery last Friday. freight is organizing a clown car on Saturday to capture the ghost flag in Shelby.  meet at the gashouse at 0615. prayer requests: each other.

always an honor to be amongst you men. until next time.

Philippians 4:13


Are you ready for some Football

6 brave souls fought off the fart sack to sweat bullets this morning at Martha’s for a nice humid smackdown.


Warmup- all IC

20 SSH

15 Don Quixotes

15 Imperial Walkers

50 Moroccan NC – you are welcome brownstreak

10 Merkins

15 LBC

15 Flutters


The Thang

YHC brought footballs – each person grabbed one and moseyed to old Harris Teeter Parking lot to get in football shape – this requires strength, speed, and agility (as we’ll as money to finance the players) – So started with a withdrawal from the ATM with 10ATMs – (10 Alternating shoulder taps, 10 Tempo merkins and 10 Merkins).   Now that we were financed we took a football and ran to each of six parking lanes forward then backwards with 10 LBCs in between.  At this point we realized we we out of money and need to make another withdrawal with 10 more ATMs.

Next we worked on ball handling skills with pax pairing up to do modified Dora with football.  One partner ran around BB&T and the other did LBC and then Merkins until pair completed 100 each.  Run with the ball and hand it off to partner – if you drop ball then have to do 5 burpees (amazingly no fumbles)

Finally ended with musical ensemble (as some go to football games for the halftime show) so we did Burpees to “Thunderstruck” to round out the morning.

Pax now ready for football season!

Pledge at end

Prayer requests: Brownstreak’s 2.0 (Shrimpboat) considering Red to Dead 150 mile run in Jordan – Please pray for their decision.  Also prayers for students and teachers starting school.


As always it was my pleasure and honor to lead this fine group of men!  Until next time

DeFib – Out


Tennis Court BrickDown #Folsom

With a busy week in preparing to lead both a church men’s group study and a home life group study, I had no exact plan of the events to take place at Folsom this AM. I did, however, grab some standard bricks and tossed them into the back of the truck for a possible use. On the drive into the gloom, I did have a few ideas pop up in my already overloaded mind.

So, even with the death inflicting humidity of the already 75 degree temperature, seven devout PAX rolled up into the gloom for a good sweat inducing beat down. We usually jump into a warmup dead at 5:30, but due to a fellow PAX, Mary Lou, having torn a calf muscle yesterday I decided to stretch it out a good bit OYO. After all, the always punctual Sparky hasn’t made it here yet. Well, there he is. Another minute of stretching and we hit the warmups.

disclaimer, everything is U against U, and stop for water anytime you need it, and as always, we are all a little messed up in the head! Now to it.

SSH x20 IC, LBC x20 IC, Hillbillies x20 IC


  1. YHC informs the PAX to grab At Least 2 bricks off the back of the truck. I did have extra for Dolph if 2 weren’t enough, but he wasn’t present this AM. Mumble-chatter, something about brown recluse bites and the fact Gomer was bitin by a Widow not too long ago, mumble-chatter, while all hold the bricks up to the light to clean out the webs searching for the possible biting culprits. OK………Mosey up to the tennis courts.


Mosey 1 lap around the whole court yard with bricks in hand. Come to a halt at the fourth corner to start some four corners to get our hearts going. 5 brurpees or whatever u call it, brick burpees, OYO then mosey to corner 2 for 4 more, corner 3 for 3 more, corner 4 for 2 more, then back home for 1 more. I was a little concerned the weight of the bricks may not be real effective, which later, we were glad they weren’t any heavier. Line up with a partner for some Dora 100,200,300. P1 runs the distance of all courts and back while P2 performs side laterals using bricks and switch back and forth until a combined 100 are finished, then do 200 overhead presses the same, then 300 LBCs all with bricks. Alright, that’s starting to wake up those tired muscles. Circle up for more, 50 forward laterals, 50 curls, 50 rear laterals, 50 squats. Brief recover, then take your bricks for another lap around the courts coming to a halt at corner 1. With a few more minutes, it just wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t throw in a little ring of fire, 10 brick merkins each. Mosey your bricks back to the truck. Even though standard bricks Hartley weigh a couple pounds, they sure do a nice job building hand strength!

Announcements: Costner elementary cleanup this Saturday morning at the school in Dallas, Blue Ridge Relay Sept 9-10

COT, always encouraging to be better leaders


Even though you try hard to come up with a Q game plan to outdo the last, remember how simple the plan can be while still receiving the same nice beat down as the last! F3 is yet another outlet for my walk in Faith and has been another great accountability tool for those everyday struggles. Always push harder everyday to be better than yesterday and with God, you will become the better leader in your families and communities He has called us to be. Thank you men for the honor and great work!


Good ole trusty and some artwork/sidewalk chalk

7 PAX showed up for a beautiful sunny day at Midoriyama.  It did sort of feel like a hot oven but I guess that means its another one of Pizza Man’s hot delivery’s!!

Warm-up: (Wanted to recognize the most dominant Olympian ever!!)


LBC’s X 28 IC

Don Quixote’s (aka Tool Time’s) X 28 IC

With that being done and NO wind moving it was time to mosey!!  We ran the drive and at each break the PAX did an assortment of 25 merkins and 25 of some kind of AB work.  It went like this:

25 Merkins SC

25 Flutters IC

25 Squats SC

25 Incline Merkins SC

25 World War I sit-up SC

25 Diamond Merkins SC

25 Freddie Mercury’s IC

Hmmm…can’t just run past the playground!!

10 Pull-ups

10 Knee to elbows

25 Werkins SC

Homer Marge

25 Derkins SC

25 V-Ups SC

25 Squats SC

25 Military Merkins SC

25 In-Outs with arms raised

After a one mile lap, 150 Merkins , 7 AB exercises, 50 Squats, and 10 pull-ups now mosey to the flag for the Pledge.

Lol….sorry PAX the delivery isn’t over quite yet…we mosey to the parking lot where we see some artwork or just exercises written in sidewalk chalk.  The closer we got some mumble shatter started and the PAX figured out what was about to go down.  Thanks to CSPAN with the idea!!!

In 6 different parking spaces there are 6 different exercises, start at whatever exercise you choose, complete the exercise and take a lap around the median with a 60 ft. bear crawl to finish.

Exercises were:

10 Burpees

20 Merkins

30 CDD’s

40 Squats

50 LBC’s

60 SSH

Mosey back to flag for Announcements and COT

Great work by the PAX at Midoriyama, as always!!  The Midoriyama men always bring the best out of each other!!  Thanks for the opportunity to lead!!

Philippians 4:13

13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Until the next delivery………..aye!!

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