Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: July 2016 (Page 5 of 6)

A cure for the common cold?

Earlier in the week E4 texted me and asked if I could take the Q from Spiderman for Friday morning.  How can you ever say no?  Friday mornings are always a great way to start the last day of the workweek and even though I had a great big head cold I put together a Weinke yesterday afternoon and felt like I had a plan.

YHC didn’t sleep much last night partly due to following the awful events in Dallas, aforementioned head cold, and the four pounds of my M’s delicious spaghetti I ate about 830 last night (don’t miss lunch or you will eat a big dinner).

Needless to say I was ready to go at 0530 and pumped to see some familiar faces and a few new ones and an FNG!  I shared a very brief disclaimer about no insurance, not a professional, blah blah blah and started with the warm up.

SSH/Prayer Squats/Merkins/LBC’s/Moroccan Night Club’s/Mountain Climbers

Pledge of Allegiance

We started with a long mosey running around downtown and when we headed towards the parking deck the mumble chatter started.  We ran around for a while and up to the top of the deck and back down to a floor for a mini-Murph.  Only two PAX were wearing red tshirts but that doesn’t prevent us for thinking of our vets that paid the ultimate price.

We worked in teams to complete 6 rounds of pullups, merkins, and squats:  30-90-120 total   I saw great support of men pushing each other, especially spotting the pullups.  Great effort on this but there was more to come.

We did flutterkicks until the 6 was ready to ascend to the top of the deck for…

The Thang:

Four count burpees? One advantage of not sleeping well is you “Omaha” (or “Oklahoma if you are Bandit) your Weinke in your head before you post.  YHC had the Pax in 4 groups of either two or three.  Groups one and two were parallel facing groups three and four.  Group one does a burpee and counts “one”.  Group two immediately does a burpee and counts “two”, group three does a burpee and counts “three”, and group four does a burpee and counts “one”.  So only group four counts the total after all the PAX have completed one burpee, and then two, etc.  YHC set the timer for 15 minutes and off we went.

The first ten burpees were fairly slow and the PAX were counting incorrectly for the first few until it sunk in that only group four counts the total.  After about ten fairly slow and boring burpees I conspired with Def Leppard and FNG Scrum to copy group three so when they said “three” we would be finishing and counting almost immediately.  This quickened the pace and then groups one and two picked up on it and with a little mumblechatter picked up the pace  and the recovery was almost non existent.  Def Leppard’s sweat droplets quickly pooled like a drip from a faucet and formed a large puddle.  There were some calls to Omaha but with YHC but the clock was ticking and no one knew when it would end except YHC.  There was a great push to keep going and no downtime.  After the fifteen minutes the PAX had completed 87 burpees and we only had three minutes to get back to start for the COT.  As the six neared the Pavilion it was time so we started the Nameorama.  I apologize for failing to get FNG Scrum’s information but we will get it on his second post, hopefully tomorrow!  I also didn’t get to share much of the F3 message because it was hard to breathe, but I know that Kitty Cat (hate) can fill him in.

Prayers for T-Square, the Dallas Police Department and public servants everywhere.

No matter how busy, sick, or otherwise preoccupied a good F3 workout kick starts the day in a positive way.  The 2nd F is built into every post and we finish with the 3rd.  Did it cure the common cold?  I am not sure, but I didn’t think about it for 45 minutes.  You are always better off for an F3 workout and I needed it today.

Stay safe


Throwback Thursday

Thunderstorms were looming in the area at Midoriyama again, not shocking due to the extreme heat at this AO.  With that being said I wanted the PAX to get a understanding when and where this AO started, so I wanted to deliver a Throwback Thursday workout.  It started over a year ago, three dedicated men wanted an evening workout so we started posting at Poston park (aka now the famous Midoriyama).  We originally parked in the back lot and held some workouts under the picnic shelter and other areas.  Never would I imagine that this parking lot would be so full and a record 12 PAX would post on a Thursday afternoon.  It was my pleasure to get to Q a Throwback Thursday workout for everyone.  It went like this……….


Side straddle hops X 25 IC

Don Quixote’s X 15 IC

Run a lap

The Thang:

Set 1: Merkins X 20 ,15, 15 IC

Air squats X 15 IC

LBC’s X 20 IC

Run a lap

*Rinse and repeat for 3 rounds*

Set 2:  Dips X 30 IC Single count

One legged lunges X 15 per leg IC Single count

WWI sit-ups X 15 IC Single count

Run a lap

*Rinse and repeat for 3 rounds*

Set 3:   CDD’s X 20 IC Single count

Box Jumps X 10 OYO

Flutter kicks X 15 IC

Run a lap

*Rinse and repeat for 3 sets*

Pizza Man burpees X 5 OYO (Reg. burpee but 10 merkins instead of 1 before you jump up)

Run a lap to grow on


Pledge of Allegiance




Great work by a record 12 PAX at Midoriyama!!  It’s always a pleasure to get the opportunity to Q a great group of men.  Special thanks to the original C4 for making me and this workout become what they are today!!  Please keep T-Square and his family in our prayers through these tough times in their lives.

Until the next delivery……..AYE!!




merkin mania is running wild

6 men entered the gloom this morning for Folsom’s first merkin mania.  YHC wanted a #22 kill inspired workout to honor American veterans.  good conversation beforehand with Roadie about the fellowship being the glue that keeps us together.  5:30 hits, let’s get it.

mosey to the lower parking lot for the warmups. happy jacks x 20IC, imperial walkers, hillbillies and lbc x 15IC.

the thang

start with the merkin mile. 22 merkins, run a lap.  22 merkins, run a lap.  22 merkins, run a lap.  aaaaaaaand 22 merkins,  run a lap. mountain climbers till the 6 arrived.

next we started at the bottom of the parking lot and bear crawled to the first parking spot,  1 merkin.  bear crawl to the 2nd, 2 merkins.  continue up to the 10th, with 10 merkins. once we completed the 10th, drop for 22 merkins.

mosey down to the amphitheater.  22 rocky balboas, 22 donkey kicks, ascending testicles and 22 wall assisted crunches. drop for 22 merkins.  it was at this point Roadie politely told YHC he was about to 22 butt kickins.

undeterred, rinse and repeat.  22 rocky balboas, 22 donkey kicks,  ascending testicles and 22 wall assisted crutches.  drop for 22 merkins.

mosey up to the playground for 22, scratch that, 15 pull-ups.

back to the tennis court parking lot.  YHC has 2 go to exercises. the ascending testicles and… the ring of fire.  circle up for a 22 merkin ring of fire. then, 10 burpees OYO. high knees to the end of the parking lot and back,  butt kickers to the end and back and a sprint to the end and back. Roadie wants 22 lbcs. ask and ye shall receive. on your 6, men.  ended with the 22 lbcs.  time is up.

circle up for the COT.  announcement: Garfield’s son is raising money for a state baseball tournament. the idea is his 2.0 will Q next week and we’ll donate afterwards.  Prayer requests: each other,  the family of olive at F3 Isotope with the loss of his child.  read the back blast about it and donate, contribute it you can.  BOM: YHC took us out.

moleskin: it’s an honor to get another opportunity to Q. 4 months ago I would have never thought that not only would I get up at 4:30 to workout, but even less likely, I’d Q a workout. appreciate you guys allowing me to do so.  way to work today, men.  until next time.

Philippians 4:13


Lost Sheep

As the PAX gathered this morning there was some mumble chatter overheard regarding light attendance, possibly due to vacations. Or perhaps this week, Tuesday just felt more like Monday as many PAX were still counting sheep in their sheets. Was this going to carry over all week? Some usual participants were conspicuously missing. While the faithful finished up their minimal stretching activity, YHC called one-minute to go. Short disclaimer, skip warmup, off we go…

So we run to traffic light at Union Road and back to Old Glory at Sterling Bank for the Pledge of Allegiance. On the way we pick up 3 lost sheep. After the Pledge we continue our mosey to the Martha River’s parking lot. Under the lights and heavy humidity we work out 3 rounds of Mericans x10 IC, Toy Soliders x10 IC, Low Slow Squats x10 IC, and 8-Count Body Builders x10 IN CADENCE (t-claps on the counting Dr. Feelgood)! Sargento…. your welcome for the Mericans. Anytime baby!

Next we continue our cardio beat down with a run to pavilion for 3 rounds of Dips x10 IC and Step Ups x20 IC.

Before we could fully catch a breath, we make way to the lower fields for Four Corners (NOPE!). Just some Side-Plank Leg-Lifts (left leg x4 IC, right leg x4 IC) and Dying Cockroaches (x 10 IC). Then tracing our path backwards, we rendezvous back in the parking lot.

The next exercise was the Merican Suicide Ladder… 3 2 rounds of five 35-yard sprints with 6 Merican’s at the far end. For the second round we climbed down the ladder to 5 Merican’s at far end.

As YHC was keeping track of time, we started our last run back towards Snoballs. Oh, nice to see you Mrs. Bumgarner (or as Stroganoff yelled as we passed the future FIAs of Gastonia… “Hello Tracy!”). Half way back we pause for 3 rounds of Dericans x10, x10, x7 IC. Finally we complete our mosey back to Snoballs for a 4 minute round of People’s Choice Mary.

Total distance today… 1.6 miles. Total resting time – pretty much none. Great work by all!

Prayer Requests: Please keep T-Square in prayers as he and his family start down a difficult path after the loss of his step-daughter one week ago. Also, keep Stroganoff and his family (especially his M, Janet) in your prayers as his father-in-law recently started home hospice care.

I am grateful for all F3 has given me. Let us all remember the Quote of the Week: “Be fervent in spirit… Rejoicing in hope… Given to hospitality.” Romans 12:11-13

5 burpees OYO around the man in the truck

i was optimistic rolling into the dismal aura of Folsom. Surely most PAX weren’t hungover from the spectacular Dallas fireworks extravaganza. Noticing that I’m about 15 minutes early, with 2 already stretching, I still remaine optimistic. Ok, now we have a few more and the shovel flag has not made it to the AO, wait, Sparky has a mini version he made walking up from the darkness. Let’s get to it.



hillbillies x15 IC, plank jacks x15 IC, mosey up to the tennis courts where many memories have been made and make a full lap around all 6 courts.

tha thang

5 burpees OYO

11s sounded great on paper due to the evenly spaced courts. Lunge walk width of court 1, 1merkin/10 LBC, bear crawl width of court 2, 2 merkins/ 9 LBC, lunge walk court 3, 3 merkins/ 8LBC, continue all 6 courts and back through court 1 alternating bear crawls and lunges ending with 10merkins/ 1 LBC. Mosey to lower parking lot where we see our mystery man sleeping in his truck agin. Seems to be an ongoing dilemma. We just happened to bring our mosey to a stop right at the same corner that our mystery guy was parked.

5 burpees OYO

short mosey to the shelter and find a bench seat. Step ups x15 IC, dips x15 IC, and rosalita x15 IC. Short mosey back to the parking lot where our friend was still snoozing.

5 burpees OYO

four corners next, run to first corner for 10 merkins, second corner for 20 SSH, third corner for 30 flutter kicks, fourth corner for 40 LBC, mosey away from the mysterious man in the truck back up to the upper parking lot.

Tha pledge

5 burpees OYO

i expected to be short on time, but noticed we had several minutes to get in some more work, so 5 burpees OYO. YHC was open to fill the space with some input by the committed PAX. Roadie LBC x15 IC, Garfield windshield wipers x10 slow single count, ring of fire merkins x10 waterfall, I remember 2 other requests that were completed, but my mind has left me.

Prayer requests, COT, Prayer for the road.

great work men, it’s always an honor to Q. After all had settled and the PAX had left, our group text started up as usual. Garfield had mentioned, “what if the guy in the truck just happen to wake up and see a bunch of guys doing burpees around his truck, grab a gun and started shooting?” Well, I didn’t have a great answer, neither did the others in the group, other than, hopefully the guy is still drunk front he night before and want see straight. Surely our men could bob n weave safely away, but with that said, maybe we should leave him his space in the further? So thankful for F3 and all three meanings of F which have brought the groups together, I’m assured it is producing the Men and leaders and strength it intends to do within our communities.



pick things up and put them down

11 men entered the gloom this morning. Sparky informed us the previous evening he’d be hosting a Folsom favorite, the deadlifts. Sparky is not a man to disappoint.

warmups: don quixotes, ssh, toy soldiers, lbc all x 15IC

the thang

partner up. p1 20 deadlifts while p2 jumps rope. flapjack when finished.  repeat x 4.

everyone then grabbed their own block.  hold block and squat, two overhead thrusts coming up. three sets, 15, 12 and 8.  Freddie Mercury x 15IC in between each set.

mosey around the park for a half mile or so.  I could be off on the distance, felt like 9 miles however.

back to the parking lot.  grab your block again for… blockies.  3 sets of blockies, 12, 10 and 8.  flutter kicks x 15IC in between each set.


COT: no announcements.  prayer requests: each other, this nation and its leaders.  BOM: Sparky took us out.

Moleskin:  way to push the rock (or block) today, men. it’s an honor to know you all.

Is your mascara running?

As the afternoon rainstorm died down, I pulled into Poston Park the home of the proud, manliest men of Mt. Midoriyama. I arrive because I know that these men work out harder than most, no matter what stands in their way. Rain, or shine, blizzards or twisters – these men challenge me to put in the work and make myself better and stronger.

There is comfort in surrounding yourself with such a band of brothers, who you know you can always count on no matter…….wait! What’s going on??? Why is there no flag posted today? Where are all the vehicles? Where are all the manly men of Midoriyama???

Well, it’s still sprinkling. Perhaps they were worried about something running into their eyes…hmmmm…

Ok, just Edison (brand new to F3) and myself. Let’s do this!

The Thang:

Run in the rain for approx 40 minutes!


Hope our band of brothers is all safe in this terrifying summer sprinkle that prevented them all from attending today.

The Hoarse Whisperer and Tower of Terror

9 PAX made their way out for the first workout of the second half of 2016 but had to strain their ears to hear the weak vocal offerings of the Q. Some annoying virus has infected his household and it was YHC’s turn to endure the coughing and hacking that it brings. In true F3 form, what better way to shake a bug than to post? Let’s do it!


Word of the Week & Month


Goof Ball x15 IC

Don Quixote x15 IC

MNC x30 IC

A short mosey west through the parking lot behind the former Tequila’s around to Main Avenue for round of Route 66. At the first light post the PAX would complete 1 merkin. At the next light 2 merkins and so on until the 11th light post where a full 11 merkins were completed. This brings your grand total to 66. Viola, Route 66!

Mosey to the long wall between FUMC’s youth building and the bank for a round of the Triple Check. The PAX coagulated into teams of 3 (and one of 4) for this one. While dude 1 sits in the People’s Chair, dude 2 hold a strong plank and dude 3 sprints to the parking line even with the bank’s drive through ATM and back to their team. Once he’s back, the team rotates throught the cycle. As a side note, we noticed a whole lot of traffic at that ATM for 5:45 in the morning, but remember, it is the 1st of the month! I digress. Back to the exercise. We completed 5 rotations of this before YHC called for a recover. Fun!

A short mosey across the street found the PAX in the parking deck, AKA Tower of Terror, for an unnamed but oh so fun round of unrelated exercises. At the north end of each level, the PAX would complete 15 monkey humpers, run to the other end and bear crawl the incline to the next level. At the top of the incline on that end 15 LBC’s were called for then a run to the other end and so on. Finally, once the PAX reached the very top at the end with no incline, YHC called for 15 derkins with feet up on the top of the wall (almost). Once that was done he called for a countoff to catch his breath and then down to ground level. The PAX completed 3 circuits of this before time was called.

A mosey back to the pavilion called for a short round of:

Flutterkicks x40 IC (for Stroganoff)

Dying Cockroaches x 15IC?

Newtons Cradle x10 IC

Nolan Ryans x10 each side IC

Announcements- Prayers for T-Square, Godfather and others.


The Original 13 Colonies

What better way to start the holiday where we celebrate the birth of our nation than with an F3 workout?  That seemed like a better idea on Saturday than at 5:30am on Monday, but 3 PAX got the celebration started early.  For YHC, it was my first post at Derecho which is a running AO, but I wanted to tie in Independence Day in some fashion.  If we are celebrating the birthday of our nation, let’s take it back to the birth.  So we tied in the running with a tribute to each of the 13 colonies that signed the Declaration of Independence, 13 exercises with 13 reps each.  Note that the disclaimer that I’m an idiot/you’re an idiot for the workout also applies to the facts on US history below.  In Google, we trust.

We started with the pledge.

The warm-up involved the first 3 states.

Merkins – New Hampshire – New Hampshire was the first to declare its independence from Mother England – a full six months before the Declaration of Independence was signed.  They got it started so we did Mericans to honor them.

SSH – Massachusetts – Hops go into brewing beer; Sam Adams is a beer; Sam Adams was born in Boston, MA.

LBC – Rhode Island – Smallest state so therefore “Little” Baby Crunches

With the warm-up over, the running started.  Quiche and Tool TIme set a strong pace, and I did my best to keep up.  May have been one of the few times that the Q was also the 6.  Thanks to those guys for being patient and letting me bark out directions from the 6.  We ran to the Goat Island parking lot for the next round of state tributes.

American Hammers – Connecticut – Headquarters of Stanley Black & Decker tool company

Nolan Ryans – New York – Nolan first pitched for the New York Mets

Travoltas – New Jersey – John Travolta was born in Englewood, NJ

Don Quixotes – Pennsylvania- Richard Powell wrote Don Quixote, USA and was born in Philadelphia, PA (Tool Time was especially excited about this exercise.)

More running through Goat Island with a lap around the small loop at the playground, lap around the large loop at the playground, and then over the bridge.

Diamond Merkins – Delaware – Thomas Jefferson supposedly referred to Delaware as a Diamond – small in size but great in value.

Crab Cakes – Maryland – Guess they’re famous for their crabs (Personally, not a seafood fan).

More running to the light up the hill, back down the hill, and a lap around the square.  More state tributes…

Newton’s Cradle – Virginia – Wayne Newton was born in Norfolk, VA

Mountain Climbers – North Carolina – Mount Mitchell is the highest peak in the US east of the Mississippi River.

Ran back across Goat Island to the parking lot for the last round of exercises.

Pete Chilcutts (elbow planks) using Whoopee’s 10 second count from last Saturday – South Carolina – Pete was born in Sumter, SC, and why not work #32 into the conversation any chance you get?

Dolly – Georgia – Dolly Parton was born in TN, but she married Carl Thomas Dean in Ringgold, GA.

One final run back to SCHS.  Approx distance 3.1 miles.  Unplanned distance, but an appropriate inverse of our 13 colony tribute.

Prayer Requests – Continuing to lift up T-Square and family in our prayers.

22 Merkins for the 22 Vets who commit suicide daily.

Closed in prayer.

Thanks again to the guys for joining me this morning and setting a pace that I couldn’t have set on my own.  Hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July!

The best laid plans can hit a snag…

I wasn’t sure how many cars would be in the parking lot of the Schiele on the Saturday before July 4th. It was nice to see some of the boys from Midoriyama were stretching along with a few others new to the GasHouse. Our circle was a little tardy to begin but no penalties were assessed as Bandit went overtime leading the Third F. Best of all, it was great to see T-Square among us. It is difficult to imagine the emotions circling through his mind with the sudden death of his daughter. He was looking for camaraderie and a slight bit of distraction – GasHouse was the right place for that.

On my fourth Q I was looking for a few things, high calorie burn, elevated heart rate, and mumble chatter from the PAX. What better way to start than to quickly announce 5 burpees on your own. Mayor became irritated. Things were off to a good start.


5 Burpees OYO

Up/Downs: SC x 10

Imperial Walker: IC x 10

Toy Soldier: IC x 10 (I think…Q got excited and went with a “Tool Time like” count)

Hillbillies: IC x 10

Don Quixote: IC x 10


The Thang:

I made sure to give proper directions before sending the PAX on a half mile run to Sherwood School. Once gathered at the track we ran the Four Corners:

  1. Corner #1) CDD’s – SC x 5
  2. Corner #2) WWI – SC x 10
  3. Corner #3) Dips – SC x 15
  4. Corner #4) Merkins – SC x 20
  5. Rinse and Repeat

Mosey #2: Dr. Feelgood led us through the back entrance to 1st Presbyterian Church. Showing great initiative, he called out a few high knees and butt kickers along the way. We arrived to the back of the lot, a familiar spot to those that have attended a GasHouse workout, to find neatly arranged tokens by YHC. There were 12 stations where each man would perform 10 reps of the following:


  • Mountain Climbers
  • Stretch Crunch (begin on 6 in crunch position, extend legs and arms out to 6″ off the ground – did I mention you had either a 10 lb medicine ball or a sand filled pvc pipe?)
  • American Hammer (with rebar as a paddle)
  • Merkin
  • Chair Squat (begin in jack position, move legs together as if your sitting in a chair, hold sand-filled pvc pipe at eye level to burn the abs too)
  • Flutter kick (in honor of Stroganoff on IR)
  • Manmaker (with dumbbells, begin with merkin; perform L/R row; jump to squat and lower with dumbbell’s on shoulder – this was as tough as the blockee, if not more)
  • Dips
  • Squats (while holding solid cinder block)
  • CDD’s
  • Plank with side arm raise (while holding a brick in each hand)


YHC failed to mention the run required after every 4 stations – a short loop up the steps and down the back road to the stations. This was quickly Omaha’ed after a few turns and we limited the mosey to up/down the steps. We formed into two man teams to push each other through the pain. I made sure to announce the disclaimer – the standard “I’m an idiot, you’re an idiot…” and just as The Boss began to belt out the patriotic anthem of Born in the USA, Da Vinci tweaked his back. He forged ahead in moderation (hope it’s only minor that ibuprofen and stretching can fix). Originally scheduled for five rounds; YHC realized 8 am was fast approaching and Omaha’ed after two. Time to mosey home.


Prayers lifted for Godfather and T-Square, as well as for Da Vinci’s fresh ailing back.


Originally I wanted to follow a patriotic theme and do an exercise per state which would be tough to do in an hour but even more challenging was digging into the lexicon for obscure things (if you’ve done it, you know there aren’t too many selections in the K’s, U’s, or V’s). So I planned each station for 5 rounds at 10 reps each (=50 states) patriotic, huh? Reality was we only went 2, shortening the runs, and didn’t get to any of the Mary I had designed. The best laid plans often hit a snag and we have to adjust whether we like it or not. Life seems to flow that way too and we set foot to a path that we didn’t choose. Thankfully F3 can provide some of the trail-heads and mile markers to keep us strong, physically, mentally, and spiritually. T-Square, we’re here for you brother. Aye!

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