Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Mt. Hollywood (Page 8 of 13)

Sharpen Up November Challenge

Most men in life are in the middle of the bell curve  unless we choose to be be better than that.  If you believe you are one of those guys in the middle, then this is especially for you.    I am talking to the guys that post a couple days  a week and call it good.  The guys who are passively involved in one or two F’s.  The one’s who don’t avail themselves to all the items on the F3 Menu.  The ones who won’t do a CSAUP or Q a workout regularly.  The ones who don’t lives their lives intentionally and “oversleep” instead of making a decision to wake up and get after it.  This challenge is to push that bell curve to the right.

I have heard some clamoring among the Gashouse PAX for a challenge along the lines of the 40 day challenge so here it is.

No excuses!

VISION:  In November you are going to challenge yourself to a few required physical tasks as well as maintaining standards to increase your acceleration.

This challenge can be modified based on your fitness level but make sure you make it happen.


1st F Requirements:

100 Miles combined run/ruck miles for the month to include:

-At least one ten-mile run and…

-At least one 12-mile ruck

-Or…one combined run/ruck of 15 miles

One Murph workout

Combined total of at least 25 workouts (30 minutes minimum, CSAUP’s count as 1)

Hydrate and take in protein after each workout.

Dietary Guidelines:

No Soda

No Fast Food

No sweets

No chips

More water

More salads, vegetables, and lean meats

No alcohol* (except at Bottom’s Up, F3 Gastonia’s only standing 2nd F event.  Limit yourself to two drinks (Moderation in all things, including moderation))

Cheat meals must be EARNED!   (with the exception of Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is a cheat day)

Seven workouts in a week earns you a cheat meal.

Going to Q-Source on Sunday morning earns a cheat meal.

If you have never been to a Q-Source session and go to your first one, you get an additional Cheat meal.

Persuasion:  Don’t be weak.  If you aren’t strong, you’re wrong.  That is it.  Make a shared Google Doc with your Shieldlock to track your mileage.  Journal your posts using Notes on your phone or some other method.  Post on Slack to update on your progress #accountability

YHC encourages Site-Q’s to schedule a long run or Ruck or Murph sometime during the month.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.  Otherwise, commit now to the challenge and quit making excuses.  Covid 2020 has been a real challenge  but we can continue to improve.  Prepare for this challenge now so you are ready.    The challenge begins with a ten miler at the Coconut Horse on November 1st, followed by Q-Source.  I am sure my friends in NOGA will make a similar option available.

EXHORTATION:  Quit being soft,



Iron Hulks

I appreciated the opportunity  to Q at Mt Hollywood.  It is an AO full of solid HIMs and it is always beneficial for your growth as a leader to  Q outside your home AO.

You never know what to expect from the PAX. My method is pick a body part and work it. Today it was the shoulders.

The Thang

  • Iron Hulks with merkins up to 10
  • 4 corners
    • 10 dips
    • 20 mountain climbers
    • 30 squat
    • 40 LBC
  • Iron Hulks with CDD’s up to 10
  • 4 corners
    • 10 dips
    • 20 mountain climbers
    • 30 squat
    • 40 LBC
  • Iron Hulks with wide arm merkins up to 10
  • 4 corners
    • 10 dips
    • 20 mountain climbers
    • 30 squat
    • 40 LBC
  • Iron Hulks with diamond merkins up to 10
  • 4 corners
    • 10 dips
    • 20 mountain climbers
    • 30 squat
    • 40 LBC
  • Iron Hulks with CDD’s up to 10
  • 10 Burpees

22 for the troops and finished up with the pledge.

Prayer Request

  • Sister Act
  • Purple Haze
  • Huck
  • Slaw
  • All PAX


  • Welcome FNG Patella!!!
  • Convergence Oct 31st
  • PT Test on the Nov 14th

Matthew 23:4 – “They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on men’s shoulders, but they themselves are unwilling to move them with so much as a finger.”

Big Pappy

Mt Hollywood 10/12

7 men at Mt Hollywood this morning!   Nice cool morning to put in some work!


10 Burpees

The Thang:

Mosey to the dreadful Baptist Hill!!  Start down at the bottom on Main St.  Exercise called here is the Triple Nickel!!

5 Rounds:

5 Hand Release Merkins at bottom

Run to top

5 Jump Squats

Run back down

That sucked, and took longer than expected.  That hill is brutal!

Next short mosey to corner of entrance to BB&T.  Exercise called here is 7 of Diamonds.  We would use the small square block around the bank for this.  You start with an exercise at each corner.  Then you do a different exercise at each corner, but increasing the reps by 7.  Went like this.

7 Burpees

14 Jump Lunges

21 Merkins

28 Mountain Climbers

21 Flutter Kicks

14 Imperial Walker Squat

7 Burpees

We were not able to get in the last two exercises.  With time low, we had to call this after the Flutter Kicks.  Mosey back to the flag the long way going by Ida Rankin School.  Time!!



Prayer Request



Always a great time to Q!!

Sister Act

Nolan at Mount Hollywood

Cool morning in the gloom of Mount Holly and it was looking like a light crowd when suddenly three EC runners appeared to round out to an even 10 Pax.
15 in cadence SSH and a couple of leg stretches, let’s pledge then mosey.
We ran down the street to the parking lot behind the Presbyterian church where I had marked in sidewalk chalk the exercises to be performed. This is called the Nolan Richardson who was a basketball coach at the University of Arkansas whose team won the 1994 NCAA Basketball Championship. It goes like this: Partner 1 will perform each exercise denoted below as Partner 2 backpedals (or Nurs) 50 yards, performs a ” Bobby Hurley” & jogs back to continue the exercise from the count accumulated by Partner 1. This will continue until the repetition count stated below is met.
1. Burpees (150).
2. Squats (300).
3. Big Boy Sit-Ups (150).
4. Little Baby Arm Circles (300).
5. Merkins (150).
6. Imperial Walkers (300).
I forgot to tell them about the Bobby Hurley part and I chose poorly on the location for the back pedals due to a speed bump and a drain but it will be better next time. My partner was Gold Digger. I like to pick someone who I can help by picking up a majority of the reps. I was glad to help him out. One problem we had was when Dr. Seuss had to leave to get to work, his partner moved over with us and proceeded to trash talk mostly directed at me. (No, it wasn’t Freight this time, it was SA). Time was getting close and we were very close to everyone completing the routine so we moseyed back up the hill to the flag.

Brew Ruck with Freight on Saturday, October 17th at 1 pm at Old Mecklenburg Brewery OMB
5 Year Convergence at Martha River’s Park on Saturday, October 31st
PT Retest in November
5K at West Lincoln Middle School on October 17th at 8:00 am

Prayer Requests
Sister Act’s daughter and family
Double Stuf on the loss of his friend
Lady in Belmont with cancer (friend of Tiger)

You vs. You

After a weekend bootcamp, 5k and hike up Mt. Mitchell, YHC wasn’t sure how much would be left in the tank on Monday morning so the weinke was set up to allow each PAX to determine how hard they wanted to push. 10 PAX came ready to work at 0530 and it went something like this:

  • Disclaimer
  • Pledge
  • Warmup (extended version to make sure YHC could actually move)
  • Run to downtown and back at your own pace
  • 25’s
    • 25 Merkins, 25 Big Boys, 25 Plank Jacks, 25 Flutter kicks then run a lap around the parking lot. Perform as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes. We went a little over on this, but I believe a couple of the PAX got around 10 rounds in. Red Ribbon, Gold Digger and Freon were rolling.
  • 6 Minutes of Mary
    • Dying cockroaches, Freddie Merc’s, Burpee’s, Squats and some stuff I forgot


  • Young Life golf tournament on 10/5
  • Couple of things in the planning stages, check on Slack for future events

Prayer Request

  • SA and family
  • Huck and Purple Haze job search
  • Allen Tate recovery
  • Slaw
  • Banks family
  • Orangeman’s daughter

YHC took us out.

As always, it was an honor!

I’m Broke

Last Day of Summer

Last full day of Summer started with a balmy 48 degrees at Mt Hollywood, felt good.  5:30, let’s go.

SSH, Toy Soldiers, and Grass Pickers to start all 15X IC.  Mosey to the wall in front of the elementary school.

YHC calls 20 derkins, 10 step ups each leg, 20 suspension merkins (always a crowd pleaser), 10 step ups each leg, 20 reverse grip incline merkins.  Rinse and repeat.  One more round but replace step ups with dips.

Mosey to BBT parking lot.  YHC calls for Dora but without a partner.  100 lunges, take a lap around bank, 200 squats take a lap, 300 LBC take a lap.  Looks pretty easy reading it.  It wasn’t. Lots of reps to do OYO.  Mosey to flag.

Circle up for some iron hulk.  Each pax took a turn on the call, all the way to 10 and 40.  Couple mins remain, enough time for flutter kicks and heels to heaven.


Announcements: JJ5k on Saturday, Mt Mitchell hike on Sunday.  Should have substitute date for blood drive this week.

Prayer requests: Allen Tate surgery this week, Banks family in Gastonia.  Numerous requests from CSAUP.

Broke took us out in prayer.

Always an honor


Hard day at Hollywood.

Hard day after 2nd round of the IPC on Saturday. But I signed up for it, so I’ve got to show. Upon arrival I see several PAX on a stroll and immediately think how I hurt but with a little persistence I can work my way to feeling better and getting the soreness out. Thanks to some PAX who helped me this workout. I had a brain fart coming up with ideas. With that we begin.

Warm up 10 IC

SSH x 10

Seal Jacks x 10

Hillbilly x 10

Toy Soldiers x 10

Freddie Merck’s x 10

Dying Cockroaches x 10

LBC x 10

American Hammers x 10

Merkins x 10

Mosey to the parking lot at Rankin Elementary and start 11’s.

1 set Burpees  and Mike Tysons.

2 set Dips and Incline Merkins on curb 

3 set Goofballs and SSH

Mosey back to the start for some time work.

5 Burpees every 3 min. Til I say stop. After each round of Burpees switch exercises.

Nolan Ryan’s switching arms every 5 reps.

Morocco’s. Night clubs


Mnt Climbers.





Mnt Mitchel hike

JJ 5k

Blood Drive

Prayer request

Many guys need your prayers. Please let someone know of your prayer need and please pray for each other.

God bless guys!!

Laboring Away on Labor Day

10 Pax came out on Labor Day morning to push themselves in great weather!

Warm Up: 

Grass Pickers-10 IC 

Toy Soldiers-10 IC

In Plank, right foot to right hand, right hand high; same with left.



Harley Quinns: 

PAX run to first pole, perform 10 CDD, run back to baseline,

Run to next pole, 20 Flutters, run back to baseline,

30yd= 30 CDDs, 

40yd=40 Flutters, 

50 yd=50 CDDs. 



At poles: Going uphill

10 Lunges-Count each leg

15 Werkins

20 LBC


The Longest Mile WOD: Repeat 4x

10 Burpees

10 Air Squats

10 Merkins

10 Big Boys

Run 1 Lap


JJ 5K: Sign up to sponsor, and let SA know before this Friday.


Mt Mitchell



SA’s family

PAx on IR

Huck and Purple Haze-job situations


May the God of ENDURANCE and ENCOURAGEMENT grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Romans 15:5-6


God is faithful; He is FOR us, He is FOR His glory.



Broke took us out in prayer

So thankful for you guys..and for the opportunity to have coffeerama on a Monday! Glad Slaw joined us for that..hurry back!! Also had a visit from Magnum PI.


Mt. Hollywood 8/17/2020

9 men at Mt. Hollywood.



10 Burpees


The Thang:

Short mosey on the fresh new parking lot to the front of Mt. Holly Middle School.  Here we would do 5 rounds of exercises with a run around the parking lot between each round. Went like this

  1. 10 Burpees, run a lap
  2. 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, run a lap
  3. 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Squats, run a lap
  4. 10 Burpees , 25 Merkins, 50 Squats, 100 Plank Jacks, run a lap
  5. 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Squats, 100 Plank Jacks, 150 LBCs, run a lap

We stayed in the same location for the next exercise.  We partnered up for the next exercise. Partner 1 does the reps, while Partner 2 runs a lap around the parking lot.  Exercises called were:

  1. 100 Hip Slapper
  2. 150 Hand Release Merkins
  3. 200 Dips
  4. 250 American Hammers

Time running low, we took a short mosey to the nice new lines painted in the parking lot.  We lined up on the first line, facing the length of the parking lot.  Start with 2 Mike Tysons, Bear Crawl two lines, then 4 Mike Tyson.  Bear Crawl again two lines for 6 Mike Tysons.  Continue this until we ran out of time.  I think we got up to 10 Mike Tysons.  Mosey back to COT.  Time!!


Prayer Request




Sister Act

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