Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Downtown (Page 6 of 21)

Downtown 11/13/2020

11 men on this fine morning Downtown.  Time to work!



Gravel Pickers, Hillbillies


The Thang:


Mosey to corner of W Main Ave and S York St.  Many light poles run thru town here, and we would use them for the first called exercise.  Route 66 with Merkins, using the poles on the right.  First pole perform 1 Merkin, 2nd pole 2 Merkins, 3rd pole 3 Merkins and so on.  Continue until you reach the 11th pole and perform 11 Merkins for a total of 66 Merkins.  Then take a short mosey to the parking deck.

Here 5 exercises are called at the botttom level, take the far stairs to the top, do 5 Burpees, take the stairs back down.  This equals one round and we did this for 5 complete rounds.  Went like this;

  1. 10 Hand Release Mike Tyson’s

  2. 15 Jump Squats

  3. 20 WWII

  4. 25 Mountain Climbers

  5. 30 Flutter Kicks

Take stairs to top level, 5 Burpees, stairs back down.  Round 1 complete.  We completed 5 rounds.

Next we moseyed to the small brick wall in front of church at corner of S South St and Franklin.  Exercise called here is Lindsey’s.  Exercises used are Dips and Derkins.  Goes like this

  1. 10 Dips, 30 Derkins

  2. 15 Dips, 25 Derkins

  3. 20 Dips, 20 Derkins

  4. 25 Dips, 15 Derkins

  5. 30 Dips, 10 Derkins

Time is running low, mosey back to the flag.  Several trains went by this morning, so 10 Burpees called to finish it off! Time.



Prayer Request



I always enjoy leading the Downtown workout, and great group of men this morning.  SYITG


Sister Act

Above the Arctic Circle

Nine pax showed up for a nippy Friday morning beatdown, some in what looked to be spacesuits and parkas such as YHC has not seen since February 2009 in Northern Greenland, well inside the Arctic Circle. I have to say, the morning gloom did remind YHC of a mid to late morning in those environs. But the comparison ended there because it was usually about 10 degrees with a -15 wind chill giving the place all the ambiance of Mars. Tell Elon I don’t need to go now. Beatdown went like this:


Arm stretches

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20

Foot to hand stretches X both sides

Nolan Ryans X 10 each side

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Mosey to the bottom of the big hill.

Pole line suicides.

Run to the each pole, drop and do the assigned work and back as follows:

Pole 1 – 10 burpees

Pole 2 – 20 squats

Pole 3 – 30 big boys

Pole 4 – 40 merkins

Pole 5 – 50 SSH

Road crossing (main street) – 60 LBCs.

Mosey over to the parking deck for a literal ladder.

1st floor – 10 HR merkins

2nd floor – 10 Hr merkins + 15 American Hammers

3rd floor – 10 HR merkins + 15 American hammers + 20 jump lunges

4th floor – 10 HR merkins + 15 AHs + 20JL + 25 jump squats

5th floor – 10 HR merkins + 15 AHs + 20 JL +25 JS +30

6th floor – 10 Hr merkins, 15 AH + 20 JL + 25 JS + 30  +35 SSH

Head back to the flag for a trip around the pavillion as follows:

1st 90 – Bear crawl

2nd 90 – broad jump

3rd 90 – lunges

4th 90 – crab walk

Pledge and done!


Outside of the temp being @ 40 and the north star nowhere near dead over the top of us, it looked like Thule Airbase based on the pax level of cover! Felt nostalgic for the old North Star lounge and the polar bear signs that said WARNING: This animal will hunt you, kill you, and eat you! So much for feeding the bears.

Pax worked hard today. Good group if a little thin form normal. Maybe that buttermilk doesn’t thing. We certainly drank it!

Lots of things on the horizon coming up. Thanksgiving day “triple down”, Christmas party, leadership opportunities. Step up men! Downtown Qs needed.



Today is year 49


Warm up: 4 burpees, 9 Merkins, 4 Burpees, 9 LBC, 4 Burpees, 9 Flutter kicks

Mosey to parking deck by way of 321 to Franklin

Partner up: partner 1 said exercise while partner 2 runs the stairs

449 LBC

349 Flutter kicks

249 dying cockroachs

149 American Hammers

49 Merkins ( going for form)

Mosey down Franklin, left on Broad St, and left on Main.

Start at 1st  light pole on the left stopping at every 4th pole for 9 merkins – continue this all the way to 321 North

Mosey back down Main to the light at S Street.

From South St to the steps of the Pavilion do LLB (Lunge, Lunge, Burpee )

Circle up for the last minute for 49 flutters in cadence

Announcements: PT test on the 14th, F3 10 Anniversary coming up in Jan.

Prayer request: many request – Our Nation, people sick, and grieving for lost love ones.

Prayed us out


Thanks for allowing me to lead and until next time


EZ out!!

The Thang

9 Men showed for a Friday morning bootcamp at Downtown.

The Thang:

Don’t remember everything because I am behind on backblasts.

But, we did arms pretty heavy. Then we followed up with some legs and ended with some Mary.

We did a pledge.

We took it out in prayer.

Gastone Out.

Downtown Werk

Warm Up
SSH, HillBillys, Merkins,

We then started at the top of the stairs of the Rotary.
25 LBC’s at the top down the stairs 25 Mtn Climbers, 4 times.

Mosey to the art Park for some dips Derkins, and Squats x20 repeat 4x.

Over to the parking deck for some Dora 100 shoulder taps 200 monkey Humpers 300 American Hammers.
We partnered up before the pax really started asking questions.

Once we finished we moseyed to main street for some sprint work to each light I may or may not had said go while I was two steps into the sprint. Burpees, then CDD’s then jump lunges

over to the wall for some wall sits then mosey back for some Iron Hulk.
ended with 5 burpees.

Announcements: Convergence at Martha Rivers tomorrow all other AO’s will be closed.

Prayer Request:
Easy Rider, Breaker Breakers Aunt, a young lady from the area and her family.
Each other and our country.

The Bed Pan is Full

Downtown w/The Cooper



The Pledge

The Thang:

Before we got started, YHC mentioned this was going to be an easy, oh meant “Simple” workout.

Short mosey around the parking lot right side of the pavilion.

Now time to get to work, The Cooper Style;

Start off with 1 burpee, 1 merkin, and 1 squat, make a lap around the parking. Next is 2 reps of each exercise and finish with a lap around the parking lot. Rinse and Repeat by adding additional rep until we reach 10 reps. Now descend down in reps back to 1 rep per exercise..

That was “Simply” Fun fun! There was a lot of grumbling chatter among the PAX, so yes it was fun! Everyone worked hard and pushed themselves to get a great start to the day and into the weekend.

Back to the Pavilion for COT

Prayer Request


YHC closed us out in prayer.

As always, it was an honor to lead you this morning. Great work by all!

Ready, Set, Go! … Stop!

When YHC was trying to design today’s weinke, YHC wanted something different.  In trolling Twitter, YHC saw a link to a F3 Alpha (Alpharetta) backblast.  So you have F3 Alpha to blame for today’s events.

0530 hit with ten joining YHC.  With no FNG’s, a short disclaimer was given.  Spotting a late arrival, we knocked out The Pledge while waiting.  Thus bringing the total to twelve.

The train schedule for this week was different than most Fridays as there was a train passing as we recited The Pledge. Soooooooo, 5 Burpees.

Well, that was enough like a warmup, lets go.

Mosey toward the Social Services building.  Zombie Walk the bridge.

(Traffic was against us, so plank while we wait.  YHC failed to see all the traffic and almost sent the PAX (really BOS) into traffic.  Luckily this did not happen.   SORRY!

Line up along one curb in the lower parking lot.

Super 21s with bearcrawls. PAX lined up did 21 (Merkins, LBCs and Squats) then bearcrawled to the other side for 18 reps of the same three exercises. Back and forth decreasing the rep counts to 15, 12, 9, 6, and 3.

Move to the center.

3 Sets of 22 Dying Cockroaches with a lap to the upper parking lot and back in between.

It was so much fun, lets do it again, but with American Hammers.

Meander across the street to the flatter ATM parking lot.

Circle up for a Bear Crawl Ring of Fire Mucho Chesto: Start bear crawling in a circle, then stop (roughly every ninety degrees) and hold plank while we go around the circle doing 10 merkins, changing style each time – diamond, ranger, regular ,stagger left, stagger right then resume bear crawling.

Since the Super 21s, there have been train sounds.  SA claims 3 have gone by.  While not supported by all in attendance,  we go ahead and knock out 5 more Burpees.  Having had the Ring of Fire interrupted for an ATM user, and another wanting in, we move to the upper parking lot of Social Services.  5 more Burpees, a lap down to the lower parking lot and back for 5 more.

Meander until we get to MLK and then Mosey toward home.  Sprint the bridge.

Time for some mary.

  • 15 SSH IC – YHC
  • 20 Flutters IC – SA
  • 15 Crunchy Frogs OYO – JJ
  • 15 BB OYO – Orangeman
  • 20 LBC IC – BOS

5 more Burpees to end it.



  • Convergence 31-Oct @ Martha Rivers 0700 with EC at 0615
  • PT Test 14-Nov @ GasHouse.  All other AOs normal
  • Give2Give

Prayer Requests:

  • Rockabilly
  • Sister Act – 2.0 and Family
  • EZ Rider – Family
  • Sargento’s M
  • Sister Act’s Friend with Illness and Covid
  • There was more I did not get documented, but God knows what they are.

YHC took us out.


It was a honor to be out with each of you

This was my 3rd Q of the week.  I tried to make each one different.  Sorry to Captain Stubing and EZ rider as they endured all of 3.


Watts Up Powering Down.

Sharpen Up November Challenge

Most men in life are in the middle of the bell curve  unless we choose to be be better than that.  If you believe you are one of those guys in the middle, then this is especially for you.    I am talking to the guys that post a couple days  a week and call it good.  The guys who are passively involved in one or two F’s.  The one’s who don’t avail themselves to all the items on the F3 Menu.  The ones who won’t do a CSAUP or Q a workout regularly.  The ones who don’t lives their lives intentionally and “oversleep” instead of making a decision to wake up and get after it.  This challenge is to push that bell curve to the right.

I have heard some clamoring among the Gashouse PAX for a challenge along the lines of the 40 day challenge so here it is.

No excuses!

VISION:  In November you are going to challenge yourself to a few required physical tasks as well as maintaining standards to increase your acceleration.

This challenge can be modified based on your fitness level but make sure you make it happen.


1st F Requirements:

100 Miles combined run/ruck miles for the month to include:

-At least one ten-mile run and…

-At least one 12-mile ruck

-Or…one combined run/ruck of 15 miles

One Murph workout

Combined total of at least 25 workouts (30 minutes minimum, CSAUP’s count as 1)

Hydrate and take in protein after each workout.

Dietary Guidelines:

No Soda

No Fast Food

No sweets

No chips

More water

More salads, vegetables, and lean meats

No alcohol* (except at Bottom’s Up, F3 Gastonia’s only standing 2nd F event.  Limit yourself to two drinks (Moderation in all things, including moderation))

Cheat meals must be EARNED!   (with the exception of Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is a cheat day)

Seven workouts in a week earns you a cheat meal.

Going to Q-Source on Sunday morning earns a cheat meal.

If you have never been to a Q-Source session and go to your first one, you get an additional Cheat meal.

Persuasion:  Don’t be weak.  If you aren’t strong, you’re wrong.  That is it.  Make a shared Google Doc with your Shieldlock to track your mileage.  Journal your posts using Notes on your phone or some other method.  Post on Slack to update on your progress #accountability

YHC encourages Site-Q’s to schedule a long run or Ruck or Murph sometime during the month.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.  Otherwise, commit now to the challenge and quit making excuses.  Covid 2020 has been a real challenge  but we can continue to improve.  Prepare for this challenge now so you are ready.    The challenge begins with a ten miler at the Coconut Horse on November 1st, followed by Q-Source.  I am sure my friends in NOGA will make a similar option available.

EXHORTATION:  Quit being soft,



Buttermilk in the Downtown morning

So YHC took the lead at Downtown last week leaving the AO. Have to admit, I really like this workout and AO! It has grown on me. Didn’t hurt that today may have been our best morning of the year today with a near full Harvest Moon, greats stars and temp @ 55 with low humidity. So things went like this:


Arm Stretches

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20

Grapevine stretches

Merkins X 10

Mtn. Climbers X 10

Burpees X 5

Mosey down South Street to the hamburger hill  for some power pole suicides.

Bottom: 5 HR merkins

Each Pole: Start with 10 Big boy situps and then increment by 2. Run back to the bottom and go to the next pole. Add distance every rep. Wind up with 20 Big boys at the light, passing 5 poles.

Mosey over to the old Courthouse wall for the following.

Dips X 10, 15, 20

Stepups (each leg) X 10, 15, 10 (with 20 monkey humpers thrown in).

Run a lap around the courthouse for good measure between each set.

Mosey back to the Pavillion.

Four corner bear crawl then do exercise.

1st corner: jump squats X 20

2nd corner; squats X 20

3rd corner; sumo squats X 20

4th corner; 50 SSH

Pax driven Mary with a burpee kicker.

Done and pledge.



Great morning to do this work in. Could not have been better or more enjoyable. Pax worked hard and got better. Lots pf prayers and praises today, mostly for the positive. Good buttermilk workout! Great men, great work.

Honor and pleasure to lead.



Parking deck hustle

This is the kind that make it more fun. It was truly raining and it was not going to let up.

The Thang:

SSH 20

Imperial Walker 20

Merkins 20

Mosey through the crushing rain all the way to the parking deck.

11’s on the 3rd floor start and the other half on the second floor. Hand Release Merkin’s and something else. But it was fun.

We went up a level and did some other workouts.

Then we came back down to the bottom and did some ab work.

Moseyed through the rain back to the start. Had to swim some.

Finished up with everyone calling a exercise.

The Moleskin:

Went well and as the video showed it was not an enormous crowd but it was the crowd that had courage to come out in the rain.

We did announcements and prayers. We did get the pledge in.

Gastone Out.




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