Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2023 (Page 6 of 10)

IPC at Ricky Bobby 9/13/23

YHC arrived early to mark off 400 meters in 100 meter increments.  It was close.  Work out was run 400 meters, do 5 BDE burpees (burpee with bonnie blair, squat and jump =1).  Run 400 meters 5 BDE merkins (hand release merkin right elbow to right knee, hand release merkin left elbow to left knee, hand release merkin = 1).  Rinse and repeat for 45 minutes.  When time is called at the end, measure back to your nearest 100 meter point.  Scoring is in total meters.

Prompt start at 0530, some coming in hot.  Follow the crowd and do what everyone else does.

Time.  F3 Greenwood has some really mean Pax.

Announcements: half marathon ruck in October, get under the ruck now.  2nd F lunch the 20th

Prayer requests: Turtleman, Norwood, Watt’s Up father in law, Pockets fasting, marriages and those who don’t know Christ, celebrate 25 year anniversary Roscoe and M

YHC took us out

Pledge (Q fail)

Always an honor



YHC was so excited about today’s festivities that it didn’t matter what we did. It’s Dr Seuss’ birthday! We did the deck of death, it was great!

We sang Happy Birthday to Seuss a total of 3 times!!! It was great. You should’ve been there.

Annoucentments: 2nd F Lunch next Wednesday at Pita Wheel Gastonia, JJ 5k, Tuna needs 2 more runners, October Ruck

Prayer Requests: Norwood, Turtleman, Huck, Jackson Hall, Watts Up’s niece’s son & FIL heart procedure Friday, Flintstone’s M’s granddad bladder procedure, praise for little Amir being released from care

We will never forget

10 HIM showed up on this significant day in our country’s history. It was a nice morning to run, ruck, walk or whatever you chose. After the rock pushing, YHC shared some of the message President Bush gave when he addressed the nation the evening of 9/11.

We can’t ever take today for granted and we need to do our best to make the most of what today can be. Love on those you care about and tell them you love them.

Announcements – 2nd F lunch next Wednesday at Pita Wheel Gastonia, JJ 5K, Ruck on October 21st.

Prayer Requests – Jackson Hall, Norwood, Turtleman, Sarlacc’s 2.0 Brillo has 3 weeks left of bootcamp, all men in the world to step up and lead

YHC took us out.

Transition Sweats

The old summer-to-fall transition took a break this morning as the humidity bullied its way into our workout. Sweat shadows, burpies, and kettlebells destroyed the morning gloom, this way:

Warm Up:
SSH, Morocann night clubs, Imperial walkers, Squats, Merkins, LBCs


21 Squat Curl Press
10 Burpies

15 Squat Curl Press
8 Burpies

10 Squat Curl Press
5 Burpies

Take a Lap – Around the worlds or Waiter Carry

10 Squat Curl Press
5 Burpies

15 Squat Curl Press
8 Burpies

21 Squat Curl Press
10 Burpies

Take a Lap – Around the worlds or Waiter Carry

10 IC Mountain Climbers, 15 IC Plank Jacks, Flutterkicks, Heels to Heaven
5 Burpies
10 IC Mountain Climbers, 15 IC Plank Jacks, 10 Shoulder Taps, Flutterkicks, Heels to Heaven

15 Curls, 15 Tricep Extensions, 15 Goble Squats, 15 lunges – REPEAT

5 Burpies

Is That Forward or Reverse?

As the PAX gathered in the gloom it became apparent that we only had runners in the group. The plan was to run Bubba Sparxxx’s “Catchy Named Route.” But the reverse of this route was the one that was posted. The decision was made to run the “forward” version. We said the pledge and then headed out. Yet another humid run, but we were all better for coming out and getting in an early run and a great start to the day.


  • Half Marathon Ruck, Oct. 21st

Prayer Requests

  • Norwood
  • Turtleman
  • Termite and family
  • PAX on IR
  • all those spoken and unspoken


Buttermilk on a Saturday!

So, YHC stole the Q from Gavel! Fun stuff to be had for sure. Here’s how it went on a warm, humid, morning, first in September.


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Gravel pickers X 20

Tesla stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Time for some Super-Duper Pipes!

Up on the street, 5 monkey humpers.

Run up to the pavilion, 25 step ups.

Run most of a lap on the track, run up the hill to the school and back down.

Run via the path back to the street.

Rinse and repeat.

Up on the Field of Dreams for Some partner BLIMPS.



Imperial walkers


Plank Jacks


P1 runs the field and does 5 of the exercises.

P2 does the work.


Up to the parking lot for some lot work.

1st set – burpee broad jumps length of lot,

2nd set – “frog hops” the length of the lot.

Back down to the Field of Dreams for the 4th quarter.

Bear Crawl Slalom! Off we go and it is what it always is!

SSH X 20

Halfway – Burpee Circle of Death! Then 5 chop-chops.

Hold a 3 minute plank and we’re done.


Welp, we got a lot done here this morning! Lot of variety, lot of work, lot of sweat and a lot of chatter! Great day at The Fighting Yank!

We’ll do it again soon. Drink up!

Forgotten Q (6/25/2023)

We biked and ran but I can’t find my notes from the leadership principles I spoke on at Q-source that day.  Sorry.

Announcements:  All are past since this is late!

Prayer Requests:  Various youth groups travelling and-or returning on missions / Huckleberry / Ratchet’s son / Norwood / Gumby’s family /

That’s Girls workout music!

Started with the disclaimer and the usual warm up exercises. Then we got right into the workout. The music wasn’t ideal so I had to adjust a couple of times.

Suicide Ladder

5 reps of each exercise. Sprint to the start and back for each exercise. Once this is complete, add 5 reps to each rung (set).


Big Boys

Calf Raises

Climbing Coupon Merkins (coupon)

Dips (coupon)

Heels to Heaven

Imperial Squat Walkers

Overhead Press (coupon)

Star Jacks

Upright Row (coupon)


2nd F Lunch G2 Pita Wheel 9/20

Oct 21 Ruck event half marathon

Come support Rocky Branch trail run event



Turtle Man

Anchor Man’s father-in-law

Prayers for Amir, the little boy hit by a car Friday (Hot Corner)

Ivy in car wreck (Red Ribbon)


9/11 memorial@The Sandlot


All activities signifying aspects of 9/11 and 343 firefighters lost at the incident


11 squats

Mosey to the castle

3 pull-ups

4 merkins with a mosey lap around playground

Repeated 3 x

Mosey to lot

Run to each island performing 10 merkins

Completed at 11 islands to signify 110 stories of Trade tower 1

Repeated for return completing 10 Mountain climbers at each island to signify 110 stories of Trade tower 2

4 square consisting of:


9 LBC, 11 flutters

9 LBC, 11 flutters, 9 superman pull-ups

9 LBC, 11 Flutters, 9 superman pull-ups, 11 Nolan Ryan’s

Repeat cycle

Mosey back to pelicans with exercise at each lamppost pole of alternating 3 burpees then 4 squats.


2F lunch the 20th Pita Wheel Gastonia

Iron pax week 2 at the ricky boby


family members

Quinn family



Watts ups nieces son

All those directly and indirectly effected by 9/11


The Celebration of a Douche 😁

In Honor of SA’s Birthday

  • Pledge
  • Warm- ups

        •Ragging of the Bday Boy

        • Cherry Pickers and Arrows ( SA’s favorites 😂)

        • Stretching Quickly

        • 5 Burpees

  • Mosey to lower lot for Sheldon Cooper

        • start at 9, 8, 7 etc … Burpees , Squats,

                                               Merkins, Big Boys

                                               45 Total Reps

  • Mosey to Blocks … Partner up

        One man does blockies , other runs …

        45 total blockies !!!

  • Head to THE HILL…

        Triple Nickel … 5 Burpees @ top, run, 5

                                  Burpees @ bottom, 5

                                  Rounds of time permits!!!

  • Bear crawled to the flag, and Iron Hulked it out with Mike Tyson’s and Cherry pickers ☺️… We modified for time …


JJ5K- September 30

Prayer Requests :

Jackson Hall


Lil boy hit by car Belmont

Breast cancer healed – Stogie’s co-worker

Brillo – Bootcamp


Sister Act’s praise

21 years marriage on Thursday

45 years today

Sister Act took us out in prayer !

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