• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 09/03/2023
  • AO: Coconut Horse
  • QIC: Defib
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Hunchback, Flintstone, Maybelline, JJ, Roscoe, Whoopee, Gavel, Sargento, Winehouse, Drug Dog, Captain Stubbing, Shortsale for Q source

This special edition of the coconut horse was brought to you by none other than our 1st F Q and current belt holder – Flintstone.  After capturing the belt from Slaw in June by posting more times than Slaw he challenged us to a 5 mile race around the horse.  This would be no easy task to dethrone him since he has been really pushing the rock and then some with his marathon training.  12 HIM however posted in an effort to steal the belt.   After a quick disclaimer and explanation of the rules the runners were off.  Our finish line judge was Hunchback who also doubled as our photo finish photographer.  The pax were pretty bunched together for the first half mile but then Flintstone and Maybelline started to pull away.  Unfortunately some of the pax caught a 6 minute light (or so I was told) at Hudson which negatively impacted their ability to win.- -I will get in touch with the race director and plan to refund their entry fee.  Maybe next year we can get some of Gastonia’s finest to control traffic.   By the time we hit the greenway it was pretty clear there would be only two competitors.  Both Flintstone and Maybelline enjoyed a commanding lead with JJ and me giving all we could in hopes that one of them would run out of gas.  However the two of them pushed all the way to the finish with Maybelline stealing the belt with an average time of 7:26/mile.  Kudos to the rest of the pax who all turned in performances better than their usual averages.  Congrats to Maybelline who proved that you can be last (to show up for a workout) and still come in first.  Next opportunity to steal the belt will be the pax with best rank in Ironpax so sign up if you haven’t already.  After COT 10 men stayed Q Source with a discussion of “No Plan Survives First Contact with the Enemy” from Wisdom of the Bullfrog by Admiral William McRaven.


Lunch 9/20 Pita Wheel downtown

Fall Ruck event

Austin Half Marathon Feb 18th

JJ 5K Sept 30th



Turtleman, Tooth Fairy’s wife and daughter, Huckleberry, Jackson Hall