• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 12/17/2022
  • AO: Old School
  • QIC: Bed Pan
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Wire Nut, Blart, Stogie, Pockets,

Medicine Woman had the Q and he became Ill, then Pappy took the Q and he was kicked by a racing Mule in the hip.

Sounds painful and I’m glad the mule did not hit his Lil Pappy.

So being a hand raiser before I know the question I was plan C for the morning.

10s at the parking lot.

then dora at Carr, once we arrived pockets felt it best to mark the area.

Downtown Dallas has a lot of stop signs. We did 5 burpees per sign we came up to.

Wire nut suggested that we make a visit to Pappys house so we did and gave him about 10 monkey humpers in the front yard.

I would estimate we did between 46 and 253 burpees this morning.

The Bed Pan is full…