Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: December 5, 2022

Fartsack the Snowman

5 F3 Gastonia PAX didn’t do the Chad 1000, but threw kettlebells around instead.  We all still went to the same place for Coffeeteria afterwards, so it all ended the same way.  Here’s what I remember…

Whoopee led some things and train and whatnot

Quick walking bonus warmup:

  • 10 x Don Q’s (IC)
  • Half Lap
  • 10 x Gravel Pickers (IC)
  • Half Lap
  • 10 x Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • Half Lap
  • 10 x Air Presses (IC)
  • Half Lap
  • 10 x Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
  • Half Lap
  • 10 x 1-armed Seal Claps (IC)

To the step up steps for

  • 10 x Dips (OYO)
  • 10 x Bulgarian Split Squats R (OYO)
  • 10 x Bulgarian Split Squats L (OYO)
  • 10 x Step Ups (OYO)

Back to the bells for

  • 15 x Sumo High Pulls (OYO)
  • 15 x Squeezes (OYO)
    • Basically a standing forward chest press while squeezing the kettlebell as hard as you can
  • 15 x American Hammers (OYO)
  • 15 x Tricep Extensions (OYO)
  • 15 x KB Swings (OYO)

Lazy Dora

  • 100 x Merkins / 6 Inches
  • 200 x Dying Cockroaches / Plank
  • 300 x Jump Ropes (or Calf Raises) / Al Gore

Mary & Ab work

Back to the bells for

  • 20 x Sumo High Pulls (OYO)
  • 20 x Squeezes (OYO)
    • Basically a standing forward chest press while squeezing the kettlebell as hard as you can
  • 20 x American Hammers (OYO)
  • 20 x Tricep Extensions (OYO)
  • 20 x KB Swings (OYO)

To the step up steps for

  • 15 x Dips (OYO)
  • 15 x Bulgarian Split Squats R (OYO)
  • 15 x Bulgarian Split Squats L (OYO)
  • 15 x Step Ups (OYO)


  • 40 x Around the world (OYO – 20 each way) / Jump Rope (or LBC)
  • 40x Halos (OYO – 20 each way) / Jump Rope (or LBC)

Back to the bells for

  • 25 x Sumo High Pulls (OYO)
  • 25 x Squeezes (OYO)
    • Basically a standing forward chest press while squeezing the kettlebell as hard as you can
  • 25 x American Hammers (OYO)
  • 25 x Tricep Extensions (OYO)
  • 25 x KB Swings (OYO)

Mary – Round 2


Enjoyed it

Yabba Dabba Doo

Back in the Saddle

After a month off from not able to Q due to Nantan’s November New Q Challenge, YHC was looking forward to lead a workout again.!

It’s 5:30am and cold, time to get to work.

Quick disclaimer with no FNGs


The Thang;

Mosey to Four Square Church parking lot

10 Mins – EMOM

-3 burpees

-6 merkins

-9 squats

-12 alt lunges

Indian Run back to the school for some 7 on 7s

  • Merkins x 7
  • Squats x 7
  • Big Boys x 7
  • Burpees x 7
  • Lunges x 7
  • American Hammers x 7
  • Dips x 7

Run around parking lot then rinse and repeat. Goal was to get seven rounds but ran out of time and finished with six rounds



Prayer Request


YHC closed in prayer,


Thanks men for the opportunity to lead this morning, as always, it was an honor.


Over and out,

Breaker Breaker



It’s Been Almost a Year

For lots of different reasons, I had not Q’d a bootcamp since just before Christmas 2021.  I have led Q Source and Coconut Horse several times but not a bootcamp.  Several weeks ago, Flintstone asked me to finish off his Redwood tour today.  I reluctantly agreed not knowing what shape I would be in.  As it goes in F3 though, put it on the calendar and let’s go.

I was humbled to see so many show up to an AO that typically has 3 – 5 pax each week.

No FNG’s so let’s go.

Short warm-up with 10 SSH’s and 10 Imperial Walkers in cadence.

We then headed to Martha Rivers for an old school.

Field #4 for some Four Corners (appropriate as JJ was making excuses for the recent Tarheel basketball performances):

Round 1:  10 Merkins – 20 Squats – 30 SSH’s – 40 LBC’s

Round 2:  10 CCD’s – 20 Squats – 30 SSH’s – 40 Flutter Kicks

Mosey back over near the main picnic shelter for some 11’s across the parking lot:

Round 1:  Merkins & Squats

Round 2:  CCD’s ascending 1 – 10 on one side with 10 flutter kicks each time on the other side

This took us up to a few minutes before 0615 and we headed back to the start.

Short Sale led some Mary while also giving me a hard time for modifying.

COT – Prayer requests and announcements.

Thanks to all for coming out for my Kotter Q.

It was an honor to lead it this morning.

Until the next one.  Aye!


The Sword 12/5/22

It was great to have the opportunity to Q this morning.

The Bible verse was Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer Request:

SA’s Daughter, Wire Nuts Daughter and future Grand Baby, plus his parents.

Huck and turtle Man.

The Bed Pan is Full!


Giving Back at Folsom

14 PAX on a mild December morning for a JV workout led by YHC. Gonna keep it pretty simple today, so let’s get started. Disclaimer, pledge, quick warmup and let’s go.


Mosey to the block pile and partner up. One partner rifle carries the block while the other does 3 burpees then runs to catch up and switch. Continue in this manner all the way to the upper parking lot at the Ag Building. Enough block work for now.

Double Dirty Merkin Ladder

20 merkins on one side of the parking lot, run across to the far side stopping for a burpee at each of the islands and then 19 merkins. Back and forth across the lot dropping the merkins by 1 each time and continuing with the burpees each time you cross the island. This took quite a bit longer than YHC had allotted, so the weinke will need to be modified. Not the first Q fail and won’t be the last.

Back to the blocks. Partner up again for some Dora 1-2-3. One runs a lap around the lot while the other works.

100 Alpo’s

200 Goblet squats

300 Chest press

Take the blocks back to the pile the same way you got them here.


Time is running short, but we still have work to do. Head to the tennis courts for some Walkercides. Run one court for 5 IW squats then back to start for 5 Big Boys, run to second court for 10 IW squats then back to start for 5 Big Boys. Keep it up until you’ve made it all the way across. We may have been a minute or two late getting back to the flag, but no complaints. Not any that I listened to anyway.



About halfway through the workout I asked the PAX to consider how they would answer two questions.

  1. What has F3 given me?
  2. What have I given back as a result of what I’ve been given?

We had a good discussion on these questions and the importance of giving back. Giving back entails sacrifice and you have to give up something to be able to do it. Make the sacrifice and make a difference in the lives of others.


“I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.”

Maya Angelou


Be praying for:

Huck, Turtleman, Super Dave’s mom, MW’s friend from church, Purple Haze’s mom, Bedpan’s mother in law, military and others away from family during the holidays and all the sickness going around.


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

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