Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2021 (Page 7 of 11)

Bulls in a China Shop

What you can’t tell from the exercises below, is the lasting effect this workout had on all attending PAX.  The day was better, energy strong, confidence high and all those lucky enough to be in the presence of those PAX, were also better for it.  It’s one of the reasons to commit to not fart sacking. With frosted heavy bells, away we went.

Warm UP
Imperial Walkers
Don Quixote

1 minute on, 10 second break
Kettle Bell Swings
Tricep Extensions
Goblet Squats
Around the World
– 3 sets

20 seconds on, 5 second break
Shoulder Press
– 3 sets

40 Calf Raises
Gorilla Humpers
Goblet Squats
Squat Curl Press
– 3 sets

Bunch o Calf Raises

3 minutes of Mary

DT 12/3

Warm Up

Seal Jacks 15

Heals to Heaven 15

Wide Outs 15

Cross Railroad Bridge. Bear Crawl and Lunges


100 Merkins

200 Heals to Heaven

300 Squats

50 calf raises X 3 sets


Merkins-Am Hammers


Christmas Party-F3

Prayers- Family Members & Neighbors



Mall Walkers

The sound of rain drops hitting the roof is definitely not my favorite sound when I wake up in the morning and have the Q. Fortunately, the rain was pretty light and all but quit by 5:30 am.

A few guys got in some mall walking and a few got in some running. We all did more than the guys who fartsacked.

Don’t Forget to Check Your Blind Spot

After a night of revelry at the annual F3 Christmas Party I had some concern about posting this morning. I did have a few libations but thankfully not nearly enough for me to grab the microphone so I could underwhelm the audience with a voice only cut-out for a solo car ride. If we’re being honest, I hum along in church and really don’t enjoy singing Happy Birthday. I love music which is why I appreciate those talented to play and sing. Thanks to Huck, Allen Tate, Bubba Sparxx and Broke for putting on a great event.

My alarm went off at 0600 as today is the first day of adding miles preparing for my next half in January. I was one of several runners scattered about the course this morning. There were three Ruckers and Roscoe shared this:

Three PAX answered the call to ruck at 0600 am where we celebrated an early Festivus by airing our grievances during the ruck. Whoopee started out airing his grievances in mile one and then Flintstone aired his in mile two. By mile three, Roscoe was bursting with grievances. By mile four there were no more grievances and we finished our last mile with a renewed positivity. We basically took the Whoopee Sandy-V Slack Channel and brought it to life.

COT: no announcements; Prayers: Roscoe’s friend Tim fighting cancer, his M, and his Father-In-Law; Purple Haze and Bedpan fighting COVID. I prayed us out.

Moleskin – We’re wrapping up 2021 Q-Source with Dealer’s Choice. During Whoopee’s GasHouse Q, he brought the 8-block exercise to life all the while teaching it’s meaningful purpose to guide men through the year. Something about writing down your goals after thinking through them can set you on a course for success. During the teaching, “blind spots” were brought up several times. With a new 16-year old driving in my family, blind spots have been covered. But this morning I thought it would be worthy of discussion among our PAX.

Weaknesses are aspects we can overcome with practice, time or desire. The key thing is we can be made aware of weaknesses. But when it comes to blind spots -they are hidden and can significantly derail a leader if they are not prepared.  So we discussed 10 core blind spots that should create some awareness to detect.

  1. Going it alone (being afraid to ask for help)
  2. Being insensitive of your behavior on others (being unaware of how you show up)
  3. Having an “I know” attitude (valuing being right above everything else)
  4. Avoiding the difficult conversations (conflict avoidance)
  5. Blaming others or circumstances (playing the victim; refusing responsibility)
  6. Treating commitments casually (not honoring the other person’s time, energy, resources)
  7. Conspiring against others (driven by a personal agenda)
  8. Withholding emotional commitment (emotional blackmail)
  9. Not taking a stand (lack of commitment to a position)
  10. Tolerating “good enough” (low standards for performance)

Among our group, we discussed addressing difficult conversations and conflicts quickly is very helpful to mitigate issues. #1 – being afraid to ask for help will cause blind spots to impact a man. Accountability via a Whetstone or Shieldlock are good ways to gain sight to the issues you don’t see. What else can help? Here are some additional tools you can use:

Curing Your Blind Spots

Follow these steps to gain clarity around your blind spots, which will open the door for growth, learning, and performance improvement.

  1. Solicit feedback in the right way.
    Ask for 1 piece of feedback at a time. Communications expert Carole Stizza suggests these 2 options:
    “What is the one blind spot you think I have that I should be more aware of?” OR
    “An assessment identified some unique blind spots. Do you feel there is one area this particular blind spot of _______ shows up in how I approach things?”
  2. Surround yourself with diverse thinkers with the intention of learning from them.
    Your communities of learning should reflect a variety of perspectives, experiences, and approaches to problem solving that you can adapt.
  3. Examine your past to identify patterns.
    How have you succeeded as a leader? How have you struggled? What situations have led to both desirable and undesirable outcomes? What feedback have you received from mentors, coaches or advisors regarding decisions you’ve made that indicates a pattern of questionable choices?
  4. Identify triggers.
    We all have triggers – situations that cause us to impulsively or instinctively react without thinking. In his bestselling book, “Triggers,” leadership expert Marshall Goldsmith explains that every waking moment is filled with either people, events, or circumstances that have the power to shape how we act or react. When we master our triggers, we master our responses and make them work for us, rather than against us.
  5. Seek out a blind-spot buddy.
    Once you’ve received feedback on your blind spot, enlist someone you trust to hold you accountable to behavioral change.

This material was in this post by Maissa Levin in Inc.  If you would like to read more about it.

As you begin to think about 2022, I hope you’ll consider doing the 8-block exercise. I did it last year and upon review I have a lot of work. I compare it to running this morning. I was able to push the pace for the first few miles and felt really good. But once I hit the “gut check” (the elevation gain up Robinwood) I slowed considerably. I finished the run and the goal, but knowing there is a lot of work to prepare for the 13.1 miles in Biloxi on January 30th. There are blinds spots we all have – make sure you’re looking for those along your daily course.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Short Sale

The deck was stacked against us (with Merkins)

It was raining, and lots of PAX fartsacked.

YHC was all alone under the canopy of New Hope Elem.  Then, at the last possible minute, Tesla rolled in.

We got started on the warm-up, and then Dr. Seuss showed up.

The workout was a DoD (Deck-of-Death) type, with runs in-between exercises.  YHC decided to do the DoD where you pick two cards:  one card to tell the exercise, then the second card to tell you the # of reps to do.

Even with lots of shuffling of this brand-new deck the night before, the deck was somehow sequenced so that some type of Merkin was slotted in-between every other card.  Merkins came up nearly every time we drew cards.   We did a LOT of Merkins of all types.

We stayed dry under that canopy.   (The PAX should know that most AO’s have a canopy or roof of some sort, and that rain is not really a good reason to miss out on a solid workout.


Christmas Party

PAX Awards

Prayer Request

Tesla’s business partner’ situation

YHC’s brother’s eye injury



Dr. Seuss took us out.


—-Bubba Sparxxx



5 made it to run a few miles at crossroads this morning

Some ran long , some ran short, and some just beat the fart sack..

.get after it men….

Not many announcements yet

Prayers for those dealing with illness and injuries and also for those dealing with lose

Until next time….

. Blart…



Things did not start off well this morning. Well last night when I announced that EC was at 6 and not 6:15 is really when it started..but i digress.  After a nice 6 mile mosey to deliver the Flag ( The Pole broke in 2 on the way) to Folsom at 7 we clocked in.








On the way to Carr School we stopped at every intersection of a paved street (driveways do not count) or parking lots of major commercial or municipal building we did 5 merkins 20 MTN. climbers (CT both legs), and 10 squats.  We made quick detour to do Monkey Humpers in front of Toe Picks house to show our disapproval of him not posting today.   I kinda got messed up on the back roads of Dallas trying to get to the rear parking lot of the ball fields to access the playground…sorry guys Q fail.  I have lived in Dallas my whole life by not really in Dallas…more like Hardin/High Shoals.


Once we finally made it to the playground we did work.  Linsdays–kinda of. 30 Dips and 10 Dirkins to start  but between the dips and dirkins we are going to do 10 pull Ups partner assisted unless you are Pizza Man he can do them himself! Then 25 dips/15 dirkins ..always with the 10 pull up in between.   Was some confusion here and after everybody did it a few times they finally got what i was trying to do .  This sucked toward the end and i even got a #1 signal from Mayor so there’s that.   Mosey back to main parking lot we did Tammy Waynets (stand by your man) Partner 1.. 10 Merkins P2 10 bigboys then switch  total is 100 merkins and 100 bigboys per man.

Mary & Carry:

To finish up with Mary and Carry…1 PAX  calls a ab/core exercise and then sprints to my two 5 gallon pales of c23 (racing fuel) and carry to the end of parking lot.  repeat till everybody has a turn.  5 burpees to wind it down. We said the pledge and Time!


Christmas part TONIGHT!

Christmas work out at Gashouse on the 25th other AOs maybe closed


Sargento on IR

Brokes mom

Towpicks mom

Gumbys mom

People with hard times during the holiday season.

I took us out in Prayer

Good Work by everyone even SA..Sorry i got us lost, we never even got to the court house steps 11s!

It was an honor to Lead Ya’ll today!


8 block

We started with the Pledge then I gave a quick summary of the plan for the day. I had posted a few messages earlier in the week about the 8 Block thing that CSPAN has talked about on several podcasts this time of year over the last few years. Just so everyone was aware, in my opinion (and probable a few others) CSPAN was one of the key PAX that got GasHouse up and running. If he was not here physically, he was partly responsible for a lot of the guys that were here the first few months when GasHouse started. To say he is a HIM is really not enough. He has positively influenced a lot of men and continues to impact many men within F3 whether they realize it or not. He gets credit for the 8 Block. Basically this is a structured assessment of your potential and your plans for the next year that focuses on a lot of the things F3 teaches and (in my opinion) is best done with several guys that know you pretty well (Shieldlock). You can find several versions of CSPAN’s presentation (or podcast) of this if you Google “F3 CSPAN 8 Block.” It will take you about 30 minutes to watch/listen to this. I would suggest having a pencil and paper in front of you while you listen so you can write notes then think about it for a few days and meet with a few guys to fill it out.

Our workout today was designed to teach us the framework of the 8 Block with some discussion along the way to ‘splain what each block was focused on. The general idea is take a piece paper, divide it into 4 boxes (a horizontal line and a vertical line) and each box addresses something. We moseyed to the football field at Grier and used the field as our paper. We started in the top left block: Concentrica-partner up, P1 ran the squared circle of this block on the field, P2 lunged the same route. When P1 caught up to P2 they swapped duties and this continued until we all did 1 big circle. Once all arrived back at start we got into plank and discussed what Concentrica is-if you don’t know what Concentrica is then 2 things: 1) you were not at Storm this past week when we discussed this, or 2) you have not been to Q source/read Freed to Lead. You can look this up and read it-it is time well spent so plan on reading it a few times then discuss with some of your F3 brothers sometime.  The idea with the 8 Block is to IDENTIFY THE AREAS OF YOUR CONCENTRICA THAT YOU NEED TO WORK ON AND LIST THEM.

Next is the bottom left quadrant which is 2nd F: the idea with this quadrant is you should identify and LIST 3 guys that you need to spend extra time with. Remember the 3 guys you list don’t necessarily need to be F3 people-they are probably unique to you, but are people that maybe you have some work to do to be that friend that they need. LIST THEM BY NAME IN THIS SECTION. Our exercise was to partner carry across the field then swap and partner carries you back.

Next section is top right-3rd F. This one is easy to plan but toughest to follow thru with for me. In this section you need to list what you are planning to do SPECIFICALLY for your 3rd F this year. Set some goals. Write them down and share them with someone so they can hold you accountable. What are you studying-again, be specific-“I’m going to read the Bible more” does not count-what part(s) of the Bible are you going to focus on? Volunteer at church. Read Q Source. Whatever-it’s not so important what you plan to do, but MAKE A PLAN, WRITE IT OUT, THEN DO IT. Our exercise was P1 Heels to Heaven AMRAP while P2 did 10 Flying Squirrels then swap. We each did 2 sets.

The final section on the front is the bottom right: 1st F. To me this is the easiest to fill out and relatively tough to follow thru. List your 1st F Goals-CSAUPs you plan to do (Mortimer, GrowRuck,…), Goals for the year (1000 miles for the year). It seems best to me to take this in blocks within the year like maybe quarterly or even monthly. The idea is to think about what you can do, set a goal, write it down, then keep track of it. If it is worth doing, it is worth tracking and by tracking you will almost certainly get better. Some guys event pull their family or Shieldlock into these goals. Also, set a goal for how you will help EH guys or bring back a Kotter-how many can you get in the year? Maybe shoot for 1 per quarter or 1 per month if you are really up to it? Exercise was a version of Bear with Me. If you don’t know what this is, look it up. It’s a good workout with a ruck. We did not use rucks this am (thankfully).

I forgot to say this today, but if you pick a word for the year, write that word in the middle of the page to help you remember it.

Flip the page over and again, divide into 4 quadrants. Top Left back quadrant is the Jester-what is holding you back from being the best you can be. THIS IS TOUGHER THAN YOU THINK IF YOU HAVE NEVER CONSIDERED THIS. Read about this in Q Source and Freed to Lead then discuss the general topic one morning in the gloom with the guys. After you do that, go live in a monastery for 6 months and swear a vow of silence while you consider what your Jester is 10 hours each day, then maybe you will have an idea. This is another good topic to discuss with your Whetstone partner or Shieldlock, however it does require a lot of thought up front and thick skin if you want to do it right. Keep in mind you may have more that 1 Jester. Our exercise was combination of 10 Jump Squats and 10 Flying Squirrels I think total of 2 sets.

Bottom left quadrant on the back is DATE NIGHT: This applies to your M and your 2.0. The theme of this quadrant is that YOU SHOULD NEVER STOP DATING YOUR M AND YOU SHOULD DEMONSTRATE HOW YOUR 2.0 SHOULD TREAT OR BE TREATED BY ANY POTENTIAL FUTURE MATES. Date your M and date your 2.0, keeping in mind where each lives within the Concentrica. I don’t remember what exercise (if any?) we did at this point.

The top right quadrant on the back is listed at Podcast-what are you doing to make yourself better? What are you listening to and what are you reading to make yourself better? Thankfully we had a celebrity who has his own podcast called Gaston’s Great. This about this and write it down. What are you doing to mentally accelerate? Do you get home from work and sit in front of the TV and veg out until your M drags you to bed? Have a little purpose and plan that keeps you mentally in the game. Our exercise was for Stroganoff to lead us in his favorite exercise for whatever # reps he wanted (Flutter kicks).

The final quadrant is the lower right section and this area is labelled ALR (ask, listen, remember). This is the ADVICE area. Basically in this area, you should find someone to learn from. Find someone you feel knows more about something than you do and learn from them. In other words, find a mentor.

Thankfully a lot of guys chimed in on this for the discussion along the way and this was truly a group discussion that I hope was good for everyone. My best advice is to listen to one of CSPAN’s podcasts on this, take notes, think about this and fill it out by yourself then discuss with your shield lock or any group of guys that know you well-be prepared to provide and accept CANDOR. Don’t let someone’s comments hurt your feelings-they are trying to help you so listen and learn from what they are saying-maybe they are right or maybe they are wrong, but if they care enough to do this with you, you are getting their opinion and it is likely coming from a place of love.

COT was filled with a lot of prayer requests about either family members or PAX that need some prayers-it’s a tough time of year in a lot of ways. Keep posting so you can stay on track and help your brothers stay on track. Thanks for coming out this am and for everyone’s input.



A little wet Q fail

I haven’t Q’d in a while so I worked on my weinke for a couple of weeks. Luckily it didn’t rain on us while we worked but it did before so it was a little messy. This is how it went down.

Moroccan Nightclubs IC 20
Goofballs IC 15
Gravel Pickers IC 10
Burpee’s 5

The first of two Q fails took place here. I took the boot campers and The Bunker went with Rebar. We moseyed to Old Stone to start what I called Route 66 but while instructing what to do I was quickly corrected. Not sure what I called but this is what we did.

Ran to String Bean stopping at every other light pole to do 5 merkins and 5 jump squats.

Triple nickel in String bean parking lot. 5 LBCs bear crawl, 5 flutter kicks bear crawl back.

Mosey to old middle school where 11’s was called.
Dips on one end then figure eight run to the other end for CDD’s. Stop in the middle for one merkin each time. Some called these burpees but it was a tad slower.

Mosey to The Fighting Yank for some Mary.
Freddie mercurys
Heels to heaven
Churchy frogs


Christmas party at 6
Need One more bell ringer see Sargento’s post
Possible Rice and bean opportunity see Tiger

Prayer Requests:
Tornado victims in KY
Dark Helmet’s knees
Brutus traveling with brother, hoping to point him towards Christ.

I took us out in prayer. Q fail 2, forgot Name-a-rama everyone come back!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead, I need to do it more to make it smoother. Thanks for the help gents.

Gavel out

Blart was NOT Here!

I arrived a few minutes early to plant “Ole Glory” in her rightful corner before a quick warmup.  I saw where the 3 amigos had already launched on what I’m sure was promised to be a “slow 9” for 8 or so miles.  Next the dynamic duo took off on their typical fellowship mosey but no hurry of course, as they could take a 15 minute penalty and still clock more miles than the rest of us.  Oh but then I look and see a new face… well at least I thought it was with my memory but turns out it was Freon, you know the Mt. Hollyian.  He was sporting some pretty cool running gear and looking for a Crossroads regular… Blart.  Apparently he was EH’d the night before to come join us so I offered to wait a few minutes to see if he was just running late.  A couple of minutes pass but still no Blart so we took off on a good 5er heading out of town, around Deadman’s Curve, by the Pita Wheel, and back to the start.  I promised Freon I’d be sure to give Blart a hard time in the BB but unfortunately its taken me so long to get back around to writing it, I have to go easy now since Blart agreed to lead the crew for this Sunday’s Q-Source on Missionality.  I had a great time burning a few calories with Freon and poking a little fun at a true HIM!

Scuze Me While I Kiss the Sky!  PH

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