Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2021 (Page 1 of 13)

The Fighting Yank – 6-19-21

It was a beautiful day to see many PAX and their 2.0’s for F3 Dads at the Fighting Yank.  The Boot Camp and Bunker workouts had low numbers due to the PAX bringing their kids for a great workout together.  Once the dads separated, the warm up went like this…..


Side Staddle Hops IC x ……?  We did at least 30 but we ended them with a resounding verse of Happy Birthday to none other than YHC.  Yes, I’ve passed through the decade of RESPECT and entered the decade of Honor.  After displaying my newest F3 shirt with HONOR 60+ on the back we continued pushing on with…..

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 20

Chinooks IC x 10 one way and x 10 the other.

One we broke off from the Bunker PAX we gave them our usual Monkey Humper salute at the fence.

Mosey over to the steps in the park for Calf Raises.  I went easy on the PAX so we only did 100 x IC.  I was planning to get back there at the end of the workout but ran out of time.

Mosey to the RR tracks for 5 Burpees.

Mosey to the top of the hill on Main St. for Goofballs and Monkey Humpers.

Mosey to Park St stopping at each telephone pole along the way to do 5 merkins, derkins, werkins or CDD’s.

Mosey to the Belmont PD for circle of ABS.  We stopped at each corner for 50 squats.

Mosey to Main St. for Triple Nickle doing Reverse LBC, Mosey and Peter Parkers.

Mosey back to the Fighting Yank to salute the Bunker Pax with more Monkey Humpers.

5 more Burpees.


Thanks for starting my 60th birthday off right men!


Laughs and Taffy

7 HIMs plus YHC came out on a muggy morning to put in some miles at Prison Break. I got to sub for my brother who is running hills and leading his youth group at Crowder’s Ridge.

One thing about F3 for which I am thankful is that I know I’ll get a few laughs at whatever AO I post-and for the fact that SA broke his fall-and not his teeth. Had that have happened, he wouldn’t have been able to eat that bag of taffy that he probably had polished off by the time he got to work. Nice one!


July 17, Gashouse-F3 Dads

Today is the last day for chap stick and nail clippers, though I’m sure Freight would be gracious enough to extend if needed.



Big Pappy and family

SA and family

Roundup and Youth at camp


You adulterous people![a] Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you suppose it is to no purpose that the Scripture says, “He yearns jealously over the spirit that he has made to dwell in us”? But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

“Do not draw the wrong conclusion about God’s jealousy and shrink back from Him because He will not rest content until He possesses all of you. This is the God of grace who is jealous, the One who has given His Son for you. No matter how deep your sin may be, His grace is deeper still.” Sinclair Ferguson

Keep pushing!


Running Laps at the Ricky Bobby

Beautiful day at the Ricky Bobby this morning.

Not because it was Oompa Loompa’s birthday.  It was because we were graced with a siting of the rarest of rare.

It wasn’t Sasquach, it wasn’t the tooth fairy, and it dang sure wasn’t Allen Tate. It wasn’t Gaston County’s handsomest cardiologist either although he was present.

It was Gaston County’s favorite geriontologist, Quiche, with a quick hello after a 4 mile EC with Sargento. I guess he made a house call to check on me and Tesla.

Time to start.

No FNG so brief disclaimer.  I am an idiot. Don’t get hurt. I can hear everybody silently repeating it in their head.

Warmup consisted of: Burpees. Patented Oompa Loompa Side Straddle Hops in cadence to start. Toy soldiers. Mosey to track.

The Thing: It’s Oompa’s 61 birthday, and being old, I have to keep things simple, so I don’t forget stuff. Standard Oompa You vs You workout. 60 plus 1 equals 61 for the Midoriyama guys.

Arm work 60 single count reps, or in cadence,  your choice of any arm exercise you want. Merkins, derkins, dips, Def Leppard Pushups, raise the roofs, hipslappers, shoulder taps, werkins, staggers, diamonds,  etc.

Run a lap around the track.

Abs work 60 single count reps, or in cadence, your choice of any ab exercise you want. Vee ups, lbc, lbfc, flutters, box cutters, scissors, Rosalitas, big boys, WW1, windshield wipers, penguins, etc.

Run another lap.

Alternate Arms and Abs after each lap until time expires.

Sargento whipped up a 60s Playlist after the second or third lap for our listening pleasure.

Ball Joint got 12 laps, I think everybody else got 11 or 10. Thanks to Whoopie and Sargento for the pushing the Q this morning. We’ll tie you next time Ball Joint.

Lots of poor form, laughs, and sweat.

Back to flag.  22 for vets, pledge. YHC said a few words about not knowing any of you guys 5 years ago. I now have a group of brothers that will do anything for each other. I didn’t realize I needed this circle of guys in my life.

Sargento passed the site Q to Nutria.

YHC closed us out. Thanks to Sargento for letting me Q.


Been too long for me to remember who did what, forgot about BB until Watts Up reminded me so thanks for the reminder. Some ran, some rucked, all of us sweated a bunch. Good to see Udders-he’s an honorary GasHouse Pax even though he does not live here. As I used to hear growing up….he’s good people.


Midoriyama fellowship!!

Hot out and a lot to do. I didn’t do any EC today. As the PAX came in it was evident the was going to be plenty of mumble chatter. Lets begin!




Toy Soldiers

Grass Pickers

Overhead Claps

One leg dead lifts

5 Burpees


Mosey to the parking lot by the playground were there was chalk. Burpee suicides.

I have the parking lot marked beginning and end. Just do Burpees!


Mosey across the parking. 

10 exercises, 10 reps for 10 rounds. Mosey across parking lot in between rounds.




Nolan Ryan’s

Toy Soldiers

Moroccan Nightclubs


Imperial Walkers


Mnt. Climbers

Mosey to the first light pole and back for the next round. 


Stopping after 6 rounds it was time to move on.

Air press and Burpeethon  2-1 ratio.

2 Air presses

1 Burpee

4 Air presses

2 Burpees

6 Air presses

3 Burpees

Continue pattern till Burpees reach 5 and Air presses reach 10. 

Mosey to the playground.

Burpees and Pull ups. 2 to 1 ratio.

1 Burpee-  2 pull ups

2 burpees- 4 Pull ups

continue till burpees are at 5 and Pull ups at 10

Mosey back to the start. for some marry and stretching 


F3 dads July 17th cookout as well.


Check out prayer request in slack.

Good mumble chatter today!! no music needed and time flew by.

Love ya brothers!


Same 😉 New spot.

Not sure who would show and I  haven’t been able to be there in a while, I was eager to be there and push with the downtowners.




Toy Soldiers

Grass Pickers

Overhead Claps

One Leg Deadlifts

5 Burpees



Mosey over to a parking lot that the Q has picked out. 

10×10 with music!

10 exercises, 10 reps for 10 rounds. Mosey across parking lot in between rounds. We got through half the rounds before moving on. 




Nolan Ryan’s

Toy Soldiers

Moroccan NightClubs


Imperial Walkers


Mnt. Climbers


Stay in the lot for some new exercises. 

OverHead Claps and Burpees. 2-1 ratio.

2 OverHead Claps

1 Burpee

4 OverHead Claps

2 Burpees

6 OverHead Claps

3 Burpees

Continue pattern till Burpees reach 10 and claps reach 20. 

Mosey to the road for some Burpee suicides.


Mosey back to the start for some Mary and stretches. 



F3 dads July 17th cookout as well.


prayer request list is on the Slack channel.

thanks guys!!

That EC is killing me!

showing up I find several PAX getting their EC in. If they only knew what was next!

Warmup was given to  the boot camp Q . After some stretching let’s roll! 

Mosey up to the church and find a good parking lot, maybe. 

10×10 with music!

10 exercises, 10 reps for 10 rounds. Mosey across parking lot in between rounds. We got through half the rounds before moving on. 




Nolan Ryan’s

Toy Soldiers

Moroccan NightClubs


Imperial Walkers


Mnt. Climbers

Mosey to other parking lot at Presbyterian church.

OverHead Claps and Burpees. 2-1 ratio.

2 OverHead Claps

1 Burpee

4 OverHead Claps

2 Burpees

6 OverHead Claps

3 Burpees

Continue pattern till Burpees reach 10 and claps reach 20. This is where the EC started hurting. 

Mosey to steps. Calf blowout!

5 Calf raises on each step. Finish at the top.

Mosey back to the start for some Mary. 


F3 dads July 17th cookout as well.


prayer request list is on the Slack channel.

thanks guys!!


Got an opportunity to Q this morning at the Sword, and get in some spiritual and physical exercise! We went over Luke 8:16-18, and about the importance of not hiding the lamp “ Gods Word” but instead making it 1st priority in our lives and in doing so, the affects it will have on us and everyone around us!

Announcements- Snowbird men’s retreat September 24-26

Prayer request- Big Pappy and family

Bearing our burdens

Rumors started the night before that a Kotter and FNG might be making an appearance at the Trucks and Beards AO on Tuesday morning. YHC rolled in early and to my surprise the Kotter was already there…..the one they call “Roadie” had returned to the gloom! It turns out he was the one bringing the FNG who also showed and made it an even 10 for the workout. After a full disclaimer, the pledge and a short warmup we all headed to the back of YHC’s truck to grab bricks that we would carry with us the entire workout. It went like this:


Mosey to the “newer” parking lot by the lake for some ALARM’s. 100 reps of each exercise followed by a lap around the parking lot. All done with bricks.

Arms – Shoulder press

Legs – Squats

Abs – American Hammers

R exercise – Randy’s

M exercise – Merkins


That wasn’t too bad, let’s mosey to the front of the park for some partner work. Dora 1-2-3 with one partner doing the work while the other runs a lap. Again, all work with bricks.

100 – Shoulder taps

200 – Dying cockroaches

300 – Moroccan Nightclubs (these sucked)


Still some time left, so let’s head to the tennis courts for some Merkincides.

5 Burpee’s on the 1st court, then run to the 2nd court for 5 Merkins

Back to the start for 5 Burpee’s each time and increase the Merkins by 5 at each court all the way to the fence.


Time is up so back to the flag.



I had a verse that I had planned to share with the PAX, but changed it up after thinking about what we were doing. The brick’s we used for the workout symbolize the burdens we often carry around with us in life. Some of them are small and seem minor, but the longer we carry them the harder they become to bear. We are called to serve others and in doing so help carry their burdens, but Christ also tells us this in Matthew 11:28-30 – “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”



Next F3 Dads at Gashouse on July 17th

Snowbird Retreat sign ups

Nail clippers and chapstick for service project


Prayer Request


Big Pappy and family

Westside Mother in law

Gumby Mom

Ball Joint Mother in law

Sister Act and family

PAX travels

Whoopee and family


Great to see Roadie back in the gloom and welcome to FNG Sourpuss!


Dr. Seuss took us out.

I’m Broke



Storm of fun

14 at The Storm for some Gastone.

The Thang:

30 SSH

20 Merkins

Mosey to wall at school for 25 Marching with hands in the air, and 20 Hip Slappers. Then 25 and 15. Good start I was told, very popular with everyone.

Mosey down and out to the road at the bottom of the hill.

We planked for an entire minute or just me in my head counting to 60. Most form was good.

As you look up the hill I pointed out all the light post even the one’s that were not working. We stopped at all of them for 5 Hand Release Merkins.

Then we crossed the road and hit the rest of the poles all the way to the top with 20 Monkey Humpers at each post.

On the way, all the way to the bottom we did 10 Squats at the first pole then 5 Merkins at the second and repeated that pattern to the very bottom.

We took a left in to the parking lot for 20 Yards Lunges, 20 Yards Backwards Lunge, Calf Raise routine.

6 minute of Mary.

Flutter’s, Jane Fonda’s, and Pickle Pounders. Maybe a few others.  Mosey back with a stop for 20 Mountain Climbers.

Right on time.

The Moleskin:

We had an FNG, Drizzle. Drizzle did a great job and plans on being with us a lot more. He has 2 kid’s and lives in Belmont the last 3.5 years.  He spends lots of time with family and we have so much more to learn about him. Welcome.

We started with a Pledge.

We finished with a Prayer.

Gastone Out.

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