Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: May 2021 (Page 7 of 11)

Stroll Down Memory Lane and Life Lessons

As one approaches a milestone, it naturally triggers some form of reflection. As you may have heard, I’m extremely close to hearing the word “respect” echo after sharing my name at the COT. So with that in mind and accepting the open Q slot for downtown, I settled on an workout that I did a few months ago at the Labyrinth, obviously this time using a different route, though the PAX did begin to wonder if I may lead them to the SC state line via 321. The disclaimer was something like “we’re going to do some more running this morning, if you’re not up for it, stay here until we get back; modify as you wish.”


  • SSH IC x 10
  • Toy Soldier IC x 10
  • Don Quixote IC x 10
  • Imperial Walker IC x 10
  • Pledge


Out of base, right on Main St, had to wait to cross York/321 N – lot of cars moving through for 0535 – maybe trying to find gas? Continue down to almost the end of the next block. Time to exercise:

  • 10 Hand Release Merkins
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Mtn Climbers
  • 10 Plank Jacks

This would be the routine for a total of 9 stops along the chosen route. Should have been 10 but I mis-counted along the way. Clavin wondered why only 40 reps and not 50, or 49? Good question – that’s a Q-fail. Probably a lot more of those ahead of me in my increasing age. Oh, well, onto the story. We stopped in front a glass door that led up stairs to a 2nd level office. This was the former office of Adams-Kenley Appraisals, where my career began. A lot of hours spent in that building, well at least a little more than 2 years worth – but it was the foundation of my profession. That will be a theme for this morning.

Left on Chester St/321 S and right on Franklin Blvd. Mumble chatter was picking up, talking about Broke’s new 80/20 method, picking on Slaw with any Navy joke they could imagine, if we were going to the new FUSE stadium or some sketchy parts of town? Stopped just before FUSE, Q crossed Franklin w/o much notice and PAX had to stay on sidewalk to avoid speeding car. Safely across and into the parking lot behind Chamber of Commerce which was beside the little gym at the old YMCA. That was where my athletic career began – youth basketball in the gym and soccer on the outdoor field. Dreams were dreamt but this white boy topped out at 5’9″ and my prowess ended about 9th grade. Do the routine and move down the street to the corner of Clay and 2nd Street. Here is where my grandfather (driving me to a b-ball game in 7th grade) failed to look at the stop sign and smashed into a cop car and causing my knee to pop into my chin breaking my jaw – life lesson – wear a seatbelt. Despite Slaw’s suggestion to continue up 2nd Street, we went south on Clay, hanging  a left on Harvie, going another block to corner of Hanna/Harvie – did the drill. Speculation about which house might be the story – it would be the NW corner – white aluminum sided ranch where my grandparents lived and dad grew up when times were much simpler. Many holidays and Sunday dinners at that house. Baseball games in the back and cut that grass too many times to count – good memories. Up Harvie, right on Chester, down to the parking lot across from Holy Trinity – my childhood church where my foundation of faith was established – shout out to Pastor Setzer. Life lesson – as Def Leppard often says – get to a church. Next stop was quick, the 2-story house on York (#721). EZ Rider knew the family  as he put HVAC in this old historic home – my childhood friends (Keysers) lived there and I was like their 4th child. Life lesson – embrace your childhood friends and memories.

Continue north to the dentist office (Woody, Cooper, Wellons). Lot of fillings – life lesson – brush and floss your teeth. Right on Third, left on South. Arrive in parking lot that I forgot the story spot. It was 0600 and my trip down memory lane went faster than planned. Sister Act was present and why pass up an opportunity to make his day? Use the hilly driveway for an Triple Nickle: Burpees and Mike Tysons…I felt like a man for a second. SA of course led the way. That took up just enough time. I recalled the story – across the street was the law office of Morris Keeter. In high school I drove my friends orange Datson B210 hatchback home from a party. We went through a DUI check, conveniently one of the guys in the back had puked down the passenger side door – nice. It didn’t take the police anytime to flag our vehicle. Swear on a stack of Bibles I hadn’t had a drop of alcohol all night, but as my first time under duress I failed the sobriety test. Mr. Keeter got me out of a possession ticket. Life Lesson – practice taking sobriety tests, or maybe get the puke cleaned up before driving through a DUI check or maybe stay home and watch a movie with your parents?

As we migrated up South Street, we didn’t catch the light – so may as well do the drill a final time (makes #9). We cross and I burn the final two minutes with 49 reps of LBCs followed by 49 reps of Flutter Kicks.

Announcements: Amoeba Ruck 5/22; Clavin Q Downtown 5/21, new AO at TFY; get your backblasts done (check); Prayers: SA and 2.0, Big Pappy, Turtleman, Praise for CPAP and Dirt getting jobs

No need for a detailed moleskin other than take time to stop and reflect on your life and learn some lessons from past mistakes. Build on your successes. Find new ways of doing things (see Broke’s 80/20 method). Don’t pick on Slaw all the time. and lastly carry more toilet paper (see Round-Up’s BB). Wade Coffey – 49 – Short Sale (one last time).

Turd Shack Tango

Broke and Wojo EC. Good to see Snozzberry come to another YHC Q from the other side of Charlotte. Dang, we should of siphoned some of his gas, as he obviously has enough to spare.

It’s 530pm. All experienced PAX.  Let’s get this started.

Circle up. I’m an idiot. It’s just a suggestion. Don’t get hurt.

Warm up.

22 for the vets, 22 SSH, 22 MNC, 22 Dips, 22 LBC

Mosey to the closest turd shack. BB King. One burpee at corner, bear crawl to next corner, two burpees, bear crawl to next corner, three burpees, you get the picture. End with five burpees at start. Plank for the six.

Wall sit air presses, dirty hookups, shoulder taps, donkey kicks, Mike Tysons, hip slappers, 10 reps all in cadence.

Reverse the BB King. Five burpees, bear crawl, count down to one.

Mosey to first light pole outside parking lot.

Rugby sprint. Run to first pole, do ten of the exercise listed on the sign, plank for six, run to second pole, exercise, so on and so forth, all five poles up to soccer field.

B.L.I.M.PS. 5 Big boys, 10 leg lifts, 15 Imperial walkers, 20 mountain climbers, 25 plank Jack’s, 30 SSH.  Reverse back down to 5 big boys.

Mosey over to light pole by fence. Suicide sprints, run to pole, do ten of the exercise listed on the sign, run back to start, run to second pole, exercise, yada, yada, yada.

Mosey back to flag. Duck-duck-goose burpee ring of fire. All pax plank, first pax burpee, run around ring, first and second pax burpee, second pax run around ring, second and third pax burpee, third runs, on and on until all pax finish. Two minute warning! Moroccan Night Clubs for one minute, finished with 22 for the vets!



Goruck. Amoeba ruck.


Sister Act, Slim Shady dad, Big Pappy. If I didn’t mention someone, sorry.


Be the truth. Be a light. Be a light so bright with the truth that it drastically changes someone’s life. Like Saul’s on the road to Damascus when he was confronted with the truth. Tell people about Jesus. Be the good person in your circle.

Thanks for allowing me to Q.






Enough gas to make it to The GOAT (and maybe back home)

6 PAX had enough gasoline in their vehicles this morning to make it to The GOAT. I assume that each had enough gas to get back home.


Alarm Clocks 10; 25 Side-Straddle Hops; 10 Burpees


Mosey to Fire Dept.

BLIMPS – Start at Fire Dept. 5/10/15/20/25/30 reps, with Hill Sprints in between exercises up 9th St to Doffers, AYGT3 (All You Got, To The Top)

Bataan Death March – Very similar to an Indian Run, but the last guy in line drops for 5 burpees then runs hard to catch up with the group. Repeato, until everyone has had their fun. We headed down Front St to 10th street, returning on 8th St.

Indian Run back to Center St.

Double 11’s at the corner with Cramerton’s Clock (10 LBCs / 1 Merkins), Run to Doffer’s, then (10 Dips / 1 StepUp per leg), Run back to Clock



Amoeba Ruck – May 22nd
Bunker (Painlab-style) starting at Yank May 15
GrowRuck registration for Aug
Gasoline shouldn’t be put into plastic bags

Turtleman’s fight
Sister act’s daughter
Pillager’s Dad’s hip replacement
Praise for Job seekers that have found jobs
Current Job seekers
Safe travels for Pilgrim
Safe travels for Tesla
Pray for the SE with the gas situation


Dirt took us out in prayer.

Name-O-Rama on Twitter

—-Bubba Sparxxx

Blue and Orange

A solid crowd of 9 for a rainy Monday got in some bricks at the bank, a mosey around the block, and a Triple Nickel with burpees and… more burpees.  Here’s what I remember:

Blue and Orange were the colors of the day, as Roscoe and Clavin couldn’t have dressed any more alike in a solid blue shirt and solid orange shorts.  I’m sure John Elway would have been proud.

The Thang:

  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • 10 x Don Quixote (IC)
  • 10 x Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)

To the Footmobile for some bricks, as everyone took a pair.  Rain wasn’t in the plans, but as often happens, the Gloom scared it off.  What was some steady rain as I was getting ready quickly turned to a drizzle as the clock struck 5:30.  It wasn’t long after that the rains were gone altogether, but the AO was still soggy.  Luckily, the plans were simple enough they could be performed anywhere, so the bank would be our destination for a circuit of:

  • Right Arm Curls (2 bricks in 1 hand – 40 seconds)
  • Left Arm Curls (2 bricks in 1 hand – 40 seconds)
  • Right Arm Rows (2 bricks in 1 hand – 40 seconds)
  • Left Arm Rows (2 bricks in 1 hand – 40 seconds)
  • Crunchy Frogs (1 brick in each hand – 40 seconds)
  • Flutter Kicks with hands back (1 brick in each hand – 40 seconds)

Timer was buried and YHC couldn’t get his phone unlocked with gloves on, so a quick

  • 20 x Merkins (OYO)

while we waited (YHC made them up later)

Next, we partnered up, but really missed on an opportunity to put the Twins together.  Dora was next with all exercises done with bricks:

  • 100 x Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 200 x Skullcrushers w/Six Inches
  • 300 x Overhead Presses w/People’s Chair

The partner running had to carry his bricks with him as he ran out the exit of the bank drive thru, and around the bank, back to the entrance.

Dora done, time for a run.  We left our bricks and took off out of the bank entrance, went down Old Neal Hawkins and around the Bank of America building, down to the corner of Union and Neal Hawkins, and back to our bricks for a 2nd circuit, just like the first:

  • Right Arm Curls (2 bricks in 1 hand – 40 seconds)
  • Left Arm Curls (2 bricks in 1 hand – 40 seconds)
  • Right Arm Rows (2 bricks in 1 hand – 40 seconds)
  • Left Arm Rows (2 bricks in 1 hand – 40 seconds)
  • Crunchy Frogs (1 brick in each hand – 40 seconds)
  • Flutter Kicks with hands back (1 brick in each hand – 40 seconds)

Before heading back to the flag, we knocked out:

  • 25 x Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)

Back at the flag, we neatly stacked the bricks back in the Footmobile, and gathered for what was next.  6:07, so we were right on schedule for Plan A, which was a Triple Nickel around Pelican’s, with the following exercises done on each side of the building:

  • Side 1: 5 x Burpees (OYO)
  • Side 2: 5 x Burpees (OYO)

Repeato 5 times, because it IS a Triple Nickel.  The suggestion was burpees, but YHC encouraged the PAX to pick their favorite exercise if they weren’t feeling burpees, so of course someone suggested 8-count Bodybuilders, and another PAX actually did it.  The Triple Nickel wrapped up beautifully at 6:15, and I think we all got what we paid for.


  • Memorial Day Murph @ 0700
  • Amoeba Ruck – May 22nd – Sign up with your team
  • New PainLab style AO @ The Yank – Starting this week
  • New Site Qs needed for Downtown and The Labyrinth

Prayer Requests:

  • Turtleman
  • Big Pappy & Family
  • Sister Act & Family
  • Slim Shady’s dad
  • Ava Gaddis
  • Joey Denton

A pleasure to lead as always.

Yabba Dabba Doo

239 beans

So the other night ( late) I noticed a DM from Sledge-o-matic and upon opening noticed us request of my q presence at Diablo Sammich. I was a little puzzled at first as I have only been a handful of times in its inception and even led myself in a solo Q, but then I quickly thought that this should be a learning experience and enjoy the fact that I was called upon … so I gladly accepted.
Told all this morning I was certainly not a professional and if any are mad or upset with me take that up with Sledge later ( or myself).
I only hope that I did a fair representation of the job.
We would begin with high knees IC x 5
Drop for plank ten count plank jacks and Mtn climbers IC x 5 each
Mosey towards Martha’s House pausing at gates for six …. Never mind all are present so plank …. Lower plank
Today we would mosey all around the park pausing periodically for nur twice, monkey humpers, dips and step ups at picnic shelter and dead hang and pull-ups … there was time even for crab walking and bear crawl ( sucked!) and I even tied to coax pax to gently broad jump across from curb to curb or lunge …. None would follow me to jump!?! Some of what I attempted today was to assess whether the pax was willing to follow some of this and perhaps modify and/or add/ subtract alternate exercises.
We would end with flutters ic x 20 and 20 lbcs OYO while someone reminded me that I had on an empty backpack ( this individual claimed to may have the frozen remains of a cat and/or dog
In his satchel.
Prayers for Turtleman and all Pax with family or other related issues
Amoeba ruck and other ruck training coming soon
Memorial Day Murph
The Bunker ( Whoopee wants to rename Archie)

Lastly I loved to mumble and other chatter throughout day. I also added to all present that last week before Labyrinth started Whoopee has asked Captain Stubing what he did for a living and just to open up to us ….. we should strive to do this with any pax we are not as familiar with ….. retention and attendance would be higher as it would show a level of care and interest in each to the other.

Today also was a non PC day esp for bad dad jokes most notably from Whoopee ( any surprise there?)
Why are there only 239 beans in an Irish stew ? Using an Irish accent ….” Because one more would be Too Farty!”

Are you at the end of your rope?

9 HIM’s show to know and grow this chilly morning at Folsom.

Warm Up:

5 gravel pickers (IC)

5 burpees

The Thang:

Mosey to flag at entrance stopping at each light pole to get

1 burpee, 5 merkins, 10 LBC’s

pledge at flag

Mosey to first parking lot for a little 4 corners escalator style:

1st corner: 10 burpees

2nd corner: 10 burpees, 20 hand release merkins

3rd corner: 10 burpees, 20 hand release merkins, 30 Shoulder taps

4th corner: 10 burpees, 20 hand release merkins, 30 shoulder taps, 40 merkins

Mosey to back parking lot to the left near ballfields for more 4 corners escalators:

1st corner: 20 flutters

2nd corner: 20 flutters, 30 LBC’s

3rd corner: 20 flutters, 30 LBC’s, 40 Freddie Mercury’s

4th corner: 20 flutters, 30 LBC’s, 40 Freddie Mercury’s, 50 Big Boys

Mosey to bottom parking lot near the shelter taking back trail for more 4 corner escalators:

1st corner: 30 merkins

2nd corner: 30 merkins, 40 squats

3rd corner: 30 merkins, 40 squats, 50 arm press overhead

4th corner: 30 merkins, 40 squats, 50 arm press overhead, 60 CDD’s

Mosey back to the parking lot at tennis courts for:

20 mountain climbers (called by Wirenut)

22 merkins for the Vets (called by Handcuff)

3 rounds of picking cherries, dropping cherries and over head claps (called by YHC)


We discussed “The End of the Rope”

I want you to think about you life. Think about it for just a moment, take your time and think about the moments of life that have shaped you the most. How many of those times, the decisions that shaped you the most, came when you were at the end of your Rope? What happened, did you cry out to God? That’s what happens often times when we find ourselves without any other possibility. This is what normally happens, when we come to the point of admitting our life is unmanageable. When we have exhausted all of our other possibilities we cry out. This is not a bad place to be, it’s uncomfortable yes – but bad no.

When we’re on the top of the world, when the system seems to work for us, when we have everything under control, what is there for God to do? Have you truly ever thought of crying out to God when everything is going great?

Often times, I’ve been guilty of saying, “God doesn’t give you more that you can handle.” Nothing is further from the truth. If that were true, why would anyone need God? That’s it – now you’re getting where I’m going with this. You see, when everything falls apart, we remember the One who can put it all together because there are things that simply go beyond our abilities. And we cry out to Him. That cry, truly is humanity admitting that we can’t do this on our own. And, it’s precisely the first step in redemption. It’s the beginning of becoming liberated from the power of canceled sin. Remember Jesus beat sin and death and hell and the grave – we today though can live bound to the power of canceled sin.

Proverbs 3:1-6 says, “My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will direct your paths. That’s it – it’s that simple, trust in God.

I shared when I was at the end of my rope and then gave each of the guys there something very special to me and made a commitment to them.

Prayer Request:

Sister Act’s daughter

Big Pappy’s mom

Kids taking the EOC, EOG


Low numbers as expected …. Whether Covid, colder weather rain expected ( only to arrive just as we finish COT, fartsackers!!!!), or other concerns. Two of us veterans of the Murph 2 never having done one …. Excellent!! Brief disclaimer that this is only a trial run through … so not harm or push self too hard. Begin with pledge and then stretch up and back and side to side. Plank position for IC 15 count of shoulder taps. Mosey around to park, in and around avoiding forested area and complete almost 1 mile ( we would complete 2.07 according to EZ Rider for the workout)
Set up parameters and give explanation of The Murph: having completed the first mile we know what we face at the end …. Nows the fun stuff: all choose chalk pieces to hash out their achievements. We all use 10/20/30 technique and all remained consistently close as this strong pax completed half of the beat down! Great work men!

It should be noted that this months Men’s Health has a great article about this workout, Michael Murphy and alternate ways to achieve goals with similar exercises
Keep practicing and show up Memorial Da y 2021 at 7:00
Prayers for Turtleman and EZ Rider

Earlier this year I spoke with Spider-Man who told me that he had done a Murph workout and I felt that that would be a great workout to do only I was not sure of mileage from Snoballs …. Having guesstimated quite well I feel that this will return in the future!

Lost my truck key while taking a poop

Got to ingles this morning and it felt good! We all gathered and then headed out to log some miles. Little did I know I would lose my key while taking a pit stop to poop!

We got about 2.5 miles into our run and I told Seuss I had to hit the woods. So I run out into the woods over behind rabbits store in Dallas and made a huge mess!!! I had to use the toilet paper I run with, my shirt and my underwear!! Son of a gun it was bad men! Well I clean up… well I thought I did and took off back down the road. I make it to the truck and realize I have lost my truck key while I was brutalizing the woods. I took back off down the road and had to call my wife to come get me cause I was rubbed raw so bad I couldn’t run anymore.

My awesome wife shows up I jump in the car I look down at my shoes and legs to find crap all over myself!!! It was nasty but super funny!!

I never found my key so I’m waiting on the locksmith now but I did learn something. Carry more toilet paper and when you have a raw crack it burns to the next level in a hot shower!!!

Announcements: go ruck
Prayer request: turtle man, sister acts

Goat Day

Side shuttle hops
Mosey around town to bridge
5 burpees
Bear crawl across bridge
Bear crawl across bridge
Mosey to back lot
5×5, 10×10, 15×15, 20×20 merkins, squats, lbc, lunges – Nur down run back
Bear crawl bridge
Crab walk bridge
15x10x15 dips, decline merkins, crunchy frog
Lap between x3
Call out core around group


Announcements: AmebaRuck – May 22nd launch from primal at 9am sign up on the preblast, 4 man teams around 12 miles

May 15th – The Bunker Launches – Low Impact Workout at The Yank

Prayer Requests: Turtle Man, Big Pappy, Sister Act


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