Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2021 (Page 7 of 11)

2 Years!

Coming in from EC with Dirt, Flintstone, JJ, Pockets, and Sausage, YHC wasn’t sure how many were going to attend on this cold-ish, damp morn.  By the time 0530 hits, the count had doubled with 13 ready for a celebration.

Some noteworthy things for 12-Jan

  • Joe Frazier birth – 1944
  • Rush Limbaugh birth – 1951
  • Howard Stern birth – 1954
  • Jeff Bezos birth – 1964
  • Agatha Christie death – 1976
  • Persian Gulf War – 1991
  • Major Earthquakes in Haiti – 2010
  • YHC started in F3 – 2019


  • 1 Burpee
  • 12 Merkins
  • 21 SSH

As we took off on a mosey, YHC reminded everyone, YHC was giving suggestions, modify as needed.


Mosey to the roundabout, the longish way.

1st A-L-A-R-M

  • 5 Shoulder Presses
  • 10 Lunges (Single Count)
  • 15 LBCs
  • 20 Russian Twists
  • 25 Mountain Climbers

Mosey to the school, following the road.

2nd A-L-A-R-M

  • 10 Dips
  • 20 Calf Raises
  • 30 Pretzel Crunches
  • 40 Randy’s
  • 50 MNCs

Mosey back to the roundabout, via the back of the school.

  • 12 Crunchy Frogs
  • 12 CDDs
  • 12 Plank Jacks
  • 12 Freddie Mercury’s
  • 5 Burpees

Mosey to the school, following the road.

4 x 4s – Four corners, a set number of reps of an exercise at each corner.

  • 7 Burpees
  • 14 Flutters
  • 21 Merkins
  • 28 Squats

At this point, those in attendance had completed 558 reps. The Storm represented the 558th time YHC had posted in the past 2 years.


Mosey back to the flag, taking a long way to get  there.

Finished out with some Mary…

  • Flutters x 10 IC
  • Big Boys x 11
  • LBCs x 21
  • Burpees x 2
  • Mountain Climbers x 30 IC

Pledge of Allegiance

Prayer Requests:

  • Pocket’s friend Damon
  • El Tigre friend with prostrate cancer
  • Gold Digger’s family (to be)
  • Broke’s family
  • Nation

YHC took us out

Thanks to all the men of F3 and particularly those of Gastonia for paving the 43 feet I have been traveling down for the past two years.  I appreciate the push, pull, encouragement, advise and candor that have been given along the way.  This journey may have made me less of a man in some respects, but it has made me a better man in the ways that matter.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.


Watts Up Powering Down


Folsom 12-Jan-21

Gather around, no FNGs, mosey up to flag pole for pledge, Pledge of Allegiance, mosey to far corner of lower lot.

Time to gamble so the cards were brought out.  Cones set up for proper distances depending on exercises.  I.e. lunge walk 50 yards, sprint 100 yards, etc.

Each man takes a turn picking up a card and we do the exercise as noted.  If you pull a number card (2-10), we do 10 of that exercise.  If its a royal, 25 count and Ace is a 100.

Mosey back to the start just in time for prayer requests, Name-o-rama and COT right at time.

Prayers:  There were a lot men.
Praise:  God is still in control


SSH during song and for every time Dave Mustaine sings (bellows) “Anarchy!” Deliver 1 burpee
Anarchy in the UK version by Megadeth


Grab coupon while I queue up Green Day ( American Idiot)

Constant throughout will be 1 man maker for start of each round
12 will be hand release merkins only once as ground too wet , otherwise merkins and shoulder taps
20 will be American hammers , flutters , curls, kettlebell swings and later dips and calf raises
21 will be Freddy Mercury’s , lbcs, tricep extension, overhead press, merkins ( later )
Intermissions were nur and mosey or lunge to driveway and back , once a variation of Waterboy’s clock routine ( 1/8 curl and back, 1/7 curl and back ….. etc and reverse)
Rifle carry coupon to end of overhang and MURDER BUNNIES! ( to everyone’s delight ) back … I forgot these back when Iron Pax challenge was on ….so I had to try these at least once in my life !, and karaoke down and back

El Toro has VQ next Bulldog , Time Frame tomorrow at Labyrinth and Waterboy following Labyrinth date

Prayers for nation and prayers offered up for my 2.0 as he learns to drive which I modified to include ALL 2.0s as they grow into adults accepting the new role and its subsequent challenges

Pre Blizzard Beatdown

It was the night before the great blizzard of 2021 and eight HIMs witnessed the carnage. This is what happened…


Abe Vigoda into Don Quixote


Mosey to the soccer field for Four Corner Escalator: 

Corner 1: 10 Hand release merkins

Corner 2: 10 HRM + 20 American Hammers

Corner 3: 10 HRM + 20 AM + 30 Monkey Humpers

Corner 4: 10 HRM + 20 AM + 30 MH + 40 Turkish Getups (Frank astutely asked if they were actually Turkish if there wasn’t a kettle bell involved. These were of course Morning Woods.)

Reverso on the way back down. Ouch!

Round 2:

Corner 1: 10 Shoulder Taps each side

Corner 2: 10 ST + 20 V-Ups

Corner 3: 10 ST + 20 VU + 30 Jump Squats

Corner 4: 10 ST + 20 VU + 30 JS + 40 Goofballs

Ouch again! We stopped doing this crap and moseyed away to the pump track. Past the track to the top of the sidewalk trail that goes to the lake for 11’s! Somebody said there’s no way we could get this done in the time remaining. We’ll see.

WW1 Situps at the top, Werkins at the bottom.

We got 5 full rounds in before time was out. Maybe next time.

Mosey back to the start for the end.

Announcements: Goldigger is having a baby sometime, we had a convergence last Saturday

Prayer requests: Goldigger is having a baby sometime, Broke has a subcontractor with a death in the family, Breaker’s friend from church lost family member, Oompa’s best friend’s brother passed, pray for our country

Warm up: 5 burgees and 10 SSH in Candance


Mosey to the Food lion parking lot by way of Riverwood Parkway stopping at Plantation Tr and Gastone’s Hill to plank for the six and complete 10 merkins.  Stopping for a third time at the Dollar General -plank for the six and complete 50 LBCs.

Short mosey to Food lion parking lot for the following suicide drills:

Merkin Suicide drill – start with merkin at first line, sprint to 2nd with merkin and back to the first line with merkin – 4 round to complete the lines across the parking lot.

Burpee Nur Suicide drill – same as above but with burpee and nur instead of sprinting.

Complete 50 more LBC’s

We ran from one corner of the parking lot to the far corner by running or nurring the all of the parking spaces from the building toward Union Rd.  We did stop multiple time for LLB (Lunge lunge Burpee) LBC, flutters, or Michael Phelps but on the last row we did Route 66 with monkey humpers.

Mosey on over to Planet Fitness and ran the parking (from PF to Neal Hawkins) stopping at PF each time for 10 Monkey humpers – GOT SOME STRANGE LOOKS FROM THE PEOPLE COMING IN AND OUT OF PF.

Mosey back toward the start stopping for 15 dips at the wall – but wait we have a few more minutes so we ran around Pelicans and back to the bank to finish with Lunge Lunge Burpee the length of the parking lot.

Mosey back to Pelicans to finish with a minute or so of   flutter kicks lead by Watts up.


Announcements: races coming up in the spring

Prayers: our nation and many pax

Thank you for allowing me  to lead this moring!


EZ out!

Freon cools Mt. Hollywood

Started out the Workout with a good Warm-up

SSH x 15

Toy Soldiers x15

Took a quick Mosey to Mt. Holly Hill on Glendale Ave.  did some Dora 1-2-3, one person would run up the steep hill while partner did the exercises.  Heard a few moans and a WTF!!!  (Always a good sign that the workout is good)

100 Mike Tysons

200 LBCs

300 squats

Mosey to next lot at BB&T  to do a Escalator and ran a lap around the building between each lap

Round #1 – 5 Burpees

Round #2 – 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins

Round #3 – 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 American Hammers

Round #4 – 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 American Hammers, 20 Bobby Hurleys

It was a great workout, and the first official Q and the new Mt. Holly Site Q.  I look forward to the new challenges ahead.  I did have someone ask me if I plan on running to future workouts carrying the site flag.  I think I probably do that whenever I can.

The Four Corners

Warm Up:

50 Moroccan Night clubs

15 Gravel pickers (IC)

Mosey to upper flag for pledge. Mosey to upper parking lot to first 4 corners.

After completing each exercise, you take a lap around all 4 corners and advance to next corner. After finishing each corner, repeat for round 2 exercise and running after each.

1st Four Corners:

Station 1: Round 1: 45 Flutters, run a lap, Round 2: 25 Merkins, run a lap

Station 2: Round 1: 45 LBC’s, run a lap, Round 2: 20 Hand Release Merkins, run a lap

Station 3: Round 1: 45 Freddie Mercury’s, run a lap, Round 2: 20 Shoulder Taps, run a lap

Station 4: Round 1: 20 V-ups, run a lap Round 2: 20 Mike Tyson’s, run a lap

Mosey to left lower parking lot to second 4 corners

2nd Four Corners:

Station 1: Round 1: 30 circles to the right , run a lap, Round 2: 30 air arm presses, run a lap

Station 2: Round 1: 30 circles to the left, run a lap, Round 2: 20 Burpees, run a lap

Station 3: Round 1: 30 American hammers, run a lap, Round 2: 20 Mountain Climbers, run a lap

Station 4: Round 1: 30 big boys, run a lap Round 2: 40 calf raises, run a lap

Mosey to right lower parking lot for last 4 corners

3rd Four Corners:

Station 1: Round 1: 25 Toy Soldiers, run a lap, Round 2: 20 diamond merkins, run a lap

Station 2: Round 1: 20 squats, run a lap, Round 2: 20 CDD’s, run a lap

Station 3: Round 1: 20 Imperial walker squats, run a lap, Round 2: 20 merkins, run a lap

Station 4: Round 1: 20 Monkey humpers, run a lap Round 2: 20 hand release merkins, run a lap

Mosey back to tennis courts for COT

Shared word from Matthew 14:22-33 (‘Are you in a storm today?’)

Announcements: Convergence 1/9

Prayer request: Several made

Rucking in the Park

we hiked down the road and cut in on the old city street, headlamps were needed. We did 25 Squats. When we first entered the park we did 25 Merkin Inclines on park benches. We continued rucking stopping at the cross roads to do 25 Monkey Humpers. The hiked up hill toward the playground and went to the shelter nearby and with our packs off did 25 American Hammers, then 15 Oblique Crunches both sides and 25 Dips.  Suited up and hiked to the Concession Stand where we did 25 incline merkins. Mo-zee up and around to 4th soccer field and at the cross roads did 25 heel raises. We hiked quickly around and headed back to the A/O.

Can we all agree?

It was cold.  Several got in some EC before the main run started.  A couple rucked.  A couple ran some hills.

It was glorious to be out this morning in the gloom.

Several prayer requests.  Prayer.  Pledge.

11 made the discussion on Chapter 1 of The Four Agreements after the workout.  We will continue this discussion for the next 4 – 5 weeks at least.

Honored to lead it this morning.

Until the next one.  Aye!


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