Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2021 (Page 4 of 11)

50 pound sack of Stock Feed

9 out for a Hacksaw beating at folsom

we start with the warm up which was

10  3 pump burpees

10 mountain climbers

10 big boys

several rounds

Mosey to the flag stop at each light for

3 burpees, 5 merkins, 10 mountain climbers, 5 big boys


3 rounds around the median up top each lap starting with

25 squats

25 SSH

Mosey back to the courts

Circle up for a burpee fest and big boys

then line up on the side while one man runs down with the 50 pound sack of stock feed the other guys are doing the workout he calls out! It was a good idea. Good job Dad(Hacksaw)


prayer request

Blart M, SA, Stogies Dad, Nation, Our youth


me and a hacksaw will be running this Saturday for 24 hours. Starting at 5:30 am from the Dallas courthouse. We will take up donations of money or canned goods to take to the Dallas Christian ministry! Let’s make it happen fellas. Come join us for a 2 mile loop!!!

Extinction Run CSAUP

Who: F3 PAX, Ms & 2.0s
What: F3 Extinction Run – You vs. You Running Challenge / Charity Fundraiser
When: 2/13/21 at 0900
Where: Primal Brewery – 52 Ervin St. Belmont
Why: All three Fs. Challenge ourselves. Cheer for each other. Raise money for the community.
Charity: $10.00 suggested donation for Holy Angels
Format: One mile run against the clock; one mile at a time. Each loop begins and ends at Primal Brewery. From the start the first mile must be completed within the 13 minute time limit. The second mile cannot be started until the horn sounds at the 13 minute mark. Second mile pace and each mile following will be reduced by 15 seconds. Mile two must be completed within 12:45 time limit, mile three within 12:30 and so on. Runner must meet the time limit to proceed to the next mile. How many miles can you run before you run out of time? Run a 10 minute mile? You can complete a ½ marathon before pulling into the pits to watch your brothers battle it out mile after mile. Come challenge yourself to a run and stay for lunch and a drink. How long can you prevent your extinction?
Primal Brewery will open at 10:00 for beverages and bathrooms. Kitchen opens at 12:00.
Bring the M. Bring the 2.0s.
See you in the gloom!



How do you spell sphincter?

F3 workouts are educational right? They build the mind, body, and spirit. You learn things, like spelling…

When I arrived at the AO, it appears there was a discussion on the exact spelling of sphincter based on a conversation between PAX during an EC mosey. Well what do you know, it’s 0530. Let’s get going…

The Pledge

We ran last week’s route in reverse.
Gaston Day School Rd which turns into Armstrong Park Rd
Left onto Armstrong Park Dr
Left onto New Hope
Right onto Lee
Left onto Perry
Right onto Armstrong Park Rd which turns back into Gaston Day School Rd
And back to The Pub

New AO – Friday 0530 – Belmont Central

Prayer Requests
Baby Golddigger
Families with loved ones lost to Covid

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

The Green Glass Doors

If you could have seen the morning, it would have been a beaut!   But since the workout starts on time at 5.30, you couldn’t see anything.  Right out of the gate we heard a train, so in honor of downtown, we did a few Burpees.  We said the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag!

Warmup – some side straddle hops, some bridge ups, enough of that, let’s jog to the workout.

We started a 6 minute continuous timer and ran until we hear it ‘ding’.  At the six minute mark, we do 20 walking lunges, 20 Mericans (10 hand release, 10 diamonds), 20 V-ups, and 20 squats.  When we finish that, we run until we hear the 6 minute timer again.  Repeat, repeat, repeat, about 2 more times.

At this workout, to help the pain and time pass, we also exercised our minds by determining the types of objects that can pass through ‘the green glass doors’.  JJ knows the moon can pass, but not the sun.  Watts Up knows that boobs can pass, but not the body.  Maybe anyone else out there know what can pass through the doors??

The men were as fast as any beasts I’ve ever seen on two legs.  The exercises were laughed at, and most, if not all of the men put a baseball in their mouth and earplugs in their nose to increase the difficulty of breathing while running.  I’ve never seen anything of the like.  Next time we will do the run on our hands.

Let’s pray it out men.

Announcements – Send Watts Up your updated contact info so he can update his list.  Also a new location is starting up in Belmont, 5.30.

Prayer Requests – Our nation and unity!

Chilly morning workout for a Bday VQ at the Bulldog

I was awarded the privilege to lead an AO for the day and had a good turnout.

It went something like this:
Pledge to the flag
State a disclaimer
Warm- up
5 Burpee like stretches
20 Side straddle hops
* 5 Burpies, 15 low jumping jacks
* 5 Burpies, 15 low jumping jacks, 15 Merkins
* 5 Burpies, 15 low jumping jacks, 15 Merkins, 20 Monkey  humpers
* 5 Burpies, 15 low jumping jacks, 15 Merkins, 20 Monkey  humpers, 20 Freddy Mercuries
* 5 Burpies, 15 low jumping jacks, 15 Merkins, 20 Monkey  humpers, 20 Freddy Mercuries, 10 Heels to JHeaven
Rest 1 minute
With the coupon in tow…
* 20 Curls
* 20 Tricep Extensions
* 20 Mountain Climbers
* 20 Flutter kicks
Repeat 3X
Rest 1 minute
* 15 Dips
* 40 Calf Raises
* 15 Derkins
* 20 Moroccan Night Clubs
* 20 Squats
Repeat 3X
Finished with Mary: Oblique Crunches, Plank, Rocky Balboa, LBC, Tricep Extensions, Flutter Kicks, American Hammers,
Prayers for Doublestuf relative’s travel and Voodoo 2.0
Closeout and prayer
Thanks for the opportunity El Toro

Merkin Ladder and more

9 PAX for a really pleasant January afternoon at Midoriyama. Short disclaimer, short warmup, short mosey to the adjacent parking lot to get started.


Merkin Ladder

20 Merkins on one end of lot then mosey to opposite end for 19. Back to start for 18…..all the way down to 1. 210 Merkins right out of the gate.


Mosey up to the large lot at the soccer fields stopping at each light pole on the way for 10 Big Boys. Once at the lot, Dirty 11’s, Imperial Walker Squats and Monkey Humpers with a Burpee each time you cross the island in the middle.


Head back to the start and stop at each light pole on the way back for 10 American Hammers and gather up at the Turd Shack for a little wall work. Three sets and we ended up with a total of 30 IC Dirty Hookups, 30 IC Hip Slappers and 90 Wall Jumps.


Finished up with some Mary….Burpee’s, Mountain Climbers and Freddie Mercury’s.



We talked a little about my F3 Gastonia word for the year which is “Growth”. All 3 F’s are vital to growing as individuals and as a group. More info to come throughout the year.



Roundup and Hacksaw are running 50 miles in 24 hours beginning at 5:30am Saturday morning from the Dallas Courthouse. They will be running 2 – 1 mile loops from the Courthouse to Ingles starting on the bottom half of each hour. Come out and run some with them or just hang out and give them your support. They will be collecting donations to give to a local charity.


Prayer Request

SA and family

Gold Digger and family

Def Leppard friend with upcoming tests

Martin family

Those battling Covid

Praise for Freight’s grandmother who has recovered from Covid


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

Fellowship @ PB

15 HIMS out for another morning @ PB it was a great morning to get better! Lets continue to keep the numbers up and push those that aren’t coming out to get up and get out there!

All it takes sometimes is a few words of encouragement to motivate a person to get up and get going. Good to see everybody for another week @ Prison Break!




Me and Hacksaw will be running 50 miles in 24 hours starting Saturday morning at 5:30am. We will start at the court house in Dallas and run to ingles and back twice. 2 miles every hour and the last 2 hours we will run 3 miles per hour to complete the challenge.

I hope a lot of you will come fellowship or run with us during the 24 hours.

We will be taking up donations during the challenge and we will discuss as a group on where we will send our donations.

Prayer Request

Blarts M

Gold Digger and his family

Our Nation

Stogies Dad

Westsides Grandmother

Martin Family

Sparky cousin

Our youth


Sparky took us out!


Round Up

Painlab recruits a new FNG!

18-3 circuit does the trick! We completed a strong mix up of core and leg exercises with our new FNG aka Handcuff holding his own. After a follow up on Sunday, I found out that he lost the use of his legs on Sunday, oops! Best part, he says he’s coming back!!

Gettin pumped at Folsom

It was my time to Q again at Folsom and I was torn about how to plan this workout.Should I go for a high calorie burning workout or should my focus be to target muscles for hypertrophy 🤔. Given we’ve had some high calorie burning workouts at Folsom recently and my agenda at the present time is to pack on some more muscle I planned for the latter. So here’s how it played out.

warm up: mnc,gravel pickers,ssh,mountain climbers,merkins all x10 IC

mosey to the flag stop at each light pole on the way and do ten merkins.

pledge it up then mosey to adjacent parking lot for ring o fire

hold 6” for each pax to do 5 leg raises then hold high plank for each pax to do 5 merkins

then burpee Indian run back to the lot

next we went to the playground for amrap of 6 different exercises 1 minute each set.The exercises were pull-ups,big boys,split squats,chin ups,monkey humpers,and v-ups. Good work was done by all,hopefully errybodies sore tomorrow. Thanks for the opportunity to lead men it was a pleasure.

Lucky 53 @ The Fighting Yank!

Well today is YHC’s 53rd birthday and have been looking forward to Qing it for a couple of weeks. YHC wanted to make sure the number 53 was well represented throughout the workout and spent some time developing a Wienke that would be challenging. However, Friday morning was the first of a few soft launches of a Friday morning AO in Belmont and Tiger put on a pretty good beatdown. Later that afternoon at Bottom’s Up, the group was telling Pilgrim’s Progress, who fart sacked that morning, the level of the beatdown. He looked at YHC and said since Tiger had a strong beatdown, your Saturday B-day Q may be light. Wrong thing to say to YHC, so when YHC got home, changed the Wienke up and gave it little more heat!

After a 3.5 mile EC ruck, it was time to celebrate!

Disclaimer – no FNGs so you know what to expect

Mosey to the pavilion in Stowe Park for Warm-up

  • SSH x 53 I/C
  • LBCs x 53 OYO
  • Mountain Climbers x 53 OYO
  • Merkins x 53 OYO
  • Moroccan KCs x 53 OYO
  • 10 Burpees

The Thang:

Mosey to Myrtle St

Nur up the hill and 5 Squats @ each of the 10 telephone poles = 50 squats, do 3 more to make 53.

10 burpees


Mosey to Hawthorn Hill

Triple Nickel

5 merkins + 1 Burpee, run to top (about .15 mile up hill) , 5 monkey jumpers + 1 burpee (5 reps with 3 exercises = 53)


Mosey to Airline St along train track

Zombie Walk x 53

10 burpees


Mosey back to Stowe Park and circle around the water fountain for some core work

Round 1

  • LBC x 20 IC
  • American Hammers x 20 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x 20 IC
  • 5 Burpees

Round 2

  • LBC x 15 IC
  • American Hammers x 15 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
  • 5 Burpees

Round 3

  • LBC x 10 IC
  • American Hammers x 10 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x 10 IC
  • 3 Burpees to finish out a total of 53 burpees for the birthday

Circle up around The Fighting Yank for COT

The Pledge


Prayer Request

  • Friend of Nutria’s family with cancer
  • TickTok from Race City region, wife passing away
  • DoubleTrouble – F3 Charlotte on ventilator
  • YHC’s niece with COVID19

YHC shared from a recent devotion on Leadership

What hard choices are you facing today? Every leader has them. Anyone can make easy choices when resources are plentiful, harmony and unity exist, and everything is going as planned. It’s when difficulties erupt that Christ-like leaders and godly wisdom are needed most. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would help us discern right from wrong and show us the way to go. Where do you need the Spirit’s guidance today?

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.”—John 14:16

Thank you all for allowing me to lead. It was definitely an honor!

Breaker Breaker

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