Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2021 (Page 10 of 11)

Jan 5 at the Storm

5:30 – let’s go! 10 Burpees.  YHC gets going everyone else standing around.  Sounds like a leadership issue.  I need to work on that.  Finally get everyone on board.  10 SSH IC.  Pledge.

Mosey to parking lot beside school.  Run across parking lot 100 LBC, run back to start.  3/4 run across parking lot, 75 merkins.  1/2 was 50 SSH, 1/4 was 25 hand release merkins.  Walk to wall of school.  YHC demos suspension merkins and calls five.

Mosey around corner to back of school.  At wall, triple nickel.  5 suspension merkins (hence the earlier demo) and run up hill for five low slow squats.  Keep mosey a little further to loading dock that has a ramp.

YHC calls for the “hamster wheel”.  Obviously no one is familiar since I had just made thought of it day before.  Line up for bear crawl up ramp, one pax stays back for burpees while other are crawling.  Once round is complete, pax doing burpees falls back in line and another takes his place.  Keep going until everyone gets burpee turn.  This was tough.

Once done, begin mosey to next station, train coming.  Five more burpees.  Mosey to front of school and partner for dora.  100 crunchy frogs, 200 american hammer (pax can’t count), 300 LBC.  Didn’t complete LBC, time to mosey back to flag.

Moleskin: YHC says a word on redemption, had a verse picked out on phone but couldn’t locate (fail).  YHC talks about how each day God grants a new day, we each have the decision on how to use it.  Even if day or days prior were not good ones, we have another chance.

Announcements: Convergence at Folsom Saturday 0700, a lot of talk over last several weeks of new AO on Friday morning at Belmont Central elementary.  Planning soft launch on Jan 15, hopefully have enough momentum to go all in.

Prayer requests: Frontline workers, first responders, future of our nation and our world, Tiger

YHC took us out with prayer

Always an honor


Quick Ruck


We did several exercises to begin and then Rucked going North on Union Road, stopping at a Bank and doing 25 Merkins in the Drive Thru where it was dry.  Then continued on our journey, stopping at the Grace Animal Hospital to do 25 Dips, 25 Squats and 25 incline Merkins. Then we pushed the Ruck to a quick pace up Union Road to Waffle House and returned back to the Diablo Sammich A/O to finish off with 25 Squats.





Welcome Freon!!!

The conditions were great and a group of 11 PAX turned out to Mt. Hollywood for a beatdown and to welcome Freon as the new Site Q. Thanks to this HIM for stepping up and taking a leadership role in the Gashouse. After a short disclaimer and warmup we got to work.


For those that did the 2020 Iron Pax Challenge, this workout might bring up some fond memories. I modified it a little and we ended up getting in about 2 miles and 1100 reps. It went like this:

Run a lap around the parking lot then..

100 Merkins and 100 SSH

Run a lap

90 Squats and 90 LBC’s

Run a lap

80 Merkins and 80 SSH

Run a lap

70 Squats and 70 LBC’s

……continue in this fashion all the way to 10 Squats and 10 LBC’s

When finished, continue running laps until the Six is in.


We finished right on time.



Freon is the new Site Q!!!

Convergence this Saturday at Folsom at 7am


Prayer Request

Sister Act recovery

Gold Digger and M

Pilager’s aunt and uncle

Def Leppard’s M

BOS and Tiger with injuries


YHC took us out.


It’s been a pleasure to serve as Site Q of Mt. Hollywood and it’s awesome to see Freon step up and take over. I’m sure this HIM will do a great job so give him your support. Sign up for a Q and come out to the AO with the best parking lot in the Gashouse!


I’m Broke

Proverbs 11:14

This morning we put in a little work and Sparky handed over the site Q duties over to YHC.

YHC word for this year is “Lead”.  YHC will be focusing on servantly leading my family, friends, peers, coworkers, and community.

Our mission for The Sword for the upcoming year will be utilizing the Word and the QSource Index to gain the knowledge to achieve excellence in servant leadership.

The Sword’s verse of the week is:

Proverbs 11:14

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”

It is going to be a great year at The Sword.

Big Pappy

Monday Murph

12 HIM posted on the first Monday of the new year to challenge themselves to make the most of their New Year’s Resolution – Who was I to not grant their wishes.  One of my favorite workouts is The Murph because it works Cardio, upper body, core and lower body strength – a real complete workout.  As such YHC thought it would be a god idea to start the NY off with something that would wake up the entire body.  The traditional Murph is a 1 mile run 100 pull-ups 200 pushups and 300 squats followed by another 1 mile run all while wearing a weighted vest.  The workout is named after Navy Seal Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy who was awarded the Medal of Honor after giving the ultimate sacrifice in June 2005 fighting in Afghanistan.

To accomplish this in 45 minutes  the exercises were divided into 20 sets with dips substituting for pull-ups:

5 Dips, 10 Merkins and 15 Squats x 20 with a 0.1 mile run after each set to give us the total workout.  Everyone pushed themselves and I believe got their money’s worth today



Convergence at Folsom on Saturday at 7AM – all other AOs closed

Mortimer Relay – March 20th – A 6 man overnight 100 mile relay with 14000 feet of elevation from Hickory to Boone.  See me, Sargento or Roscoe for more details – sign up is now and space will be limited

A shuffling deck of cards

Great small group of 6 HIMs gathered to stomp on 2020 and pump up 2021. We got things rolling with 21 SSH and the 20 SSH. 3 burpees in between – Father Son Holy Spirit. We had a special drive by bike guest strike up some mumble chatter and we pushed him to join, as it started to drive a loss of focus and drive, dint believe explanation given on burpees since mumble chatter created some confusion within the Q. Audible led to mosey to the spot. We did a lap around the track and made our way to the shelter. I introduced two mini decks of cards and laid out the instructions/rules, creating a life bridge that if nothing else 2020 taught us that our deck of cards could easily and quickly change, you could have been in a good place then COVID HAPPENED or you could have been in a bad spot and somehow through God’s grace been blessed after COVID.

THE TWO DECKS – good deck ( low cards/reps) and bad deck ( higher cards/reps). Jokers placed in each deck and when pulled, switches to other deck. After each HIM pulled a card, the exercise and rep amount would be done. After 4, we’d do a lap around the track in Indian, karaoke, backward forms.

Ace – American Hammers, 21
King – Werkins, 13
Queen – leg lifts, 12

Jack – plank jacks, 11

Spades – jump squats (deck 1) , calf raises (deck 2)

Hearts – LBCs, dying cockroaches

Diamonds – merkins,derkins

Clubs – mountain climbers, Peter parkers

Once we did all cards, we moseyed over for some shady stretching, balls to the wall right foot to ground right hand, switch, hold and then head back to the yank.

to cap off the cards Dealt for the day we ended with 22 burpees – 21 for the year plus one to show we’re overcomers no matter what comes our way. And we did it through the fellowship we have in the circle where we ended with the pledge and prayers.

Wooden on Leadership @ The Coconut Horse

It actually was a little gloomy this morning.  Misty, dark, cloudy.

A few ran, a few rucked.  We did not see any Chupacraba’s along the greenway but we did hear a rooster.

We all finished.

Announcements:  Convergence next Saturday at Folsom.  Wear masks.

Prayers to all the Healthcare workers on the frontline for the past 9 months or so.

As Coconut Horse shifts away from Q Source for this year, we started with a lesson on Leadership from John Wooden.  There are many books and anecdotes  about Coach Wooden but one of my favorites is Wooden on Leadership and these lessons come from that:

-Before you can lead others, you must be able to lead yourself.

-Leadership success begins with a solid foundation.

-Do not fear failure or punish initiative.

-Never allow anyone else to define your success.

-Character stars with little things.

-Seek out opportunities to show you care.

-Remember that a good demonstration tops a great description.

-Seek players who will make the best team rather than the best players.

-Sloppiness breeds sloppiness.

-Remember that a great quarter in basketball or business starts with a great minute.

-Make sure all praise is genuine and appropriate.

-Believe in the hidden potential of all.

-Stop saying “no” and start asking “how”.

-Long term success requires short term focus.

-Always assume adversity.

I think these are great lessons and not the only nuggets from John Wooden.  I would encourage you to look up his Pyramid of Success and his 7-Point Creed.

Come join us next week at Coconut Horse as we start a few weeks of studying the Four Agreements by Don  Miguel Ruiz.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Nature’s Bounty and another mutiny

The first Saturday of the new year was a little damp but not cold, so that was good. Plenty of HIMs were in attendance looking to put in work. YHC did plenty of planning to make sure they were pleased with the Q.  Since the Schiele Museum is the location of the AO and there are areas we haven’t explored as I recall, I did  some recon ahead of time and was inspired by a walk on the nature trail. This is what happened…

With the predetermined theme,  all exercises and routines would be related to animals or nature. It’s interesting when looking at the the exicon just how many exercises and such are named after said theme.

Warm Up

Copperhead Lunges x10 IC, Copperhead Drydocks x11 IC, Copperhead Squats x9 IC, Zebra Buttkicks x10 IC each leg

Pledge of Allegiance

Bootcampers split off from the Painlabbers and moseyed to the Nature Trail. When we came to the set of benches not far into the trail, YHC called for Racoon Crawls on the banches and chaos ensued. Start over, this time single file winding down to the bottom. One and a half rounds of this on the super slippery boards and YHC called for a stop before somebody busted out their teeth.

Mosey down to the bottom of the hill and line up, single file for the Duck & Weave. PAX would duck walk while the last person in line weaves his way to the front by running. We did this for a while until we got tired of it.

Mosey further down the trail to an open area for Global Warming. The PAX would hold Al Gore pose for a while until YHC called for 10 Flying Squirrels. Back to Al Gore until 20 Monkey Humpers. Al Gore again and then 10 more Flying Squirrels. Recover!

Mosey to the cabin in the woods where we would do a Country Dora 1-2-3 routine. Partner up for 100 Scorpion Dry Docks, 200 Gorilla Humpers and 300 Monkey Crunches. Partner 1 did exercises while partner 2 would either bear crawl, crab walk or copperhead lunge down to and around the trees and then switch. This sucked more than I wanted.

Head toward the pond with a detour to the picnic shelter. At the tables, YHC called 10 Copperhead Dips and 10 Copperhead Derkins. Then do 15 of each.  And then 20. Yes, this came from the president of MHC. Don’t ask why…

Mosey down to the pond and circle up, spreading out for a round of Howling Monkeys. All PAX would hold the monkey humper pose while, one at a time, they would do 10 Monkey Humpers each going clockwise. We made it a full round and started into a second round but with 14 PAX present this was lot of pain so we stopped.

Recover and head toward the exit. We stopped to line up again, this time for the Inch Worm. It was about this time that Roscoe synced his phone to my speaker to play his loud metal crap. It’s a good thing Short Sale wasn’t there because he’d have an aneurism. Roscoe is under the impression that his drivel is better than the artfully crafted playlist that YHC put together. Whatever… another mutiny. Do the inch worm for a while until it’s too much to take.

Fellowship mosey to the bottom of the hill for Elevens. Flying squirrels at one end, Monkey Humpers at the other side of the loop. We got in 7 rounds but time was short so we stopped.

Last thing is a session of Everest. Pax would do copperhead lunges with a copperhead squat up the hill! We made it most of the way up but time was running out so we moseyed to the parking lot where we did more monkey humpers! Time!!!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men! Make this year your and our best!!! AYE!!!

Announcements: Convergence at Folsom next week 7am start

Prayer Requests: Anchorman as he launches the Oakland, CA region. Talk about a HIM!!! Several PAX with Covid and recovering from injuries.

Until next time, keep it cheesy!



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